Lord Liar Part 23

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"Urse," he said quietly, "look behind you at yon collection of blackguards.

I think we're in for trouble."

The Breton squire had to swivel completely around because of his patched eye, but even a quelling look from the giant was not enough to stifle the rough group's amus.e.m.e.nt.

The tavern keeper promised Ranulf roast capon for him and his party and provided each with a cup of his finest wine, then went out to the kitchen behind the common room. The baiting began.

"" Twould appear that we have visitors from the English court,"

e. mrked one in a voice that was meant to carry to Ranulf's ears. " " One of William Rufus's fancy, scented lord lings I doubt not. One can tell by one's nose, hein? " He pantomimed sniffing the air.

With a growl, Urse made as if to rise, but Ranulf's hand on his wrist stayed him.

"Let it go since the ladies are with us, and we may yet avoid a fight," he whispered to his squire, conscious that Aldyth's eyes were rounded jade orbs in her pale face.

"In any case, I find I am hungry after all."

But the rascals were not about to let them relax and enjoy their wine.

They were strolling past as if about to leave, when one of their group ran a finger inquiringly down the velvet of Ranulf's tunic.

"Lovely," he murmured with sarcastic emphasis. "Be careful, Guillaume," one of his friends said.

"Likely the popinjay will scratch your eyes out." At this sally they all snorted with derision.

Feeling himself flush with rage, Ranulf fought for control, knowing it was better not to give in and give them the brawl they wanted, lest Aldyth and Lady Vivienne be hurt in the midst of it. He had almost reined in his temper when another of the troublemakers reached down and felt a lock of Ranulf's long, curling hair.

"Do all the English damoiselles have hair so soft?" he cooed directly into Ranulf's car.

Rage won over self-control. Ranulf jumped up, knocking his bench back on the rough-planked floor. The clatter and his roar of fury drowned out Lady Vivienne's scream and the low cry Aldyth smothered behind her hand as both backed out of the way.

s.n.a.t.c.hing up Ume's wine cup--for he had already spilled his own when he arose so precipitately--Ranulf threw it full in the face of the man who had touched his hair. This action enabled him to follow quickly with a stunning blow to the head, which momentarily staggered the ruffian. The remainder of the group would have jumped Ranulf en at this point but for Urse, who had decided to wait no longer to join the fray. The giant had grabbed the nearest two scoundrels and crashed their skulls together. With twin grunts both sank to the floor, senseless. He bellowed a challenge to one of the others.

"Come on, ye wh.o.r.eson, and by G.o.d's fist, I'll pound ye into the floor!" The lout foolishly, if obediently, charged the waiting giant.

Ranulf was far too busy to admire the neat way his squire had put a pair of their attackers out of commission at once.

Two of the pack circled him, wary now, but waiting for an opening.

He watched them, wis.h.i.+ng for the dozenth time that he had not worn the attention-getting tunic with its scalloped, hampering sleeves. The feel of the cold metal links in his hauberk certainly would be comforting now, but his stomach had been roiling as they disembarked and his mail was packed away at the bottom of one of the trunks he would have to reclaim back at the dock.

Both his tormentors had daggers in their belts, but if he took time to draw his sword from its scabbard across his back, one or both of them would he upon him before he could accomplish it.

Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Aldyth and Lady Vivienne hugging the wall, stealing toward the ladder that led to the tavern's few bedchambers for hire. All the better. If they could get out of sight, he would not have to worry about them. The tavern keeper drawn by the commotion, was peering into the room from the door to the kitchen, but he was useless, merely making moaning protests about the damage.

Turning slightly to place the wall at his back, Ranulf lured the two closer.

Then, in a lightning-fast motion, he threw his left shoulder forcefully against the attacker on the left, pus.h.i.+ng him backward so that he fell head over heels over another bench.

There was still the other to deal with, and he had drawn his dagger and was dancing on the b.a.l.l.s of his feet, s.h.i.+fting the knife from hand to hand and grinning evilly at Ranulf. Urse, meanwhile, had dispatched the lout who had charged him. Four bodies now littered the hard-packed earthen floor in addition to the overturned bench and discarded bones of previous meals. Urse readied himself to take care of the knife-wielding knave who faced Ranulf.

