Beloved Forever Part 11

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Nicholas didn't try to see her before dinner, so Elspeth slipped from the kitchen to her small room on the third floor. She changed the plain black dress for a white one with small yellow flowers and tied a matching pocket to the waist of the dress. She had only the white ap.r.o.n she had worn during the day, so retied it around herself. As a final step, she brushed out her hair and redid the bun before securing thewhite mobcap over her hair. As usual, her hair was too thick and long to fit comfortably under the confines of the bonnet, and she knew Johanna would rebuke her for a messy appearance.

Tonight, she didn't care. She had thoughts of soon seeing her lover to sustain her. It had been over a year since their last meeting, and she found herself impatient for the dinner to pa.s.s so she could be with him again.

She took the back stairs and reentered the kitchen to find Johanna sampling the stew. She stiffened when the other woman spat out the bite onto the floor.

"Terrible swill. It has no flavor."

"You hold the key to the spice cabinet, Johanna. I cannot add salt if you will not part with it."

She glared at Elspeth. "A good cook would not require such large quant.i.ties."

She tried to let the insult roll over her as she busied herself with taking bowls from the cupboard and stacking them on a wooden tray. Johanna watched every move, as if waiting for her to make a mistake.

She pushed past the other woman and lifted the ladle. Elspeth hissed and dropped it when it burned her hand. She whirled around to confront Johanna, who smiled. "Are you pleased, Johanna?" she made herself ask in a calm voice. "I a.s.sume you held the ladle to the fire in the hearth until it was sufficiently heated?"

Johanna nodded. "Aye."

She closed her eyes and forced down her anger by picturing Nicholas's handsome face. "Next year, when my contract has ended, I will say all the things I have saved these past three years, Johanna." She kept her voice deliberately light.

Johanna's spine stiffened, and her anger was palpable. It was disconcerting when her lips curved from an angry expression to a smile. "Lord Tremont will find a way to keep you bound. You know he will not let you go."

She didn't bother debating. Instead, Elspeth said, "And he will never look at you the way you wish him to as long as I am around. You are only the housekeeper to him."

Johanna's hand connected with her cheek with a resounding crack. "Bite your tongue, wench. I am a freewoman."

Tears filled her eyes, and she winced at the throbbing in her cheekbone. "Now," she bit out. "Two years ago, you too were indentured." Elspeth took a deep breath. "Why do you not leave? You could have married long ago and collected your land when you received your freedom dues."

Johanna's chin raised a notch. "I will be mistress of Tremont Plantation."

Elspeth sighed and lifted a cloth from the table before retrieving the ladle. She knew of Johanna's aspirations. She hoped Lord Tremont would fall madly in love with his housekeeper-once her contract ended. As unpleasant as Johanna was as a supervisor, she couldn't imagine tolerating her if she was mistress of the plantation.

She dished the stew into the serving bowl and set it on the tray. Johanna stood in her way, and sheeased past her. "I must serve," she said in a neutral voice, although her stomach churned with excitement.

Nicholas was only a few feet away.

She hurried into the hall, where Lord Tremont sat at the head of the table. Elspeth kept her expression bland as her eyes danced briefly over Nicholas. His hair had grown longer, and he wore it confined with a leather thong. His buckskins were clean, but in need of repair. He looked as if he had spent the last year in the wild, trapping animals. In reality, he had probably returned to England, where sustenance was plentiful.

Bartholomew Tremont's eyes followed her every move as she set the serving bowl on the imported French table and put bowls before the two men. Elspeth tried to ignore the way her skin crawled as his eyes bored into her. After three years of having the man visually devour her, she should be accustomed to it. Most times, she didn't notice, but tonight she was keenly aware of Nicholas watching Tremont watch her. She could sense his anger, which frightened her. He could destroy Tremont easily, and she didn't want that. She didn't want Nicholas to be condemned as a murderer or recognized for what he was.

"Another excellent meal, I am certain," Tremont said in a smooth, clear voice. His voice was just as handsome as the rest of him. He took pride in his neatly groomed blond hair, deep brown eyes, fine European clothes, and cultured accent. He was a tobacco farmer by trade, but retained the airs of the n.o.bleman he had been when he lived in England.

