Beloved Forever Part 16

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Thomas laughed, and the red light overhead cast a pinkish tinge on his gleaming white teeth. "The cops don't come here, sheila. They can't see us."

Her brows furrowed. "Why not?" She struggled to put a few inches between them when a slow, sultrysong started.

His hold on her waist tightened to keep her from moving. "This place is s.h.i.+elded from humans. They can't see it or find it. An occasional one might get a s.h.i.+ver up their spine, if they're sensitive enough to sense the power coming from this place, but most are completely oblivious."

She shook her head. "What about the donors? How do they-" She broke off as he ground his c.o.c.k against her. "I-"

He shrugged. "Most are recruited. A few seek us out through vampire friends." He winked at her.

"Some are so good, they get brought in."

Her eyes widened. "You mean, they're brought against their will?"

Thomas nodded. "It happens. Most adapt or..." He shrugged again, even as his hand ventured down to cup her b.u.t.tocks.

"Don't," Emily said, pus.h.i.+ng away his hand.

"Don't be shy, sheila." He grinned at her, but his smile was predatory. "It's obvious you need someone to watch out for you." His other hand moved under her breast, and he slid his thumb across her nipple.

"You can't be more than a few weeks old."

"Let me go." Emily took the hand trying to grope her nipple and squeezed it tightly in her own. All thoughts of trying to respond to Thomas in the same way she did Nicholas fled. "I don't want to dance anymore."

His laugh wasn't friendly and charming like it had been. "Everyone's going to want to eat you up." His voice lowered, and he pressed his mouth to her ear. "I just want to taste you. Others will want to tear you apart. You need me for protection." He squeezed her b.u.t.tocks again. "And I need you right now."

She slapped him across the face. "I don't need you. What I need is for you to let go." Emily's frantic eyes scanned the crowed dance floor, searching for Nicholas. He wasn't at the bar, and she didn't see him. "If Nicholas comes-"

"I'm not scared of your bloke." He twisted his wrist and ended up holding her hand in his. He squeezed tightly enough to make her whimper. "Let's get out of here, sheila."

She snarled at him, suddenly frightened of what he wanted from her. Emily's lips parted, and she licked her fangs. Instinct urged her to attack, and she lunged at his face.

He laughed, easily restraining her. "Maybe we'll skip the formalities. If one kill is good, two is even better." His eyes took on a reddish tint, and his head dipped toward her neck. "How do you feel about being my second, sheila?"

Emily struggled to release his hold on her, wondering why no one came to her a.s.sistance. She looked at the crowd and saw most weren't paying any attention. Those who were watching appeared ready to pounce on her too. "Nicholas," she screamed, hoping he heard her over the music and hum of voices.

He was there within seconds, peeling Thomas off her and tossing him to the ground. To Emily's surprise, he turned to her and slashed her across the face. Tears welled from her eyes as blood flowed from thecut on her cheek. She held her hand against it, trying to staunch the blood before it attracted too much attention.

"You're mine." His lips curled, and he turned back to Thomas, who had picked himself up off the floor and was visibly trembling. "Mine," he said with a snarl, lifting Thomas by the front of his s.h.i.+rt.

Thomas was obviously frightened, but seemed determined to hide it behind bravado. "She was a lonely bird, sitting all alone. If she's really yours, why weren't you with her?"

Nicholas didn't bother to answer. Instead, he slapped the boy across the face. "You need to learn respect for others' property."

Surprise and lingering fear had kept her frozen, but his words snapped her out of the semi-trance. "I'm not your property."

Nicholas barely looked at her. "Go sit down."


He turned his ferocious expression on her. "Now is not the time. Sit!"

Emily trembled at his tone, and found herself backing away. A few steps from them, she stopped and crossed her arms. It was a small defiance, but all she dared risk for now.

