Naia and the Professor Part 6

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She narrowed her eyes at him. He was tormenting her, his look told it all. "Please, keep your voice down."

He laughed. "You surprise me, Naia. Finish your drink and we'll go."

She gulped down the last sip, anxious to get out of the club now. "Where are we going? You're not taking me to some dungeon, are you?" She was joking but she realized as she said it that it may not be that far off.

"No, no dungeons for you, not this trip. Where we're going is a surprise," he said, standing. He held out a hand to help her. He stopped to speak with Oliver for a moment before they stepped out of the club and into his waiting car.

They drove in silence until they reached the small, private airfield that housed the jet he'd booked.

"We're flying?" she asked as he ushered her out of the car and walked her toward the waiting plane. Two men greeted them and Liam spoke briefly with the one as the other led Naia inside, settling her in a seat. A few moments later, Liam was inside the cabin where she sat waiting.

"Thank you, Roger," Liam said to the co-pilot. "We're ready to go whenever you are."

"We'll take off right away, Mr. Templar."

The cabin of the luxury jet contained several plush leather seats, a stocked bar, a television and a bathroom. Liam sat down next to Naia.

"Where are we going?" she asked as he reached over and tightened her seat belt.

"To my home in Florida."


"Yes, Miami. I hope that's all right."

"It's fine, I think."

The plane began its race down the runway and within moments, they were in the air. When the captain spoke to let them know they could move around the cabin, Liam unbuckled first his, and then Naia's seatbelt.

"Vodka tonic?" he asked as he moved to the bar.

"Yes, please," she answered, "Is this your jet?"

"No, I rent it when I need it but it doesn't make sense for me to keep one."

"Oh." She took the drink he handed her as he took a seat across from hers. "Do you always fly like this?"

"Not always. This was convenient for tonight."

"How often do you go to Florida?"

"I try to go every few months but with the club, that's not always possible."

"What about Oliver? You seem to trust him-can't he handle it for you?"

"He's capable. I just like to be there myself."

"What's the matter, Professor? Trust issues?" she teased.

He raised his eyebrows but smiled. "I suppose so."

"Why did you open a BDSM club anyway?"

"Get to the point why don't you?" he said.

She smiled but waited.

"I'd always been attracted to the lifestyle but most of the clubs I went to left me feeling..." he considered, "...dirty."

She remained silent, wanting to understand.

"This isn't just s.e.x for me, it never has been. I enjoy the relations.h.i.+p I can have with a sub. I don't want someone to playact with for one night and I don't want a slave. I want a woman who's a natural submissive. Who can handle this, can handle me." He paused for a moment, letting the weight of his words settle.

"What do you mean they left you feeling dirty?" she asked.

"This lifestyle is not considered normal or healthy by a lot of people who know nothing about it. There's enough condemnation out there for us and I wanted to create a place where people could feel safe. Where no one would judge what I consider a thing you're born with, something hardwired inside you. Is it inside you, Naia?"

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?" he asked, smiling.

"Turn the tables so I'm the one left answering questions?"

He laughed out loud at that one and stood to refresh his drink. "Naia, Naia, Naia." He came to her, set his drink down and reached to lift her to her feet. "Woman," he whispered close to her ear, "you are something else entirely." He didn't kiss her but resumed his seat so she was standing before him. "But I do need you to learn not to disobey me."

His playful mood was gone, his tone serious now. Naia straightened, was it time for her punishment?

"Take off your clothes."


"I'm a fairly flexible man, Naia. I told you very clearly not to wear that, didn't I?"

"But I told you..."

"Didn't I?" he cut her off.

"Yes, Sir."

"I don't have a lot of rules, but the ones I ask you to follow, I'd like you to. Do you need a refresher?"

"No, Professor."

"Good. Then strip."

"What about the crew?"

He closed his eyes as if his patience were being tried. "I'm keeping track, just so you know," was all he said as he sat back and waited. There was more warning in the statement than Naia needed and she knew she'd be paying later. For now, she reached back to undo the corset and slowly slid it and her jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. His gaze swept her body, over her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her lace panties. She waited until his gaze returned to hers before sliding them to the floor. She stepped out of the pile and kicked it away. Her face flushed pink as he took in her newly waxed p.u.s.s.y, the lips slightly parted. Could he see the slickness there, she wondered, could he feel the heat that burned through her as she stood naked for him to study her?

"Take your legs wider."

"Yes, Professor," she said, spreading her legs.

He remained intent on her p.u.s.s.y for a long time, or for what seemed like a long time to Naia. Her body grew hotter and her s.e.x slicker under his scrutiny before he finally stood and stepped close enough that her nipples just touched the fine cotton of his s.h.i.+rt. She licked her lips and looked up at him, her eyes dilating, antic.i.p.ating.

