Behind The Tears Part 40

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"I thought you were dead," Ash finally said.

"Why the f.u.c.k for?"

"Juliet told me you were killed in the prison riot."

"Well, obviously, the ugly slag got things wrong."

"Shut your mouth 'bout Juliet!"

Tama ran a hand over his tattooed head, the curls of the Mori pattern giving the impression of hair. "I can say what I b.l.o.o.d.y like 'bout her, cos you can't do anything 'bout it."

Ash tugged on the ropes, aching to wrap them around Tama's neck and string him up. "Free me before Chaz comes back."

"Nah ah, you look like you wanna kill me." Tama came closer, the guy's swagger over emphasised, like he was doing it on purpose to taunt Ash. Stopping next to the bed, his gaze swept Ash's body, but without Chaz's hunger, only curiosity colouring the kid's face. "Man, Chaz is a sick motherf.u.c.ker." He smirked. "Or an Ashf.u.c.ker."

Ash yanked on the ropes again. "Untie me!"

"Again, nah ah, I'm not a dumba.r.s.e. So ... how did he get ya here? Cos I've gotta say, I didn't expect you to go down against him-" Tama smirked again. "Go down, get it?"

"He drugged me, and you can't leave me like this."

"I'm not leaving, cos I owe the f.u.c.ker death." Tama turned to the window. A blood stained bandage covered the back of his head. He peeked through the curtains. "d.a.m.n lucky I came round the back way through farmland, otherwise he might've shot me too. I wonder who he killed." He glanced back at Ash. "Do you know?"

Ash shook his head.

Tama looked back out the window. "I don't really care, none of my biz, though better not be any of my relatives." He frowned. "No, Chaz wouldn't shoot my cuz, and anyway, Mikey doesn't know 'bout this place, so all's good. It wuz pro'bly just some poor schmuck turning up at the wrong place. Ha! Wrong place, wrong time. Never been truer-"

"Stop talking and untie me before he comes back. He'll kill you."

"Nope, I'm safe for now, I saw him drive down the creek track. He's probably gonna dump whoever he killed, so my guess is he'll be back anywhere from ten minutes onwards."

"Then untie me."

"Nah, I got a diff plan."

"At least untie me partially."

Tama turned back to him. "Untie me, untie me... Man, you're like a broken record."

"But you hafta free me."

"I don't hafta do nuthin', and you can b.l.o.o.d.y stay like that. Call it payback for you trying to bash me when your ugly-a.r.s.e sister jumped my d.i.c.k. She's the one who wanted a good f.u.c.king, not the other way round. That b.i.t.c.h looks like Sledge in drag, and there's no way in h.e.l.l my c.o.c.k is goin' anywhere near her willingly."

Ash grimaced. Juliet hadn't lied about Tama hurting her, it may not have been physical, but the insults Tama had thrown at her did more damage than any punch would have.

"I'm sorry for gettin' things wrong," Ash said, although he wasn't. "I won't hurt you, just lemme free and we can take care of Chaz together."

"No, I'm killing him myself. And you can shut the f.u.c.k up if you wanna keep your a.r.s.e c.o.c.k free. I'll call the pigs for you after I finish the p.r.i.c.k off." Tama ran a hand over his face and swore. "Man, why did he hafta come here, this is my stepdad's place, not his. Now I hafta find another pad to hole up in."

"Do ya have any weapons?" Ash asked.

Tama pulled out a switchblade from his track-pants.

"Don't you have sumpthin' better, like a gun?"

"Nah, I don't know how to shoot, so I'm taking him down with this beauty." Smiling, Tama flipped the knife in his hand. "Maybe when he's trying to f.u.c.k you, I can stab him in the back." He flipped the knife again, then nodded at the wardrobe. "I can wait in there and see what he tries to do to you, it might be amusing."

Ash yanked on the ropes. "Lemme go!"

Tama sneered. "I wuz having you on, cos there's no way in h.e.l.l I'm watching a f.a.g bang. And anyway, your bro wouldn't forgive me if I let that s.h.i.+t happen, no matter how much you hurt him. Instead, I should give you a smack around for what you did to Sledge."

"He attacked my mate," Ash said, feeling guilty.

"So? Your mate is more important than your bro?"

Ash went quiet.

