Knight: Over The Edge Part 31

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"I'm fine it's just a flesh wound."

"You shot Cole."

I can barely speak through clenched teeth.

"Do you know how big of a mistake you just made?"

"Oh f.u.c.k."

My brother says before I hear chairs back from the table.

However, before anyone can make a move I react so quickly, I shock everyone in the room most of all myself.

I reach down grab Cole's gun from his waist and unlock the safety. Everyone pauses when they hear the familiar click.

"You don't have the b.a.l.l.s b.i.t.c.h."

"Really mother f.u.c.ker? Think again."

My finger pulls the trigger I feel the kick back of the handgun as the bullet leaves the chamber landing squarely in Gary's forehead.

"Kitten, hand me my gun."

Cole says from somewhere as the ringing in my ears lessens I focus on him standing beside me. Reaching for his gun. I hand it back to him.

"Katarina, you can't go around killing people, it's not healthy" Bruce says to me.

I look at him like he's lost his mind, but maybe I'm the one who has lost mine.

"He shot Cole!"

I say as I walk over to Gary's' body kicking it slightly to make sure he is dead. Justin who is already beside him says "you killed him with one shot."

"Good find his phone" I tell Justin.

"His phone, what the f.u.c.k for?"

"Just do it!"

The guys are all watching me warily. They want to say something but don't know what to say.

Justin hands me the phone I begin scrolling through the contacts finding the one I want.

A voice yells "Did you stop the b.i.t.c.h?"

"No motherf.u.c.ker he didn't. Your boy is DEAD!"


"That's right mother f.u.c.ker, and I got one thing to say to you GAME ON!"


Julie's POV Things have been weird around the house the last couple of days. Security is beefed up. Kat's flipped her s.h.i.+t. She walks around mumbling stuff about people f.u.c.king shooting Cole getting what they deserved. The family didn't keep Luke and me in the dark when we got home from our evening with Seth. There were crews in my dad's office still cleaning up when we arrived.

We are all worried about Kat. It's as if some switch was flipped in her the night Gary shot Cole and she in turn killed Gary.

Luke and I talk about it at length.

"It's like she shut off something."

"Yea her humanity" Luke replies.

"What? No! She still cares."

"She cares babe, but not like you do. All she sees right now is anyone who's a threat to her family. She shut down similar to this when she lost the baby."

"Do you think we'll ever see the old Kat back?"

"It's hard to say. They say killing someone changes a person forever no matter what the reason."

Luke holds me tightly in his arms. Tears pool in my eyes as I think about my sister down the hall. Maybe Cole will help her find the balance she needs. I mean he's killed lots of people and walks around fine. What a terrible way for me to want things to turn out.

The shock of Gary being the traitor is still reverberating the walls of the mansion. What members of the Family know are also shocked by it.

I just want peace to reign in our home again. That will not happen until Sal Martin is taken care of. He damaged me as a teenager and meeting Luke has been the first thing to bring me true happiness since it happened. I was terrified of giving my heart to Luke and what might happen to us in the future but for now he made me happy.

I meet Kat in the hallway headed to breakfast the next morning.

"Morning Kat."

"Mornin'" She replies, but the look in her eyes scares me. It's like she is dead but more alive than ever. It's indescribable. There is a light that died in her eyes, but another kind of pa.s.sion has been born. A darker side. One that has only revenge on its mind.

"What are you doing today?" I ask.

"I don't know yet." She looks at me "I may spend some time with Seth."

"That would be good, he's been asking for you."

"Yea, I know" she sighs "I had to clear my head before I could be around him. He doesn't need to be tainted anymore then he has to be"

"He's a Knight, he was born to survive this lifestyle."

"This lifestyle is not one you choose that's for sure."

"No, I guess it isn't."

I watch her closely as we walk into the dining room. She grabs her a cup of coffee before sitting down next to Cole. He leans over and kisses her lips sweetly.

"Good morning Kitten."

"Morning Cole."

Their exchange is enough to make me smile at least they are still normal. The more Kat is normal the more at ease I become.

"You need to eat breakfast."

I hear Cole's voice.

"I can't I already feel like throwing up."

"That's why you don't need to be part of this s.h.i.+t."

"Whatever Cole I'm not backing out you can forget it."

"You will if it's making you sick."

"f.u.c.k you a.s.shole."

Yep my brother and his girlfriend were acting more than normal with each other.

"Can we not have this conversation at the breakfast table?"

My dad calls from his seat at the head of the table.

"Fine with me."

Kat replies while sticking her tongue out at Cole. I giggle I can't help it.

"Something funny, Julie?" My dad asks.

"Sorry, no dad" I keep giggling.

He looks at me strangely. That only makes me laugh harder.

"Sorry, I've been stressed and I'm cracking a little" I tell my dad honestly.

Luke walks in and sits down beside me.

"Good morning everyone."


I reply to him feeling the blush on my cheeks. d.a.m.n why do I blush every time I talk to him? It's bad enough Cole and Kat know that I'm sleeping with Luke I don't need the rest of my family finding out. Not to mention my dad would flip out on Luke and me both.

"She was laughing because Kat stuck her tongue out at Cole."

Justin chimes in.

"f.u.c.king tattle tale" Kat calls out.

"Way to rat us out Justin" I say to my twin.

"What I was just being honest" he says a smile playing on his face.

"Did you stick your tongue out at me?" Cole asks Kat.

"Yea what you going to do about it?" she replies smartly.

"Remember what I said would happen next time you did that?"

I watch as Kat blushes I'm glad I'm not the only one.

"d.a.m.n Kat" Justin smirks "That good huh?"

"Shut up Justin."

"Make me."

Oh lord it's going to be one of those days where everyone acts like a bunch of immature kids.

"Bruce do we have any duct tape?"

Everyone turns to Kat as she asks my dad this question.

"For what?"

"I need to fix something."

"It's in the kitchen."

I watch as Kat runs off to the kitchen and soon comes back with a roll of duct tape in her hands. I watch as she tears off a piece and walks up behind Justin. Wham, smacks it across his lips hard.

"There all fixed."

Laughter rings out around the room. The tension is broke and things are semi normal for us. There is a sense of hope for the first time in a long time. Hopefully, we can get through this war without too much loss.


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Knight: Over The Edge Part 31 summary

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