A Collection of College Words and Customs Part 94

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[66] The Triennial Catalogue of Harvard College was first printed in a pamphlet form in the year 1778.

[67] Jesse Olds, a cla.s.smate, afterwards a clergyman in a country town.

[68] Charles Prentiss, a member of the Junior Cla.s.s when this was written; afterwards editor of the Rural Repository.--_Buckingham's Reminiscences_, Vol. II. pp.


[69] William Biglow was known in college by the name of Sawney, and was frequently addressed by this sobriquet in after life, by his familiar friends.

[70] Charles Pinckney Sumner,--afterwards a lawyer in Boston, and for many years Sheriff of the County of Suffolk.

[71] Theodore Dehon, afterwards a clergyman of the Episcopal Church, and Bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina.

[72] Thomas Mason, a member of the cla.s.s after Prentiss, said to be the greatest _wrestler_ that was ever in College. He was settled as a clergyman at Northfield, Ma.s.s.; resigned his office some years after, and several times represented that town in the Legislature of Ma.s.sachusetts. See under WRESTLING-MATCH.

[73] The Columbian Centinel, published at Boston, of which Benjamin Russell was the editor.

[74] "Ashen," on _Ed.'s Broadside_.

[75] "A pot of grease, A woollen fleece."--_Ed's Broadside_.

[76] "Rook."--_Ed.'s Broadside_. "Hook."--_Gent. Mag._, May, 1732.

[77] "Burrage."--_Ed.'s Broadside_.

[78] "That."--_Ed.'s Broadside_.

[79] "Beauties."--_Ed.'s Broadside_.

[80] "My."--_Ed.'s Broadside_.

[81] "I've" omitted in _Ed.'s Broadside_.

Nay, I've two more What Matthew always wanted.--_Gent. Mag._, June, 1732.

[82] "But silly youth, I love the mouth."--_Ed.'s Broadside_.

[83] This stanza, although found in the London Magazine, does not appear in the Gentleman's Magazine, or on the Editor's Broadside. It is probably an interpolation.

[84] "Cou'd."--_Gent. Mag._, June, 1732.

[85] "Do it."--_Ed.'s Broadside_.

[86] "Tow'rds Cambridge I'll get thee."--_Ed.'s Broadside_.

[87] "If, madam, you will let me."--_Gent. Mag._, June, 1732.


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