Behind The Tears Part 19

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"What happened?"

She brought a hand to her face.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he said, pus.h.i.+ng her hair back.

"Corey called out Sledge's name while we were having s.e.x, and Sledge found out."

Ash almost choked.

"It's not funny!"

"I didn't laugh, you just took me by surprise." He leaned over and hugged her. "And those a.r.s.eholes aren't worth gettin' upset over."

Juliet rested her head against him. "I can't help it; I've made a right mess of things. I told Sledge what happened, and cos of it he beat up Corey's new boyfriend. Corey ended up gettin' hurt tryna stop him."

"That's not your fault, that's Sledge's and Corey's. But still, why the h.e.l.l didja go after Corey for?"

"I didn't, he came onto me."

Ash let go of her and shook his head. "The b.l.o.o.d.y user. He obviously asked you cos he didn't think he could get Sledge that way."

"But, I don't get it, he doesn't look gay."

"He does to me. That kid follows Sledge round like a lap dog with his tongue hanging out and drool dripping offa it."

"Then, why didn't cha tell me?"

"I didn't know you were interested in him, you never said."

"You still could've told Sledge, you're the only one who wouldn't have gotten hit for it."

"It's none of my biz, plus Sledge is just as much hung up on that t.w.a.t as Corey is on him."

Juliet pulled a face. "Whatcha talking 'bout? Sledge isn't gay. G.o.d, he's a h.o.m.ophobic b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I just told you he gay-bashed Corey's boyfriend."

"Did Sledge hit Corey?"


"Then you've just proved my point. Sledge is jealous, cos he wants Corey."

"He does not, Sledge is the opposite of gay; he bones any girl who shows interest in him."

"He could be bi or pans.e.xual."

"Pan what?

"It's to do with being attracted to someone, not their gender."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Yes, it does."

"Well, I don't believe it. Sledge wouldn't do Corey, gays disgust him."

"Then why didn't he bash Corey as well as that other guy?"

"Cos Corey's got cancer."

"Nah, it's got nuthin' to do with Corey being sick. Sledge is definitely jealous, and just cos he likes females doesn't mean he won't go with Corey. And you can't always tell whether someone is gay by their looks. I've met the most violent thugs who don't look gay at all, yet they still prefer guys. People get caught up in this stereotype where gays must act and look a certain way, which is a load of bulls.h.i.+t."

Juliet's voice softened. "Is this 'bout Chaz?"

"It's got nuthin' to do with that perverted freak, you can't even cla.s.s him in the same category. He's not gay or bi, he's a rapist. I don't think gender comes into play with rapists, they're sickos who get off on ruining peoples' lives." He stopped, his mind finally processing what she'd said-and what he'd let slip. "You know what he did to me?"

She nodded. "I still can't believe he raped you."

He dropped his gaze.

"I wish you'd told me 'bout what really happened," she said.

"I don't like talking 'bout it," Ash mumbled. "And Sledge should've kept his big mouth shut; it's my biz, no one else's."

"He didn't tell me, Chaz's brother did."

Ash looked up. "Who?"

"His brother wuz one of the prisoners at the hospital. He also told us 'bout how Chaz had the same thing done to him as a kid by their uncle, which makes sense, cos I guess people who've been abused end up abusing others."

"I would never do that."

"Oh G.o.d, I'm sorry, Ash, I didn't mean you, of course not everyone would do that."

He glanced out the window at the hospital, the same place he'd been brought to after he'd been raped. He couldn't comprehend how someone who's been abused could do it to someone else, because they knew how it felt. "Is Chaz's brother still in hospital?" he asked. He wouldn't hurt him; he only wanted to talk to the man. He wasn't sure why, he just did.

"No, he got sent back to prison earlier today." She started sniffing. "I still can't believe he's related to Chaz. I've always liked Tama's stepdad."

Ash's head snapped around. "What?"

"Tama's stepdad is Chaz's brother. I only found out yesterday."

"You're pulling my leg?"

"No, I wish I wuz, and I wish yesterday never happened." She started crying again. "Cos that would mean Tama wouldn't be dead."

"s.h.i.+t, you're hitting me with one thing after another. How'd he die?"

