Shifters Unbound: Mate Claimed Part 40

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He'd dressed, walked around the hill to the road...and saw a fine backside sticking out of a bright red car. The backside was covered in thin white fabric, showing him faintly pink panties beneath.

Below the nice b.u.t.tocks were shapely legs, not too long, tanned by Texas sun. Heels that rose about half a mile made those legs even shapelier.

The woman had hair the color of winter-gold gra.s.s. She had a cell phone in her hand, but she waited, the other hand on her shapely hip, for him to answer her question.

Tiger climbed the slope from the gra.s.s to the road. She watched him come, unafraid, her trained on him.

Tiger wanted to see her eyes. If she was going to be his mate, he wanted to see everything about her.

And this woman would be his mate. No doubt about that. The scent that kicked into his nostrils, the way his heartbeat slowed to powerful strokes, the way his body filled with heat, told him that.

Connor had tried to explain that mating didn't happen like that for s.h.i.+fters. A s.h.i.+fter male got to know a female a little bit before he chose, and then he mate-claimed her. The mate bond could rear its head anytime before or after that, but it didn't always on first glance.

Tiger had listened to this wisdom without arguing, but he knew better. He wasn't an ordinary s.h.i.+fter. And this female, hand on one curved hip, wasn't an ordinary woman.

"Can you put the hood up?" Tiger asked her.

"I don't know," she said, frustrated. "This car is different from anything I usually drive. Hang on, let me check."

Her voice was a sweet little Texas drawl, not too heavy. A light touch, enough to make the heat crawl through Tiger's veins and go straight to his c.o.c.k.

The woman found a catch and worked the hood open, then dusted off her hands and peered at the inner workings without comprehension.

"Cla.s.sic car, my a.s.s." She scowled at it. "Cla.s.sic just means old."

Tiger looked inside. The layout was much different from the pickup he and Connor had been tinkering with all spring, but Connor had been teaching him a lot about vehicles. "Got a socket wrench?"

When he looked up at the woman, he saw her staring at him from behind the "Your eyes," she said. "They're..."


Tiger turned away before her scent convinced him to press her back against the side of the car. This was his mate, and he didn't want to hurt her. She wasn't a female someone had tossed into his cage to trigger his mating frenzy.

He wanted to take this slow, woo her a little. Maybe with something involving food. s.h.i.+fter males around here liked to cook for their mates, and Tiger liked the rituals.

She opened the back of the car and found a toolbox, which did have a set of socket wrenches. Tiger took one and reached inside the car, letting himself look for the silence in him that would lead him to the problem. He seemed to be able to sense what was wrong with engines, and how to coax them back to life. He couldn't explain how he did it-he just knew that cars and trucks didn't watch him, or fear him.

As he worked, the neck of his T-s.h.i.+rt slid down, baring the silver and black Collar that ran around his throat. The woman bent over to him, the top of her dress dangerously open, the warmth of her breath touching his cheek.

"Holy s.h.i.+t," she said. "You're a s.h.i.+fter."

"I know."

She lifted her and stared at him. Her eyes were clear green, flecked with a little gray. She stared at him frankly, in open curiosity, and without fear.

Of course she wasn't afraid of him. She was going to be his mate.

Tiger met her gaze, unblinking, binding her to him. Her eyes widened the slightest bit, as though she realized something had happened between them, but she didn't know what.

She restored her and straightened up. "I've never seen a s.h.i.+fter before. I didn't know y'all were allowed out of s.h.i.+ftertown."

Tiger picked up the wrench with one hand and moved the other to the timing belt chain, which had come loose from the gear. "We're allowed."

The repair needed both delicacy and strength, but Tiger finished quickly, leaning all the way inside and letting his fingers know what to do. He backed out and closed the toolbox. "Start it now."

The woman eagerly rushed to the car, slid inside, and cranked it to life. She emerged again, leaving the car running, while Tiger scanned a few more things. "The timing belt will hold for now, but the whole shaft is worn and needs to be replaced. Take the car home and don't use it again until it's fixed."

"Terrific. Armand is going to kill me."

Tiger didn't know who Armand was and didn't much care. He carried the toolbox to the back for her and closed the small trunk, then came back to close the hood.

He found her smiling at him on the other side of the hood as it came down. "You're kind of amazing, you know that?" she asked. "So what were you doing out in that field? Were you running around as a...Let me guess. Tiger?"

"What gave it away?" he asked dryly.

"Very funny. I've never met a man with striped hair and yellow eyes. Call it a clue. Anyway, you're a lifesaver. I'm Carly, by the way." She stuck out her hand then pulled it back from his now-greasy one. "Hang on. I think there's some wipes in here."

Carly leaned in through the pa.s.senger window again. Tiger stood still and enjoyed watching her, and when she came out, she had no doubt he'd been looking. "Like what you see?" she asked, her voice holding challenge.

Tiger saw no reason to lie. "Yes," he said.

"You sweet-talker." Carly pulled out two damp wipes for him.

Tiger took them and wiped off his hands. Wet wipes were familiar at least. Connor's aunt always made him clean up with them when he'd been working on the truck, before she'd let them back into the house.

