Behind The Tears Part 29

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"What a load of bull. It wuz your b.l.o.o.d.y temper that got him hurt, no one else. You shouldn't have attacked Tyler."

"Tyler took advantage of him!"

"I doubt that. Corey's the one who takes advantage of people. Look what he did to Juliet, and not to mention what he did to you with the threesome. He's lucky you didn't bash him for that."

"I wouldn't hurt him."

"Maybe not intentionally, but you needa back off or else you're gonna push Corey further away. He needs someone like everyone else, and if it's Tyler then at least the guy's good looking and has a b.l.o.o.d.y nice car. Sheesh, I'd love to drive it again, and if Tyler's his boyfriend, he might let me. It wuz such a sweet ride-"

"It's just a car."

"Are you crazy? It's not just a car, it's a freakin' Alfa Romeo 159 3.2 JTS. Didn't you hear that V6 engine? And if you were nicer to Tyler he might let you drive it too-"

"I don't wanna drive his b.l.o.o.d.y car; I want him to keep away from Corey."

"That's Corey's decision not yours, and if he wants Tyler as a boyfriend, get over it, cos Corey won't stay your mate if you keep beating up his dates."

"Tyler's not good enough for him."

"Are you s.h.i.+tting me? Tyler's way outta Corey's league; I don't know why that dude is even interested in my bro."

"No way. Corey is way better lookin' than Tyler. It's Tyler who's out-kicked his coverage, not the other way round."

"Are you blind, dude? Tyler looks like a freakin' model, and that car wuz an absolute babe."

"Shut the f.u.c.k up 'bout the car."

"But it purred, man, it purred-"

"You care more about Tyler's car than your own brother! And if you're not gonna do anything 'bout that sleazebag, I will."

"G.o.d, you're a selfish p.r.i.c.k. You don't have a right to say who Corey can and can't see."

"I've got every b.l.o.o.d.y right, I f.u.c.kin' love him!"

"You what?"

Sledge went silent.

"Holy c.r.a.p!" Naf said. "That's why you're all hyper, you're jealous. Man, I would never have pegged you for a f.a.g."

"Cos I'm not, you moron! I love him as a mate."

"Yeah, I really believe that."

"If you don't shut the f.u.c.k up, I'm gonna come round and beat the s.h.i.+t outta you."

"Sounds like you're being a bit overly defensive. And if you want Corey, he'd definitely say yes, my bro loves you too. Just tell him what you feel."

"What I feel? And you're calling me a f.a.g? Go f.u.c.k yourself." Sledge hung up, aching to smack Naf's face in. And reactions like Naf's were precisely why he couldn't go with Corey, because he had a bad problem with tripping over his tongue and saying the wrong thing. And if he f.u.c.ked Corey, someone would eventually find out... Sledge leaned his back against the shed, and closed his eyes. But he wanted to, although he didn't understand why. He wasn't into dudes, and the transvest.i.te couldn't be counted, because technically he got a hard-on for what looked like a chick. But how did it explain him getting one for Corey, and why was kissing Corey so much better than all the chicks he'd ever kissed. He wished Corey had just left it at the kiss, because it had been perfect, but the little s.h.i.+t had to ruin things by grabbing his c.o.c.k, then showing off his own one. As if he was going to touch that. No b.l.o.o.d.y way, he wasn't a f.a.ggot... Was he?


Sledge jumped, then poked his head around the corner of the shed to find Mr. Murphy looking for him. "I'm here, Mr Murphy," he said, stepping out.

"What're you doin behind there, lad?"

"Just needed some privacy, I don't like pigs... I mean cops."

"It doesn't matter, you still have to talk to him, and he needs to ask you some more questions."

"Yeah, I know." Sledge followed Mr Murphy inside.

The officer looked up from the couch as they entered the lounge. "Have you managed to get a hold of everyone?"

"Almost all, just..." Sledge swore. He'd forgotten Beth." He pulled out his phone, getting her on the fourth ring. After relaying the message, Beth started babbling hysterically, asking where Dante and Ash were. "Heading for Craven's. Look, I can't talk right now, I've gotta go, just don't go near the house. Chaz may not come back, but the pigs don't want anyone gettin' in the way if he does." Sledge hung up before she could reply.

