Shifters Unbound: Mate Claimed Part 39

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"He didn't know about you," Eric said, his voice a warm rumble. "He was one of the first s.h.i.+fters rounded up, and has been living in a s.h.i.+ftertown in Idaho ever since."

"You could have tried to find me," Penny said, tears in her voice. "You knew who I was. You could have tried."

"You were married, la.s.s," Ross McRae said. "You married the man you truly loved, and were happy. How could I take that from you?"

"But he died," Penny said. "And I was alone." She still had his hands, holding them as though she never wanted to let go.

"And I was a s.h.i.+fter with a Collar. Life with a s.h.i.+fter is hard, and I couldn't force you to live it. And I had no idea that one of your bairns was mine."

"I didn't know how to find you to tell you."

Iona's eyes burned as she listened to them. With a moan that wrenched from her heart, she pushed past her mother and flung her arms around her father.

Ross McRae's face streamed with tears as he swept Iona up into a tight hug. He held her there, shaking, while Eric's strong hand on Iona's back warmed her through.

"You can start making it up now, I think," Eric said. "I've put the procedures in motion to move you to this s.h.i.+ftertown, if that's what you want."

Ross lifted his head, his cheeks wet. "Do you want that, Pen?"

Penny nodded. "I think so."

Ross wrapped one arm around Penny while keeping Iona within the embrace of the other. "Thank you, Eric Warden," he said.

"My pleasure. Welcome to the family, Ross McRae. I love your daughter with all my heart. Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, lad," Ross said, trying to smile.

The look Eric bent on Iona had her heart speeding. "And now, if you don't mind," he said, "it's our full moon ceremony. Which means we have lots to do."

Ross relinquished Iona to him with a bit of reluctance. Eric instantly slid his arm around Iona as though he intended to be touching her in some way the rest of their lives.

Iona looked back as they started for the house. Her mother and Ross had turned to each other again, Ross enclosing Penny's hands in his.

"How did you do that?" Iona asked. "Find him for us?"

"The Guardian Network. Don't ask-I don't understand it all myself. Guardians are the keepers of information, and once Neal had a place to start, he found Ross fairly quickly. I think he's here to stay."

"Thank you," Iona said, heartfelt. "Thank you so much, Eric."

They'd reached the house. Eric pulled Iona inside its stuffy darkness and warmed her lips with his kiss. "I'm your mate. I do everything for you now."

Eric's hard body came against hers, his wanting obvious. Their kiss was quiet, the solitude of the house a soothing contrast to the wildness outside. Eric's firm, hot hands slid down Iona's back, and she scented his frenzy rising.

"Wait," she whispered. "Be careful. What if the pain comes?"

"It won't." Eric nipped her neck. "Not as long as I'm with you."

"What did you find out about it? That was why you went to see this Murdock, didn't you? Ca.s.sidy told me who he was."

"Come with me." Eric took Iona's hands and tugged her down the hall to Jace's bedroom-which was now theirs-but instead of making for the bed, he opened the secret door that led downstairs.

Eric took her into the stairwell and locked the door behind her, then led her down, not bothering with the lights, both of them seeing fine in the darkness.

He took her to one of the bedrooms in the hall, next to the one Jace had been using. This was a luxurious contrast to the rooms upstairs-a four-poster bed draped with airy hangings, a cavernous bathroom with a marble sunken bathtub, and a rug whose softness she felt under her sandals.

Eric lifted Iona to the edge of the bed and started unb.u.t.toning her blouse. "Dr. Murdock was the one researcher twenty years ago who actually felt sorry for me as he stuck needles into me and shocked me almost to death. Which made him, in that place, a nice guy. I did see him today, and he confirmed what was wrong with me. I told him he needed to cure me, and in return, I'd let him live. He agreed."

Iona's s.h.i.+fter felt a twinge of satisfaction at Eric's casual threat of violence. She'd grown enraged when Ca.s.sidy had told her that Dr. Murdock had been one of the researchers who'd experimented on Eric. Iona had been ready to run after Eric and claw the man herself. These people who treated s.h.i.+fters like lab animals-as they'd done to Tiger and had started to do to Amanda-deserved to be a little scared.

"And what did he say was wrong with you?" she asked.

Eric finished unb.u.t.toning Iona's blouse and pulled it open. She wasn't wearing a bra, and the cool air of the underground room touched her bare skin as Eric's gaze slid to it. He didn't ogle, he admired, warmed.

He slid the blouse off her and started on her skirt. "You were right, and Kellerman was right, that what was done to me was part of humans trying to make a super s.h.i.+fter, like the tiger. Only, they started with a full-grown s.h.i.+fter in my case. They planned to take off the Collar but keep me programmed with the pain if I turned violent, but only if I turned violent on them. They were thinking that with a series of remotes and implants they would control me with pain when they wanted to, or let me kill for them when they pointed me at their enemies."

Iona listened in anger and revulsion. "How could they do that?"

