Love Under The Big Sky: Falling For Jillian Part 4

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"You don't need those things, Jill. You need an independent front and rear suspension."

"I need GPS."

"You need antilock brakes."

"They all have antilock brakes." I roll my eyes at him and his lips twitch but he keeps that stern look on his face.

G.o.d, I want to kiss him.

"How long have you two been together?" the salesman asks with a chuckle and Zack and I both freeze.

"Oh, we're not together," I rush to a.s.sure him. "We're just friends."

Zack doesn't say anything at all, his jaw just ticks when he clenches it shut, and the salesman just shrugs and chuckles.

"Okay then. Sounds like the Edge might be a good fit for you."

"Do you have red? That's one of my must-haves."

Zack mutters about women and their priorities as we're shown to a beautiful red Edge that has all of my wants and Zack's requirements.

I sit in the driver's seat and sigh in contentment.

"I'll take it."

Zack shoots me a scowl. "Can we have a moment, please?"

"Sure, take your time." The salesman leaves us be, sitting in the warm vehicle. I push the b.u.t.ton for the seat warmer and grin when I feel my a.s.s begin to warm up.

"My a.s.s is warm."

"It's going to be when I put you over my knee and spank your a.s.s."

I gape at him and then laugh, holding the steering wheel in a death grip.

Just the thought of it has me squirming.

"What did I do wrong now?"

"'I'll take it'?" He rubs his fingers over his mouth and I can't help but watch the motion.

"I want this car."

"He's a salesman, Jill. Jesus, play a little hard to get."

And just like that my heart freezes.

"Thanks for reminding me that that's not my strong suit." My voice is hard and I hate that I can feel heat on my cheeks from embarra.s.sment. "I'll take it doesn't mean he'll get the price he's asking for. I'm also a salesperson."

"That's not what I meant."

"You know, I don't just jump into bed with men." Dear G.o.d, shut up! Stop talking!

"Jilly, that's not what I meant at all, d.a.m.n it."

I shake my head and move to open the door, but he grips my hand in his, stopping me.

"Of course I don't think that about you. Jill . . ."

He cups my cheek in his palm and forces me to meet his gaze.

"Look . . ."

Before he can say any more, my phone rings in my pocket.

"Hold on." I smile when I see Max's name on the caller ID. "Hey, Max."

Zack's eyes narrow on mine as he watches me, listening unabashedly.

"Hey, Jill. I wanted to check in with you to make sure that you're okay after our run-in yesterday."

"Oh, I'm fine. It was a tiny dent. I'm actually at the dealers.h.i.+p now, trading it in anyway."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. Hey, let me make it up to you. I'd like to take you out to dinner tonight."

"Really?" I bite my lip and watch Zack's face redden, his jaw clench. Why is he so p.i.s.sed?

"Sure, it'll be fun to catch up. Sounds like there's a lot of gossip to fill me in on."

I smile. "There is. Sure, dinner sounds good."

"Awesome. I'll pick you up at seven."

"Actually, I'll just meet you at seven. Just text me and let me know where."

"No problem. See you later, Jill."

I click off and frown at Zack.


"You know, Max always was a womanizer."


"Are you sure you want to go out with someone like that?" He crosses his arms over his chest and won't look me in the eye now. Our moment before Max's call is over.

"It's just dinner, Zack. There's no ring on my finger."

"It's your call."

"d.a.m.n right it is."

He turns his head and pins me in his brown stare. He looks angry and frustrated and hurt.

"Zack . . ."

"Let's go take care of the paperwork." He pushes out of the car, shutting it firmly behind him, and stalks off toward the office, leaving me to follow behind him.

What the h.e.l.l is wrong with him?

When I join Zack and the salesman-Bob Larue-in the office, we all sit at the desk and get to business.

"Okay," Bob begins. "Here is the sticker price."

"I'm going to make this very easy for you," I reply before Zack can. I push the window sticker back to Bob, pull a pen and paper out of my handbag, write down a figure, push it to him, and smile. "That's what I'll pay, including tax and license, and my trade-in."

Bob scowls and looks at Zack, who just shrugs and sits back, letting me take control.

"I'll have to run it by my boss."

"Of course." I smile sweetly. When he's gone, I sigh. "I hate this part."

"You're doing just fine. Maybe you didn't need me after all."

I chuckle. "I'm glad you came."

Bob sits back behind his desk and the paper back to me with a much higher figure on it.

"Now, that's with a couple rebates that my boss was able to come up with for you."

"Okay." I turn to Zack. "Are you ready to go?"

"Where are you going?" Bob asks nervously.

"To a different dealers.h.i.+p, Bob." I smile and lean over his desk. "I'm a woman, not a moron. I knew exactly what I wanted when I walked onto this lot, and I've done my research. I know you can match the fair price I wrote on that paper. I see that neither you nor your boss is taking this sale seriously, so I'll go to someone who will."

Zack smiles serenely as we turn to leave.

"Wait," Bob says. "Let me go talk to him again."

"I'll give you five more minutes of my time," I reply coldly.

"By the way, have you secured financing?" Bob asks.

"I'm paying with a check."

Bob nods and walks away and Zack c.o.c.ks an eyebrow in question.

"I just received a decent commission from the last house I sold in LA."

"Good for you."

Bob returns a few minutes later with a smile. "Looks like you've got yourself a new car."

I smile widely and lean over to kiss Zack's cheek in excitement.

"I have a new car!"

"Looks that way," Zack agrees with a smile.

"Now I just need your autograph about five hundred times," Bob says with a wink.



"Hey, it's good to see you," Max says as he rises from his seat in the downtown restaurant and kisses me on the cheek.

"Thanks, you too." I grin and take in his dark blue sweater and black slacks, the way they cover his lean body and muscular arms. He pulls my seat out for me, then sits down again across from me. "I hope you haven't been waiting long."

"Nope, just got here." He grins. "You look great."

"Thank you." I wrinkle my nose and order a Diet when the waitress stops by to take our drink order. "So, how are you, Max?"

"I'm good." He sits back in his seat and watches me with happy eyes. "You know, you haven't changed a bit since high school. It's crazy."

"Oh, looks are deceiving, my friend." I glance down at my menu, make my decision, and set it aside. "Where have you been living? Last I heard was Portland."

"I did live in Portland for a while." Max nods. "I'm based out of Seattle now, but like I said yesterday, I think I'll be moving back home soon."

"What do you do?" I ask and sip my soda.

"I'm a programmer."

"As in computers?" I ask and c.o.c.k my head.

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Love Under The Big Sky: Falling For Jillian Part 4 summary

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