"Another thing," the officer said, not looking amused. "Do you know a Deano Jones?"

Sledge slid his phone into his jeans, realising he'd let slip the word pig. "Not personally, other than he's Len's cousin. Why?"

"While you were outside a colleague radioed through, bringing me up to speed on a new situation that has arisen. After identifying his cousin's body, Deano Jones lost it and started ranting that he was going to kill your brothers, then took off."

"And you lot didn't stop him?"

The officer frowned. "They tried to, but Mr Jones attacked the two officers who were in attendance, knocking one out and breaking the other's nose. We're currently looking for him. A car is at his son's house right now in Freeman's Bay, while another is at his place."

Sledge's face fell. "My mate's at his son's house, and Tyler doesn't live in Freeman's Bay, it's Herne Bay."

The cop grabbed his radio. "We have Freeman's Bay on file, what's the new address?"

Sledge told him.

The officer radioed it through, then refocused on Sledge. "Does Deano Jones know there's a connection between your family and your friend?"

"Not that I know of." Sledge pulled out his phone and dialled Corey's number. It rang through to the message system. He left a brief message, warning Corey about Deano coming, then texted a message, then recalled him, hoping he'd pick up. When Corey didn't reply, he went for the door.

"Where are you going?" the officer asked.

"To get my mate back."


Corey Corey opened his eyes at the sound of banging. Yawning, he pulled his right arm out from under Tyler and sat up, the limb having gone stiff from the position. His mate continued to sleep, no doubt exhausted from all the c.r.a.p that had gone down earlier. Tyler looked battered and bruised, both emotionally and physically, his swollen eyes not only from Sledge's fists.

Corey ran a finger lightly over Tyler's split lip, upset that Sledge had hurt the guy again. Just because Tyler did him, didn't mean Sledge had a right to knock the poor bloke about, and it wasn't fair, there was no compet.i.tion between the two, Tyler was too soft to do damage to anyone. Man, why couldn't Sledge stop being a p.r.i.c.k and see that Tyler was nothing like his father, because if sons were clones of their dads he'd be a fat b.a.s.t.a.r.d who hated gays.

Someone hollered, "Open up, Tyler!"

Corey rubbed his eyes, wincing when he touched the bruised one. He bent over and scooped up his boxers from under the window and slipped them on, the memory of taking them off, making him wince again. He'd gotten so close to what he wanted, so f.u.c.king close!

"I know you're in there, your car's outside!"

Impatient git, Corey thought. He looked back down at Tyler as he pulled on his jeans. His mate was still dressed in the same clothes he'd come home in. Tyler had fallen asleep in his arms after Sledge had left, literally crying himself to sleep.

"Tyler!" the person yelled again.

Corey tugged on his s.h.i.+rt, then headed out of the room, closing the door quietly behind him. He crossed the lounge and unlocked the front door, wis.h.i.+ng he hadn't opened it a second later. Tyler's dad glared down at him. He'd thought the guy had looked terrifying yesterday, but today Deano had amped up the volume a hundred-fold, making Corey want to p.i.s.s himself.

"What the f.u.c.k are you doin' 'ere?" Deano barked. "Farrah's at my place."

"Who's Fa..." Corey stopped, instantly realising his mistake. He forced a laugh, even though he felt like crying. "Oh yeah, my girlfriend." He swallowed as Deano's bloodshot eyes narrowed.

"Well?" Deano said, shoving Corey's chest.

Corey yelped.

"I didn't push that hard."

"My ribs are bruised." He lifted his s.h.i.+rt to show Deano.

Deano looked down, then back up at Corey's face. "Where's my son?"


Deano shoved him again, making Corey stumble into the coffee table. "Now, answer my first question. Why're you here?"

"Staying with Tyler, he's a mate."

Deano stopped advancing on him. He loosened up his shoulders and neck like he was getting ready for a round in the boxing ring, then lowered his gaze down Corey's body.

