Underestimated Part 56

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"You okay?" Drew asked as I sat beside of him, sipping my coffee.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. I was far from okay. My stomach felt like it was going to regurgitate its self, and I was f.u.c.king pregnant. I was pregnant with a baby with two dads. No. I wasn't okay.

"When will you be back?" my mom asked. "We had a cancellation for next week. I'll keep that room open if you are going to be back in a few days," she offered.

I looked at Drew for the answer.

"We can come back in a few days. I hired a new a.s.sistant that is doing awesome. I can get away."

That wasn't my plan.

Drew and I weren't in the air twenty minutes

before we were fighting.

"You don't have to fly back with me. I need to fly back, pick up my car and head home," I told him.

"Head home? So home is in Maine?" he asked.

"I don't know, Drew. What did you think I was going to do?"

"You know what, Morgan? I have no f.u.c.king idea what you are going to do and I'm a little sick of trying to figure it out."

"f.u.c.k you," I yelled. I was glad that we were on a private jet. I didn't say it quietly.

He turned on me, grabbing both of my arms, forcefully. "Is that what you need, Morgan? Do you need for me to f.u.c.k you?" he asked through gritted teeth.

Of course my p.u.s.s.y was screaming and doing back flips, stupid f.u.c.king mechanism, always taking over my brain.

"Yes," I rasped.

What the f.u.c.k? I didn't mean to say that.

Drew slid my sundress up and kissed me hard. I lost myself in a matter of seconds.

"Do you know what I really want to do to you, Morgan?" he asked, angrily taking my mouth, and not giving me time to respond, not that I had enough wits about me at that time to respond anyway.

"I would love to bend you over my knee and beat some sense into your naked a.s.s."


He didn't do that. He tossed me to the white leather seat, raising my skirt as his mouth did crazy things to my lips and neck.

"Get out!" Drew yelled, turning to the guy that had just walked into Drew being on top of me with my dress around my waist. I didn't look to see, but I could tell the guy got the h.e.l.l out of there.

He undid his belt and pulled my panties to the side, forcefully entered me and f.u.c.ked the h.e.l.l out of me on the plush white leather seat. I lasted all of about three minutes before I was clawing his back and trying my best not to scream. I wanted to scream. I needed to scream. I hadn't had an o.r.g.a.s.m in over a month, well, besides the couple that I gave myself in the shower.

Drew thrashed in and out of me, and I can't even begin to describe the look on his face. It was mixture of the look right before he used to hit me, love, obsession and l.u.s.t, all mixed together.

"d.a.m.nit, Drew," I scolded when he grabbed the fabric between my legs and tore it out of his way.

He ignored me with a s.h.i.+t eating grin. I was just getting ready to come again when he had to go and ruin it.

"I'm not letting you go, Morgan. I f.u.c.king love you."

What the f.u.c.k did that mean. He wasn't letting me go? I didn't reach my second high before Drew reached his. My mind relocated from what was being shoved inside of me to what Drew had just said. Should I be scared? Did he mean that I would be held against my will once again?

"What, Morgan?" he asked, seeing the confused look on my face.

"What do you mean what? I have to walk around in a dress with no panties now," I chastised. I didn't want to go there just yet, not with him still inside of my body.

He smiled and kissed me. "I have missed you like crazy," he said, biting my bottom lip.

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked.

"Why didn't you call me?" he countered.

"I didn't think you wanted to talk to me. You left p.i.s.sed off, remember?"

"I always want to talk to you. Believe me, I had a h.e.l.l of a time not calling you. I kept myself busy, trying to get this new a.s.sistant on board. I traveled every chance I got, and even filled the gym back up with equipment.

Every time I couldn't get you out of my head and wanted to call, I would work out."

He slid out of me and took my hand, pulling me up.

"You need to go underneath the plane and get me a pair of panties," I said, removing what was left of mine. I didn't want to have a serious conversation with him just yet. I had other things on my mind, like what was growing inside of my uterus.

He smirked. "I love the idea of you walking around in this dress with no panties," he a.s.sured me, pulling my strap down and kissing my bare shoulder.

"You drive me crazy sometimes," I countered.

"You drive me crazy all the time," he a.s.sured me with a full blown tongue kiss.

