Knight: Over The Edge Part 19

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Opening my eyes so I can see Cole's face I am almost regretting that I didn't keep them shut. Cole is watching me with an emotion clear on his face and deep in his eyes. Whatever it is, I am seeing right now scares the s.h.i.+t out of me. I quickly close my eyes again as if that is magically going to erase what I just saw. My hair being pulled causes my eyes to jerk open, Cole is not letting me get away with not looking at him. My head is effectively lifted, and our lips meet in a searing kiss. My second o.r.g.a.s.m runs through me.

"Was that number two Kitten?" he asks a little smugly, yet he hasn't stopped his rhythmic movements once.


He keeps working his c.o.c.k in me his pace picking up a little now. Number three is building up in me. I need to stop giving him the satisfaction of multiple Oh wait, I can't control that and why would I want to, they are f.u.c.king awesome. Now I am maintaining eye contact with Cole. I should be terrified by what I'm feeling. I should be scared s.h.i.+tless, but I am fearless and at peace.

"Are you close?"

"Yes" I mumble.

"Ask Kitten,"

I gaze deep in his eyes searching for something, "Ask me if you can c.u.m?"

Finding the answer, I am looking for in his eyes I ask, "May I c.u.m?"


WTF! Oh, Lord I have to distract myself from the fact his c.o.c.k is plunging deep inside and hitting my sweet spot. I bite my lip. I want to please Cole by obeying him. That's new for me. He moves at the pace he knows will bring me to an o.r.g.a.s.m. This is not good. I'm not going to be able to control myself. I really don't want to disappoint Cole. His pace begins picking up again a groan of pleasure escapes his lips. I can tell he is close to his own release.

It crosses my mind briefly; oh, no he's not going to let me have number three. He's going to bring me to the edge and leave me there.

"c.u.m for me Kitten" those spoken words are all it takes as a primal scream leaves me and o.r.g.a.s.m three rocks my body to the core. Three more skin slapping thrusts and Cole is pulling out.

"That should do it."

I lay on the bed my body a quaking mess from that last o.r.g.a.s.m. What am I doing? Is this smart? Should I be letting myself fall back in love with Cole?

Cole tosses my clothes on the bed as he walks into the bathroom. It takes me fifteen minutes to get dressed. Cole isn't saying much, but there is a smug smile on his face. I have the urge to throw something at him just to wipe it off. Truthfully though, I don't have the energy right now I would love nothing more than to curl up and go to sleep right where I am. Is this the post o.r.g.a.s.mic bliss I have read about? I have to finish getting dressed and we have to go back downstairs for dinner with the family.

My shoes seem to be mocking me from where they lay across the room I keep waiting for them to come to me. Again my hair is yanked which lifts me straight off the bed; my shoes are forgotten as I look up into Cole's eyes. The need to control me is s.h.i.+ning through right now. He makes sure my head is level with his groin, but I fight to stand up fully. Cole pushes me back down. I briefly consider fighting him, but instead I submit.

"Good Kitten" with those words I am lifted by my hair until his lips take mine in a tender kiss.

This Cole, the one who wants to control me in the bedroom is H.O.T., but he scares the s.h.i.+t out of me too. I don't want to be submissive. There is this little voice in my head that tells me that submission means he doesn't respect me. Intellectually, I know how a Dom/sub relations.h.i.+p works. It's all about real respect for one another. Personally though I am still internally struggling with it. I don't know why I equate the submission he is asking for with a lack of respect his tender after care tells me a different story. This whole type of relations.h.i.+p is new to me. The dynamics of how it works is still new to me. There is no denying that I find it a turn on. My body is the most responsive it has ever been in my life.

I'm scared of a relations.h.i.+p with Cole, but I am even more afraid not to try again. This is my second chance at a life with Cole and I'd be a fool to let that go without exploring it thoroughly. It's time to find out if Cole and I are the real thing.

As Cole walks with me toward the hall, he pulls me to a stop. He places another sweet tender kiss on my lips. I'm still uneasy about what is happening between Cole and me. There is something that has changed in Cole the last few years. He never had the need to be so dominate in the bedroom before. Does it have to do with my leaving him? Is that what changed him? Cole grabs my hand and tugs me to follow him. Which I do. We head back to join the family.