Tama shook his head. "So big bad Ash feels bad for bas.h.i.+ng his li'l bro. Didn't expect that. Kinda thought you had no f.u.c.kin' feelings. Guess you do care 'bout Sledge after all."

"Of course I care 'bout him."

"Then the next time he does sumpthin' you don't like keep your f.u.c.kin' fists to yourself, s.h.i.+thead!"

Ash dropped his gaze. "I won't hurt him again, no matter what."

"Good. Looks like you aren't a heartless b.a.s.t.a.r.d after all. So, this is the plan. Before Uncle h.o.m.o returns I'll hop into the wardrobe, then when he's on top of you..." Tama held up a hand as Ash swore. "Wait a mo, I didn't say I'd let him f.u.c.k you, just said when he's on top of you. I need him distracted or I won't be able to stab him. I've already tried once, and failed, I can't afford for him to turn on me again. He almost killed me the first time." Tama pointed to the bandage at the back of his head. "He b.l.o.o.d.y bashed my head against the ground, and it still hurts like f.u.c.k, so you hafta distract him."

"Why can't you hide behind the door and stab him when he walks in?"

"I already told you why."

"I don't see what difference it'll make if you come up from behind when he walks in the door or when he's on top of me."

"Are you stupid? There's a huge diff. It's harder to move when you're lying on someone, and he'll be thinking with his c.o.c.k, not his brain."

"I don't want him touching me."

"Don't blame you, but it's what's happening, so get with the plan or get f.u.c.ked-literally." Tama walked over to the wardrobe and kicked the broken pieces of mirror on the ground. "Looks like that nasty-a.r.s.e bruise on your forehead came from this. Did he smash you against it?"

"No, I rammed it."

Tama's gaze flicked back to Ash, his expression surprised, then a smile lit up his face. "That's so f.u.c.kin' cool; I would've given anything to have seen it. I always did think you were a crazy motherf.u.c.ker. I could never do sumpthin' like that, I love life too much."

"Life's overrated."

"But, aren't you scared of death?"

Ash shook his head.

Tama laughed, "You're cool, man. If you didn't wanna kill me I would so love to be your mate. Maybe since I'm helping you out, we could be now."

Ash glared at him. "No."

"s.h.i.+t, why the f.u.c.k not? I'm cool, and you'll be able to get me more chicks than Sledge. They swarm round you and Dante. Go on, I'm helping you out big time here, which means you owe me."

"Sure, you can be my mate," until I get free, then I'll bash your f.u.c.kin' head in.

"Chur, bro." Tama smiled, then pulled the wardrobe open, giving it a look in. "Good, it's big enough." He turned back to Ash. "When he's completely focused on you, call out: Don't hurt me. When that happens I'll come out and stab him. Okay?"

"Can't you-"

"No, do as you're told."

Ash nodded reluctantly, then tensed at the sound of someone walking over gravel outside. Tama got into the wardrobe, giving Ash one last look before shutting himself in. A door banged, then less than a minute later Chaz walked into the bedroom, looking worn out.

"f.u.c.k, that was a b.i.t.c.h to do," he said. "I drove the car further into the woods so we should be good for now, but someone might come looking, so best pack up. I've got another safe house up in Hokianga-" Chaz stopped talking, a frown spreading across his forehead. He glanced back at the door. "I know I shut that." Pulling out his gun, Chaz locked the door, then checked under the bed. Once finished, he leaned over, whispering in Ash's ear, "Was..." He glanced at the wardrobe. "Is someone here?"

"Not anymore. Tama showed up, but left. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d wouldn't untie me, said I deserved to get f.u.c.ked," Ash replied, scared that Chaz would look in the wardrobe.


Ash nodded.

"Did the c.u.n.t say where he was going?"

Ash shook his head.

Chaz frowned. "He must've come with the two I shot."

"Who were they?"

"No one concerning you." Chaz peered through the curtains, then turned back to Ash. "Do you remember what I said I'd do after I got back?"

Ash shook his head vigorously. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

"Too late for sorries, two people are dead cos of you." Chaz put the gun down on the bed, then grabbed Ash's underpants.

"No!" Ash yelled.

Chaz yanked them down, then pulled out the knife from his pocket and cut the ropes binding Ash's feet, removing the underpants in one go. Ash lifted his legs, ready to kick out, because there was no way in h.e.l.l he was letting Chaz get on top of him. He didn't care what Tama had said, it wasn't happening.