Elspeth gave him a brief smile and curtsied to both of them before leaving the hall. She hid in the kitchen, waiting for the meal to end, and the house to retire. She could already feel Nicholas's arms around her.

Griselda had quietly arranged to share a room with Agnes, the other household servant, so Elspeth had the bed to herself. She lay under the covers tensely, waiting for the sound of Nicholas at the door. Her heart stuttered when she heard him rap lightly, and she slid from the bed to let him in. Her nervous fingers fumbled with the latch for a moment, and then the door swung open with a creaking sound. They both froze for a second, waiting to see if anyone would investigate.

Finally, he moved forward and closed the door. He frowned. "I dislike the need for secrecy."

She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him. "Please, let us not argue tonight."

Nicholas frowned, but his arms encompa.s.sed her. "Aye. We have precious little time."

"I have dreamed of you every night we have been apart," she whispered, hiding her face against the scratchy wool of the s.h.i.+rt he had changed into.

"You could have been with me," he said, with a trace of bitterness.

Elspeth groaned. "We agreed not to argue."

He tilted her chin and kissed her lips. His tongue darted into her mouth, and he moaned. "You taste like Heaven," he said when he lifted his head. "How can I bear to part from you tomorrow for months on end?"

She closed her eyes, briefly tempted to run away from her obligations so they could be together. Forfear of recklessly giving in, she said only, "Let us not think on this now. Make love to me, Nicholas."

His hands were warm when they pulled at the ties on her chemise, indicating he had recently fed. A flush of desire on his cheeks was more proof. She wondered who had been his victim, but her thoughts wandered from Nicholas's dinner to what his hands were doing at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She arched her back as she pulled at the b.u.t.tons on his s.h.i.+rt. A year of abstinence lent her fingers an urgency that allowed her to have him stripped of the garment in seconds. Even the burn on her hand didn't impede her ability.

She ran her uninjured palm down his chest, tracing the line of his ribs where they poked out slightly.

"You have grown thin, my love."

"I pine for you," he said against her mobcap.

Elspeth hid her smile of pleasure against his chest, while continuing to stroke him, letting her hand slip lower. His hands were equally busy. "I have missed you," he said as he removed the mobcap to reveal her long fall of auburn hair. "I ache for you." Nicholas ran his hands through her hair, lifting strands to his face to rub against his cheek. Her chemise and petticoat quickly followed the route of the hair covering.

She brushed against the placket concealing his c.o.c.k, although it pushed insistently against the fabric of his knee breaches. Elspeth palmed him, while letting her other hand drift to his b.u.t.tocks, where she squeezed lightly.

He growled low in his throat before tipping back her head to claim her mouth. His kiss was urgent, but tender, coaxing her mouth to soften as her lips parted. She met his tongue eagerly with her own, engaging his in a duel for supremacy that ended only when she pinned his tongue between her cheek and teeth, before nipping him.

He jerked in reaction, swatting her on the b.u.t.tocks, as he disengaged her tongue. "Minx."

"You bring out the animal in me," she said against his lips, nipping him again. She ran her tongue across his teeth, pausing to flirt with his fangs. A s.h.i.+ver ran down her spine, antic.i.p.ating the day she would be free to allow him to change her to a vampire so they could live together forever.

"I would rather bring something into you." Nicholas cupped her p.u.s.s.y in his palm, caressing the outer lips, where moisture dripped from her. "I thought I would die without you."

She nodded, equally anxious for his possession. It had been too long since the last time he made love to her. He paused only to strip off his knee breaches before lifting and carrying her to the narrow bed.

"As did I. I cannot wait, my love." Once on the bed, Elspeth spread her legs for him, welcoming him with little preparation. Her body was wet and waiting for his c.o.c.k. Later, there would be time for slow loving and whispered words. Right now, she wanted to feel him inside her.

