Behind The Tears Part 45

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"w.a.n.k yourself off."

"That's boring."

"No, it's not. I love w.a.n.king off."

"Then prove it and do it for me, it'll just be like w.a.n.king yourself-"

"Just with a way smaller d.i.c.k," Sledge

Corey punched him. "It's not small!"

"Says the c.l.i.t to the c.o.c.k."


"Well, you deserved it, cos I did tell ya I wouldn't touch your d.i.c.k."

"Just try it or I won't stop bugging you."


"But you've made me hard," Corey whined.

"That's not my fault."

Corey s.n.a.t.c.hed Sledge's hand and put it on his crotch "Please. You gave me blue-b.a.l.l.s the last time," he said, digging his nails in when Sledge tried to pull back.

"Ow! Stoppit, you're hurting me."

Corey let go.

Sledge rubbed the indent marks. "You needa cut your nails."

'Sorry." Corey took Sledge's hand and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it. Sledge watched, this time not fighting him, the guy's lips so much prettier than Stella's. What was wrong with him? He had no problem f.u.c.king Stella-someone he didn't love, yet he gave Corey nothing-even though the cutie turned him on big time. And w.a.n.king Corey wasn't exactly s.e.x, well, it was s.e.xual, but if he put his hand under the cover he wouldn't see himself doing it, plus Corey did have an adorable little d.i.c.k... And he'd let Corey w.a.n.k next to him when they watched p.o.r.nos... Oh s.h.i.+t, he was going to do it, wasn't he?

He breathed in, then pulled his hand out of Corey's grip and slipped it under the bedcovers and Corey's hospital gown, making his mate gasp.

"Oh G.o.d, yes, Sledge."

"Shoosh," Sledge said, feeling himself harden more, Corey's reaction a definite turn-on. "Don't say a word or I'll stop."

Clamping a hand over his mouth, Corey watched Sledge through hooded eyes, then he started moving his pelvis in rhythm with Sledge's hand, making Sledge bite back a moan himself. f.u.c.k, he wanted to flip Corey over and take him right there. The thought shocked Sledge out of his s.e.xual haze, making him aware he was holding someone else's d.i.c.k. His grip slackened, then tightened again when Corey's eyes took on a pleading look. Sledge started w.a.n.king him faster, just wanting to finish, then before he knew what was happening, Corey came, moaning into his hand.

After a few seconds, Corey removed his hand from his mouth and looked down at his covered c.o.c.k, which Sledge was still holding, feeling more than a little stunned. He'd just w.a.n.ked off a guy. Well, he couldn't w.a.n.k off a girl... but a guy! He glanced down at his own c.o.c.k, which was trying to escape his jeans.

Corey's gaze s.h.i.+fted to it and he licked his lips, making Sledge's c.o.c.k twitch. "Get a wheelchair and take me to the toilet, I needa clean up."

Sledge pulled his hand out, getting some of Corey's c.u.m on him. Freaked out, he wiped it on the bed, then hastily left Corey's room, totally disbelieving what he'd just done and afraid someone would see his hard-on. He quickly returned with the wheelchair, wis.h.i.+ng his b.a.s.t.a.r.d of a d.i.c.k would deflate, but all it did was try harder to get at Corey, who kept looking at it, encouraging the b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

He helped Corey into the wheelchair, grabbed a blanket to cover the c.u.m stain, then wheeled him out, following instructions on where the shower was. Sledge pushed Corey into the room, then locked the door behind them. The shower had a removable nozzle-head and a seat, and luckily, some fresh hospital gowns on a shelf.

Corey removed the blanket then his gown, catching Sledge's full attention. Bruising ran up and down his body, upsetting Sledge. He bobbed down and brushed them lightly. "Do they hurt bad?"

"Not as much now."

"I should've been there for you."

"You're here now."

Sledge frowned. Then leaned over and kissed the biggest one on Corey's ribcage, wanting to take his mate's lover's pain away. Corey placed his hand on Sledge's head, and stroked his hair, the simple gesture almost undoing Sledge. He raised his head and latched onto Corey's lips, no longer freaked out, the need to taste his lover too strong. Corey kissed him back, his tongue slipping inside, then his hand reached down and unzipped Sledge's pants.

Sledge pulled back. "What're you doin'?" he said out of breath.