Thomas's feet kicked in the air as Nicholas lifted him higher. He cried out when Nicholas's head moved forward, and his fangs broke through the skin of his neck. He clawed at Nicholas's face and kicked out with his feet, succeeding in breaking Nicholas's hold. When he backed up a step, blood flowed from his neck. "Listen, it was a misunderstanding-"

Nicholas didn't wait for the boy to finish. Emily bit her lip as he lunged forward and knocked him to the floor. The other couples were finally aware of a brewing fight, and they formed a circle around the pair.

She rushed forward, pus.h.i.+ng herself between two vampires who looked like they were in their forties.

Thomas squealed in agony when Nicholas's nails ripped through his stomach. Within seconds, he was holding his grisly prize aloft. The rest of the intestine remained in Thomas's body, but the few feet Nicholas held coiled in his hands glistened with blood.

Nicholas tossed the intestine aside and grasped Thomas's throat in a crus.h.i.+ng grip. "Mine," he said again, this time in a fierce whisper. His hand tightened, and the boy's legs began to kick against the floor.

Soon, seizures pa.s.sed through his body, right before a crunching sound issued from his neck. "Next time, I'll kill you, and you won't come back."

When the boy lay still, Nicholas rose and turned to Emily. His eyes glowed red, and his face looked leaner. He was obviously enraged.

She turned to run from him and cried out when the middle-aged vampire behind her grabbed her arm.

"Let go."

He shook his head. "He's your master. You have to face him." She tried to pull away until Nicholas's hand fell on her arm. Then she went limp, knowing she wouldn't escape. Her feet barely moved as he dragged her along with him toward the door. The crowd had grown silent, and they moved out of their way like the Red Sea parting. They watched their departure with the avid expressions of vultures. As they stepped through the door, Emily saw their attention turn to Thomas, who was sitting up slowly.

Once they were outside the club, she shot a glance at him from the corner of her eye, trying to gauge his mood. He was still angry, but she thought he was making the effort to calm down. She moistened her lips and said, "I-"

He spun to face her. "Don't talk to me until we return to the apartment." He pressed his face against hers. "I can't talk about this yet without hurting you."

"But I-"

He dragged her toward a cab as it stopped at the curb. "Later."

She subsided into silence as they got in the back of the car. Emily eyed him apprehensively as the driver drove down the street. What had she done to enrage him so completely? She had danced with another man, but why would that make him so angry? She hadn't even enjoyed it.

As the car stopped before the apartment building, she swallowed her fear and straightened her shoulders. Nicholas was mistaken if he thought he could treat her as his property. She knew if she didn't stand up to him now, she would never be able to.

She matched his pace as they walked into the foyer and to the elevator. Some of her resolve faded when she saw his eyes were still red, a sure sign he wasn't in control of his emotions. She renewed her determination as they stepped onto the fourth floor and walked to the apartment. She stood with a rigid spine as he unlocked the door, and then swept past him with squared shoulders.

The door slamming behind him caused her to jump, making her admit she wasn't as calm as she pretended. It didn't matter, as long as he didn't realize that. She kept her back to him when she spoke. "I don't appreciate the way you treated me tonight." She took a deep breath, forcing out the wobbly note in her voice. "You have no right to strike me."

His continued silence piqued her curiosity and stoked her fear. There seemed to be a battle of wills between them, and she was determined not to be the first to surrender. However, as the seconds pa.s.sed and he didn't move or speak, she had to know what he was doing. Emily turned around to look at him and flinched.

Deep grooves lined each side of his mouth. His eyes burned bright red, and he was visibly shaking. He seemed to have only a tenuous control of his fury. She immediately decided going on the offensive had been a bad idea. "I'm sorry," she said, striving to sound sincere, since apologizing was the last thing she should have to do. She was unable to resist adding, "It was just a dance. I don't know why you're so upset."

He moved faster than her eyes could follow. She saw a blur right before she felt her body slam into the wall. Pain flashed up her spine to the back of her neck, causing black dots to appear behind her eyes.

