Carry On Wayward Son Part 3

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Simon dropped the pen on his desk, stared at the letter he was writing to console yet another veteran's family. He rubbed his eyes, fighting the despair these letters always dredged up. Too many memories, too many friends he'd lost, both in war and on the force.

He thought entering the priesthood would help soften that grief. And for a while, it did. When he had been immersed in his religious studies, the real world faded into the background, along with the pain he carried. But once he was a.s.signed to his first church, life invaded, and he understood it would take more than prayer and solace to heal the wounds on his soul.

Time helped, and the care of people he respected. Claire and her friends had been a surprising addition to his life. But his connection to them led him here, to Santa Luna, and a congregation that not only listened but supported him. Even after learning about his past, his ability to see power.

Pus.h.i.+ng to his feet, he went in search of coffee, and a break from his task, to ease the weight of the grief. The time on the kitchen clock surprised him; it had been more than an hour since Claire stopped by. She usually called when she was done, and she didn't expect this job to be an actual haunting.

Simon pulled out his cell and tapped in her number. It rang once-then static poured out of the phone.

He jerked it away from his ear. And dropped it when the static began to form words. In Latin.

"G.o.d-what did you walk into this time, Claire?"

Simon grabbed his car keys, the duffle he always kept beside the door and ran for his car.

Claire backed away from the figure, the shotgun at her side, looking as harmless as possible.

"What do you want with a child? Did she ask for your help?"

He paced her, step for step, the black s.h.i.+rt and trousers setting off his height, his shoulder length golden brown hair. His bare feet made no sound on the old oak floor, where Claire made each wide plank squeak with her weight. Rage surrounded him like a gathering storm.

"You question my presence?"

"I question you scaring the h.e.l.l out of a little girl, telling her that you want her life-"

"I meant nothing of the sort. I want-" He swung away from her, hands clenched so tightly his knuckles were white. Claire took the opportunity to move as fast as she could to the stairway, gripping the banister just as he turned back to her. "No-you will not leave my sight."

"I only need to make sure my friends are safe-"

"You dare accuse-"

"Since you've already frightened a child, and sent her mother searching for help, yes, I accuse. But I will also listen, once I know they are all right." White light flared from his mark, and she froze. "There is no way for me to leave from the second floor." She kept her voice even, low, wanting to soothe the rage that poured off him. "Let me see them. Please."

She jumped when his fist slammed into the wall beside her. After an endless moment he stepped back, blue eyes fierce. "Go. Try anything, and I will hurt whoever I have to in order to regain your cooperation."

Nodding, Claire limped up the stairs, careful to keep the shotgun lowered until she was out of sight. She almost collided with Annie as she rounded the corner.

"G.o.d above-"

"Are you okay?" Annie grabbed her shoulders, narrowed brown eyes studying every inch. "He didn't-"

"You were listening."

"d.a.m.n straight. I wasn't going to let him touch you without suffering for it."

"Annie . . . thank you, for wanting to cover my back. Now I need you to help me get Regina and Hillary out of here."

The grip on her shoulders tightened. "What are you-"

"I'm going to distract him. I want you to take them out of here while I do."

"d.a.m.n it, Claire-I am not leaving you-"

"Yes, you are. They are more important. And he won't hurt me."

"How do you know that?"

"He's a guardian, Annie. A guardian angel. If he harms any mortal, he is punished. Severely. Their mission is to help, to guide, not to do harm."

Annie let her go, paced across the hall before spinning back to her. "What about his threat-wanting Hillary's life? Wanting to live her life? Does that sound like the gentle request of a guardian angel? I won't leave you with him."

"You will. Get them out, Annie. Please." Claire touched her wrist. "There's something wrong here, something I can't pin down yet. But he is angry, enough that he may lash out before he can control it. I won't have them hurt by him. And I won't have him face punishment for it, when I can avoid the situation."

"d.a.m.n." She let out a breath. "Fine. But if you don't follow us out in a timely manner, I am coming back for you. No argument."

"None given. The less time I spend with him, the safer."

"Oh, G.o.d-does he know-"

"Not yet. And I plan to keep him from finding out. He already feels a-difference, with me. I don't want to give him time to pursue it. Now," she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Go ready them, and let's do this."

Claire left the shotgun with Annie, knowing now it would do no good, and simply inflame the guardian's already unstable temper. He waited for her at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed, fear and a desperate need layered over the anger.