"In the prison riot."

"Well, at least sumpthin' good came outta that. And you shouldn't be crying over that rapist sc.u.m. It's just a shame Chaz didn't get taken out at the same time."

She hit Ash's leg. "Don't say that! I like Tama."

"Christ, Juliet, how can you like him after what he did?"

"He didn't rape that woman."

"Yes, he did. I've seen Jess and she's shattered. I know what that feels and looks like. And you and Sledge are deluding yourselves if you choose to believe Tama's lies."

"He didn't lie."

"He did! And I don't understand how you can't see that. If Tama can almost kill two people, why is it such a big leap that he could commit rape?"

She scrunched up her face and shook her head.

Ash exhaled. She d.a.m.n well knew it was true, he could see it clear as day. "You just don't wanna admit what he did cos you still have a crush on him. Well, get over it, Juliet, cos we fall for the wrong people all the time, and just cos you like someone it shouldn't blind you to what they are. I made the mistake of liking and trusting Chaz, and look what happened. You're too sweet, Juliet, you want to see the good in people so you glaze over all the bad they do. Tama wuz a sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d, so don't you dare mourn him."

She wiped her cheeks. "I can't help it."

"Then visit his victims, cos you won't mourn the sc.u.m after that."

"No, I don't wanna go anywhere near them."

"Stop being ignorant, Juliet."

"Don't insult me."

"But you are, and I don't want cha gettin' hurt, you're too precious to me."

Her angry expression wavered on his last words. "You still make me mad."

A sad smile played across his lips. "What? Is my insanity catching?"

"Don't say that, you're not insane."

"I feel like it sometimes."

"Well, you're not."

He shrugged. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, he didn't know. His phone started ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the number. He swore under his breath then answered it, readying himself for an attack.

Deano Jones's gruff voice came over the line. "My wife better not be at your house or I'll rip Dante's head off!"

"He's not interested in your woman, he's f.u.c.kin' my one."

The line went quiet for a moment, then a loud bark of laughter travelled over it. "That made my day." Deano's laughter continued, punctuated by snorts.

"Shut the f.u.c.k up, you c.u.n.t!"

The laughing stopped. "What the f.u.c.k didja you just call me?"

"A c.u.n.t, like your fat b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a cousin. He knocked me out yesterday."

"You're responsible for his room?!"

"No, your wife is."

"Bulls.h.i.+t! Tell me what you did to him or I'm gonna wipe out your whole family!"

"You keep away from them! I didn't cause this s.h.i.+t, Len did. He wuz bas.h.i.+ng Carly so she shot him."

"How the f.u.c.k can she do that without a b.l.o.o.d.y gun?"

"I tried to stop Len, but he knocked me out. When I came too, Carly told me she took my gun-" He moved the phone away from his ear, then put it back. "He ain't dead, she only got him in the arm and shoulder."

"Only?!" Deano yelled. "He can still bleed to death!"

"Craven's men are looking after him, so stop b.l.o.o.d.y yelling at me."

"Why did he attack her?"

"She wouldn't leave me alone cos she thought I wuz Dante. She reeked of meth."

Deano grunted, his breathing still sounding like a bull ready to attack. "Dammit, I told Len he could reel her in if she overstepped the mark, but not to go whole hog on her."

"Which means he's pro'bly avoiding you on purpose."

"The b.a.s.t.a.r.d still could've told his daughter what wuz happening. She was in tears after seeing his room."

Poor kid having a father like that, Ash thought. He hoped people didn't view him in the same way as he did with Len. "Is that enough from me?"

"For now, but if I find out you're lying, expect a visit." Deano hung up.

Ash clicked off the phone. "b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"Who wuz that?" Juliet asked.

"Deano Jones."

She pulled a face. "I don't understand why you're still delivering to the Joneses."

"I don't have a choice; they're also under Craven's hand."

"Still, you should report them to the police after what they did to you."

"Nah, it'll only make things worse involving those blue b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, and the boss's men will make sure Len and Deano stick to the status quo. Anyway, enough of them, I wanna go visit my li'l boy."

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Behind The Tears Part 19 summary

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