Knight: Over The Edge Part 5

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My first semester of college was h.e.l.l. I was a roller coaster of emotion. I spent months in depression over my miscarriage. A depression that no one but Luke knew about. It probably would have been worse if I had not had Luke by my side. Ali and Liam were there too, they just had no clue why their friends.h.i.+p was so important to me.

Time truly can be your friend. I returned from Christmas break in Vegas with Drew, I stayed busy between, the Sorority and Frat parties. My roommate Terry never improved, there were many occasions I thought I was going to have to ask Rocco to help me hide her body.

I reflect on the past year as I prepare for the final party to be held at the Frat house for the year. A night of drunk h.o.r.n.y Frat guys. .h.i.tting on me. Luke did his best to warn them off, but it never really stopped them. There were so many of these nights I was reminded of just how lonely I was.

In two days I would head to Vegas to meet the Knights minus Cole. We would spend a week together before Julie and I headed off for a summer tour of South America. I was still acting immature when it came to seeing Cole. I wasn't ready and my therapist was constantly telling me one day I would have to face him again. I knew she was right, but today was not that day.

Tonight, per instructions, I had paired a PBT tank top with a pair of shorts. This is what it meant to be part of Greek life. Greek Life wasn't much different from life with the Knight family. There were many unwritten rules, and you didn't question them. You did as you were instructed or suffered the consequences. Although, I am sure PBT would not murder you over an infraction. The thought of my sorority sisters squealing over blood being on them sends me into fits of laughter. Luke walks into my room just at that moment.

"Ah, she has finally cracked," he says with much amus.e.m.e.nt. He comes up behind me. "Beautiful, as always" he whispers next to my ear. Chills cover my body.

I hate when Luke does this to me these days. My resolve is crumbling after nine months of celibacy. I'm ready to feel the touch of a man. I'm so h.o.r.n.y, I want to scream at Luke to f.u.c.k me senseless. My therapists is full of ideas of why I have not moved on. I tend to ignore her when she brings up Cole in our sessions. It always comes back to that a.s.shole.

"I was picturing the sisters as cold blooded killers."

I tell him with a laugh stepping away from him to give myself some breathing room. Luke and his flirting is having an effect on me. I don't know what to think about that. Tonight maybe the night to have a random hook up. Maybe if I just jump in feet first so to speak it won't hurt as bad. There is absolutely no reason for me to keep holding on to memories.

Luke grabs me pulling me toward him into a big hug "Are you ready to go Shorty?" He asks while squeezing me.

Luke is not who I would have picked to become my confidant the first day I met him. However, our friends.h.i.+p was true and pure. We cared about each other. Ours was a friends.h.i.+p that would withstand time. He knew my secrets, and I knew his. We trusted one another without question. Charles was working closer and closer with the Knight organization and Luke was already taking part in that side of his father's firm. It was another bond we had, our connection to the Knight organization. Something no one outside of it would understand. Luke and I talked many times over when it would be time to bring Liam in on things.

Even thousands of miles away I am still deeply connected to the Knights. Right after the Christmas break I cemented my bond with the Knight Family. Luke and I drove to a tattoo parlor one night, and I had the Knight s.h.i.+eld tattooed on my back. Surrounding the s.h.i.+eld were a bunch of girly swirlies as Luke liked to call them. I'll never forget about a month after the tattoo had healed Luke was looking at it.

"What the f.u.c.k Kat?" he exclaimed.

"What?" I ask having no clue what has him so worked up.

"Cole's name is inked on this swirl."

"Oh yea."

Yep, I was that girl. I had Cole's name forever inked on me around my s.h.i.+eld. You had to be looking at the ink closely to see it. It figures Luke would see it. He didn't say much else about it, but I could tell he was perplexed by my doing it.

"Let's go," I say to Luke as I check one last time to make sure I had everything I would need for the night.

"Off for another night of whoring?" Terry calls out. I roll my eyes, not bothering to correct her misconceptions of what happens when I go out.