He had forgotten, however, about the brigand he had first knocked down. That one had been dazed but not unconscious, and he now stole up behind the Breton squire, clutching a wooden bench, and brained Urse with it. The giant sank with a groan.

There were now two to his one, surmised Ranulf. If only he could have the time to draw his sword. Movement blurred past his eyes from the direction of the ladder. With a cry worthy of a demon from h.e.l.l, Aldyth launched herself at the scoundrel who held Ranulf at bay and clonked him on the head with a warming pan. The miscreant fell like a pole axed ox.

Now there was only one left on his feet, and he seemed more interested in escaping alive than continuing the fight.

Ranuff stood, however, between him and the tavern's one door. While the brigand turned to gape at the "boy" go hind him, who scowled and swung his impromptu weapon threateningly, Ranulf had the leisure to draw his blade.

"Come at me, fool, and I promise to bury my blade in you to the hilt.

Leave me alone, and you may live to tell of how an English damoiselle refused your attentions. " The lone survivor of the ill-advised m16e didn't seem able to laugh.

With both Aldyth and now Lady Vivienne in the room brandis.h.i.+ng warm pans at the man, Ranulf crossed to the fallen Urse. Keeping an eye and his sword trained on the last bandit, Ranulf shook his squire awake and helped him to his feet with his free hand. Urse shook his head as if to clear it, then glared at the man, who shrank before him.

"Let him live, Urse," Ranulf commanded the Breton, who contented himself with merely knocking the man out.

Ranulf then motioned to Aldyth and Lady Vivienne to go .

past him out the door. They obeyed, after dropping their pans with loud Clunks perilously dose to two of the fallen knaves' heads. Last of all, Ranulf and Urse backed out the door, but not before Ranulf paused to toss a s'flver mark in the tavern keeper direction.

"For your troubles, mine host."

When they reached the outside, all took deep breaths and looked at one another.

"d.a.m.n the lot of them," Urse grumbled.

"Couldn't they have waited till we'd eaten? The next town is a goodly way up this road."

"Can this be Urse de Caradeuc I'm hearing? Admit it, you love a good fight!"

retorted Ranulf with a grin.

"I must confess, I haven't felt so alive since we rode on campaign with the Aldyth watched him, marveling at the change. Gone was the languid courtier he pretended to be, and in his place was a panting, tousled and very handsome Ranulf of Kingsclere--the very image of the hero of chivalry she had imagined before seeing him again at Kingsclere. As if aware of his eyes on her, he turned to her then. After a quick glance a.s.sured him no one but Urse and Lady Vivienne were around, he took both her hands in his.

"I owe you a vote of thanks, as well, Aldyth. You were magnificent, swinging that pan. You saved my life, of that I am certain,"

His praise and his dark eyes joyously s.h.i.+ning down at her were too much to resist. Impulsively she threw her arms about him, crying,

"You were splendid as well, my lord! What a cool, calculating fighter You never panicked, even though you were outnumbered and might well have dspaired." And then she kissed him.

His lips were salty, for he was sweaty from the battle, but more than salt she tasted desire--and danger. For the s.p.a.ce 127 of a few moments she savored both, allowing him to deepen the kiss, opening her mouth in response to the increasing pressure of his, s.h.i.+vering with delight at the delicious tickle of his mustache and short beard against her skin. This was what she had been born for. It was destiny to be here in the circle of his arms, to be kissed like this. She felt his arm at her back, pulling her closer, and his heart thudding against hers.

His other hand reached between them and cupped her breast, stroking it even through the binding cloth, and suddenly the danger of her position overpowered her desire. What had made her do such an impulsive thing? She struggled in his embrace, against the arm that held her imprisoned against the hard planes of his chest.

She lifted her mouth from his.

"My lord" -- "Nay, don't stop now," he said, his dark eyes gleaming with surprised hunger.

"Let us continue with our victory celebration, Aldyth," he murmured, bending his head as if he would resume kissing her.

She no longer wanted to kiss him. After a battle, small or large, a warrior often sought the nearest available, willing woman. It was merely the metamorphosis of blood l.u.s.t into l.u.s.t of the more ordinary variety. She meant nothing to him as Aldyth, but Lady Vivienne was the only other woman there and she was absorbed with Urse. If he wanted her, she wanted to be certain it was for herself.

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Lord Liar Part 23 summary

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