The Eternal World Chapter 2

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Rosy decides on something

"Oh, my, young miss. Were you comforting your little brother. Such kind older sister you are."

While wearing a one-million-dollar smile the wet nurse entered the room carrying the water jug. Pus.h.i.+ng aside any embarra.s.sment I resolved myself and commenced acting like a child.

"Yup. Oshcar was crying."

"Maybe he's hungry. It's just time for his breastfeeding."

That moment someone I recognized entered the room.

"Young miss, you were here. The madam had told you that you are not allowed to come in here, had she not? Promptly return to your room, please."

In front of me was a lady in the prime of her life. It was a maid, that was often with my mother. Over a navy blue base, she wore a white ap.r.o.n-the perfect image of a made.

Huh? What was her name?

Huh? Come to think of it I don't know the name of the wet nurse, too. Eh, what? Have I never heard her name being called?

Probably because she found the me, who was staring intently without moving, suspicious the maid who was in front peered at me with a noh mask-like expression.

More importantly, what interests me more is the wet nurse's expression.

For some reason a sad look floated on her face.

"Your name is?"


"What is your name?"

"The name of the likes of me is not important enough for the ears of the young miss."

Eh? What's with that?

"Young miss! Please hurry and leave this room or I'll be the one scolded by the madam."

Saying that, the maid, who didn't give me her name, took my hand and forcibly dragged me out of the room. Being angry at me, who didn't listen to what I was told, is not wrong.

But. BUT!

When the maid brought me to my room "Listen to what you were told and don't leave the room"- she said and left.

Then, the madam in question, my mother in this life, entered the room.

"Well Rosy. You look cute just like me today, too. After all you are the heaven-sent child loved by the G.o.d, destined to become queen, Rosy. At this age to be filled with so much grace and dignity. How proud that makes me."

My mother Daria, while hugging me tightly, let out words that seemed like praises, in succession. I didn't understand the majority of it but there are some that I remember hearing.

After that, the two of us- my mother, who shot out words like a machine gun, and I, who didn't understand her at all and continued giving her halfhearted responses, reached the living room.

Around an hour later I was finally freed from my mother's unceasing chattering. When I looked the sun had started setting. Before I noticed my father had returned home and the maid came to announce that dinner is ready.

My family in this world is comprised of father, mother Daria and my brother Oscar. It appears that we are an affluent family. There is a young man that is probably a steward, that follows my father and then there are several maids. We probably have exclusive chefs working for us too.

Did you notice? Right now in my memory the name of my father does not exist.

While I was in a daze because of that we had reached the dining table. It was then that I noticed another strange thing. My parents were both sitting at the same dining table yet there was no conversation at all.

Usually when you see each other it's normal to say "I'm home" right? Were you so absorbed in conversation that you forgot to welcome him? Mother…

After that there was not a word said. After my father finished his dinner he promptly left the room.

On top of that he didn't say a word to me too.

What's with this family…Is this even a family?

In this continuous surprising situation, in order to put an end to this meal I brought the spoon, filled with the dish, that the chef had made easy to eat for a two-year-old child, to my mouth.

The only salvation was that the meal was delicious. This evening's line-up was a blend of j.a.panese and Western cuisine. That's right! There's even a j.a.panese style hamburger. The dessert was ice cream with a topping of anmitsu! Anmitsu!!

Ahem. Let's return to the topic at hand.

For the me, who has regained her previous life's memories, anything and everything felt out of place. Most likely if it was a normal child it wouldn't have noticed anything. But now that my understanding is that of an adult this uncomfortable feeling is one that I can't help but notice and worry about.

Since I don't understand the common sense of this world I can't even tell whether this uncomfortable feeling is strange or not.

In order to ascertain that I've decided to observe my family.

Hi, all. There’s the second chapter. By the way the pet name of Rosemary is actually Rose but because another favorite heroine of mine is called
that too( Tensei Oujo for those that want to know), i decided to call her Rosy. Well read and review. Till next time and thanks to those who followed.

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The Eternal World Chapter 2 summary

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