Sharpe's Fortress Part 34

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"We must be content, Colonel, with what fate grants us. It has granted me the task of fighting my brother's wars, and I shall do that to the best of my ability." He pointed to the deep ravine that lay between the Outer and the Inner Forts.

"And there, Colonel, I shall win a victory that will make my brother the greatest ruler of all India.

The British cannot stop us. Even if they make their road, even if they haul their guns up to the hills, even if they make a breach in our walls and even if they capture the Outer Fort, they must still cross that ravine, and they cannot do it. No one can do it." Bappoo stared at the steep gorge as if he could already see its rocks soaked in enemy blood.

"Who rules that ravine, Colonel, rules India, and when we have our victory then we shall unlock the cellar and raise an army that will drive the redcoats not just from Berar, but from Hyderabad, from Mysore and from Madras. I shall make my brother Emperor of all southern India, and you and I, Colonel, shall be his warlords." Bappoo turned to gaze into the dust smeared immensity of the southern sky.

"It will all belong to my brother," he said softly, 'but it will begin here. At Gawilghur."

And here, Dodd suddenly thought, it would end for Bappoo. No man who was willing to endure a feeble wretch like Beny Singh, or protect a cowardly libertine like the Rajah, deserved to be a warlord of all India.

No, Dodd thought, he would win his own victory here, and then he would strike against Bappoo and against Beny Singh, and he would raise his own army and use it to strike terror into the rich southern kingdoms. Other Europeans had done it. Benoit de Boigne had made himself richer than the kings of all Christendom, while George Thomas, an illiterate Irish sailor, had risen to rule a princedom for his widowed mistress. Dodd saw himself as a new Presterjohn. He would make a kingdom from the rotting of India, and he would rule from a new palace in Gawilghur that would be like no other in the world. He would have roofs of gold, walls of white marble and garden paths made from pearls, and men from all India would come to pay him homage. He would be Lord of Gawilghur, Dodd thought, and smiled. Not bad for a miller's son from Suffolk, but Gawilghur was a place to stir dreams for it lifted men's thoughts into the heavens, and Dodd knew that India, above all the lands on G.o.d's earth, was a place where dreams could come true.

Here a man was either made rich beyond all desire, or else became nothing.

And Dodd would not be nothing. He would be Lord of Gawilghur and the terror of India.

Once the redcoats were defeated.

"Is this the best you could manage, Sharpe?" Torrance enquired, looking about the main room of the commandeered house.

"No, sir," Sharpe said.

"There was a lovely house just up the road. Big shady courtyard, couple of pools, a fountain and a gaggle of dancing girls, but I thought you might prefer the view from these windows."

"Sarcasm ill becomes an ensign," Torrance said, dropping his saddlebags on the earthen floor.

"Indeed, very little becomes ensigns, Sharpe, except a humble devotion to serving their betters. I suppose the house will have to suffice. Who is that?" He shuddered as he stared at the woman whose house he was occupying.

"She lives here, sir."

"Not now, she doesn't. Get rid of the black b.i.t.c.h, and her foul children. Brick!"

Clare Wall came in from the sunlight, carrying a sack.


"I'm hungry, Brick. Find the kitchen. We made a late start, Sharpe," Torrance explained, 'and missed dinner."

"I imagine that's why the General wants to see you, sir," Sharpe said.

"Not because you missed dinner, but because the supplies weren't here on time."

Torrance stared at Sharpe in horror.

"Wellesley wants to see me?"

"Six o'clock, sir, at his tent."

"Oh, Christ!" Torrance threw his c.o.c.ked hat across the room. Just because the supplies were a little late?"

"Twelve hours late, sir."

Torrance glared at Sharpe, then fished a watch from his fob.

"It's half past five already! G.o.d help us! Can't you brush that coat, Sharpe?"

"He don't want to see me, sir. Just you."

"Well, he's b.l.o.o.d.y well going to see both of us. Clean uniform, Sharpe, hair brushed, paws washed, face scrubbed, Sunday best."

Torrance frowned suddenly.

"Why didn't you tell me you saved Wellesley's life?"

"Is that what I did, sir?"

"I mean, good G.o.d, man, he must be grateful to you?" Torrance asked. Sharpe just shrugged.

"You saved his life," Torrance insisted, 'and that means he's in your debt, and you must use the advantage. Tell him we don't have enough men to run the supply train properly. Put in a good word for me, Sharpe, and I'll repay the favour. Brick! Forget the food! I need a clean stock, boots polished, hat brushed. And give my dress coat a pressing!"

Sergeant Hakeswill edged through the door.

"Your am mock sir," he said to Torrance, then saw Sharpe and a slow grin spread across his face.

"Look who it isn't. Sharpie!"

Torrance wheeled on the Sergeant.

"Mister Sharpe is an officer, Hakeswill! In this unit we do observe the proprieties!"

"Quite forgot myself, sir," Hakeswill said, his face twitching, 'on account of being reunited with an old comrade. Mister Sharpe, ever so pleased to see you, sir."

"Lying b.a.s.t.a.r.d," Sharpe said.

"Ain't officers supposed to observe the properties, sir?" Hakeswill demanded of Torrance, but the Captain had gone in search of his native servant who had charge of the luggage. Hakeswill looked back to Sharpe.

"Fated to be with you, Sharpie."


"You stay out of my light, Obadiah," Sharpe said, 'or I'll slit your throat."

"I can't be killed, Sharpie, can't be killed!" Hakeswill's face wrenched itself in a series of twitches.

"It says so in the scriptures." He looked Sharpe up and down, then shook his head ruefully.

"I've seen better things dangling off the tails of sheep, I have. You ain't an officer, Sharpie, you're a bleeding disgrace."

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Sharpe's Fortress Part 34 summary

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