Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 3890 - Chapter 964 - Stunning Strike

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Chapter 3890 - Chapter 964 - Stunning Strike

Chapter 964 – Stunning Strike


“Guild Leader Black Flame?”

Worry flashed in Frey’s eyes when she saw Solitary Mad G.o.d going after s.h.i.+ Feng.

After exchanging several dozen moves with Solitary Mad G.o.d, Frey already had a good idea of the other party’s strength. While he might not have reached the sixth-floor standard, he already had the strength to trade blows with a Level 230 Ancient G.o.d. The attack he had executed against s.h.i.+ Feng, in particular, was something she would have to dodge lest she sustain heavy injuries.

Although s.h.i.+ Feng had reached Level 232, his equipment remained the same as before—a Fragmented Legendary Equipment Set. Furthermore, it wasn’t even a Taboo Fragmented Legendary Equipment Set. This meant that his equipment level was, at most, Level 220. His Basic Attributes weren’t even comparable to that of a Level 230 expert fully equipped with Fragmented Divine Artifacts, let alone Solitary Mad G.o.d.

Even if s.h.i.+ Feng ranked sixth on the Divine Glory List, with such a huge difference in Basic Attributes, it was unlikely he’d be able to repulse Solitary Mad G.o.d’s attack.

However, despite her wishes to help s.h.i.+ Feng, Frey was busy dealing with the several Ominous Cavalry experts attacking her. She didn’t have the leeway to lend s.h.i.+ Feng a helping hand.

Is this the strength of the Holy Seal Cavalier Cla.s.s?

s.h.i.+ Feng was a little surprised as he looked at the colossal fist descending toward him. Solitary Mad G.o.d’s attack was no weaker than Snow Wolf’s all-out attack.

In his previous life, s.h.i.+ Feng had only heard of the Holy Seal Cavalier Cla.s.s and knew it was a powerful Mythical Era Cla.s.s. Nonetheless, he hadn’t expected it to be this powerful. Despite being at Level 230 and equipped with just three Divine Artifacts, Solitary Mad G.o.d’s Strength was close to matching that of Snow Wolf, a Level 235 player equipped with four Divine Artifacts.

Of course, s.h.i.+ Feng did not let his surprise hinder his response. He unsheathed the Shadow Incinerator without hesitation and slashed at the colossal fist.

Incomplete G.o.ddess-ranked Mana Technique, Threefold Mana Body!

G.o.ddess-ranked Mana Technique, Dark Moon!


Suddenly, two meteors seemingly collided in the sky, brightly illuminating the entire map and creating a shockwave that propagated tens of thousands of yards.

“Daystar wasn’t exaggerating! You stopped even my strongest Fusion Legacy Skill! As expected of the 51st-ranked Eternal Chosen One!” When Solitary Mad G.o.d saw s.h.i.+ Feng unscathed, he licked his lips as if he had just seen a rare delicacy. “The next time we get to duel, I will kill you!”

After saying so, Solitary Mad G.o.d snapped his fingers, prompting the battling Ominous Cavalry members to flock to him. Then, he retrieved a golden scroll from his bag.

Solitary Mad G.o.d’s words incited the members of Zero Wing, Azure Fang, and the Red Dragon Nation to rage.

“This arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d is just asking for it!”

“Indeed! He’s only ranked 82nd, yet he dares say he will kill our Guild Leader!”

“If you have the gall, don’t run away! We’ll see who’ll be the last one standing!”

“Brothers, charge! We must kill them all today!”

Upon seeing that the Ominous Cavalry was about to retreat, the members of the three Guilds charged forward in a frenzy. Even the healers abandoned their duties to join the offensive.

“Don’t act on your own! Maintain formation!” Frey hurriedly commanded when she saw this happening.

The Ominous Cavalry might number fewer than 30, but over half were Level 230 players fully equipped with at least Fragmented Divine Artifacts. In comparison, the three Guilds’ members were mostly Level 226 and Level 227, equipped with only Level 220 Fragmented Legendary Equipment and Level 225 Taboo Epic Equipment. Although the Ominous Cavalry’s members were suppressed by the resurrection camp’s magic barriers, they still had enough of an advantage in Basic Attributes to cause Soul Annihilation to the three Guilds’ weaker members.

