Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael Part 18

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I'll see you tomorrow." She turned back to James. "I'll follow you home now."

"Wait a minute. Walk in a straight line," James told her.

"What? Not you as well. I'm not drunk!"

"Please, just humor me."

Mitch wondered why James was paying particular attention to the way Janet walked. No, surely he's not looking for signs of-d.a.m.n, that Ryden boy sure was protective. He didn't blame him.

Janet paced ten yards then back again. "See?"

"Just had to check. Maybe I overreacted. Just make sure that you do treat her right, Mitch."

Mitch nodded and James turned to head home, but didn't resist a parting comment.

"Oh, and, Deputy, do up your fly."



Chapter 8.

The first thing Janet wanted to do when she woke up at 6:45 a.m.

was to call Mitch. She knew that he had finished his night s.h.i.+ft at 6:00 a.m. and should therefore still be awake. Sitting up in bed she dialed his number. He answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Janet. I was just thinking about you. I wasn't sure if you'd be awake yet so I planned on waiting until eight."

"Aren't you tired?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to speak to you before catching some Zs. Are you okay, babe?"

It was typical of Mitch to put her comfort before his own. He may look like a WWE wrestler, but he was all heart.

"I'm fine, although something interesting happened last night. I was stopped by a cop on my way home from Rachael's."

"Is that so?" He sounded amused.

"Yes. He was a big and mean and he made an inappropriate search of my person. It was police hara.s.sment. I'm thinking about laying charges." She fought hard to keep her voice level and not laugh.

"I'm thinking about laying you."

She giggled. "Me, too. It took me a while to get to sleep last night."

"I think that I'm gonna have the same problem. Look, I'll call you later this afternoon about tonight."

"Okay. Sweet dreams."

She was thrilled at the prospect of seeing him and of finally being with him. At least today she could keep herself busy so that the time would pa.s.s quickly.


Next, Janet called Joshua. She wanted to tell him about Rachael's predicament and hoped that he could help. Janet knew that Rachael wouldn't ask for help herself. She was far too independent to do that.

She also guessed that Rachael didn't know the extent of Joshua's influence in business and agricultural circles. If anyone could help, it was her big brother. Unfortunately, Joshua didn't pick up his phone.

She tried a few more times with no success, so she decided to seek out James in the meantime and start learning more about the family business, hoping that Joshua would call back as soon as he could.

The early morning Wednesday meeting had dragged. It was noon before Joshua could check his BlackBerry for any messages. He saw that there were several missed calls from Janet and immediately called back. He listened quietly while she told him about the Crossling situation and Rachael's problem with the Veterinary a.s.sociation.

"I'm sorry to disturb you at work, but I thought you'd want to know. I've seen the way you are together, and I know that she's becoming important to you."

"She is. Thanks for letting me know. I'll call Colin and see what can be done. Don't mention this to Rachael."

He'd be d.a.m.ned before he let Crossling hurt Rachael's professional reputation. He knew how important it was to her. He also knew that he was acting out of self-interest. If Rachael couldn't practice in Texas, she may think about leaving, and he didn't know if their fledgling relations.h.i.+p was strong enough yet to keep her here without her work. It was time to call in a few favors and secure Rachael's position.


Mitch had managed to get a few hours sleep, but he was unsettled and couldn't get his mind off Janet. Her revelation last night had shocked him because he had a.s.sumed that she had lost her virginity long ago. Her brothers were not exactly slackers in that department, and he again had a.s.sumed that she had few inhibitions regarding s.e.x.

Well, it appeared she had one-him. Janet had waited for him and that made him feel ten feet tall and worried at the same time. He was not a small man, and he knew from experience that his c.o.c.k was much thicker than average. How was he going to make love to Janet, a virgin, and not hurt her? He decided to do some Google research.

Mitch found a lot of information on the subject. It appeared that, for some women, the first time could be painful, and there would be blood when the hymen torn, but for others there was no pain at all, particularly those who had been active cycling or horse riding because the hymen was already broken. The more that he read, the more he realized that all women were different but that lots of foreplay and lubrication were always recommended. Well, at least he could do that.

He loved to do that, but it still didn't solve the issue of his size. Even if she weren't a virgin, his girth would still be a problem but less so because her muscles would have already been stretched. With male logic, he reasoned that they needed to begin with something smaller than his d.i.c.k. Obviously, a vibrator or d.i.l.d.o of some kind would be ideal but there was a snag. He didn't have one and, as deputy of police, he sure as h.e.l.l wasn't waltzing into the local s.e.x shop to acquire one. He racked his brain for a solution. What could he use that would progressively stretch her with the minimum of discomfort? He grabbed his keys and headed out to the grocery store.

By late afternoon, Janet had finished making notes about some of the new things she had learned that day. She decided that there was definitely material here that she could use in her last a.s.signment, 138 scheduled for the end of April before the final examinations. She could kill two birds with one stone: learn more about the family business and get good research done for her studies.

She closed her laptop, sighing because she had found it hard to concentrate, her thoughts constantly returning to Mitch and what they were planning to do that night. She was excited and a little nervous, not because she wasn't ready-she was most definitely ready-but because she realized that Mitch was a big man. The only way it wasn't going to hurt was if he couldn't get it in. If I'd known, I might have gone out and got myself laid in preparation. But even as she thought it, she knew it wasn't true. Lots of boys had expressed an interest, but she had never wanted to make love to any of them; all she thought about was the deputy, with his gun belt strapped on and his tight, s.e.xy trousers. Just as she was daydreaming about him again, her cell rang, and it was Mitch.

"Hi, Jan, you okay? Still on for tonight?" He sounded almost anxious.

