The Ghosts Of Cannae Part 13

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6. Lazenby, Lazenby, Hannibal's War Hannibal's War, p. 202.

7. Livy, 29.1.1314, 26.1.10. Livy, 29.1.1314, 26.1.10.

8. Ibid., 29.24.12. Ibid., 29.24.12.

9. Scullard, Scullard, Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p. 111.

10. Livy, 29.9.47. Livy, 29.9.47.

11. Ibid., 29.9.911. Ibid., 29.9.911.

12. Plutarch, Cato the Elder, 3.56. Plutarch, Cato the Elder, 3.56.

13. Livy, 29.19ff. Livy, 29.19ff.

14. Ibid., 29.22ff. Ibid., 29.22ff.

15. Livy does not state a date, but Lazenby Livy does not state a date, but Lazenby (Hannibal's War, p (Hannibal's War, p. 204) thinks the June-July time frame is a good guess.

16. Livy, 29.25.12. Livy, 29.25.12.

17. Ibid., 29.28. Ibid., 29.28.

18. Appian, Lib 9; Lancel, Appian, Lib 9; Lancel, Hannibal Hannibal, p. 165.

19. Livy, 29.34.16. Livy, 29.34.16.

20. Ibid., 29.34.7ff. Ibid., 29.34.7ff.

21. Lancel, Lancel, Hannibal Hannibal, p. 164.

22. Livy, 29.28.7. Livy, 29.28.7.

23. Ibid., 29.35.1011; Polybius, 14.1.14; Goldsworthy, Ibid., 29.35.1011; Polybius, 14.1.14; Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars, p The Punic Wars, p. 292; Lazenby, Hannibal's War Hannibal's War, p. 206.

24. Polybius, 14.1.3. Polybius, 14.1.3.

25. Livy, 30.3.17. Livy, 30.3.17.

26. Ibid., 30.4.9. Ibid., 30.4.9.

27. Polybius, 14.4.10. Polybius, 14.4.10.

28. Livy, 30.6.8; Lazenby, Livy, 30.6.8; Lazenby, Hannibal's War, p Hannibal's War, p. 208.

29. Polybius, 14.5.15. Polybius, 14.5.15.

30. Livy, 30.7.69. Livy, 30.7.69.

31. Ibid., 30.7.89; Polybius, 14.7.6. Ibid., 30.7.89; Polybius, 14.7.6.

32. Goldsworthy, Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars, p The Punic Wars, p. 295.

33. Polybius, 14.7.9; Lazenby, Polybius, 14.7.9; Lazenby, Hannibal's War, p Hannibal's War, p. 209; Lancel, Hannibal, p Hannibal, p. 203.

34. Lazenby, Lazenby, Hannibal's War Hannibal's War, p. 209.

35. Scullard, Scullard, Scipio Africa.n.u.s Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p. 129.

36. Polybius, 14.8.8; Livy, 30.8.7. Polybius, 14.8.8; Livy, 30.8.7.

37. Lazenby, Lazenby, Hannibal's War Hannibal's War, pp. 209211.

38. Livy, 30.8.7. Livy, 30.8.7.

39. Goldsworthy, Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars The Punic Wars, pp. 2956.

40. Livy, 30.8.1213. Livy, 30.8.1213.

41. Polybius, 14.10.79. Polybius, 14.10.79.

42. Goldsworthy, Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars The Punic Wars, p. 297.

43. Polybius, 14.10.9. Polybius, 14.10.9.

44. Livy, 30.10.12. Livy, 30.10.12.

45. Ibid., 30.11.5. Ibid., 30.11.5.

46. Lazenby, Lazenby, Hannibal's War Hannibal's War, p. 212.

47. Livy, 30.12.11ff. Livy, 30.12.11ff.

48. Diodorus (27.7) claims that before Hasdrubal Gisgo's condominium with Syphax, Sophonisba had been the wife of Masinissa. But this seems unlikely, given the prince's extensive time in Spain. According to Zonaras (9.11), Sophonisba was betrothed to Masinissa before marrying Syphax. Diodorus (27.7) claims that before Hasdrubal Gisgo's condominium with Syphax, Sophonisba had been the wife of Masinissa. But this seems unlikely, given the prince's extensive time in Spain. According to Zonaras (9.11), Sophonisba was betrothed to Masinissa before marrying Syphax.

49. Livy, 30.13.1214. Livy, 30.13.1214.

50. Ibid., 30.15.18. Ibid., 30.15.18.

51. Lazenby, Lazenby, Hannibal's War, p Hannibal's War, p. 213; Scullard, Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p. 134.

52. Livy, 30.16.4. Livy, 30.16.4.

53. Lancel, Lancel, Hannibal, p Hannibal, p. 170.

54. Livy, 30.16.1011. Livy, 30.16.1011.

55. Ibid., 30.16.12. Ibid., 30.16.12.

56. Appian, Appian, The Punic Wars The Punic Wars, 32.

57. Livy, 30.16.1415. Livy, 30.16.1415.

58. Lancel, Lancel, Hannibal Hannibal, p. 155.

59. Lazenby, Lazenby, Hannibal's War Hannibal's War, p. 214.

60. Livy, 30.19.1ff. Livy, 30.19.1ff.

61. Cicero Cicero (On Divination (On Divination, 1.24.48) says the story came from Silenos, Hannibal's resident historian.

