The Ultimate Evolution Chapter 1058

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Chapter 1058: 1058
As soon as Sheyan took the milky-white light sphere out of his personal storage and put it on the table, the white light completely faded away . The contents in it fell onto the table with a clatter . Among them was a weapon that was s.h.i.+ning brilliantly .

The first thing which caught Sheyan's attention was not the weapon, but the various parts that were scattered around the table .

Sheyan had always been blessed with a good memory, so of course he could see that these parts were all originally from 'Ambition' and 'Repentance' . The way the parts fell onto the table somehow felt quite b.l.o.o.d.y and tragic, as if they were the hands, feet, ears and noses that were violently torn off opposing gladiators fighting in the Colosseum!

Those parts showed signs of heavy decay, as if they had been exposed to the air for hundreds of years . The spirit and vitality in them seemed to have been exhausted .

Also making its appearance in front of Sheyan was a brand new weapon .

It was actually a silver-coloured double-barreled shotgun!!!

The two parallel barrels were undoubtedly composed of the barrels from 'Ambition' and 'Repentance' . A sense of ruthlessness permeated through the hard, cold metal .

The body under the barrel was likely made of carefully-processed rosewood . The faint reddish-brown texture of the wood gave off a heavy sense of pa.s.sing times . The silver metal bridge and trigger exuded a faint taste and aura of holiness .

Sheyan reached out to touch the shotgun . A delicate, cold and hard sensation could be felt at the tip of his fingers . With the gun in his grasp, he could not help but feel as if he was a superior being who could pa.s.s down judgement upon others with but a wave of his hands -- not like a crude, dirty and barbaric executioner, but like a fanatical inquisitor who, amidst a pious and melodious hymn, pa.s.sed down a death sentence on everyone in front of him!

Obviously, for some unknown reasons, most of 'Ambition' and 'Repentance' had disa.s.sembled and then rea.s.sembled into a new weapon . The new weapon was no longer a matchlock musket, but a more advanced breech loader gun instead .

However, although 'Ambition' and 'Repentance' were of the same model, they had a slight difference in colour . After all, 'Repentance' had been carefully preserved, while 'Ambition' was not . 'Ambition' was first kept by Paul, then it followed Sheyan everywhere in his travel . So, of course it looked more weathered .

Therefore, the splicing marks on the new weapon were quite obvious . Sheyan could clearly tell which parts were previously from 'Ambition' and which parts were from 'Repentance' .

Under Sheyan's observation, a series of data emerged:

[ Verdict (Double-barreled trigger-type breechloader) ]

[ Origin: Navarra "Firecracker" Armament Factory ]

[ Rarity: Dark Gold (Special) ]

[ Attack Power: 201-301 ]

[ Damage Type: Holy (Holy attribute attacks cause 150% damage to targets with dark affinity and only 50% damage to targets with holy affinity . In addition, the defence of a target attacked by holy attribute attack will be reduced by 50% by default, unless the target has a specific resistance to holy attribute attacks) . ]

[ Material: Pine (a cross wors.h.i.+pped for centuries), iron (holy water used during production) and silver (melted from a silver basin which held holy water in it for a hundred and seventy-five years) ]

[ Material: Pine (a cross wors.h.i.+pped for centuries), iron (holy water used during production) and silver (melted from a silver basin which held holy water in it for a hundred and seventy-five years) ]

[ Possible Addons: Stock/Strap ]

[ Attached Addon (1): West VII Tactical Stock . Shot precision +15 . ]

[ Attached Addon (2): Lexington Rifle Strap . +10% chance of hitting a fatal spot . ]

[ Optimum Range (Able to display its maximum damage of 301): 10 meters . ]

[ Effective Range (Able to deal some damage to enemies): 30 meters . ]

[ Weight: 4 . 2 kg . ]

[ Full Length: 350 mm ]

[ Magazine Capacity: 1 round, plus 1 more round from additional slot modification ]

[ Reloading Interval: 1 minute (additional slot modification) ]

[ Reloading Interval: 1 minute (additional slot modification) ]

[ Equipment Operating Requirement: 50 Strength and 60 Physique ]

[ Unlimited Ammunition ]

[ Can also be manually loaded with silver bullets, increasing damage to evil undead creatures by an additional 50% . ]

[ Perceptive Sense +7 ]

[ Agility +7 ]

[ Strength +7 ]