Terrified, Corey stared back, wis.h.i.+ng he could move, run, do anything, even scream out to Tyler, but everything froze under Deano's glare.

"You don't look like a f.a.ggot," Deano said.

Corey focused on Deano's hands as they curled into fists. "I'll go get Tyler," he said, making a move for the bedroom. He squealed as Deano advanced on him, backing him up so fast that he knocked into the African sculpture. The wooden form landed on the floor with Corey on top of it.

Deano grabbed Corey by the shoulders and hauled him over to the couch, throwing him down on it. "But you sure as h.e.l.l sound like a f.a.ggot, squealer," he said, placing his hands on either side of Corey's head.

Corey pushed his head back into the soft leather. "I-I'm not gay, sir."

"Don't lie to me, and don't gimme that bulls.h.i.+t 'bout Farrah either, cos I know why you're here now." Deano leaned in so close Corey could smell what he had for lunch. "You wanna b.u.m my boy."

Corey shook his head.

Deano's left eye twitched. "You have no right to be here, my boy's not gay; women love him. They always come round, still do, knocking at my door and asking for him."

Was the guy kidding? Tyler was abso-f.u.c.king-lutely-gay, his effeminate mannerisms hard to miss. But then again, if Deano was serious, he didn't want to be the messenger. "I'm just a frie-" Corey's head snapped to the side as Deano slapped him.

"You're a f.u.c.kin' liar; otherwise you'd be with Farrah and not here."

Raising a hand to his cheek, Corey dropped his gaze, too terrified to look at the guy.

Deano lifted his chin roughly. "Who bashed you?"

"No one, I banged into-" Corey cried out as another slap stung his cheek.

"I said, don't lie to me." Deano lifted up Corey's T. "Looks bad to me. Did someone gay bash your puny-a.r.s.e?"


Deano exhaled shakily. "All I came over for was to see how my son was holding up, and you answer his door. Do you even know what's happening to his family?" He grabbed Corey's cheeks, his expression a mixture of anger and grief. "I betcha don't. All you care about is getting off, using my beautiful boy while he's suffering." He ran his thumb under Corey's eye, pus.h.i.+ng into the bruised skin.

Yelping, Corey jerked his head back.

Deano clamped onto his chin tighter, his eyes narrowing. "I saw the way Tyler looked when he came over to my house with his black-eye and the plaster over his nose. I betcha tried it on with him and he didn't like it, so you two fought."

"No, we didn't-" Corey cried out as Deano slapped his cheek again.

"Don't interrupt me! Do you want me to teach you some manners, boy?"

Corey shook his head, weighing up whether he should scream out to Tyler.

"Maybe I should," Deano said, turning Corey's face. "Do you know what I wanna do to you right now, pretty boy?"

He shook his head again, knowing d.a.m.n well that Deano wanted to pound his piehole.

"I wanna do what my son did to you, but ten times harder."

Corey's eyes widened. Wrong hole! "P-Please, no, he didn't f-f.u.c.k me, I promise, we-we just w-watched a movie."

Deano's face fell then it hardened into a mask of hatred. "I didn't mean that, you sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

Something banged in the bedroom as Deano ploughed a fist into Corey's gut, the punch nothing like he'd ever felt before, Juliet's ones kisses in comparison.

The door opened, and Tyler hollered, "No!" as Deano's fist struck again, this time connecting with Corey's cheek. Sobbing from the pain, Corey curled up in a ball, then screamed as Deano yanked him off the couch by the neck.

"Dad, no! He's my friend!"

Deano threw Corey onto the floor and brought a boot down on his right thigh, pulling out another scream. Tyler rammed into his father, making Deano stagger to the side. Deano pushed Tyler away, and grabbed Corey's arm, dragging him towards the front door. Tyler started hitting his father, yelling at him to let go. When Deano didn't, Tyler dropped down on Corey and wrapped his arms around him.

"Let go, Tyler!" Deano hollered.

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Behind The Tears Part 29 summary

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