Shifters Unbound: Mate Claimed Part 35

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She rose, her limbs stiff with fury. Tiger Man was beating down Graham, Graham's wolf fighting desperately, his black fur covered in blood.


This was what it had been like in the wild, long ago, when s.h.i.+fters had fought each other to the death for territory, mates, dominance. They'd also fought tooth and claw to protect each other.

Eric was her mate. That meant Iona met any threat to him with violence, and didn't stop fighting until that threat was dead.

Tiger Man saw that in her eyes. Iona saw in his that he'd been bred to fight until every enemy in his path was slain.

So be it, then. Iona attacked him. Tiger Man met her onslaught, as ready to kill as she was.

Iona would drink of his blood and feast on his bones. She'd scatter his remains throughout her territory as a reminder to all who crossed it what she did to those who threatened the ones she loved.

Iona fought, ripped, bit, pounded. She would kill, and it would feel so good.


The voice was Graham's, his harsh, hated wolf's voice.

Graham would be next. He'd threatened Eric's leaders.h.i.+p, he'd hurt Eric, and he needed to be eliminated. Iona would finish with the tiger, then tear off Graham's head and lap up his blood.

"Iona, stop!" Graham shouted. "Eric needs you."

Iona hesitated a split second, and in that second, the tiger got in a blow that stunned her. Iona's rage returned, and she s.h.i.+fted into her half-human, half-panther form. Kill these males first, help her mate second.

"He's going to die." Graham grabbed for her, but Iona spun out of reach. "He needs the touch of a mate. s.h.i.+t."

Graham took two rapid steps backward as Iona fixed him with her enraged stare, ready to kill. Then she spun around and drove her claws into the tiger.

"You're going feral, woman!" Graham yelled at her. "Fight it!"

No. Iona wanted to be wild. Free.

No humans Collaring her, no s.h.i.+fters telling her what to do. No following rituals and their rules-she'd kill everyone here and race away, no ties to any of them.

Except Eric. She'd take him with her and cure him, and then he'd be hers. No one else would ever touch him again. She'd sequester him in a cave somewhere and have him all to herself. She was an alpha female, and no one and nothing would come between her and her mate and her freedom.

"Holy G.o.ddess, Iona."

Graham's voice was like the buzz of an annoying mosquito. She'd swat it down when she was done with the tiger.

Tiger was proving difficult to defeat, but she'd do it in the end. After that, Graham would be nothing.

She heard, dimly, Eric get to his feet. She didn't have time to rejoice that he was able to do so. Fight first.

Blood. Kill. Defeat.


Eric's human voice was weak and full of pain. The pull of it made Iona turn to him, even as the Tiger drew back to strike her down.

Iona saw Eric's green eyes looking at her down the barrel of a tranq rifle. Before Iona could blink, the rifle popped, and a dart thunked into her chest.

Iona stared at her mate, bewildered, the betrayal hurting more than the pinp.r.i.c.k of the dart. "Eric," she whispered, and then she collapsed.


Eric reloaded the tranq gun Graham had found as fast as he'd ever done anything, and shot the next dart straight into the tiger. The tiger roared and collapsed to the floor, but he didn't fall unconscious.

The tiger s.h.i.+fted instead into a large man, with an immensity that rivaled even Shane's. He had a strong face covered with unshaved whiskers, eyes that remained golden yellow, and hair, while matted with blood, showing the orange and black streaks of a tiger.

Eric stared at him a moment before another wash of pain cramped him. The tranq gun slid from his slack grasp, but Graham grabbed it, loaded another dart, and pointed the rifle at the tiger.

"Who the f.u.c.k are you?" Graham demanded.

The tiger remained slumped on the floor, watching them with angry eyes. "Twenty-three. I told her."

"She said humans...created you?"


"How? How is that possible?"

"I don't know."

Eric barely heard them. He crawled to Iona, who'd reverted to human form in her slumber, her beautiful limbs tangled on the floor and covered with claw and bite marks.

He'd seen her eyes before he'd shot her. Feral. His beautiful Iona. Eric had feared so much that her beast would take over, and now it had. Because she'd been fighting to protect him.

He lay down beside her and gathered her into his arms, burying his face in her neck.

Help me, love.

The mate bond warmed him, and the pain receded the slightest bit. The touch of a mate, her scent, that's what healed.

He loved her, a love he'd fought and denied. Eric had told himself his craving for her was his mating hunger, or his loneliness, but he knew now that it was all her.

He'd fallen in love with Iona the moment he'd seen her months ago, she sitting in the corner of Coolers in that s.e.xy blue dress, impatiently tapping her straw into her slushy drink. Her lovely face, her lush black hair, and most of all her clear blue eyes had wrapped around him and stolen his heart.

If Iona had taught him anything over the months, it was that true love wasn't selfish. Iona had loved her mother and sister enough to hide her s.h.i.+fter nature so they'd be safe from it. She'd fought her craving for Eric for them.

When Eric had more or less forced Iona to accept entry into s.h.i.+ftertown, she'd embraced his family without hesitation. She could have hated them, fought them, derided them for being what she didn't want to become.

But Iona had viewed them as individual beings and accepted them each for themselves. She'd loved his sister and his son, formed a camaraderie with Diego and Xav, and had willingly helped bring Ca.s.sidy's daughter into the world.

Iona had stood up to Graham, she'd protected Eric, and she'd been down here fighting like a demon in this strange human place. Fighting, protecting-not cowering in a corner in terror, as she had every right to.

Eric loved her for all that, and also for her laughter, her quiet sense of humor, and her strength.