"Staying in for another night of shoving that stick farther up your a.s.s?" I taunt back. I hear her huff as Luke chuckles by my side.

"You are hateful to her," he tells me as he opens the door for us to head out. This is a surprise to him why? It's not as if Terry and I get along. This was the worst roommate pairing ever.

I look back at him over my shoulder.

"Yes, because she's so nice to me. I mean she just called me a wh.o.r.e."

He thinks she is pretty so it blinds him. I guess I would think she was too if she wasn't so hateful to me. She stands 5'10" and has the body of a cover model. She is thin and has honey blonde hair that sweeps past her shoulders. I could easily see her being featured on the cover of Vogue one day.

The party is in full swing as Luke pulls up in front of the Frat house in his truck. I'm surprised to see a few guys sitting in chairs in Luke's parking s.p.a.ce who quickly move when they see the truck. Smart thinking for Luke to plan ahead to keep his spot available for him.

He swings an arm across my shoulders as we walk to the front of the house. The front lawn is littered with students. Small groups stand around talking. Other groups are making fools of themselves they are so drunk. This is the first time all year I'm eager to walk into one of these parties. I do not have hat familiar sense of dread taking hold of me. I am a.s.saulted with the loud music and smell of beer. I faintly smell pot. People are everywhere there is hardly room to move, so many bodies are pressed into each room. The majority are not brothers or sisters, but everyone crashes the Greek parties.

Luke and I move through the front of the house. The inside is crowded and we have to squeeze past the throngs of drunk students inside the front rooms. Luke leads me toward the back of the house to the game room. The game room is the private area for the fraternity top dogs. The officers are the only ones with the code to open the lock on the two double doors. The only time someone came in this room is if they were an officer or invited by an officer. "The brothers" had come to accept me being with Luke. I think it still clearly surprised everyone that we weren't sleeping together.

As we step through I hear Ali shout, "Yay! My sister's here!" I smile as my bubbly friend heads for me. I wonder how much she has drank as she appears pretty tipsy. She throws her arms around me. "You got to come do jello shots with me." As she tugs me toward a table set up with shots. That explains a lot.

"How many do I need to catch up with you?"

I ask her, smiling as I let her lead me to the table.

"About six."

Liam says walking up beside his girlfriend with a smile on his face. I love how he absolutely adores Ali, no matter what.

I pick a shot up off the table, suck it down, and immediately grab another. Slamming two shots back was only the beginning of my night. At some point, I down four more shooters and at least five or six beers. I am drunk. I scan the room as I talk to Ali, I'm looking for a face, a guy that calls to my instinct to mate. I am going to get laid, I don't care if it's a quickie in the bathroom at this point.

"Heeeey" Ali calls to me "Are youuu okay?" she slurs. I smile lazily at her.

"I'm fine, I'm just looking for someone to hump n dump," I tell her. Her mouth drops open.

She stares at me as if I just told her that I was a genius or something. "You're going to have s.e.x?" She finally asks.

"I'm so f.u.c.king h.o.r.n.y, and my vibrator isn't doing the job anymore," I tell her. The filter completely gone from my mouth since I am so drunk. I keep scanning the room and a couple guys who have potential stand out. They are known for being and wouldn't want any attachment any more than I would. I make my way over to the first one to feel out the situation.

Obviously the alcohol goggles were hindering my vision, or I would have noticed Luke was with the group of I was checking out. I can't stop heading their direction because that would look even more suspicious, so I pretend I am coming over to talk to Luke and still size up potential number one.

"Luuuuke" I call. He turns toward me smirking.

"Shorty, you're f.u.c.king wasted" he says me with a playful smirk.

Even though he is drinking, I can tell he is keeping himself paced and sober. He is no fun. He's already getting old and stuffy at the ripe old age of twenty.

"I'm wasted! I'm also h.o.r.n.y!"