As we walk into the family room I pause for a moment as eyes turn toward us. There is a glint of humor in those eyes. Yea, everyone knows what Cole did upstairs to calm me down. Act normal, don't let it bother me. Cole tugs me behind him once again as he makes his way to the empty love seat in the room. He motions for me to sit. I look at him strangely, but I sit down. He takes the seat beside me.

"Now that Kat's calm," Bruce looks at me knowingly "Maybe we can talk about what happened tonight."

"You mean besides the fact your sons and the rest of the family did something foolish," I ask sweetly.

"Katarina, it was needed. We have to start finding out who the rat is."

"Yea Kat, it's important it should lead us straight to Sal," Justin pipes in.

All eyes cut to Luke as he speaks up, "Hunter and I got the list of guys with Justin tonight being tracked by cell records right now. Once you figure out the next step to narrowing that down to whatever number than we can do more extensive surveillance on that group."

"Next week we'll set up another fake drop. We'll use drugs instead of guns this time," Cole says to the group "I'm determined to figure this out in the next two weeks."

I sigh. These guys are going to wind up hurt or worse killed in their efforts to get Sal. They are acting a little reckless. I can't figure out why there is not more planning being put into this.

"Why are y'all being so reckless?"

"Kitten it's not reckless, it's taking care of a threat to you."

"Oh so that's supposed to make me feel better? Y'all are going to get yourselves killed over me?"

"NO one is going to get killed."

Cole faces me. His eyes stare intently into mine. He's so full of pa.s.sion right now.

I drop the subject, I can see I will get nowhere with them right now.

Seth runs into the room plopping on the love seat between Cole and me. I can't help the snicker that comes out when Cole has to move away from me to allow room for his brother.

"d.a.m.n little brother always stealing my girl," he mumbles.

I belly laugh at his comment. It releases the left over tension in me. I will deal with Drew being shot. I will deal with the guys being in danger and somehow I will deal with the new, dominate, rougher Cole in the bedroom. As much as I hate to admit it right now, all the danger and change is making me feel more alive than I have in years.

Chapter 19.

Every day is the same. I wake up next to Cole, go the hospital to be near Drew, and fall asleep next to Cole at night. The days drag by as Drew only wakes occasionally, but does not remain awake for long.

My constant companion at the hospital is Gracie, whom I found out Drew had recently begun dating. Every spare moment she isn't working, she is by his side. My respect for her grows daily as I see her sitting by my brother's side holding his hand. She is a sweet girl and way too good for my brother. How he landed this girl is beyond my comprehension. I mention it to Cole one time and regretted it instantly.

"According to your brother, sweet little bookworm Gracie is not so innocent behind closed doors."

EW! That was not an image I wanted in my head.

Spending time with Gracie each day allows us to begin bonding. I am privileged with stories of her attending high school with Drew and Cole. She admits to being a nerdy bookworm who was intimidated by them. Then one day she drops a bomb.

"I always thought your brother was hot, but we were headed two different directions back then. He was working for the Knights and I was headed off to college."

Wow, she had crushed on my brother as far back as high school. This girl really was too good for my brother. I love my brother but his track record with women didn't leave much to be desired. To have a girl like Gracie loving him he should feel pretty d.a.m.n special. I sure hope he realized how lucky he is to have her.

"I don't know how much more time I can afford off work to be here for Drew though" she tells me that afternoon.

I am curious to how someone so smart ended up a waitress in a diner. She mentioned plans for college. It's apparent that didn't happen for her.

"What happened Gracie? Why didn't you go to college?"

"My first semester of college, my father pa.s.sed away. He had no insurance and there was no savings. My parents lived paycheck to paycheck. I was the oldest of five kids. I dropped out of school and came back home to help my mom"

She leans her elbows on my brother's bed as she tells me her story.

"My siblings are 21, 18, 16, and 11."

"Wow, I can't imagine having so many siblings much less being responsible for them".

"Yea, my mom got a job immediately at the diner, but it wasn't enough to support all of us. I went to work at the diner too and been there ever since. Mom and I work every s.h.i.+ft we can to pay the bills and help my brother and sister who are in college. Plus my two younger brothers keep us busy with sports."

I don't know if it's because she is dating Drew, or if it's just something about her that makes me like her, but I want to help her. I am sure that one of the Knight owned companies has a job that comes with better pay, better hours, and better benefits. Maybe even something for her mother. Cole will call me soft. Even try to use it as a way to keep me from being part of Sal's undoing. However I can't stop myself from caring about people. Especially if I let them through my defenses and like them.