[ Special Pa.s.sive Ability: 'Evolvable' (inherited from Ambition) . This is a weapon that can evolve . It will constantly try to absorb various kinds of energy via the destruction of the enemies in battle to improve its own strength . Although it is a long process, as long as the weapon is given enough time and opportunity, it could possibly move towards a higher grade . ]

[ Special Pa.s.sive Ability: 'Murder Weapon II' (evolved due to Ambition) . This weapon had taken the life of an important figure a long time ago . It is good at capturing the enemy's weakness . The more powerful the enemy is, the higher the additional damage this weapon will deal . The range of the additional damage is 10% to 40%, 10% being the additional damage for the most mediocre of elite enemies) . ]

[ Active Ability: 'The Mourning of the Heretics' (this is a new ability gained after the fusion of the two weapons) . Wash away your sins with your blood and life, Amen . ]

[ Judge all the enemies in the weapon's shooting range as heretics, temporarily changing their types to evil undead . ]
[ Active Ability: 'The Mourning of the Heretics' (this is a new ability gained after the fusion of the two weapons) . Wash away your sins with your blood and life, Amen . ]

[ Judge all the enemies in the weapon's shooting range as heretics, temporarily changing their types to evil undead . ]

[ While the enemy is judged as a heretic, 50% of all damage you inflict upon the enemy (not just the damage caused by 'Verdict') will be converted into holy light, healing your injuries . When the healing amount reaches 40% of your total HP, the heretic ident.i.ty of the enemy will disappear . ]

[ At the same time that the enemy is judged as a heretic, a powerful holy light will transform the bullets in the gun barrel into shotgun, turning your next shot into an area of effect attack . It will surely hit the enemy and stun the enemy for five seconds . ]

[ 'The Mourning of the Heretics' cooldown time: 8 minutes . ]

[ Musket category pa.s.sive effect: 'Ready II' . During a non-combat state, the damage for the next attack of the musket will gradually increase over time, up to a maximum additional damage of 100% . ]

[ Hint: After firing, the acc.u.mulated additional damage will disappear, and the counter will reset to zero . ]

[ Handgun category additional effect: Shot precision +10%, shooting distance -10% ]