"You need a ride to town?" Carly asked. "I'm going to have to go back and get another car. Serves me right for letting Ethan talk me into making an impression. Like I said, Armand's going to kill me, but I'm so late now, it's not going to matter."


Carly leaned toward him. "Yes, you want a ride? Or are you just being polite while I ramble?"

"The ride."

"Man of few words. I like it. Ethan, my fiance, can talk on and on and on about his family, his business, his day, his life, Ethan-his favorite topic."

Tiger stopped. "Fiance."

"Do s.h.i.+fters have fiances? It's what humans call the man they're going to marry."

Tiger wadded up the now-dirty wipes in his big hands. "I didn't know you'd have a fiance."

Carly opened the door of the running car as though she hadn't heard him. "Get in. Ethan's house is on the water-I know that's a long way from s.h.i.+ftertown, but I can always get you a taxi, or one of Ethan's many lackeys can run you home."

"Why are you marrying him?"

Carly shrugged. "Girl's got to marry someone, mostly so her mother stops mentioning it every five minutes. Ethan's a good catch." She smiled. "Besides, I'm in love with him."

No, she wasn't. The slight motion in her throat, the scent of nervousness as she replied gave the lie. She didn't love him. Tiger felt something like triumph.

He got into the car as Carly slid into the driver's seat inches away from him. Her fingers ran over the steering wheel as she made a competent u-turn on the still-empty road, and she drove, somewhat slowly, back toward the city.

Carly tried to talk to him. She liked to chatter, this female. Tiger was fine with sitting back and listening to her, scenting her, watching her.

As they neared town and the road started getting busier, Carly lifted her cell phone and called the man named Armand. She explained she'd be late then held the phone from her ear while a male voice on the other end yelled for a long time. Carly rolled her eyes at Tiger and smiled, unworried.

"Bark's worse than his bite," she said, clicking off the phone.

"I know some wolves like that."

Carly laughed, her red mouth opening. Tiger leaned in closer to her, not hard to do in this coffin of a car, and exhaled his scent onto her.

She glanced at him, again with the puzzlement of knowing something had happened, but not sure what. "It's dangerous to give strange men rides. I wonder why I'm not worried with you."

Because you're my mate. "Because I'd never hurt you."

She gave him another smile. "Well, you can't, can you? s.h.i.+fters are dangerous, but that's why you wear the Collar. Keeps you tame. You can't be violent with it."

Tiger could. This Collar was fake. It didn't have the technology or Fae magic that would send shocks through his system if he started to attack.

They'd tried to put a real Collar on him, and Tiger had nearly gone insane. Thank G.o.d the females and cubs hadn't been allowed to watch. Tiger might have gone for them, sensing their weakness. They concluded that Tiger should wear a fake Collar-not that the humans realized it was fake-and proceed from there.

This Collar would not stop Tiger from scooping up Carly and running off with her if he wanted to. He could sequester her, mate with her, soothe his need for her until they both collapsed in exhaustion.

Or he could be kind and wait for her to get used to him.

Carly kept up the conversation all the way up into the hills along the river. She pulled into a drive that arced in front of an enormous house, the mansion white with black shutters and black trim. Carly parked the car and emerged, and Tiger got out with her.

Gates on either side of the house led to the backyard, and Carly opened one, beckoning Tiger to follow. Tiger got in front of her and went through the gate first, his s.h.i.+fter instinct urging him to make sure the way was safe for her.

The backyard overlooked the river and the hills opposite it, where similar houses had a view of this one. A stair ran down the side of the hill to a private dock, where two boats bobbed.

A row of gla.s.s windows lined the back of the house, but the glare of the sun and tint of the windows kept Tiger from seeing inside. A man with pruning shears looked up from a bush at the corner of the house, then stood up in alarm as Carly reached for the handle of one of the gla.s.s doors.

"Ms. Randal, you don't want to go in there."

Carly turned to him, startled. Tiger tried to get around her to enter the house first, but Carly was too quick. She was opening the door and walking inside before he could stop her, and he had to settle for following a step behind her.

What Tiger smelled inside the house wasn't danger, however. It was s.e.x.

He saw why when he and Carly rounded a wall behind which stretched a huge kitchen. Cabinetry in a fine golden wood filled the walls, the long counters s.h.i.+ny granite. It was clean in here, no dishes cluttering the counters, no one cooking something that smelled good, no chatter and laughter as a meal was prepared.

A woman sat on top of the counter with her blouse open, her skirt up around her hips. A man with his pants around his ankles was thrusting hard into her, holding her bare legs around his thighs. Both humans were grunting and panting, and neither noticed Carly or Tiger.

Tiger stepped in front of Carly, trying to put his huge body between her and the scene. Carly stopped, her purse falling from nerveless fingers to the floor. "Ethan," she said in shock.

The man turned around. Tiger was growling, feeling the anguish of his mate in waves, the animal in him wanting nothing more than to kill the person who'd upset her.

The man jumped, his mouth dropping open, then he stumbled over his pants and had to catch himself on the counter.

"Carly, what the f.u.c.k are you doing here?" His gaze went to Tiger, whose fingers were sprouting the long, razor-sharp claws of the Bengal. "And who the h.e.l.l is he?"

Berkley Sensation t.i.tles by Jennifer Ashley.









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Shifters Unbound: Mate Claimed Part 40 summary

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