"I wanna return what you did for me, but with my mouth."

"You don't hafta."

"But I wanna."

Sledge's gaze moved back to Corey's full lips. Yeah, he wanted Corey to do it too. "How do you want me?"

A large smile formed across Corey's face. "Stand up."

Sledge got to his feet, feeling awkward until Corey pulled his c.o.c.k out, then... Sledge tilted his head back and groaned. f.u.c.k, he loved the dude.


Ash Friday Ash got out of Dante's car and looked at the house he no longer wanted to live in. Even worse, he considered it tapu now-a forbidden place because of Len's death. Although he didn't believe in G.o.d, he was superst.i.tious, especially when it involved the dead. Christ, why did he even think he could spend another night in here, the place now creeping him out, regardless of the happier memories a.s.sociated with it. But he had to deal with it, and get on with things, sorting out the mess called his life.

Dante locked the car, appearing more relaxed than normal. The car ride back had been a strange one, mainly due to giving Beth a lift home. But it hadn't been too bad, and he'd even talked to her without biting her head off. Maybe it was because he no longer cared about what she'd done to him-Chaz's abuse making it feel insignificant. Or maybe it was because he hadn't expected to survive, and everything that followed was more like a dream than real.

Dante followed him. "You 'kay, bro?"

Ash nodded. "I'm relieved we're moving, it's sumpthin' we should've done a long time ago." And he was even more relieved he was going to meet up with Tiana the next day. She hadn't come to Dargaville, which had made him think she didn't care, but he'd found out it was Dante's fault, his brother warning her to give him time to recover. Plus, he also discovered that Dante was holding a grudge against her for allowing him to walk into Chaz's trap. Though, Ash didn't blame her, far from it, because he knew she would've been protecting Angelo, which he wanted her to do. If anything, he would've been angry if she didn't; her first priority was their son, not him.

Ash waited for Dante to unlock the front door, raring to get things started, to toss the s.h.i.+t from his life so only the gold remained. After he'd made some calls, he was heading to Craven's to settle Hunter's debt. He was going to promise his boss he'd work for him until the house was sold, then he would pay for his family's freedom, the additional loan Dante had gotten from their uncle and grandfather enough to do it.

After that he was going to see the real estate agent, then if he had time he would check out some night, because there was no way in h.e.l.l he was going to finish his education in high school-stuff that. But then again, it might be amusing seeing the looks on the teacher's faces when they saw him, tattooed up like some gang-member. He grinned.

Dante entered the house before him. Ash followed, stopping in surprise when he saw his family, all looking at him with either smiles or worried expressions. Their father sat on the couch next to Angelo, while Tiana was on the other side. Standing by the dining-room table were the twins. Sledge looked stern, while Juliet was beaming, like she was trying to stop herself from running to him, the girl practically vibrating with excitement. He smiled back, his brothers knowing she was his favourite, he just hoped he was still hers tomorrow after Dante and him told the twins the truth about who their parents were. He wasn't looking forward to that.

"Dad!" Angelo yelled, launching himself at Ash.

Ash put his arms around his son, surprised that Tiana had brought Angelo here when she hated the place. Christ, why hadn't he gotten rid of the house sooner? No, he knew why: because he didn't think he could do anything but sell drugs, and he also had it fixed in his mind that he wouldn't be able to escape working for Craven. But after what Chaz had done, he wasn't going to let any more men rule his life.

Ash lifted Angelo off the floor, so happy he was holding his son, something he didn't think he was ever going to do again after being kidnapped. Plus, he was immensely relieved that Chaz had been telling the truth about not harming Angelo.

Ash pushed Chaz out of his brain. The sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d may be still be breathing-barely, but he needed to keep telling himself that Chaz was gone for good, not someone or something he wanted to ever think about again. He knew that was unrealistic, but he had to try to move on, because he didn't want to continue living with the mind-f.u.c.k that Chaz had done on him.

"What're you doin' here?" Ash asked Angelo.

"For your welcome home party, Dad."

"It's not a party, Angelo," Tiana piped up. "Only a welcome home."

"It's not my home for much longer either," Ash said, aching to embrace her, but not sure if she would welcome it. He put Angelo down on his feet, but still held his son to him, the little one not trying to get free.