[ All attacks and abilities of this weapon have Domain precedence! ]
(TL: Ability effect precedence: No precedence < slight="" precedence="">< authoritative="">< domain="" precedence="">< domain="" authority)="" [="" description:="" this="" is="" a="" powerful="" weapon="" which="" embodies="" the="" rule="" of="" the="" jungle,="" where="" "survival="" of="" the="" fittest"="" is="" the="" law="" .="" unfortunately,="" 'repentance'="" lost="" .="" ]="" [="" mini="" engravings="" on="" the="" gun="" handle:="" hhha!="" 'repentance',="" that="" b.a.s.t.a.r.d,="" has="" finally="" lost="" to="" me="" .="" i,="" 'ambition',="" am="" the="" strongest!="" ]=""   ***="" after="" sheyan="" had="" read="" the="" properties="" of="" 'verdict',="" three="" black="" lines="" appeared="" on="" his="" forehead="" .="" even="" with="" his="" rich="" imagination,="" he="" was="" still="" completely="" deceived="" by="" the="" engravings="" on="" both="" guns,="" which="" he="" had="" thought="" were="" full="" of="" tender="" feelings="" .="" let="" us="" take="" a="" look="" at="" those="" tender="" lines="" .="" 'repentance':="" "this="" gun="" has="" always="" thirsted="" for="" a="" reunion="" with="" its="" brother="" .="" "="" 'ambition':="" "this="" gun="" has="" always="" thirsted="" for="" a="" reunion="" with="" its="" brother="" after="" becoming="" stronger="" .="" "="" such="" lovely="" dialogues="" between="" the="" lost="" brothers="" .="" sheyan="" had="" an="" inspirational="" feeling="" when="" he="" first="" read="" 'ambition''s="" wish="" to="" reunite="" with="" its="" brother="" "after="" becoming="" stronger"="" --="" to="" stand="" in="" front="" of="" it's="" brother="" after="" becoming="" stronger,="" how="" proud="" its="" brother="" must="" feel="" of="" it!="" sheyan="" had="" correctly="" guessed="" the="" beginning,="" but="" not="" the="" end="" .="" it="" seemed="" that="" these="" two="" guns="" were="" the="" cla.s.sic="" examples="" of="" brothers="" who="" turned="" against="" each="" other!="" it="" turned="" out="" that="" when="" one="" read="" the="" engravings="" on="" them,="" one="" must="" read="" between="" the="" lines="" .="" this="" gun="" had="" always="" thirsted="" for="" a="" reunion="" with="" its="" brother="" .="" .="" .="" so="" that="" it="" could="" pay="" back="" the="" blood="" debt="" it="" owed!="" but="" what="" sheyan="" was="" curious="" about="" was:="" how="" did="" ambition="" win="" the="" fight="" between="" the="" two="" guns?="" logically="" speaking,="" a="" fight="" between="" a="" dark="" gold="" grade="" equipment="" and="" a="" black="" grade="" equipment="" should="" be="" completely="" one-sided="" without="" any="" suspense="" .="" the="" 'evolvable'="" ability="" had="" probably="" helped="" .="" this="" ability="" should="" be="" the="" hidden="" ability="" of="" 'ambition',="" it="" just="" could="" not="" be="" displayed="" before="" this="" because="" the="" weapon's="" grade="" was="" too="" low="" .="" in="" any="" case,="" sheyan="" felt="" a="" lot="" more="" confident="" in="" this="" mission="" after="" he="" got="" the="" new="" weapon="" .="" his="" mood="" instantly="" turned="" better="" .="" zi="" and="" the="" rest="" still="" showed="" no="" signs="" of="" returning="" to="" the="" realm,="" while="" jinkuang="" was="" still="" sleeping="" .="" with="" no="" other="" choice,="" sheyan="" could="" only="" leave="" behind="" a="" video="" recording="" in="" which="" he="" explained="" in="" detail="" his="" various="" experiences="" after="" leaving="" the="" terminator="" world="" .="" next,="" he="" went="" straight="" to="" the="" hall="" of="" honour="" to="" report="" for="" duty="" .="" after="" arriving="" at="" the="" hall="" of="" honour,="" sheyan="" entered="" his="" personal="" office,="" sat="" down="" and="" took="" out="" the="" conscription="" order="" .="" not="" long="" afterwards,="" the="" chair="" he="" was="" sitting="" on="" slid="" down="" rapidly="" and="" in="" the="" end,="" he="" arrived="" at="" a="" wide="" pa.s.sage="" .="" sheyan="" walked="" along="" the="" pa.s.sage="" for="" about="" a="" hundred="" meters="" .="" a="" second="" lieutenant="" in="" a="" stiff="" military="" uniform="" came="" forward="" to="" receive="" him="" .="" the="" second="" lieutenant="" originally="" had="" an="" impatient="" expression,="" but="" after="" he="" saw="" sheyan's="" official="" lieutenant="" colonel="" rank,="" his="" face="" suddenly="" turned="" serious="" .="" he="" stood="" to="" attention="" and="" told="" sheyan,="" "i="" was="" ordered="" to="" take="" you="" to="" the="" a.s.sembly="" s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p,="" sir="" .="" please="" follow="" me="" .="" "="" sheyan="" noticed="" that="" the="" second="" lieutenant="" was="" rather="" thin="" and="" pale="" .