"Will Drew be going back home when he leaves the hospital?" Gracie asks me.

"Bruce's planning to take him back to the Knight's house. In fact, a room is being set up for him already"


"Gracie you'll be welcome anytime." I tell her softly.

This soft spoken girl maybe in over her head with the Knights. She'd be smart to run far from the Knights, and the a.s.sociated dangers. I find myself instinctively wanting to protect her even though she is older than I am. There is a gentleness to her, an innocence that should be preserved.

A few days later Drew finally wakes up. I'm ready to knock him back out. Gracie on the other hand has the patience of a saint with my brother. Drew is a horrible patient. Drew is furious he is stuck in a hospital bed while the rest of the guys are trying to find the rat. He's even more upset when he finds out there is a hit out on me, and the rest of the family isn't safe.

Cole asks me to stick close to Drew. He thinks I will keep drew calmer. I'm not sure that is true. I honestly believe Gracie has a lot of influence on my brother. She seems to be able to control the beast in him.

"Drew, shut the f.u.c.k up already."

I yell at my brother one afternoon after listening to him rant for twenty minutes about the situation.

"What the h.e.l.l Kat?"

"I'm so sick of your mouth running. If you spent as much energy on your physical therapy as you do running that mouth you'd already be at Bruce's recovering."

"Love you too sis" is his calm, but amused reply.

I chuckle.

"I love you too Drew... but seriously."

We fall into a comfortable silence. Gracie comes bustling in the room. Drew's eyes light up and his face softens. It's funny watching my brother head over heels for a girl. I revaluate my brother's ability to settle down the more I watch him and Gracie interact with one another.


"Shut up Katarina."

"No need to get ugly Drew. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone for a little bit. I need to make some calls to California anyway."

I walk out into the hallway where Rocco is sitting in a chair by the door. At some point over the last few days someone on the nursing staff got Rocco a chair to sit in. They must have felt sorry for him.

"Rocco, walk outside with me, I have to make some calls and it'll give the lovebirds time together."

"All you d.a.m.n fools being happy in love, I hope no one expects me to be next" he grumps.

I laugh.

"With your sunny disposition, I'm surprised we don't have to beat women away from you"

"Humph" is the only sound Rocco makes as we continue down the hallway.

I'm thankful the hospital has an outdoor courtyard area with tables and chairs. That is where I head to make my calls I pull out my cell phone and call Miguel's number. I spend the next thirty minutes talking to Miguel making sure he has everything he needs. One of the jobs I did on the west coast for Bruce was manage Miguel's career. I also made sure his living arrangements were suitable to a prize fighter sponsored by the Knights.

"So, you've everything you need?"

"Other than you in my bed I'm good."


"What you can't blame me for trying" he laughs.

"Well, I'm taken now."

"What? Luke don't count... you two are just bed warmers for each other."

Silence comes over the line when I don't say anything.

"Wait there is someone besides Luke and its serious already? Holy s.h.i.+t, you're back with Cole."

I laugh nervously.

"Yea, something like that."

Miguel and I Talk a little bit more about his career. As we get ready to hang up I speak from my heart.

"Miguel I have loved working with you. I'm going to miss you but I won't be back. I'll make sure I help find you a new manager who cares about you like I do."

Deep in my heart I know I'm home where I belong. I won't be leaving Belmont.

After I hang up with Miguel. I make my next call to Charles. I have to let him know that I won't be returning to the West Coast. I dread when I make the same call to his wife Lori. The only reason I will be back is to pack up my belongings and attend Liam and Ali's wedding.

After finis.h.i.+ng my calls Rocco and I sit and enjoy the summer sun for a bit. We talk a little about everything that has been going on. While we talk, a figure approaches us. Women's heads turn to watch him walk by. His muscles ripple as he walks. His stature screams power, money and even commands respect.

A small smile spreads across my lips as I watch my man coming toward us. Yes, my man. Cole and I haven't had a conversation about it, but there is no need. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that Cole and I are meant only for each other. That's why dating never worked for me out in California. I tried a few times, but I was never comfortable. It was always a struggle to even pretend I was interested in anything serious. That's why Luke turned out to be such a great friend he could take care of an itch when I had it, but I didn't have to do a relations.h.i.+p. My heart has always and would always belong to Cole Knight.

"Rocco" he nods his head as he walks up. "Kitten."

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Knight: Over The Edge Part 19 summary

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