The Eternal World Chapter 1

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Let’s meet Rosy.

I was standing still with a blank look on my face.

Anyone would if they properly understood what happened. Suddenly, out of nowhere, memories of scenery that I've never seen before flowed in my mind.

I want to praise the me who didn't scream.

My name's Rosemary. My family calls me Rosy. I'm a two-year-old child. My baby brother was just born in June so I came to visit him.

I think saying that the memories suddenly sprang up fits the best. It happened when my little brother's wet-nurse had just gone to refill the water jug. Just when I was peering at Oscar, who was sleeping in the crib, memories that "I was not of this world" came flooding in.

"Eee… Is this what you call recalling memories of a previous life thing. No way"

Isn't this like the popular web novel I often read in my previous life in j.a.pan. "Reincarnating in a world different from Earth and then remembering your past life" kind of story.

Usually the setting in the novels is either getting in an accident, losing consciousness or having a continuous high fever and remembering but in my case the memories just came gus.h.i.+ng out. I didn't have a fever nor did I pa.s.s out. Could it be because I am only two? Maybe because I've yet to establish an ego, hence I could accept everything. Huh? But I can't remember my previous life's name. I know I was a woman though. Huh? I can't remember anything about myself at all. I can't recall the names or faces of the people that were my family either. Looks like the only thing I do remember is the common sense or something. With these new memories I take another look around my little brother's room.


The reflection I caught as I gazed in the mirror and the words that I mumbled, everything was out of place. Looking at my outward appearance I couldn't help but think that this is a different world.

There are no people with blue hair on Earth!!

I had soft wavy blue hair together with silver and gold pupils.

The hair on my peacefully sleeping brother was light brown. I've never seen his eyes so I don't know their color but if I had had a hair color like my brother's I wouldn't have been so surprised… probably.

Also, no matter how I look, I can't see anything but a foreign building- at the four corners of the walls made of white stone, complicated patterns and engravings were spread out; furniture decorated with gorgeous Gold and Cloisonné ware-like ornaments. Even the dress I was wearing at the moment was of the puffed up fluttering type.

I would only wear it if I was in a play!

Let's calm down.

Naturally the people around me weren't speaking j.a.panese. Since I was only two I wasn't that good with the language but right now flowing through my head was undoubtedly a foreign thing like the j.a.panese language.

Just when I had had enough with this situation my brother woke up and started to whimper.

"Ah, tea, tea…"

I was surprised by the clumsy words that came out when I tried to soothe him like the wet nurse did.

"A a ……Well ……s.h.i.+kachiyaniyai ……"

j.a.panese is hard too.

Because of these past memories I recall being an adult, so I can't deny that the present situation is quite frustrating. It's to the point where I'm so short that climbing up and down the chair I am on right now is not easy at all. Even my hands, the expression "hands like maple leaves" fits perfectly.

Truly, it seems that I've become a person with memories of their past life.

Author message: I started the otome game novel that I wanted to write. There are a lot of shoddy places but if you want stick with me. If I notice misspellings, I'll fix them immediately.

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The Eternal World Chapter 1 summary

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