"His hands were on you." He said each word with precision, putting a pause between each, as if it was a struggle to be coherent enough to speak at all. "You let him touch you." He slammed her against the wallagain. "You belong to me."

"I don't," she forced out through gritted teeth. "I can dance with whomever I choose."

Nicholas shook his head. "I'm your master-"

She forced herself to smile through the pain. "It's strange how you never mentioned that aspect of your love before. Is that why you love me? Because you think you own me?"

His eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand to strike her.

"Go ahead." She could feel her own control slipping. "I didn't do what you wanted. Discipline me. I'm your property, right? What're you waiting for?"

His expression contorted with antagonism, but his arm dropped. He stepped back from her and took several deep breaths.

Anger caused her to continue. "You don't own me. You aren't my master. I won't tolerate-"

Nicholas lifted her into his arms, ignoring her struggles.

"What are you doing?" she demanded, pulling on his hair. "Put me down."

"Shut up," he said, very clearly, as he stormed down the hall and threw open the door to her room. It bounced against the wall and slammed behind them as they entered the bedroom.

Emily's eyes widened as he strode to the bed and dropped her. "Please don't hurt me." She hated the way her voice trembled. "I don't want it to be like that."

He gave her a long look, and his shoulders dropped. "I'm not going to rape you. Right now, I can't even stand to look at you." He grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back. "Why did you do it? I thought we-" He broke off and shook his head. "Never mind. It doesn't matter. I see nothing has changed." He let go of her hair and turned on his heel. He walked away without looking back.

She lay there, watching him move farther away, and unsure what had happened. Being with Nicholas was like being in a permanent state of confusion. Most disconcerting was, of all the emotions that had besieged her tonight, why was she now consumed with guilt? Why did she feel responsible for what had happened when she had done nothing wrong?

As he turned the doork.n.o.b, she whispered, "I wanted to see if I felt the same way with anyone else that I feel with you."

He paused, but didn't turn around. After a second's hesitation, Nicholas opened the door and stepped through.

"I didn't feel anything for him," she said as he closed the door. "I didn't," she shouted. Emily held her breath, waiting to see if he would return to her. As the minutes pa.s.sed, she realized he wouldn't, and tears trailed down her cheeks. How could she fear him as much as she did, yet yearn for him at the same time? What was wrong with her? She brushed impatiently at the tears on her cheeks, but they were replaced as soon as she wiped them away. She curled up on the bed and hugged a pillow as she tried to convince herself she didn't want Nicholas to come back. He was dangerous, and the possessiveness hehad displayed tonight frightened her more than anything else she had experienced at his hands did. He loved her enough to kill for her. Did that mean he loved her enough to kill her if she displeased him again?

Chapter Eleven.

It was late in the night before Emily fell asleep. Thoughts of Nicholas kept her eyes from closing for a long time. Thoughts of their past, the present and her future swirled through her mind. One moment, she ached to be in his arms, and the next, fear consumed her. Eventually, the night did catch up with her, and she fell asleep, sprawled across the bed, still wearing the black dress.

Scotland, 1813 The twilight was just beginning as Erin's feet crunched through the brown leaves dotting the forest floor.

She looked up at the setting sun as a soft breeze caressed her cheeks, blowing the ends of the ribbon tying back her hair against her neck. Her gaze returned straight ahead, to where Nicholas and the priest waited for her. She held a small leather bag in one hand, and the other clutched a handful of the McCairn plaid arisaid covering her.

As she drew closer, Erin saw Nicholas wore a satin damask vest over a white s.h.i.+rt with puffed sleeves.

He hadn't bothered with a jacket. The autumn wind had disheveled his short hair, but he didn't seem to realize it. He held out his hand as she neared. "You are beautiful."

She smiled and took his hand after dropping the bag near their feet. She turned to the priest and curtsied. "Father Gilgerney."

"La.s.s McCairn." He cast a nervous look over her shoulder. "Does your papa know...?"

She shook her head, casting off a twinge of regret that her family wouldn't be present her wedding.