="" he="" was="" instantly="" reminded="" of="" the="" explanations="" given="" by="" the="" miner="" .="" he="" could="" not="" help="" asking,="" "are="" you="" a="" contestant,="" second="" lieutenant?"="" "i="" was="" born="" on="" planet="" birmingham="" on="" the="" sixth="" outer="" spiral="" arm="" of="" the="" milky="" way,="" lieutenant="" colonel="" .="" i'm="" not="" a="" dimensional-traveling="" contestant,="" sir,"="" answered="" the="" second="" lieutenant="" in="" a="" serious="" tone="" .="" sheyan="" was="" really="" excited="" .="" this="" was="" his="" very="" first="" contact="" with="" one="" of="" the="" new="" humans="" from="" the="" future="" .="" however,="" it="" seems="" that="" they="" were="" not="" very="" different="" from="" the="" humans="" in="" his="" era,="" except="" that="" their="" physiques="" were="" indeed="" a="" bit="" weak="" .="" sheyan="" noticed="" that="" there="" were="" some="" sort="" of="" mechanical="" bands="" on="" the="" second="" lieutenant's="" joints="" on="" his="" arms,="" knees="" and="" ankles="" .="" those="" must="" be="" some="" kind="" of="" muscle="" strengthening="" support="" devices="" .="" after="" following="" behind="" the="" second="" lieutenant="" for="" nearly="" a="" hundred="" meters,="" the="" pa.s.sage="" ahead="" started="" to="" turn="" transparent="" .="" the="" vast="" and="" magnificent="" starry="" sky="" above="" could="" be="" seen="" .="" only="" now="" did="" sheyan="" notice="" that="" the="" pa.s.sage="" was="" actually="" something="" like="" a="" pipeline="" .="" there="" was="" an="" advanced="" s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p="" the="" shape="" of="" a="" water="" droplet="" hovering="" at="" the="" end="" of="" the="" pipeline,="" docking="" on="" it="" .="" when="" sheyan="" was="" about="" to="" enter="" the="" s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p,="" he="" could="" not="" help="" turning="" back="" to="" take="" a="" look="" .="" the="" sight="" he="" took="" in="" was="" of="" the="" nightmare="" realm="" he="" came="" from,="" or,="" more="" precisely,="" noah="" ream="" c!!="" (tl:="" this="" is="" bonus="" chapter="" #6="" for=""> As soon as Sheyan took the milky-white light sphere out of his personal storage and put it on the table, the white light completely faded away . The contents in it fell onto the table with a clatter . Among them was a weapon that was s.h.i.+ning brilliantly . The first thing which caught Sheyans attention was not the weapon, but the various parts that were scattered around the table . Sheyan had always been blessed with a good memory, so of course he could see that these parts were all originally from Ambition and Repentance . The way the parts fell onto the table somehow felt quite b.l.o.o.d.y and tragic, as if they were the hands, feet, ears and noses that were violently torn off opposing gladiators fighting in the Colosseum! Those parts showed signs of heavy decay, as if they had been exposed to the air for hundreds of years . The spirit and vitality in them seemed to have been exhausted . Also making its appearance in front of Sheyan was a brand new weapon . It was actually a silver-coloured double-barreled shotgun!!! The two parallel barrels were undoubtedly composed of the barrels from Ambition and Repentance . A sense of ruthlessness permeated through the hard, cold metal . The body under the barrel was likely made of carefully-processed rosewood . The faint reddish-brown texture of the wood gave off a heavy sense of pa.s.sing times . The silver metal bridge and trigger exuded a faint taste and aura of holiness . Sheyan reached out to touch the shotgun . A delicate, cold and hard sensation could be felt at the tip of his fingers . With the gun in his grasp, he could not help but feel as if he was a superior being who could pa.s.s down judgement upon others with but a wave of his hands -- not like a crude, dirty and barbaric executioner, but like a fanatical inquisitor who, amidst a pious and melodious hymn, pa.s.sed down a death sentence on everyone in front of him! Obviously, for some unknown reasons, most of Ambition and Repentance had disa.s.sembled and then rea.s.sembled into a new weapon . The new weapon was no longer a matchlock musket, but a more advanced breech loader gun instead . However, although Ambition and Repentance were of the same model, they had a slight difference in colour . After all, Repentance had been carefully preserved, while Ambition was not . Ambition was first kept by Paul, then it followed Sheyan everywhere in his travel . So, of course it looked more weathered . Therefore, the splicing marks on the new weapon were quite obvious . Sheyan could clearly tell which parts were previously from Ambition and which parts were from Repentance . Under Sheyans observation, a series of data emerged: [ Verdict (Double-barreled trigger-type breechloader) ] [ Origin: Navarra Firecracker Armament Factory ] [ Rarity: Dark Gold (Special) ] [ Attack Power: 201-301 ] [ Damage Type: Holy (Holy attribute attacks cause 150% damage to targets with dark affinity and only 50% damage to targets with holy affinity . In addition, the defence of a target attacked by holy attribute attack will be reduced by 50% by default, unless the target has a specific resistance to holy attribute attacks) . ] [ Material: Pine (a cross wors.h.i.