"Nice view," Chaz said.

"You ain't touching me!"

With the knife in one hand and the gun in the other, Chaz moved to the top of the bed. "Don't move while I cut you free," he said, pointing the barrel at Ash's crotch.

Ash stayed dead still, his eyes locked on the gun. When Chaz finished hacking the ropes, Ash moved his still bound arms in front of him.

"Roll onto your stomach," Chaz said.


Chaz leaned over and whispered into Ash's ear. "Do as you're told or I'll shoot whoever's in the wardrobe, and if you don't make a noise I'll let them live. Understand?"

Nodding, Ash rolled over, praying he wasn't going to get f.u.c.ked. He twisted his head, watching Chaz move down the bed.

"I'm really gonna enjoy this," Chaz said, stopping next to the wardrobe. He raised the gun and reached for the door.

"Don't hurt me!" Ash yelled at the top of his lungs, diverting Chaz's attention away from the wardrobe.

Tama jumped out. Chaz turned and fired off a shot just as Tama knocked the gun to the side. Tama then barrelled into Chaz, taking both of them down while Ash rolled off the bed, ready to help him. Ash jumped back as another shot was fired, then stomped on Chaz's ankle, causing his stepfather to holler in pain. Taking advantage of the distraction, Tama punched Chaz in the face over and over again until Chaz dropped the gun, then picked it up and aimed it at Chaz's forehead, pulling the trigger with a bloodied smile.

The click of an empty cartridge set everything in motion again. Chaz knocked Tama backwards and lunged at him as Tama grabbed his knife. There was a grunt, then, from on top of Tama, Chaz looked up at Ash with wide eyes, his expression filled with shock. Ash's name fell from his lips along with a trickle of blood, leaving a trail down the side of his chin.

Tama rolled Chaz off him and removed his knife from Chaz's torso, the blade covered with blood. Ash turned his head as Tama raised the knife, not wanting to see Chaz die, although he didn't understand why. He'd imagined killing Chaz so many times, in the most gruesome of ways, but with the sight of a knife about to go into his stepfather-the same way his mother had died, it tore Ash apart, making him want to stop it, but he didn't. Karma. It wasn't sweet, it was sick.

"You didn't do as you were told!" Tama yelled at Ash. "You almost got me killed!"

Ash turned back, his gaze instantly going to Chaz, who lay still, with his torso and face painted in blood. "He knew you were in the wardrobe, I had to warn you. And you're alive."

Tama's angry glare dropped to Chaz. "And he's f.u.c.kin' dead."

"Feel his pulse," Ash said, not quite believing it.

"No use, I stabbed him real good," Tama said, holding out the knife. "So, you better be grateful, cos you owe me your life now, mate."

Ash wanted to say he didn't owe Tama s.h.i.+t, but refrained. "Call the cops for me," he said, climbing over the bed, the sound of the chain around his waist a reminder of how much he still needed the c.u.n.t.

Tama frowned, his gaze travelling down Ash's body, making Ash feel uncomfortable. "Sorry for saying that s.h.i.+t 'bout your a.r.s.e," Tama said. "It's warped what that f.u.c.k did to you as a kid, no one deserves that. Sumpthin' similar happened to my cousin Mikey, not with a male, but with his mum. Really sick what some people do to their own kids. I could never hurt a kid, especially not my own."

Ash believed him, although he ached to point out that Tama was a rapist too.

Tama's lip curled. "I know what you're thinking, and don't, Jess f.u.c.ked me willingly then cried rape."

"Why're you making excuses?" Ash said, angry at the mention of his mate's wife. "Are you ashamed or sumpthin'?"

Tama sniffed. "I ain't ashamed of nuthin'. She wanted me, but wouldn't admit to it."

"You forced her."

"I did not. It wuz all Nike's fault. She should've been mine, not his!"

Ash pointed a finger at Tama. "You stay away from her," he said, wis.h.i.+ng his wrists were freed.

Tama sneered. "I can do whatever I like and you can't do s.h.i.+t, motherf.u.c.ker. So, if you want me to call the pigs for you, tell me you believe me."

Ash shook his head.

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Behind The Tears Part 40 summary

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