But she realized her ordeal had just begun when he moved behind her. She remained still when she felt his hand on her b.u.t.tock, caressing the underside where her thigh met her a.s.s, and moved slowly inward toward that softest part of her body. She gasped as he teased her, and then came his next command.

"Bend over," he said, and she heard the chair across from the one he'd just been sitting in creak. No! He was at eye level with her a.s.s and he expected her to bend over?

She almost turned to look over her shoulder at him but reconsidered. That could only bring more humiliation.


She didn't make a sound.

"Bend over and hold on to your ankles."

Her knees began to tremble as sweat pooled under her arms. Her hands were clammy and goose b.u.mps raised the hair all over her body. So why was her p.u.s.s.y reacting like it was? Betraying her? Her thighs were slick with her juices, she knew that much. Closing her eyes, she began her slow descent down, down, down, until her hands wrapped around her ankles. He didn't say a word and she refused to open her eyes. She heard the ice clank around in his gla.s.s.

After what seemed like an eternity, he set the gla.s.s down and stood, resting his hand on the small of her back, holding her in position.

"You have a gorgeous a.s.s, Naia," he said, fingers now caressing her b.u.t.tocks, spreading them. "Did it hurt? The waxing?"

"What do you think?" she asked.

She was rewarded with a quick, sharp smack to her a.s.s.

"I will enjoy punis.h.i.+ng you later." His fingers found the slickness on her thighs, and then moved up to the source. "You're soaking, again. You enjoy showing yourself to me, don't you? It excites you." As he spoke, two fingers penetrated and, once slathered with her juices, one traced its way up the cleft toward her a.n.u.s. It settled there, softly circling the tight pa.s.sage while his other fingers worked her p.u.s.s.y.

As much as she tried not to make any noise, the moan that escaped Naia's lips came more from her chest than her mouth.

"Remember, you're not allowed to o.r.g.a.s.m without permission. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Sir," she barely managed.

"If you do, you'll be punished, you understand?"

Another loud moan as the tip of his finger penetrated her a.s.shole. "Yes ... Pro ... fessor."

"Do you want to come with my fingers inside your p.u.s.s.y, your a.s.s?"

"Yes. Yes please. Sir." Naia let go of her ankles and reached out to hold onto the seat in front of her as he began working his fingers. The sensation of both holes being stimulated simultaneously was so arousing she knew she'd come hard and fast.

"You've never been f.u.c.ked in the a.s.s, Naia?"


"We'll remedy that this weekend, what do you think? Would you like my c.o.c.k inside your a.s.s? Do you think you can take it?"

His fingers worked faster now, her a.n.u.s stretching to accommodate the intrusion.


"Permission. Ask for permission."

"Please, may I come? I need to come. Please!" She hoped they couldn't hear her in the c.o.c.kpit as her legs gave way and they both sank to their knees. She heard the sound of his zipper going down, then a condom being unwrapped. She spread her knees wider as, with a finger still inside her a.s.shole, he thrust into her soaking s.e.x.

"Permission. Please!" She begged while he f.u.c.ked her, knowing she couldn't hold on much longer.

"Come Naia. Come on my c.o.c.k," he said as his c.o.c.k jerked and the sound of their simultaneous reverberated off the walls of the small jet.

Chapter 7.

They pulled up in front of Liam's Miami home half an hour after landing. Naia stepped out into the dark night to the sound of ocean waves breaking on the beach and warm, salty air filling her nostrils. She inhaled deeply, taking it all in. This was paradise to her. At this very moment, there was no place she'd rather be.

She wore a long but light jacket and although it was so warm, she was grateful he'd allowed her that rather than making her de-plane naked. He now unlocked the door and led the way inside.

"It's not big, but it's my slice of paradise," he said, turning on a light.

Naia turned circles, taking it all in. "It's perfect," she said, walking from the hallway to the great room where a wall of windows faced the ocean. Liam moved to open the gla.s.s doors and the curtains blew in the ocean breeze. A simple, white very modern couch, two chairs and an ottoman made up the living room, the dining area which was just off to the side contained a square wooden table and four chairs. At the back was the kitchen, all modern and stainless steel.

"The bedroom is this way," he said, walking down the hall toward the master suite. He opened the door and set her bag on the floor by the king size bed that was the focal point of the room. It sat at the center of the back wall with four posts adorning the corners and white linen sheets creating a canopy all around it. Everything in the house was either white or beige.

"Come outside, this is the best view," Liam said, opening the gla.s.s doors that overlooked the now deserted beach. The patio itself was large and set with a table and two chairs. Stairs led to a Jacuzzi then continued to the beach itself.

"Oh, wow! This is amazing."

He watched her as she took it all in.

"Take off the jacket-it's too warm for that here."

She looked at him and cast a glance at the beach.

"No one will see you. And while you're in the house, I'd prefer you naked."

"Oh? What about you?" she asked, flirting.

He simply smiled and waited with an outstretched hand to take her jacket, which she handed over.

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Naia and the Professor Part 6 summary

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