She had almost forgotten how big he was. A gasp escaped her when his c.o.c.k filled her p.u.s.s.y, stretching her almost beyond endurance. As her sheath relaxed, accepting the unaccustomed presence of him again, Elspeth pulled him tightly against her, listening to his heart race against her ear. He whispered her name several times as he thrust in and out of her. She met his thrusts with her own, straining for fulfillment.

When his hand slipped between their bodies to stroke her c.l.i.t, swollen with need and begging for attention, she barely bit back a cry.

He ma.s.saged her c.l.i.t in rhythm with his thrusting hips, making it difficult for Elspeth to remember to thrustin time with him. She closed her eyes and held onto him, counting on Nicholas to guide her to the peaks of pleasure. Her p.u.s.s.y throbbed with spasms, mirroring his, and release was near. She almost didn't want it to come, preferring to stay just like this with her lover forever.

As an o.r.g.a.s.m swept over her, seconds before he found satisfaction, her eyes p.r.i.c.ked with unshed tears.

She didn't know how she would stand to watch him ride away tomorrow. Her only consolation was, at their next reunion, she would be a freewoman. She would have fulfilled her contract and received her freedom dues. As soon as they married, she could get her land, and they would have the life she dreamed about. Nicholas would realize she didn't want to return to England when she maintained her resolve to stay in the Colonies.

Near daybreak, when their pa.s.sion had faded in the aftermath of physical exhaustion and temporary emotional fulfillment, Nicholas held her in his arms. "Come with me to England."

She sighed and rolled over onto her side. "Must you ask every time when you know my answer?"

He nodded. "I cannot stand to see you here as a slave to Tremont."

"Griselda and I made a bargain, love. I must uphold my end."

"You are not his property, Elspeth. The way his eyes follow you..." He trailed off, looking grim. "He wants you."

She touched his cheek. "He will not have me. I belong to you, Nicholas."

A short laugh escaped him. "You are no more my property than his, beloved. If you were, you would listen to me."

She shrugged. "I cannot do less than honor my word. Besides, if I left with you, what would happen to my sister?"

"She would come with us."

Elspeth shook her head. "No, she would not. You already frighten her, Nicholas, and she does not know what you are. She would not come."

"Let her make her own decision. We could be gone before anyone knows. I have a s.h.i.+p waiting. We could be sailing down Chesapeake Bay before Tremont could form a search party."

She pulled away from him and sat up. "I do not want to return to England. I love the Colonies, Nicholas.

There is such open s.p.a.ce here in Virginia. Trees stretch as far as the eye can see, and there is not the bustle you find in London. I cannot imagine returning to that barren place after living here. The land is a part of my soul now."

His mouth twisted. "Perhaps I should leave you to Tremont. As his wife, you would have everything you seem to want."

She bit back a giggle at his petulant words, touching his arm. "I would have everything but that which I want most." His expression softened as she rubbed his arm. "What is that?"

She smiled. "You. I have loved you since you first found your way to Tremont Plantation two years ago." She had met his eyes as he rode across the rolling green hills on his magnificent black stallion, and she had been lost. Struck by the eerie sensation of already knowing him, she had found herself in his arms in less than two days.

He nodded. "You love me, but sometimes I wonder how much. Why can you not leave this place and be with me? Vallsade Manor is elegant and private. When you look upon the grounds, you will never want to return to Virginia."

"I have no doubt it is beautiful, and we will visit it many times during our life together, but my home is here."

He ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "Then let me make Tremont an offer for your contract. If I purchase your freedom, you are free to marry."

Elspeth shook her head, unsurprised by his familiar suggestion. She responded as she always did. "You know he will not sell me, Nicholas."

His brow furrowed. "I could make him."

"Nay, my love. It would be dishonest." She slid from the bed and walked to the smaller chiffarobe, where a pitcher and basin rested. Elspeth poured water into the basin and took a rough cloth from the drawer. "The sun will rise soon, and you will be on your way. Do not let our parting words be acrimonious."

Nicholas sighed as he slid from the bed and slipped on his knee breaches and s.h.i.+rt. "I must return to my room and prepare for departure." He sounded anguished when he added, "Why must you be so bound by your honor, Elspeth? You are not a man."