62. Delbruck ( Delbruck (Warfare in Antiquity, p. 380) in particular draws attention to this time lag.

63. Hoyos, "Hannibal: What Kind of Genius," p. 179. Hoyos, "Hannibal: What Kind of Genius," p. 179.

64. Lancel, Lancel, Hannibal Hannibal, pp. 1567.

65. Appian, Appian, The Punic Wars The Punic Wars, 134.

66. Livy, 30.20.78. Livy, 30.20.78.

67. Goldsworthy, Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars, pp The Punic Wars, pp. 299.

68. Appian, Appian, The Punic Wars The Punic Wars, 34.

69. Livy, 30.25.1ff; Polybius, 15.2.313. Livy, 30.25.1ff; Polybius, 15.2.313.

70. Lancel, Lancel, Hannibal Hannibal, p. 171.

71. Polybius, 15.4.2. Polybius, 15.4.2.

72. Polybius, 14.5.12. Polybius, 14.5.12.

73. Lazenby, Lazenby, Hannibal's War Hannibal's War, p. 218.

74. Appian, Appian, The Hannibalic War The Hannibalic War, 59.

75. Polybius, 15.3.57; Scullard, Polybius, 15.3.57; Scullard, Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p. 141.

76. Polybius, 15.5.47; Livy 30.29.23. Some doubt the story, since an almost identical tale exists in Herodotus (7.146.7), but it makes good tactical sense and Scipio was plainly capable of all manner of deception. He also knew Greek and may have actually gotten the idea from Polybius, 15.5.47; Livy 30.29.23. Some doubt the story, since an almost identical tale exists in Herodotus (7.146.7), but it makes good tactical sense and Scipio was plainly capable of all manner of deception. He also knew Greek and may have actually gotten the idea from The Histories The Histories.

77. Polybius, 14.6.48; Livy, 30.3031. Polybius, 14.6.48; Livy, 30.3031.

78. Polybius does not specify the size of the opposing armies. Appian ( Polybius does not specify the size of the opposing armies. Appian (The Punic Wars, 40), who is generally good with numbers, gives Hannibal 50,000 total, while Lazenby (Hannibal's War, pp (Hannibal's War, pp. 2201) estimates his infantry at thirty-six thousand.

79. Polybius, 15.11.1; Lancel, Polybius, 15.11.1; Lancel, Hannibal, p Hannibal, p. 175.

80. Lancel, Lancel, Hannibal Hannibal, p. 175; Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars The Punic Wars, p. 302. Livy (30.26.3 and 30.33.5.) may have been trying to use this as a justification for Rome's very aggressive behavior leading up to the Second Macedonian War.

81. Goldsworthy, Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars The Punic Wars, p. 303.

82. Polybius, 15.11.1. Polybius, 15.11.1.

83. Goldsworthy, Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars, pp The Punic Wars, pp. 2023; Scullard, Scipio Africa.n.u.s Scipio Africa.n.u.s, pp. 1501.

84. Polybius, 15.9.610. Polybius, 15.9.610.

85. Scullard, Scullard, Scipio Africa.n.u.s Scipio Africa.n.u.s, pp. 14950. See also J. Kronmayer and G. Veith, Antike Schlachtfelder Antike Schlachtfelder, vol. 3 (1912), p. 599ff, and vol. 4 (1931), p. 626ff.

86. Polybius, 15.12.8; Livy, 30.34.2. Polybius, 15.12.8; Livy, 30.34.2.

87. Livy, 30.34.3. Livy, 30.34.3.

88. Dodge, Dodge, Hannibal Hannibal, pp. 6045.

89. Polybius, 15.13.67. Polybius, 15.13.67.

90. Ibid., 15.14.2. Ibid., 15.14.2.

91. Polybius, 15.14.9. Appian Polybius, 15.14.9. Appian (The Punic Wars (The Punic Wars, 48) maintain that twenty-five hundred Romans plus some of Masinissa's men died at Zama.

92. Polybius, 15.19.5. Polybius, 15.19.5.

93. Lancel Lancel (Hannibal (Hannibal, p. 177) states that one Euboic talent was equivalent to twenty-six kilograms of silver, or 57.2 pounds. Thus ten thousand talents equaled 572,000 pounds of silver, or 9,152,000 ounces, at $13.25 per ounce spot price on March 5, 2009, which amounts to $121,264,000.

94. Appian, Appian, The Punic Wars The Punic Wars, 54.

95. Scullard, Scullard, Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p. 159.

96. Goldsworthy, Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars, p The Punic Wars, p. 317.

97. Toynbee, Toynbee, Hannibal's Legacy Hannibal's Legacy, vol. 2, pp. 27781.

98. Livy, 31.14.12, 32.3.15. Livy, 31.14.12, 32.3.15.

99. Scullard, Scullard, Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p. 185.

100. Goldsworthy, Goldsworthy, The Punic Wars, p The Punic Wars, p. 320.

101. Livy, 33.25.67. Livy, 33.25.67.

102. Plutarch, Plutarch, Flaminius, 13; Flaminius, 13; Livy, 34.50. Livy, 34.50.

103. Delbruck, Delbruck, Warfare in Antiquity, pp Warfare in Antiquity, pp. 3401.

104. Scullard, Scullard, Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p Scipio Africa.n.u.s, p. 179.

105. Livy, 33.48; Lancel, Livy, 33.48; Lancel, Carthage, pp Carthage, pp. 4024.

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The Ghosts Of Cannae Part 13 summary

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