Tiana straightened her skirt, looking more than nervous. "Yes, Dante mentioned you're selling." Then her expression broke, and she jumped up from the couch and rushed to him, squas.h.i.+ng Angelo in between them as she hugged Ash, their son squealing at her to let him out.

She moved Angelo aside, and hugged Ash fully. "I'm sorry, I went to warn you, but that horrible creature s.n.a.t.c.hed the phone offa me." She pulled back, her eyes going all over him, then stopped to brush his fringe aside, touching the bruise on his forehead. "What did he do to you? No, don't answer, just tell me he didn't hurt you, that he didn't do the same thing."

"I can't."

Her face dropped, like she was about to disintegrate into a mess on the floor, the guilt in her eyes so stark it hurt.

"He didn't ra... do that. He did sumpthin' similar, but I'd rather not talk about it right now. Later? Okay?" And he meant it, because he was sick of bottling up everything. He needed to talk to someone, and Tiana along with Dante were the best ones to open up to.

She latched onto him and started crying again. "Please forgive me."

He took a hold of her arms and pulled her back, then took her face in his hands and kissed her. She went still for a moment, then returned it with pa.s.sion, as if he'd just returned from war-which he supposed he had.

He pulled back and smiled. "There's nuthin' to forgive. And I'll get through this, but only if you promise you'll move with me to Howick."

"Howick?" she said, looking stunned.

He nodded. "I'm buying my way out of the business; both me and Dante will approach Craven today, offering him a deal he can't refuse. I don't wanna live like this anymore," he said, waving his hand at the house, the place he'd lived in for the past ten years. But his gesture also referred to selling drugs and the lifestyle he'd led. "I wanna be with you and Angelo, and I wanna go back to school, and finish what I would have if that night," I was raped, "never happened."

A huge smile lit up her face, like the sun had broken through the walls and shone itself on her. She lunged at him, hugging him again.

"I guess that's a yes?" he said.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes..."

Angelo started chanting yes behind her, his little face reflecting how happy Ash felt right at that moment, which was a strange feeling considering everything that had happened over the past week, something that he'd thought would've killed him, but he guessed he wasn't letting Chaz get in the way this time.

Ash covered his eyes, attempting to stop his hand from shaking, yet failing. He'd thought he'd never get what he wanted, thought he had to constantly compromise, but now it looked like he didn't.

"Oh, Ash," Tiana said. "Don't get upset."

Ash wiped his face. "I'm not upset."

"But you're crying."

"Cos I didn't think I would get you and Angelo back, and I also didn't think I would see any of you again after what happened."

"So your tears are cos you're happy?" she said, looking uncertain.

"Yes, and you're all behind the tears," he said, sweeping his gaze over his family, "but in a good way." The image of the two teardrop tattoos under Chaz's left eye returned for a moment before Ash squashed it down. "And no one will tear my family apart ever again." He focused on Sledge. "No matter what happens, I will only protect and be there for you."

Sledge smiled at him.

Ash smiled back, then s.h.i.+fted his gaze to Dante. "And if you want things I don't want, I won't get in your way."

Dante stared back, his look of surprise telling Ash his brother knew he was talking about Beth.

Ash then refocused on Tiana, who was beaming up at him. He kissed her head, then gave her one of his Uncle Luka's famous bear-hugs. And like his uncle, he was going to live his life to the full and not let anything-or any man-stand in his way.

About the Author.

Marita A. Hansen was born in New Zealand, where her stories are based. Marita loves writing, creating art, coaching football, and running. She ran her first two marathons in 2012 and is planning on completing many more, the New York Marathon at the top of her bucket list. For more information on Marita check out her blog: ***

An extract from Behind the Hood.

(Behind the Lives #1).

Set in 2010.



Maia Daniels knew she should just ignore the boys. Walk past, don't listen, she told herself. Don't talk back.

It was ten o'clock on a night. The gang were sitting on a wall outside Claydon Pub, pa.s.sing around a smoke. She'd seen some of them at high school, when they decided to turn up that is.

Whooping and yelling came from the pub. A television blared loudly, no doubt replaying the All Blacks' rugby match against the Wallabies. Maia stopped at the driveway as a purple Holden drove into the car park. Music blasted from inside the souped-up machine, the ba.s.s pumping its steady beat out into the night.

"Maia, c'mere," Tama Harris yelled.

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Behind The Tears Part 45 summary

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