Oops, I guess I shouldn't have said that aloud. I hear the guys chuckle and manwh.o.r.e number one starts to open his mouth to say something.

"Dude don't even,"

Luke tells him a little p.i.s.sed off. I can't stop the giggle that erupts from me.

"Come on Shorty."

Luke lifts me up off the ground and tossing me over his shoulder.

"Hey, where you taking me? I need to get laid." a smack on the a.s.s greets me. "That hurt," I say with a slight pouty tone.

"Shut your mouth before someone takes you serious" he tells me. He walks out of the game room with me and begins heading upstairs.

"I am serious," I tell him as I turn to were I can semi see his face. "It's been f.u.c.king nine months, I need a hard c.o.c.k thrusting in me."

"Kat, would you shut the f.u.c.k up," he shouts.

"f.u.c.k, you're moody," I laugh.

We are quiet as we continue into his room, which he has to unlock. Thankfully, the guys all have single rooms in the house. He sets me down carefully. I sway a little from the effects of the alcohol and the jostling of him carrying me all the way upstairs. I move over to his bed and flop down on it, on my back. My hand begins rubbing my stomach and I pull my s.h.i.+rt up as I rub my hand up my own body. I need a man's touch so bad right now.

"Kat stop" he tersely speaks. Even in my drunken stupor I can tell he is turned on, I know that look on a guy's face well.

"f.u.c.k you! You stopped me from getting lucky."

"I stopped you from regretting the morning after."

He is standing across the room from me. I don't know what possess me, but I sit up and yank my s.h.i.+rt up over my head. Only in my shorts and a beautiful black lace bra, that match the thong I am wearing under my shorts.

"Shorty" he groans out.

Oh yes, Luke is fighting his reaction to my body. I reach behind me and unhook my bra. I dispose of the bra. My plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s are on display for Luke's viewing pleasure.

"Well, since you won't let me get lucky with one of your boys." I cup my b.r.e.a.s.t.s in my hands squeezing them, eliciting a groan from Luke "Guess you're finally getting your wish."

"Not like this Kat" he tells me his breathing a little heavy.

"I'm aware enough of what I'm doing Luke. I won't regret this."

I say while sliding off his bed and dropping my shorts. I bend over to pick them up, giving Luke a perfect view of my a.s.s as I bend over. As I stand up, I slide off my panties very slowly. I am standing there completely naked. I slowly turn toward Luke, and despite the fact that he is trying to be n.o.ble. I can tell he is turned on.

"Kat," he groans out "You're killing me. f.u.c.k! I'm only human."

"I want you to f.u.c.k me" I purr.

I move across the room toward him. I get right up to him and tug at the hem of his s.h.i.+rt, and he doesn't fight when I pull it up and over his head.

"Touch me, Luke."

It doesn't take long before he pulls me to him. My b.r.e.a.s.t.s press against his naked chest.

"I'm going to h.e.l.l."

Luke says right before his mouth claims mine. Even though it's been forever since I kissed a man, it all comes rus.h.i.+ng back. A natural instinct. My hands move down to unb.u.t.ton his shorts. As I do, I snake a hand down his pants and realize he is going commando.

"That's f.u.c.king hot."

I say as our kiss breaks. I am stroking his semi erect c.o.c.k that is getting harder with each stroke.

He soon shoves his shorts down and takes me into another heated kiss. Then he lifts me up breaking the kiss long enough to say "wrap your legs around me" his voice is husky with l.u.s.t. I do as he says, one arm wraps around my waist while the other takes a handful of my a.s.s and squeezes. I moan, and grind myself into him.

He walks us over to his bed, tosses me down with a little force. It's not long before we are lost in the heat and pa.s.sion of animalistic s.e.x with one another.

Chapter 6.


Present Day...

f.u.c.king Cops! I hate them. I'm surrounded by them sitting in the police station. I glance at Pete, and he looks as uncomfortable as I feel. One of the family attorneys is beside me. We wait for my name to be called. I have to give a f.u.c.king statement to the police about what happened this morning. I'd rather not involve the cops and just take care of the problem myself.

