The Beginner's American History Part 30

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Morse, Samuel F. B.: S. I. Prime's Morse; Denslow and Parke's Morse (Ca.s.sell).

Oglethorpe, James Edward: Bruce's Oglethorpe;[3] W. B. O. Peabody's Oglethorpe.[1]

Penn, William: G. E. Ellis's Penn;[1] W. H. Dixon's Penn; J.

Stoughton's Penn.

Philip, King: H. M. Dexter's edition of Church's King Philip's War (2 vols.); Richard Markham's King Philip's War.

NOTE.--The story of Colonel Goffe's appearance at Hadley during the Indian attack on that town rests on tradition. Some authorities reject it; but Bryant and Gay say (History of the United States, II., 410): "There is no reason for doubting its essential truth."

Putnam, Rufus: see H. B. Carrington's Battles of the Revolution, Rufus King's History of Ohio, and Bancroft's United States.

Raleigh, Walter: L. Creighton's Raleigh; E. Gosse's Raleigh; W. M.

Towle's Raleigh.[8]

Robertson, James: see Theodore Roosevelt's The Winning of the West, Vol. I.

Sevier John: see Theodore Roosevelt's The Winning of the West, Vol.


Smith, John: G. S. Hillard's Captain John Smith;[1] C. D. Warner's Smith.[6]

NOTE.--The truth of the story of Pocahontas has been denied by Mr.

Charles Deane and some other recent writers; but it appears never to have been questioned until Mr. Deane attacked it in 1866 in his notes to his reprint of Captain John Smith's _True Relation or Newes from Virginia_. Professor Edward Arber discusses the question in his Introduction (pp. cxv.-cxviii.) to his excellent edition of Smith's writings. He says, "To deny the truth of this Pocahontas incident is to create more difficulties than are involved in its acceptance."

See, too, his sketch of the life of Captain Smith in the _Encyclopaedia Britannica_.

Standish, Myles: see J. A. Goodwin's Pilgrim Republic, and Alexander Young's Chronicles of the Pilgrims.

Sutter, John A.: see H. H. Bancroft's Pacific States, Vol. XVIII.

Was.h.i.+ngton, George: John Fiske's Irving's Was.h.i.+ngton and his Country;[2] E. E. Hale's Was.h.i.+ngton;[4] Horace E. Scudder's Was.h.i.+ngton.[5]

Whitney, Eli: Denison Olmsted's Whitney.

Williams, Roger: W. R. Gammell's Williams;[1] H. M. Dexter's Williams.

Winthrop, John: Joseph H. Twich.e.l.l's Winthrop.[3]

[Footnote 1: In Sparks's _Library of American Biography_: Little, Brown & Co., Boston.]

[Footnote 2: In _Cla.s.sics for Children Series_: Ginn & Co., Boston.]

[Footnote 3: In _Makers of America Series_: Dodd, Mead & Co., New York.]

[Footnote 4: In _Boys' and Girls' Library of American Biography_: G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York.]

[Footnote 5: In the _Riverside Library for Young People_: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston.]

[Footnote 6: In _Lives of American Worthies_: Henry Holt & Co., New York.]

[Footnote 7: In _The American Statesmen Series_: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston.]

[Footnote 8: In _The Heroes of History Series_: Lee & Shepard, Boston.]

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