Soul Annihilation was disastrous not only to players but also powers. After all, every power had to invest considerable time and resources to produce fourth- and fifth-floor experts. Not to mention, players with the talent necessary to achieve such high combat standards were few and far between, making each loss ever more significant.

Only the Level 235-plus elite experts in the resurrection camp could truly fight the Ominous Cavalry’s members. It was also because of these elite experts that a one-sided slaughter did not occur in the resurrection camp. If only a bunch of Level 225-plus players were defending the camp, the camp’s defenders would have long since been eradicated.

Although these Level 235-plus experts weren’t as well-equipped as the Ominous Cavalry’s members, having only a few Fragmented Divine Artifacts paired with Level 235 Taboo Epic and Fragmented Legendary Equipment, their level advantage allowed them to reduce the gap in Basic Attributes. Hence, two or three Level 235 elite experts were enough to distract one Ominous Cavalry member. If five or six elite experts worked together, they might even be able to kill the Ominous Cavalry members below Level 230.

Unfortunately, the various powers could only mobilize a limited number of Level 235-plus elite experts into the Eternal Realm, and Azure Fang and the Red Dragon Nation were no exception. Moreover, as they had to station most of these elite experts in the NPC Cities at the frontlines, they could only commit about 300 players to the World Ark. They even had to distribute these elite experts among multiple resurrection camps.

However, Frey’s words failed to stop those blinded by rage. Over a thousand players had gotten within 500 yards of the Ominous Cavalry’s members in the blink of an eye.

“You ants! Do you think I can’t kill you?!” Solitary Mad G.o.d scoffed at the oncoming human players and swung one of his arms.

As Solitary Mad G.o.d swung his colossal arm, he swept up a powerful storm that sent every human player within a 500-yard radius flying hundreds of yards away. The players struck by his attack also saw their HPs plummet.

This scene stunned the human players who were still planning to take action.

Everyone had already known that Solitary Mad G.o.d was strong after watching his devastating exchanges with Frey and s.h.i.+ Feng. However, only after seeing him heavily injuring over a thousand players with one attack did they truly understand his strength. At the same time, many of the younger players present found it unbelievable that there could be such a huge gap between them and Solitary Mad G.o.d.

Of those present, only s.h.i.+ Feng, Frey, and the Level 235-plus elite experts were unsurprised by this situation. Unlike those who had never experienced the higher player levels of G.o.d’s Domain, they knew how terrifying a Level 230-plus expert with extremely high combat standards and a significant advantage in Basic Attributes could be. To such an expert, numbers were nothing but a joke…

“Count yourselves lucky this time! You won’t be as lucky the next time you meet me!” Solitary Mad G.o.d said as he swept his gaze over the human players he had sent flying. Then, he unfurled the golden scroll in his hands, intending to leave with his teammates.

Although Solitary Mad G.o.d was confident in his strength, he wasn’t so arrogant that he believed he could simultaneously defeat two Eternal Chosen Ones. In that case, he naturally had to retreat.

However, a deep voice echoed across the battlefield before Solitary Mad G.o.d could fully unfurl the golden scroll.

“It’d be rude of me not to return the favor. Since you threw a punch, let me reciprocate with a slash.”

As this voice fell, Solitary Mad G.o.d promptly traced its origin back to s.h.i.+ Feng. However, before Solitary Mad G.o.d could utter any words of provocation, s.h.i.+ Feng had already swung the Shadow Incinerator at him.

Pseudo-Tier 7 Skill, Absolute Thunder!

Instinctively, Solitary Mad G.o.d launched his strongest attack at the 10,000-meter-long lightning dragon that had abruptly appeared above him.


After a blinding flash, Solitary Mad G.o.d’s body sank hundreds of meters into the ground, two of his arms flew into the distance, and his HP fell by over 50%…

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Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God Chapter 3890 - Chapter 964 - Stunning Strike summary

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