I should be at the hospital right now with Drew. That's where I belong, not sitting in this f.u.c.king station. Drew took three bullets this morning, bullets meant for me. As they loaded him into the ambulance it didn't look good. There was a lot of f.u.c.king blood. Anger surges through me. The shooter was coming after me, yet Drew jumped in front of me. His sister was going to kill me.

"Any word?"

Pete's voice gets my attention. I look down at my phone, that last text my sister sent just said that Drew was in surgery. Drew was family, he was also the only family my Kitten had. She hated me enough. This would be the nail in my coffin with her. Not that I blame her. I f.u.c.ked her over badly five years ago. We had not seen or talked to each other since the night she left me.

Memories of the feisty Kitten I fell in love with all those years ago bombard me all at once. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for a p.i.s.sed off and angry Kat for so many reasons. Looking back I realize I was to controlling with her. I didn't work as hard as I could at understanding where she was coming from about college. I said and did some stupid things in the beginning. Things that separated us for five long years. I hate to admit that I still love Kat and think of her as mine even though she hurt me. I did the only thing I knew and that was to hurt her back.

Kat also was sure to have changed in five years. I knew the woman hated me. It was obvious when she never came back to Belmont. Or when my family made trips to see her and I wasn't included in them, I wasn't even asked if I wanted to go.

Right now she is in an airplane traveling across the country to get to Drew. The flood of memories pour in and everything that happened between us changed who I became. I wonder what changes I will see in Kat. I guess I would find out in a few short hours. For now my memories overtake me.

5 years ago...

My arms stretch as I wake the morning after making love to my Kitten. I sound like a p.u.s.s.y calling it making it love, but it's the truth. She is not just any girl to me, she is the one. My arm stretches out reaching for Kitten only to come up empty handed. My first thought is maybe she is in the bathroom. However, I hear no noises. My hand slides over the fabric on her side realizing the sheet is cold under my hand. She has been gone for a while. Where the f.u.c.k is she? Turning on to my side, I see an envelope propped against her pillow. I rip into it, a foreign emotion engulfs me as I read.

Cole, I know you will never forgive me. I had to leave Belmont. I worked so hard to achieve my dreams and I can't let them go. I love you, and will miss you while I'm gone. I need to be free to find myself. I hope you understand. I hope that one day you can forgive me for going behind your back. If not, then know that I love you more than you can imagine and it hurts me to leave you.

Love Always, Kat My body quakes with anger. It overpowers any other emotion I have. The b.i.t.c.h left me for UCLA? How could she do this to me? To us? I jump off the bed grabbing my overnight bag, and make my way into the bathroom. My reflection angry reflection stares back at me. This new emotion I'm feeling mixed with the anger is not one I like. With a sweep of my arms the small bottles sitting on the counter go flying around the bathroom. The only sound is bottles cras.h.i.+ng to the tile floor and my labored breathing. What the f.u.c.k happened? How could she just walk away like it was nothing?

I shower and dress, anger still radiating off of me. I make a call to Pete.

"I need to get to the Yard."

"Everything okay? I thought you would be with Kat all day." Pete asks.

"Shut the f.u.c.k up and just come pick me up."

"Geeze man I'll be there in fifteen."

I don't even know how to begin to explain what happened, but I'm not about to start talking about my feelings and s.h.i.+t.

The Yard is where the heavy equipment and warehouses are located for Knight Construction. Even though we have several offices in town to serve clients from, the Yard is where the boys all hang out. The Yard makes it easier to cover up some of our activities such as drugs and guns that we distribute to a few motorcycle clubs, and some other clients we have.

I walk into the warehouse and immediately grab a quarter bag of weed. I head to the back of the building where my personal office is located. I pa.s.s Drew on the way.

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Knight: Over The Edge Part 5 summary

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