When she ran away this evening, she had cut all ties with them. She looked at her intended from the corner of her eye. His tender expression renewed her resolve about her decision. She loved Nicholas, and if her father couldn't accept that, she would live without his approval.

The priest nibbled on his lip. "Perhaps you should wait. I could speak to Laird McCairn, la.s.s.


"It will do no good." Nicholas spoke firmly, locking eyes with the priest. "Her father will not agree to our marriage because he does not want Erin to go with me to England."

Father Gilgerney wiped his brow with his arm. "With good reason, m'lord. The la.s.s is his child-"

Nicholas's eyes didn't waver. "Erin wants to be my wife. You will perform the ceremony and tell no one."

The priest's brow furrowed, and he shook his head. "I will not speak of it," he whispered. He frowned.

"Can you not stay in the Highlands, Lord Vallsade?" He didn't deign to answer the question. "Marry us."

Nicholas's harsh, impatient tone caused Erin to flinch. She forced a smile for the priest. "Please, Father, marry us."

With a weary sigh, the priest opened his Bible and began to read. Sweat continued to pour down his face, and he looked nervously over their shoulders every few minutes.

Erin didn't share the priest's fear of her father catching them. She had gone to bed early with one of her headaches, knowing no one would miss her until morning that way. By then, she and Nicholas would be away from her father's holdings. She kept her eyes locked with Nicholas's as she repeated the sacred words that would bind them. She experienced no hesitation when the priest told them to kneel for the final blessing. She grasped his hand and knelt with him in the rich green gra.s.s. Before bowing her head, she met his eyes and smiled at the love she saw there. It didn't matter that she hadn't been married in the church near the keep, and that her mother and sisters hadn't attended. She hardly missed the music, gifts and guests. All she required was Nicholas's love, and she was secure in the knowledge she had it.

The priest crossed himself and indicated they should rise. Nicholas pressed a small bag of coins into his hands and said, "Tell no one of this union, priest."

The priest was pale, and his eyes were wide. The wind tossed his thinning red hair about as he nodded vigorously. "My discretion is a.s.sured." He cast one last look at Erin. "I do hope you have not broken your father's heart."

She swallowed thickly. "I cannot deny what my heart wants out of consideration for his."

Father Gilgerny trudged away from them, shaking his head all the while. When he disappeared from sight, she turned to Nicholas and hurled herself into his arms. "My husband." She caressed his silky black hair, running her fingers through the short strands.

He lowered his head to kiss her, and his lips were gentle on hers. He pulled her tight against him as his tongue eased through the barrier of her closed mouth.

Her knees grew weak as his tongue explored her mouth. Erin pressed herself against him, eager to learn all about her new husband. She let him support her as she grasped handfuls of his vest and ardently returned his kisses.

He broke away with a gasp. "We must depart, dearest. By morning, we have to clear Lachlorn's land, or your father will catch up with us." He pushed back escaping strands of hair the shade of wheat and smiled down at her. "I cannot defeat his soldiers."

She nodded, aching to lay with her new husband, but allowing necessity to overcome her desires.

Nicholas whistled for his horse, a strong stallion as dark as her sister Agata's hair, with glistening dark eyes and a proud demeanor. He was muscular and rugged, much like his owner, and would have little trouble carrying the two of them across McCairn and Lachlorn land by morning.

Nicholas lifted her onto Fury's back first, and then mounted. Once seated on the st.u.r.dy horse, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into the curve of his body. "Sleep, my beloved. The journey is long." She snuggled against him, feeling not at all sleepy. How could she when she was so excited about starting a new life with Nicholas? A new life as a vampire. A small s.h.i.+ver worked its way up her spine, and she wondered again if he spoke the truth. Could he really be the creature he claimed to be? Was it truly not an evil abomination to become one? Would she d.a.m.n her eternal soul to h.e.l.l if she let Nicholas change her?

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Beloved Forever Part 16 summary

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