"Honor is not exclusive to the realm of men," she said tartly. "I am who I am. You would not love me were I different."

His eyes narrowed. "You never used to be this stubborn. As Emma-"

She s.h.i.+vered. "Please do not mention that. You know how disconcerting I find the memories."

He nodded abruptly. "I know you prefer to avoid all thoughts of who you were."

She knew he wouldn't admit though she harbored the soul of the women of his past, she was her own person. Elspeth ignored his comment and finished was.h.i.+ng. Once she had wound her hair into a bun and secured the mobcap, she retrieved her chemise and petticoat from the pile. Under his watchful eyes, she put them on, wis.h.i.+ng she could take them off and return to the bed with him. She slipped on another black dress and tied a modesty cloth across her torso before adding a pocket and the ap.r.o.n. Then she walked to Nicholas and put her arms around his waist. "You know I love you."

He caressed her cheek. "You have always loved me."

She shrugged. "I love you as you are now because of who we are today. Not because of who I was inthe past."

Nicholas groaned. "How can I leave you?"

"You must." She forced a smile and swallowed down tears. "Next year, I will be free. We will build a house-"

"We will return to England, where we shall not starve." He gave her a crooked smile. "Or rusticate."

She frowned up at him with a look of annoyance, but continued spinning dreams. "We will have children and be together every day. Let those thoughts sustain you."

He sighed before lowering his lips to hers. When he raised his head, he said, "I suppose they will have to."

She hugged him once more before stepping away. "You must go now. I have to report to the kitchen, and you will be leaving after breakfast."

"I have no appet.i.te, so I will leave now."

Elspeth kissed him again, tracing her tongue with his. She pressed against him, but reined in her pa.s.sion.

There was no time for more lovemaking. Already, it was late enough to be risky for him to leave her room. She broke away and turned her head. "I love you." She kept her eyes focused on the whitewashed wall, refusing to allow him to see the tears in her eyes.

"When I return, you will leave this place." His voice was firm, but sounded thick. "Contract or no contract."

She nodded, unable to watch as he left. Their reunions were joyous, but the partings always robbed her of the euphoria she experienced when he held her in his arms. As soon as she heard the door close softly behind him, she collapsed on the edge of the bed and sobbed. Her words had been brave, but another year on Tremont Plantation without Nicholas would seem like forever.

After restoring her appearance, Elspeth went downstairs to begin breakfast. She was surprised to find Johanna already in the kitchen, stoking the fire. She looked at the sky through the window, noting it was near the time she always began breakfast.

"Did you have a lie-in?" Johanna's voice bordered on friendly.

Elspeth blinked. "No. I did not think I was tardy."

"No matter." Johanna waved to a basket on the table. "Lord Tremont has requested fresh berries. You are to pick them."

Her eyes widened. "The briar patch is over an hour away, Johanna. Breakfast will be delayed if I go for blackberries."

She shrugged. "I cannot counter the master's whims. I obey his instructions." A small smile flashed across her face. "I suggest you enjoy the suns.h.i.+ne and a morning off. Abel has a horse waiting for you." She bit her lip, hesitating. The thought of picking berries was tempting, but she was reluctant to go. It was disconcerting to see Johanna so cheerful, and she wondered at that. When the explanation occurred to her, she almost giggled. Clearly, the housekeeper was happy to have her out of the house for the morning. Perhaps she imagined serving Lord Tremont breakfast would prompt him to make a marriage offer. It would be nice to spend some time alone, and if Lord Tremont was ordering her to go, what choice did she have? "I shall return later in the morning."

Johanna nodded, not taking her attention from the forming fire.

Elspeth slipped through the back entrance of the house and ran across the hilly green ground to the stables. As promised, Abel waited with an elderly sorrel. She mounted and rode away at a steady pace, until the plantation faded behind her. Once out of sight, a happy laugh escaped her. For a few hours, she could pretend she was free of the obligations imposed upon her. She could fantasize she was meeting Nicholas.

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Beloved Forever Part 11 summary

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