Behind The Tears Part 13

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Dante stuffed his hands into his jacket, willing himself not to walk out-or to follow Beth, because that's what he wanted to do. But he couldn't do that, because he knew what it would look like to Ash. But he also didn't want to answer Ash's question either. He'd been confrontational as a kid, never backing down, because in his opinion he was always right. However, as he grew older, people wore him down. His teachers, the females he went with, even his father made him feel worthless-although his old man never intended to, but it all had the same effect, whittling down his confidence. Oh, he still gave off the air that he was right, but it was only to save face. But he couldn't do that now, not after what he'd done.

Ash shook his head, his expression disgusted. "Is it so hard for you to admit that you f.u.c.ked Beth?"

"What?" both Sledge and Juliet gasped.

Dante's feet finally kicked into motion. He turned and headed for the door, feeling like the biggest sc.u.mbag in existence.

"Go on then!" Ash yelled. "Go to her, cos she obviously means more to you than your own brother!"

Dante stopped in the doorway. "You mean more to me."

"Your actions don't show it."

"I lose control, like you lose control."

"Don't put this on me."

"I didn't mean it that way. I just don't think sometimes, I just react. I know it's not an excuse-"

"d.a.m.n right it ain't. Now, p.i.s.s off to your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Sorry, I forgot, you've f.u.c.ked her, so you won't want her anymore. Love doesn't last very long for you, does it, Dante?"

Dante squeezed his eyes shut, the movement hurting them even more. "Don't do this, Ash."

"You even talk like Beth. And I didn't do anything, you did. Just get outta here; I'm sick of listening to your b.l.o.o.d.y excuses."

Dante left, barely registering Tiana as she ran down the corridor towards him. He needed booze, needed to get so wasted that he couldn't remember what he'd done-or its consequences.


Corey Corey dried his body, then pulled on his underwear, jeans, hoodie and beanie, the last making him feel the least naked. He hated losing his hair even more than being sick. It had been the only thing he could express himself through. He'd gone through stages, dyeing it all sorts of colours, even blue, his mother constantly worrying that his hair was going to fall out from all the chemicals. Yeah, chemicals did make it fall out in the end, but instead it was due to what the doctors had pumped into him.

He shuffled over to the bathroom mirror, and sized-up his black eye and sore nose. He prayed that Juliet hadn't told Sledge about what he'd said, although he didn't think she would be that stupid. Tama had once called him a f.a.g and Sledge had punched Tama for it, so hopefully she would know what was good for her, and keep her mouth shut.

He went to leave, jolting back as he opened the bathroom door. His brother blocked his path, giving him "the look" that basically said he was in for an earful.

"Yeah, what do ya want?" Corey said, annoyed. He was sick of Naf bugging him about Juliet, and he also didn't appreciate the fat p.r.i.c.k telling him he was nuts for sleeping with the "ugly slag." Juliet wasn't ugly, and it wasn't like Naf could talk, because Aroha made Juliet look like a runway model. Okay, the old bird wasn't ugly either, but she was a smelly slag who got a giant slurpy over teenage guys, and if looks could kill, hers shot STDs.

Naf crossed his arms over his chest. "Why didn't cha tell me you're a f.a.g?"

Corey's face dropped. "Does Sledge know?"

"No, Juliet only told Aroha."

Corey breathed out, the relief more than he could take.

Naf's expression darkened. "Well? Why didn't cha tell me?"

"As if I could. You're just as bad as the rest, always slagging off gays. And Tama ... s.h.i.+t, that h.o.m.ophobe would've beaten me up if he'd known."

"You don't know that for sure, and you played along when we slagged off."

"Stop using that word; and I only played along cos it would've looked suspicious if I didn't. And there's no way Tama would've lemme stay in the gang if he knew. He wuz always on my case, calling me names even when he didn't know."

"But, what about that hot chick you diddled from school?"

"I lied. Juliet's my first."

"You're a sick puppy for doin' her. And you have a thing for Sledge? Sledge! Do you have a death wish or sumpthin'? You're not only gay, you're f.u.c.kin' nuts."

"I'm not a sick puppy!"

"Well, there's definitely sumpthin' wrong with you if ya think you could get Sledge. He's as big a h.o.m.ophobe as Tama."

Corey ran a hand over his beanie, fear now replacing anger. "It's not my fault, I ... I can't help how I feel 'bout him."

"Do you purposely want your heart and face stomped on?"

"I won't as long as he doesn't find out. And it's not like I hafta go without, cos we watch p.o.r.nos together and I've had a threesome with him and a chick once. f.u.c.k, it wuz awesome." Corey smiled at the memory. "He f.u.c.ked her, while I got a b.l.o.w.j.o.b. You should've seen him, he looked so s.e.xy. I could suggest that again, he doesn't hafta know why. Yeah, that's a great idea, cos he closes his eyes when he f.u.c.ks, which means he won't see me looking. He gets off, I get off, it's a win, win situation." Corey stopped talking, finally noticing his brother's dumbstruck expression.

Naf started waving his hands about as though he had a spider on them. "That's so sick!"

"Is not!" Corey shoved Naf.

"Don't push me! And you can't do that to Sledge."

"Why not? I won't be touching him, so he won't know."

"He will if I tell him, you li'l pervert."