"Is she-" His voice lowered, fear edging out the anger. "I did not harm Hillary. I only want-"

"She is frightened, and confused." Claire moved past him, careful to keep her distance. "And so am I." Stepping down into the living room, she slowly backed away from the staircase, as if she were retreating. Her goal was the doorway behind her, which she hoped led deeper into the house. "Why did you choose Hillary? You had to know you would terrify her by what you're doing. And no matter how badly you want it, or how much you threaten, it isn't possible for you to have her life."

"Her pain drew me. I understood her need to be free of it." Just as she hoped, he followed her across the room. "It is not her life I want. I want to live, to escape the bonds of being caught Between. I have been there for so long, and it seems as if all the good I do means nothing to them."

"You had a life." Claire softened her voice, knowing she tread on shaky ground. "How you chose to live that life is the reason you ended up Between. There will be forgiveness, when whatever debt you have has been paid-"

"It will never be paid!" He raised his fists toward the ceiling, an angry prayer. "They will never free me, never forgive what sins they believe I have committed."

Claire saw movement behind him, kept her focus on him, drawing his attention back to her. "What is your name?"

Panic skated across his face. "Why is that important? I will have whatever name I choose, once I have my life. You do not need to know-"

"I would like to call you something other than *hey, you.' If that's all right." She smiled, tried to keep her voice light. "You don't have to give me your real name-"

"Zach." He whispered the name, as if saying it out loud defied the forces he blamed for his confinement. "My name is Zach."

"It's a pleasure, Zach. My name is Claire." She held out her hand, wanting to lure him closer, away from the staircase-where she could now see Annie, keeping herself in front of Hillary, Regina just behind her, as they crept down, step by step. "It is considered polite to shake someone's hand when you meet them."

"You think I don't know that? I have been among you mortals for-"

With a furious shout he whirled, blocking the base of the stairs between one breath and the next. Annie shoved Hillary against the wall, brought up the shotgun. Zach gestured and it flew out of her hands, embedding itself barrel first into the plaster wall.


"You dare to betray me? To fool me-"

"Not to fool." Claire stepped forward, held up both hands in the universal gesture of surrender. "I wouldn't treat you that way. I want them safe, and I don't want you to punish them for what was my idea."

"Fine." He flung out his hand-and Claire slammed into the wall, inches from the protruding shotgun. Pain radiated across her back at impact, spiraled as he pushed her into the cracked plaster. She couldn't catch her breath-his invisible grip squeezed her lungs, pressed on her ribs with such force she expected them to crack at any moment- Without warning he freed her, and she dropped to the floor. The first breath hurt, reminded her of another first breath. One she never thought to take. Before she could recover he grabbed her arms, dragging her to her feet. The shock of his touch drove through her. That shock crossed his face, and he stared at her, his body trapping her against the wall.

She gasped as something splintered inside her-and she felt it, for the first time since Azazel sent her back. Her power, s.h.i.+ning through a crack in the wall. The power of an angel-the power she had before she fell. Before she gave up all she was for pride.

"Who are you-" A strangled cry cut him off when she wrapped shaking fingers in his hair and yanked. He let her go and backed away, clutching his scalp. "Why? I would not have hurt you. I just want to live."

"Wanting that life-doesn't mean you'll get it." Claire caught her breath, her ribs aching from his a.s.sault. "What do you want us to do?"

"Make them listen." He spun, facing the trio on the stairs. Annie held Regina, who had Hillary in her embrace, one hand over her mouth. The girl stared at Zach, not in fear, but in-wonder. Claire felt it, saw it. Saw the rage pouring off Annie, edged with helplessness, and the maternal need mingling with the terror that surrounded Regina. "And if I must hurt to do so, I will."

He turned back to her, and she saw the white light of a guardian, like a nimbus around him. A different light tangled with it, fractured, smothered in spots, like the broken lights on a marquee. As if he knew she saw it, he clenched his fist, and the light receded, flas.h.i.+ng across the mark on his wrist before it disappeared.

"Try to leave again, and there will be pain." His other hand sliced through the air; and the sound of locks clicking over echoed through the house. "Am I understood?"

Claire nodded, closed her eyes after he blinked out of sight. Pounding footsteps had her opening them again, and she held up a hand before Annie could touch her. "I'm-all right."

"Could have fooled me. Will touching you hurt?"