Eric shrugged. "They were humans who didn't know what to think when they discovered that shapes.h.i.+fters were real. What do humans always do when they find a new species of animal? Capture it, study it, tag it. Or kill it and hang its head on a wall."

"But what they did to you didn't work, did it? They stopped the experiments, obviously."

Eric pushed the loosened skirt down, and Iona wriggled her way out of it. She sat bare, in panties only, and reached for the b.u.t.tons on Eric's s.h.i.+rt. "They stopped the experiments because s.h.i.+fters' rights activists started to raise h.e.l.l. I told Murdock that what they were trying to do wouldn't ever work. The Collars are partly magic, not just technology-a half Fae s.h.i.+thead designed them. Murdock and his colleagues were trying to recreate the effect with biotechnology-just like the humans in Area Fifty-one were trying to recreate s.h.i.+fters themselves with biotech. They put an implant in me all right, one so tiny I never knew I had it. The implant was supposed to trigger a chemical reaction whenever I turned violent, but they never got the reaction right, and my Collar always went off before it did. Then they were forced to stop the experiments and let me go, so they never could fine-tune the implant."

Iona opened all Eric's b.u.t.tons and skimmed her hands inside his s.h.i.+rt. "But why did the pain go away for twenty years and then come back now?"

"Because I started learning how to control my Collar," Eric said. "When Jace began teaching me the meditation techniques to keep my Collar from reacting to my adrenaline, the little implant woke up. They'd never taken it out-either they forgot or hoped they could get around the new rules sooner or later and begin work on it again. Then the implant started malfunctioning-or maybe making up for lost time-who the h.e.l.l knows? Any adrenaline spike set it off, even small ones that wouldn't necessarily have triggered my Collar."

"I'm so sorry." Iona rubbed his warm, bare chest, hating how the pain had torn at him. "But Dr. Murdock is going to help you?"

"He started today." Eric shrugged the s.h.i.+rt off and turned to show her the deep gouge in his right shoulder blade, the wound already closed and scarring. "I told him to get his scalpel and dig the d.a.m.ned implant out of me. It was so tiny, like a dot. I couldn't believe something that small caused me that much pain."

"What did you do with it? You didn't let him keep it, did you?"

Eric's smile was feral. "I crushed it while he watched, appalled that I'd destroy something that unique and expensive. Then I told him to dredge through his memory for any other s.h.i.+fter he'd done this to, and find them, tell them, and fix them."

"Good," Iona said, her anger rising. "Good."

"He needs to give me a few injections, he said, to put my adrenaline balance back the way it should be," Eric said. "But it's a start. I already feel better."

Iona slid her fingers along the puckered skin of the gouge. "Are you sure there was only one implant?"

"He says so. I told him that if I discovered I had more, I'd come back and break his neck, so I'm pretty sure he told me the truth."

"Good," Iona said again.

Eric turned to face her again, stepping between her parted thighs, hands sliding up her arms. "But I would have died without your touch."

Iona caressed his chest, not liking that he'd gone through so much. "Are you sure you're all right?"

"Like I said, as long as I'm with you, I'll be fine. The touch of the mate, your touch, is what kept me from going insane, no matter how close I came." His breath warmed her cheek. "The G.o.ddess sent you right when I needed you. I can talk all I want about the science, but you're what keeps me alive. You always will be."

She leaned forward and kissed his chest, feeling the heat of his body, the pound of his heart under her lips. "Then I'll be here. I'll be here always."

"That was the plan." Eric's voice rumbled pleasantly around her. "Love you, Iona."

"Love you too." She slanted him a smile. "If you're feeling better, then I can do this..." She let her fingers become claws and lightly scratched him down his chest. "And this." She rocked up, his throat with her teeth, giving him another love bite.

"Mmm. You can do anything you want, love. It's not mating that hurt me, it was anger, and the need to protect you." He licked her cheek. "Mating just makes me a little wild."

Iona slanted a smile up at him. "Are these walls soundproof?"

His eyes flicked to s.h.i.+fter. "Why do you think I brought you down here?"

Eric pushed her back to the bed, tearing her panties off her as she went down. He unbuckled, unzipped, and got out of his pants, then climbed over her, naked, trapping her wrists above her head.

"I think we started this way," Iona said, her excitement rising.

"I held back," Eric said, a growl in his voice. "I didn't want to hurt you. I might have if I took you fully before you were my true mate." He came down to her. "Which you are now."

"And I always will be."

Eric's smile blazed, and the last vestiges of loneliness she'd seen in him vanished.

"And I'll always be yours, Iona." He nuzzled her. "Mate of my heart."

Iona's smile grew wicked. "Mate of my heart," she whispered. "With the best a.s.s." She drew her foot up the back of his leg. "Don't hold back now."

Eric's smile vanished. His weight pressed her down, his kiss hot and raw. He growled as he moved his mouth to her neck, nipping and biting, his c.o.c.k hard against her abdomen.

Iona twined her leg around his, urging him. Eric pulled her upright, still on his knees, and holding her hips, he slid her down onto him. She groaned in pleasure as he filled her, her fingers turning to claws to dig into his shoulders. Eric widened her, filling her, winding up her mating frenzy until she wanted to scream with it.