"Drew, where are we going?" I asked when the

driver took us in the wrong direction.

"We're having lunch with one of Randal's investors," he decided to tell me.

"Can't we go home first?" I asked, a little p.i.s.sed off that he waited until we were on our way there to tell me.

"No. We don't have time. Why do you need to go home first?"

"You idiot. Where is my bag?"

"On its way to the house"

"I am not going to a restaurant with no panties in this thin dress," I demanded.

"Yes you are," he smirked. "You used to always wear dresses shorter than this with no panties."

"Because you made me!"

"And I walked around half the night with a hard on thinking about it," he smiled.

I crossed my arms and looked out the window, pouting. He was impossible. He would always be a manipulator, and there was nothing I could do to change that. I hoped the baby did turn out to be Dawson's he would be a much better father. I didn't want my kid to have any of Drew's hang-ups.

Drew held my hand as we were led to the waiting table. He introduced me as his wife to the man he called Mr. Rawlings, and then to the gorgeous blonde who stood to shake my hand. She was wearing a short black pencil skirt, a white satin blouse, showing plenty of cleavage and three inch stilettos.

"This is Celeste, my new a.s.sistant," he offered.

Oh, f.u.c.k no!!!!

I shook her hand and tried to hide my shocked expression as best I could. Was he f.u.c.king crazy? I bet he already f.u.c.ked her. Did he think that I was going to be okay with this perfect 10, being his a.s.sistant?

I paid no attention to the conversation going on around the table. They talked about stocks, and bonds, and moving money here to there, but my mind was reeling too much to stay focused. I was sure that I was pregnant with someone's baby, I was sitting there panty-less, and my husband just sprung his beautiful new a.s.sistant on me.

"Is that okay with you, Morgan?" Drew asked.


"Morgan, you need to pay attention, this involves you too. You can have a say in anything thrown out."

"Why? I didn't get a say in anything else," I replied with narrowed eyes. He smiled. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"That will be fine, Mr. Rawlings," Drew offered.

We stood on the sidewalk with Celeste waiting for our cars to be brought around. Drew asked her about some proposal. She said that it was finished and would bring it by later.

Of course, she was coming to our house. Why wouldn't she? Derik practically lived there when he was Drew's a.s.sistant.

"It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Kelley," Celeste said as her car was being pulled up.

I smiled and nodded as our driver pulled up, as well.

I didn't have time to light into Drew the way I had planned once we were in the car. Drew got a call and talked business the entire ride. I stared out the window while he conducted business. I did turn to him with a glare when he placed his hand on my upper thigh. I picked it up and moved it to his own leg. He smiled, shaking his head.

His conversation continued into the house and to his office. I followed him. We were having words. I was sure of it. He sat at his desk, and I sat in one of the wingback chairs across from him. Finally after another ten minutes of me patiently waiting, he ended his call.

"I'm all yours," he said, wearing the stupid little smirk that I wanted to slap right off of his face.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"What?" he asked with a confused expression.

"That you are all mine," I stated the fact.

"Come here," he demanded.



"No, I am not coming to you. I can't believe that you hired someone like that to be your a.s.sistant. Did you not think that I might be a little p.i.s.sed off about you traveling and working with someone that looks like that?"

"Excuse me. Would you like lunch, sir?"

"Hi, Marta," I smiled turning to the open door.

"Hi, Morgan. How are you?"

"I'm good, we had lunch, but I would love a cup of coffee," I requested.

"Me too," Drew said.

"Morgan, you should see this woman's track record. She knows her s.h.i.+t. I don't care what she looks like. You should see her negotiate, the woman's better at it than I am."

"Why didn't you ask my opinion about it first?" I asked. I'm not sure that I had the right to ask. We weren't even really talking but d.a.m.nit all the way to h.e.l.l and back.

"I think I did, Mrs. Kelly. I asked you if you wanted to be part of the interviewing process. You did not. Remember?"


I stopped before saying anything else when Marta carried our coffee in on a tray.

"I'll come and see you in a little bit," I told her. I missed Marta. I really like her. She smiled and left us to get back to our argument.

"Come here," he requested again.

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Underestimated Part 56 summary

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