+pped for centuries), iron (holy water used during production) and silver (melted from a silver basin which held holy water in it for a hundred and seventy-five years) ] [ Possible Addons: Stock/Strap ] [ Attached Addon (1): West VII Tactical Stock . Shot precision +15 . ] [ Attached Addon (2): Lexington Rifle Strap . +10% chance of hitting a fatal spot . ] [ Optimum Range (Able to display its maximum damage of 301): 10 meters . ] [ Effective Range (Able to deal some damage to enemies): 30 meters . ] [ Weight: 4 . 2 kg . ] [ Full Length: 350 mm ] [ Magazine Capacity: 1 round, plus 1 more round from additional slot modification ] [ Reloading Interval: 1 minute (additional slot modification) ] [ Equipment Operating Requirement: 50 Strength and 60 Physique ] [ Unlimited Ammunition ] [ Can also be manually loaded with silver bullets, increasing damage to evil undead creatures by an additional 50% . ] [ Perceptive Sense +7 ] [ Agility +7 ] [ Strength +7 ] [ Special Pa.s.sive Ability: Evolvable (inherited from Ambition) . This is a weapon that can evolve . It will constantly try to absorb various kinds of energy via the destruction of the enemies in battle to improve its own strength . Although it is a long process, as long as the weapon is given enough time and opportunity, it could possibly move towards a higher grade . ] [ Special Pa.s.sive Ability: Murder Weapon II (evolved due to Ambition) . This weapon had taken the life of an important figure a long time ago . It is good at capturing the enemys weakness . The more powerful the enemy is, the higher the additional damage this weapon will deal . The range of the additional damage is 10% to 40%, 10% being the additional damage for the most mediocre of elite enemies) . ] [ Active Ability: The Mourning of the Heretics (this is a new ability gained after the fusion of the two weapons) . Wash away your sins with your blood and life, Amen . ] [ Judge all the enemies in the weapons shooting range as heretics, temporarily changing their types to evil undead . ] [ While the enemy is judged as a heretic, 50% of all damage you inflict upon the enemy (not just the damage caused by Verdict) will be converted into holy light, healing your injuries . When the healing amount reaches 40% of your total HP, the heretic ident.i.ty of the enemy will disappear . ] [ At the same time that the enemy is judged as a heretic, a powerful holy light will transform the bullets in the gun barrel into shotgun, turning your next shot into an area of effect attack . It will surely hit the enemy and stun the enemy for five seconds . ] [ The Mourning of the Heretics cooldown time: 8 minutes . ] [ Musket category pa.s.sive effect: Ready II . During a non-combat state, the damage for the next attack of the musket will gradually increase over time, up to a maximum additional damage of 100% . ] [ Hint: After firing, the acc.u.mulated additional damage will disappear, and the counter will reset to zero . ] [ Handgun category additional effect: Shot precision +10%, shooting distance -10% ] [ All attacks and abilities of this weapon have Domain precedence! ]. (TL: Ability effect precedence: No precedence < slight="precedence=">< authoritative="">< domain="precedence=">< domain="authority)=" [="description:=" this="is=" a="powerful=" weapon="which=" embodies="the=" rule="of=" the="jungle,=" where="survival=" of="the=" fittest="is=" the="law" .="unfortunately,=" repentance="lost" .="]=" [="mini=" engravings="on=" the="gun=" handle:="hhha!=" repentance,="that=" b.a.s.t.a.r.d,="has=" finally="lost=" to="me" .="i,=" ambition,="am=" the="strongest!=" ]="  ***=" after="sheyan=" had="read=" the="properties=" of="verdict,=" three="black=" lines="appeared=" on="his=" forehead="" .="even=" with="his=" rich="imagination,=" he="was=" still="completely=" deceived="by=" the="engravings=" on="both=" guns,="which=" he="had=" thought="were=" full="of=" tender="feelings" .="let=" us="take=" a="look=" at="those=" tender="lines" .="repentance:=" this="gun=" has="always=" thirsted="for=" a="reunion=" with="its=" brother="" .="ambition:=" this="gun=" has="always=" thirsted="for=" a="reunion=" with="its=" brother="after=" becoming="stronger" .="such=" lovely="dialogues=" between="the=" lost="brothers" .