His growls continued, the male s.h.i.+fter finding his pleasure in his mate. He held her hard against him, Eric kneeling back, their bodies entwined, face-to-face. Eric nipped and kissed her, his c.o.c.k high and hard inside her.

Then the joining grew wild. Iona never knew exactly what happened, but they were grappling with each other, licking, biting, laughing, shouting. The mate bond twined around Iona's heart as their frenzy grew, changing her mating hunger into pure bliss.

"I love you." Iona was never sure if she yelled it or whispered it.

Eric's leopard eyes shone hot and green. "I love you, Iona. Mate of my heart."

She was on her back now, with her mate on top of her, his warm weight making her rejoice. Her mating frenzy floated into the darkness as the mate bond grew, binding her forever to this man, this leader, this protector she loved with all her heart.

The panther inside Iona smiled and gave a little rumble of satisfaction.

Turn the page for a special preview of the next s.h.i.+fters Unbound novel by Jennifer Ashley TIGER MAGIC.

Coming June 2013 from Berkley Sensation!

"No, no, no, no, not today. You can't do this to me today!"

But the car died anyway.

It throbbed onto the shoulder of the empty highway, bucked twice, and gurgled to silence.

"Aw, d.a.m.n it." Carly's four-inch heels emerged from the car, followed by tanned legs and a tight white sheath dress. She glared down at the vehicle, the Texas wind tugging her light brown hair out of its careful French braid.

She'd have to be wearing white. Carly jammed her hands on her hips and skewered the Corvette with her enraged stare.

Take the 'Vette, her fiance Ethan had said. It's a big day. You want to make an entrance. He'd been in a hurry to get Carly out of the house, so he'd pressed the keys into her hand and pushed her out the door.

Carly had agreed with him-the artist they were showcasing liked cla.s.sic cars, and he was doing an exclusive with their gallery. Buyers were already lined up. Carly's commission would be enormous.

If she could get there. Carly kicked one of the tires in rage, then danced back. Her shoes were substantial but that still hurt.

Perfect. Ethan could be generous-and he had the filthy richness to do it-but he also forgot little details like making sure cars got tuned up.

"His lazy highness can just come and get me then." Carly went around to the pa.s.senger side of the car and leaned in through the open window to grab her cell phone from her purse.

Today. This had to happen, today. Still bent into the car, she punched numbers with her thumb, but the phone made the beeping noise that indicated it was out of range.

"No effing way." Carly backed out of the car and raised the phone high. "Come on. Find me a signal."

And then she saw him.

The man stood about ten feet from the car, not on the road, but in the tall Texas gra.s.s beside it. Being late spring, that gra.s.s was full of blue, yellow, and white flowers, and this being Hill Country, the gra.s.s was a nice vivid green.

It wasn't every day a girl saw a tall hunk of a man, shoulders broad under a black and red SoCo Novelties T-s.h.i.+rt standing by the side of the road. Watching her.

Really watching her. His eyes were fixed on her, not in the dazed way of a transient wandering around in an alcoholic haze, but looking at her like no human being had looked at her before.

He wasn't scruffy like a transient either. His face was shaved, his body and clothes clean, jeans mud-free despite him having walked through the field. And he must have walked through the field, because she sure hadn't seen him on the road.

His hair...Carly blinked as the strong suns.h.i.+ne caressed sleek hair that was orange and black. Not dyed orange and black-dye tended to make hair matte and stark. This looked entirely natural, sunlight picking up highlights of red orange and blue black.

She knew she should be afraid. A strange guy with tiger-striped hair popping out of nowhere, staring at her like that should terrify her. But he didn't.

He hadn't been there when Carly had first stopped the car and climbed out. He must have arrived when she'd bent over to get the phone, which meant he'd seen every bit of her round backside hugged by her skintight white dress.

This stretch of road was deserted. Eerily so. The streets in Austin were always packed, but once in Hill Country, it was possible to find roads empty of traffic, such as the one she drove to get to the art gallery every day.

There was no one out here, no one speeding down the straight road to rescue her. No one out here but herself in now-rumpled white and the tall man staring at her from the gra.s.s.

"Hey!" Carly shouted at him. "You know how to fix a car?"

He didn't have a name. He didn't have a clan. He'd had a mate, and a cub, but they'd died and the humans who'd held him captive for forty years had taken them away. They hadn't let him say good-bye, hadn't let him grieve.

Now he lived among other s.h.i.+fters, brought to this place of humidity, heat, and colorful hills. He only felt completely well when he was running in his tiger form, way out in the back country where no one would see him. He usually ran at night, but today, he hadn't been able to stay in the confines of the house, or s.h.i.+ftertown. So he'd gone.

He'd left his clothes hidden behind a little hill at the side of this road. Connor was supposed to pick him up, but not for a couple more hours, and Connor was often late. Tiger didn't mind. He liked being out here.

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Shifters Unbound: Mate Claimed Part 39 summary

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