Maker's Song - In the Blood Part 47

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Nephilim, the offspring resulting from Fallen and mortal unions.

Nightbringer, a name/t.i.tle given to Lucien De Noir.

Nightkind, (s and pl) vampire; term for vampires.

Nomad, name for the pagan, gypsy-style clans who ride across the land.

Oui, yes.

Pere de sang, (m) blood-father; male vampire who has turned another and become their "parent."

P't.i.t, mon, (m) my little one; p't.i.te, ma (f). (Generally affectionate.) Peut-etre que oui, peut-etre que non, maybe yes, maybe no.

Pourquoi, why.S, (Italian) yes.

S'il te plait, please (informal).

Tais toi, shut up.

T'a menti, you lied, you lie.

T'es sur de sa, are you sure about that? T'es sur, you sure?

Toi t'a pas de la place pour parler, you have no room to talk. toi pas, don't worry.

Tres, very.

Tres belle, (f) very beautiful.

Tres bien, very good, very well.

Tres joli, (m) very pretty.

True Blood, born vampire, rare and powerful.

Va jouer dans ta cour a toi, go play in your own yard.

Veve, an intricate symbol of a loa, used in rituals.

Wybrcathl (OOEEBR-cathl), sky-song. Fallen/Elohim word.

The song Dante sings to Annie: Laissez-faire, laissez-faire, ma jolie, bons temps rouler, allons danser, toute la nuit... Let it be, let it be, my pretty one, good times roll, let's dance all night...Si toi t'es presse et occupe, mon ami, courir ici, courir la-bas... If you're rushed and busy, my friend, running here, running there...

From "Laissez Faire" by Bruce Daigrepont (Bayou PonPon, ASCAP) from Stir up the Roux on Rounder Records. Used with permission.

The song Caterina sings to Athena: Fi la nana, e mi bel fiol / Fi la nana, e mi bel fiol / Fa si la nana / Fa si la nana / Dormi ben, e mi bel fiol / Dormi ben, e mi bel fiol...

Hush-a-bye, my lovely child / Hush-a-bye, my lovely child / Hush, hush and go to sleep / Hush, hush and go to sleep / Sleep well, my lovely child / Sleep well, my lovely child...

-Traditional Italian lullaby in an old dialect

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Maker's Song - In the Blood Part 47 summary

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