He stroked her hair. "I love you, mate of my heart."

Iona's eyes cracked open, the lovely blue untarnished by any feral red. "Eric?"

"Love." Eric laid his body over hers, trying to pour the warmth she'd given him back into her. He kissed her, her warm lips parting for his.

"Eric." Iona's eyes widened in alarm. "Ca.s.sidy. She's upstairs with Amanda. We have to help Twenty-three. The humans are doing some weird experiments, stealing DNA and things. We have to..."

"Hush now." Eric kissed her again, silencing her.

"You shot me," she said, a spark of anger in her eyes.

"I had to, love. You were going feral."

Anger fled, and concern returned. "Are you all right? Is the pain still there?"

Iona touched him as though searching him for hurts, even though her own body was b.l.o.o.d.y with claw wounds. But her touch stilled the throbbing pain inside Eric and, at the same time, brought one interested part of him to life.

"I'm better," he whispered.

"Are we going to get the h.e.l.l out of here anytime soon?" Graham asked from where he still trained the gun on the tiger.

Iona struggled to sit up, pus.h.i.+ng her long hair back from her face. "We have to take him with us. I promised."

The Tiger Man, still awake, regarded her with groggy eyes. His body was scored with dozens of deep gouges, but still he looked like he'd be willing to go another ten rounds.

"You want to take him?" Graham asked. "What the f.u.c.k is he?"

Iona got to her feet. Eric decided that watching her long legs unfolding in front of him, all the way to her fine, tight a.s.s, was a wonderful thing. "He doesn't deserve to stay here and be experimented on," she said. "I came down here to free him, and I guess getting free triggered his fight-or-flight instinct."

"You think?" Graham growled.

"She's right." Eric sat up, not minding being right next to Iona's fine legs. "No s.h.i.+fter deserves to be a guinea pig. He comes with us. Tranq him if he gets unruly."

"But what are you going to do with him? Take him to s.h.i.+ftertown to steal our females and threaten our cubs?"

"We'll figure it out," Eric said. "Have faith, Graham. Leaders need that."

Graham kept the tranq rifle firmly aimed at the tiger. "I swear to the G.o.ddess, Warden, you are a piece of work."

"Argue later. Find Ca.s.sidy now. Where is she?"

Iona reached down for him. "Upstairs. I'll show you."

Eric's heart lightened as he put his hand in hers and let her pull him to his feet. Mated. They'd help each other, always.

"Bring him," Eric said to Graham, the strength of command returning to his voice.

"Whatever." Graham scowled at the tiger. "We need to find some clothes to cover that semitruck between his legs."

The tiger growled as he got to his feet, but he was finished attacking, Eric saw in his eyes.

Eric walked up to him. The tiger made another soft snarl, but Eric didn't flinch. "We'll help you, my friend. But you obey me."

The tiger looked down at him, as tall as any bear s.h.i.+fter, a glint of defiance in his eyes. He pointed at Iona, never taking his gaze from Eric. "I follow her."

Eric felt momentary surprise, but then, it wasn't so surprising. Iona had been seriously kicking his a.s.s, she had promised to free him, and Tiger had heard Iona insist on making good on that promise. Small wonder this lone Feline would consider Iona his alpha.

"Works for me," Eric said lightly. "Iona, lead the way."

"And I follow you," Graham said from behind the tiger. "With this." He gave the tranq rifle a loving stroke.

Tiger eyed him not in fear but irritation, and turned to let Iona lead them out.

The building remained quiet as they followed Iona up the stairs. It was the middle of the night, yes, but the humans hadn't stationed any guards on this building apart from the one outside the front door. The walls were thick, the bas.e.m.e.nt deep, and apparently no sounds of their battle had reached the guard.

Eric wondered. When he'd been brought to Area 51 for experiments, he'd not been in this building, but a smaller one, with plenty of humans and military guards swarming it. This was an old building that looked as though it hadn't been used in a few decades, one guard, no backup, silence.

Iona told them about the lab upstairs and the people she'd knocked out. She calculated about twenty-five minutes had pa.s.sed since she'd done that.

"How about we go up and tranq them?" Graham suggested. "Give us another hour or so?"

"We get Ca.s.sidy first," Eric said, a little distracted by the fine shape of Iona's backside as she led them upward. "If Reid can take us all out of here quick enough, we might not have to worry about them."

Iona shot Eric a curious glance over her shoulder, not yet knowing about Reid's gift. She said nothing, however, as she led them out of the stairwell into a deserted corridor. They reached a door with a broken handle, which Iona opened into a hospital room.

Eric's blood boiled hot when he saw his sister stretched out on a bed, her hands and feet shackled in place. A mound of clean suit on her chest emitted a little coo.

"Eric!" Ca.s.sidy cried in relief, then her voice strengthened. "Let me out of here so I can kill whatever humans touched my cub."

Eric went quickly to her, leaning to embrace her in joy and relief. His embrace encompa.s.sed Amanda, who opened her infant eyes and burped.

Ca.s.sidy relaxed under Eric's touch, then she looked past him and stiffened. "What is that?"

She lifted her head to study the tiger, who stood uncertainly halfway inside the room, Graham still fixing the rifle on him. Tiger Man's gaze went to Amanda, and he drew a long, shuddering breath.

"Cub," he said, then his voice filled with sorrow. "They took mine."

"You had a cub?" Iona asked, shocked.

The tiger nodded. "He died." His gaze moved hungrily to Amanda again. "Can I see?"

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Shifters Unbound: Mate Claimed Part 35 summary

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