"I don't think so," she whispered. Every inch felt raw-from her impact with the wall, and the reconnection to a power she had not touched since she was cast down. Annie handled her as if she were as fragile as fine china, eased her to the floor and knelt beside her. "Did you hear?"

"Yeah. Guardian angel, feels cheated, wants his life back. So much for a simple ghost busting." Annie glanced up at the shotgun sticking out of the wall. "Looks like we stepped in deep."

"Is he really a guardian angel?" Claire lifted her head, met Hillary's soft brown eyes.

"He is, sweetheart."

"Why did he pick me?"

Claire held out her hand. The girl took it, kneeling in front of her. Fear and awe swirled around her, their potency leaving Claire lightheaded. "Do you pray?"

"Of course." She glanced at her mother. "Almost every night. Sometimes I forget."

"I bet he heard your prayers, and thought you could help each other." Claire sandwiched her hand. "I don't believe he meant to scare you. He is in pain, Hillary. Not the physical kind, but pain of the spirit. Do you understand?"

"I think so. Like when your heart hurts." Regina let out a strangled sound. "It's not your fault, Mom. Dad made my heart hurt, not you."

"Oh, honey." Regina gathered her daughter into her arms, tears filming the dark eyes. "I am so sorry." Rocking Hillary, she looked at Claire. "What do we do now? He won't let us go until he gets what he wants-and from what I understand, what he wants is impossible."

With an effort, Claire uncurled her fingers. Strands of golden brown hair glinted in her palm.

"I have an idea."


Annie helped Claire climb the stairs, more than a little scared by Claire's shock white face, the way her hands shook. Something happened when that ethereal b.a.s.t.a.r.d touched her; Annie could sense it, and the sparks shooting over the sapphire in her engagement ring danced in agreement.

They followed Regina to one of the small bedrooms at the back of the house. Once she lowered Claire to the double bed she checked the window. The latch lock on the sash window was frozen, and confirmed her suspicion. He had turned the house into a prison.

"Annie." She turned back to Claire, relieved to see some color returning to her face. "Can you manage a protection circle? I don't want Zach touching them again-"

"Is that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d's name?"


Her gaze skated over to the girl. "Sorry. My mouth doesn't have a censor." Hillary giggled, making Annie smile. It sounded normal-the first normal, little girl sound she'd made since they met her.

"Did you want to help me make a special circle? If it's okay with your mom." Regina nodded, obviously realizing Annie's intent-a distraction for Hillary. "We'll need some salt, and I have a giant economy size container of it in my duffle. Do you remember the one we brought with us?" Hillary nodded. "Why don't you and your mom bring that duffle upstairs? It has everything we need to make the best protection circle you'll ever see."

Regina helped her daughter up, nodded to Annie as they left.

"Well done," Claire said. She was sitting up straighter, no longer clutching the bed for support. "Now, we're going to need some things I know I don't have in my duffle. And I am going to need your power-I'll tell you later." She pointed to one ear, and Annie wanted to slap herself. Of course he'd be listening. "Now, can you do me a favor? My back is killing me. I just want to make certain it's because of bruising, and nothing worse."

"Of course." Kneeling on the bed behind her, Annie helped Claire take her jacket off, noticing how stiffly she moved. The black s.h.i.+rt she wore underneath would hide any blood. Gently, she lifted the hem of the s.h.i.+rt, relieved that there was no blood, and horrified by the really appalling bruises marking her back. No wonder she hurt. "Just bruising. Incredibly nasty bruising, but he didn't break the skin."

"Thank you." Claire flinched as she eased the s.h.i.+rt down, wiped at the sweat trickling down her cheek. "Hillary-thank you for bringing the duffle bag up. I don't know if I would have been able to manage it."

"He hurt you."

"He was defending himself. Sometimes that means hurting someone else, if they feel they are in danger. Do you understand?"

Hillary studied her face, nodding. "He's scared."

"Exactly. And we are going to do everything we can to keep him from being scared. To try and help him find what he needs. Which means we will need a few things-one of them from you, sweetheart. It will be a sacrifice, if you agree."

"What?" She sounded wary. Annie didn't blame her.

"I need a doll. A cloth doll, if you have one."

"Will I get her back?"

Claire touched her wrist. "I can't promise, but I will do my best to get her back to you."

Hillary studied Claire, those big brown eyes sober. Without warning she jumped up and ran out of the bedroom.

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Carry On Wayward Son Part 3 summary

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