"I'm not a pervert! And he'll punch your big fat gob if you open it."

"Even after I tell him why Juliet hit you? Why you called out his name?"

"He won't believe you!"

"He eventually will, even if it's not the first time. You can't keep this hidden from him if you do crazy s.h.i.+t like that."

"He didn't find out before."

"You're f.u.c.kin' deluding yourself if ya think you'll get away with it over and over again. You've already let things slip with Juliet, just imagine if you yell his name out while you two are in the middle of a threesome. Can't hide that so easily, can ya, Einstein?"

"But I want him." Corey breathed out in frustration. "And, I love him."

"You what?!"

"I love him."

"No, Corey, not Sledge. You're gonna get hurt. Go to one of those gay bars or sumpthin' and find some other guy." Naf stuck out his tongue and shook his hands like he'd tasted something disgusting. "Man, I can't believe I just said that, it's so b.l.o.o.d.y gross."

"You f.u.c.ker." Corey shouldered his way past Naf. He didn't even know any gay clubs, and if he did, it didn't mean he wanted people knowing about his s.e.xual preferences. It was no one's business but his. And why the h.e.l.l would he want some other guy for? Although he'd been attracted to quite a few, Sledge was the only one he'd fallen for.

Corey walked into his room and grabbed his wallet. He had to get out of this place, to have a break from all the agro. He swore as he looked at his dressing table. s.h.i.+t, where'd he put his keys?

Naf leaned against the doorway with Corey's keys dangling from his fingers. "I knew you'd try to take off, pro'bly to some party, knowing you. The doc said you're s'posed to stay home, cos of those bugs that can make you worse."

"I don't care."

"Well, I do. Plus, you've taken a beating."

"She didn't hit me that hard."

"That's not what your face is telling me."

"Stuff you." Corey pushed past Naf and headed for his brother's bedroom.

Naf followed. "Get outta my room."

"It stinks in here," Corey said, wrinkling his nose. Dirty clothes were piled high in one corner, while ashtrays were on either side of a mattress, which had been plonked down on the carpet without a base. Maybe Naf was suited to Aroha after all. Gagging to get out of there, Corey picked up his brother's car keys from the cabinet and went to leave.

Naf blocked the door. "Give 'em back."

"Lemme through before I pa.s.s out from B.O."

"Gimme my keys first."

"I just needa get some fresh air. That's s'posed to be healthy, ain't it?"

"You can do that without a car."

"But, I wanna visit Mum," Corey lied.

"Bulls.h.i.+t, I know you. You'll be after drugs."

"No, I won't." He went to move past.

Naf mirrored him.

"Move outta my way or I'll bust ya!"

"No, Corey. Calm down, man. Just get some sleep. I'm not gonna tell Sledge, and I'll make sure Juliet doesn't talk either. Everything will be fine."

"No it won't, I still can't have him completely."

Naf exhaled. "Well, you already knew that. But at least you two can still be mates."

"I just wanna go out, and blow off some steam." Corey sneered. "Or maybe I can go to one of those gay bars you mentioned."

"Okay, I'm sorry for saying that, but c'mon, sleep it off, things will be better tomorrow."

"Nope, I wanna go out, and if you're so worried 'bout me why don't you tag along."

"But Aroha's home."

"Tell her to take a nana nap, she's the right age."

"Don't be a b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"Nah, Mum and Dad were married when they had me, but I can't say the same for you." Their mother had met their father at a widows and widowers support group, Beth's dad having died from meningitis. Corey didn't know what had happened to his father's first wife, because his old man refused to talk about her.

"You're being a right c.u.n.t today." Naf smirked. "But I guess there's a reason for that now."

"I'm not a girl!"

"No, but you're acting like a li'l kid. So, if you wanna go out, both me and Aroha are coming whether you like it or not, cos obviously you need a babysitter."

Corey glared at him. "I'm f.u.c.kin' seventeen, I can do what I like, and the only way that Aroha can come is if she washes and has a rabies shot."

Naf closed his eyes, his jawline clenching, the furious expression on his fat face almost comical. If Corey wasn't in such a s.h.i.+tty mood he probably would have laughed.

Naf reopened his eyes. "It's my car, so if you say one word to her I won't take ya."

"Then gimme my keys back."

"No, if you're goin' out, I'm driving, which means you shut up about Aroha."

"Then the smelly bird can ride up front with you," Corey said, holding out Naf's keys.

Naf s.n.a.t.c.hed them off him and stomped down the pa.s.sage. Corey followed him into the lounge. Aroha was lying on the couch, watching a chick flick with a beer in one hand. Corey grabbed his jacket off the rack and went outside to Naf's green escort. Shouting started inside. A few minutes later his brother came out alone.

"She wants to wait around for that b.i.t.c.h." Naf unlocked the car and yanked open the driver's side. "Where we goin' anyway? I don't know of any parties tonight."

"I wuz invited to one last week." Corey smiled. "It's where all us gay guys go for a s.h.a.g. You never know, you might get lucky too."

Naf's face dropped. "No way, I ain't goin'."

"I'm just pullin' ya t.i.t, you h.o.m.ophobe," Corey said, sneering. "It's at some chick's place who hit on me last week." He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a slip of paper. "Kirstin Jones."

"Does she go to Wera High?"

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Behind The Tears Part 13 summary

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