="sheyan=" had="an=" inspirational="feeling=" when="he=" first="read=" ambitions="wish=" to="reunite=" with="its=" brother="after=" becoming="stronger=" --="to=" stand="in=" front="of=" its="brother=" after="becoming=" stronger,="how=" proud="its=" brother="must=" feel="of=" it!="sheyan=" had="correctly=" guessed="the=" beginning,="but=" not="the=" end="" .="it=" seemed="that=" these="two=" guns="were=" the="cla.s.sic=" examples="of=" brothers="who=" turned="against=" each="other!=" it="turned=" out="that=" when="one=" read="the=" engravings="on=" them,="one=" must="read=" between="the=" lines="" .="this=" gun="had=" always="thirsted=" for="a=" reunion="with=" its="brother" .="" so="that=" it="could=" pay="back=" the="blood=" debt="it=" owed!="but=" what="sheyan=" was="curious=" about="was:=" how="did=" ambition="win=" the="fight=" between="the=" two="guns?=" logically="speaking,=" a="fight=" between="a=" dark="gold=" grade="equipment=" and="a=" black="grade=" equipment="should=" be="completely=" one-sided="without=" any="suspense" .="the=" evolvable="ability=" had="probably=" helped="" .="this=" ability="should=" be="the=" hidden="ability=" of="ambition,=" it="just=" could="not=" be="displayed=" before="this=" because="the=" weapons="grade=" was="too=" low="" .="in=" any="case,=" sheyan="felt=" a="lot=" more="confident=" in="this=" mission="after=" he="got=" the="new=" weapon="" .="his=" mood="instantly=" turned="better" .="zi=" and="the=" rest="still=" showed="no=" signs="of=" returning="to=" the="realm,=" while="jinkuang=" was="still=" sleeping="" .="with=" no="other=" choice,="sheyan=" could="only=" leave="behind=" a="video=" recording="in=" which="he=" explained="in=" detail="his=" various="experiences=" after="leaving=" the="terminator=" world="" .="next,=" he="went=" straight="to=" the="hall=" of="honour=" to="report=" for="duty" .="after=" arriving="at=" the="hall=" of="honour,=" sheyan="entered=" his="personal=" office,="sat=" down="and=" took="out=" the="conscription=" order="" .="not=" long="afterwards,=" the="chair=" he="was=" sitting="on=" slid="down=" rapidly="and=" in="the=" end,="he=" arrived="at=" a="wide=" pa.s.sage="" .="sheyan=" walked="along=" the="pa.s.sage=" for="about=" a="hundred=" meters="" .="a=" second="lieutenant=" in="a=" stiff="military=" uniform="came=" forward="to=" receive="him" .="the=" second="lieutenant=" originally="had=" an="impatient=" expression,="but=" after="he=" saw="sheyans=" official="lieutenant=" colonel="rank,=" his="face=" suddenly="turned=" serious="" .="he=" stood="to=" attention="and=" told="sheyan,=" i="was=" ordered="to=" take="you=" to="the=" a.s.sembly="s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p,=" sir="" .="please=" follow="me" .="sheyan=" noticed="that=" the="second=" lieutenant="was=" rather="thin=" and="pale" .="he=" was="instantly=" reminded="of=" the="explanations=" given="by=" the="miner" .="he=" could="not=" help="asking,=" are="you=" a="contestant,=" second="lieutenant?=" i="was=" born="on=" planet="birmingham=" on="the=" sixth="outer=" spiral="arm=" of="the=" milky="way,=" lieutenant="colonel" .="im=" not="a=" dimensional-traveling="contestant,=" sir,="answered=" the="second=" lieutenant="in=" a="serious=" tone="" .="sheyan=" was="really=" excited="" .="this=" was="his=" very="first=" contact="with=" one="of=" the="new=" humans="from=" the="future" .="however,=" it="seems=" that="they=" were="not=" very="different=" from="the=" humans="in=" his="era,=" except="that=" their="physiques=" were="indeed=" a="bit=" weak="" .="sheyan=" noticed="that=" there="were=" some="sort=" of="mechanical=" bands="on=" the="second=" lieutenants="joints=" on="his=" arms,="knees=" and="ankles" .="those=" must="be=" some="kind=" of="muscle=" strengthening="support=" devices="" .="after=" following="behind=" the="second=" lieutenant="for=" nearly="a=" hundred="meters,=" the="pa.s.sage=" ahead="started=" to="turn=" transparent="" .="the=" vast="and=" magnificent="starry=" sky="above=" could="be=" seen="" .="only=" now="did=" sheyan="notice=" that="the=" pa.s.sage="was=" actually="something=" like="a=" pipeline="" .="there=" was="an=" advanced="s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p=" the="shape=" of="a=" water="droplet=" hovering="at=" the="end=" of="the=" pipeline,="docking=" on="it" .="when=" sheyan="was=" about="to=" enter="the=" s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p,="he=" could="not=" help="turning=" back="to=" take="a=" look="" .="the=" sight="he=" took="in=" was="of=" the="nightmare=" realm="he=" came="from,=" or,="more=" precisely,="noah=" ream="c!!=" (tl:="this=" is="bonus=" chapter="#6=" for="">

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The Ultimate Evolution Chapter 1058 summary

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