"Absolutely. Did you get some sleep?"

"Some, but I've been a bit preoccupied."

"Oh, really? Funnily enough, so have I."

He chuckled. ''Do you want me to come and pick you up?"

"No, I'll head out at six o'clock. I can't wait to see you."

"Likewise, but no speeding, I don't want Officer McGowan to detain you."

"Okay, see you later.'

"Janet, wait. Listen. Remember what you said about being imaginative?"

"How can I forget?" She groaned.

"Well, just bear that in mind. I'll see you soon."

What was that about?

She decided to first take a shower and do all the messy jobs like shaving and exfoliating and was.h.i.+ng her hair. She was uncertain what Mitch's preference was regarding pubic hair, so she decided to simply 139.

trim the area, reasoning that it would be quick and easy to take more off, but would take longer to grow it back. Then she took a long, hot bath filled with delicious strawberry-scented oil. Thinking of Mitch, she couldn't resist touching herself as she soaked in the warm water.

Getting more and more turned on, she decided that it might be a good idea to try to stretch her internal channel a bit.

She got out of the bath and rummaged around in her private drawer that she kept locked. Great, there was the bright pink, slender vibrator that Macy, her best friend at college, had given to her as a joke one Christmas. Macy had expected her to unwrap it in front of her brothers. Luckily, Janet has guessed what it was before opening it.

Her friend hadn't been so fortunate with the b.u.t.t beads Janet had given her. Macy had to pretend to her parents that they were a bracelet. Janet had to admit that Macy's gift had turned out to be useful. The batteries were now flat, but she didn't need it to vibrate for her purposes. After two minutes, she changed her mind and hunted for some AAAs.

Temporarily satisfied, Janet stood staring at the contents of her underwear drawer. It was sadly lacking in the s.e.xy lingerie department. All her matching sets were a bit too pink and girlie, which was definitely not the look she was going for. Mitch had seemed to appreciate her panties last night, so she chose another white lace thong and a matching bra. She opted for black jeans and a white camisole top that laced up the front. Did Mitch prefer her hair up or down? It never bothered her before. He seemed to like it however she wore it. Jesus, she needed to get a grip and calm down and stop dithering. She decided to leave it loose because it made her look older and very different from the little girl image he might still have of her.

Before leaving the house, Janet tracked down James.

"I'm seeing Mitch tonight, and I won't be home. I'm just letting you know so that you don't come screeching through Ridge Water conducting a search and rescue for me." She gave him a rea.s.suring hug.


"Just, you know, be careful. Make sure he uses-" He sounded like he was choking.

"A condom? "


"Of course, now this is getting weird, so I'm off. See you tomorrow."

It was weird to be reminded about safe s.e.x by James, but who else would? Their parents were dead, and Joshua wasn't here. When she thought about it, she began to realize just how much of a parent Joshua had been to her. When she had first asked about where babies really came from, Joshua had sat down and given her "the talk."

When she had her first period, Joshua bought the sanitary products and made her feel special. James had helped, of course, but he was four years younger than Joshua and it had made for a big difference in the level of maturity. Well, they were all grown up now, and she thought that under the circ.u.mstances her brother hadn't done a bad job. She bounced happily out of the house Janet arrived at Mitch's home twenty-five minutes later, having stayed at the speed limit almost the entire journey. She parked her SUV in his driveway and got out, grabbing her overnight bag. Mitch must have heard the engine because he appeared in his doorway and strolled out to meet her.

He looked spectacular in a torso-hugging white T-s.h.i.+rt, a tight pair of black jeans, and heavy, black biker-type shoes. Clean yet rough and tough. Janet's heart began to race. She was used to being around big, good-looking men, so she knew buff when she saw it.

Mitch was a broad solid man with bulging muscles. At five feet ten inches, she often felt tall and clumsy with the boys at college. Not with this man. He dwarfed her. She felt fragile compared to his hulking frame. He obviously took time to train and keep fit. She bet he had good stamina, something she hoped to have intimately confirmed.


"Baby, you look gorgeous. Come here." He loved her long flowing hair and just wanted to run his fingers through it and twist it around his hands and --- "We match," she said indicating to their clothes and dragging him from his fantasy. He pulled her to him and gave her a gentle welcome kiss on the mouth, restraining all the pent-up need and desire he had for her. She gently teased her tongue along his lips, deepening the kiss and invading his mouth. Some of his tightly bound desire unravelled, and they were soon devouring each other on the doorstep.

"Let's take this inside," he growled deeply.

Mitch easily picked her up and carried her into a s.p.a.cious open-plan room consisting of a lounge, dining and kitchen area. She started to kiss him again, and he held her tightly to his broad chest. Although small compared to him, she was solid and strong just the way he liked. He cautioned himself to be extra gentle with her because tonight would be her first time. He sat her gently on the sofa and crouched down at eye level in front of her. He held both of her hands in his, caressing them with his thumbs.

"Last night you said that you loved me." Janet looked at him with sparkling sapphire blue eyes, searching for the truth.

"I did. I do."

"I have loved you from a distance for as long as I can remember, and I think that I always will." Her voice was as soft as a summer night's breeze.

The situation was so different to the normal casual relations.h.i.+ps and s.e.x that he had indulged in before. So much more was at stake here-her heart and his. Her happiness and well being were paramount to him.

"I need to ask you a few questions. It'll help me this right, okay?"

She nodded.


"Have you ever had anything wider than my finger inside you?"

He saw a rose flush creep across her face. She looked at his thick, chunky fingers and shook her head.

"No, not wider but a bit longer."

"Okay. It's likely that your hymen has already been breached and will have disintegrated, especially because you ride a lot." He regretted sounding like a family doctor. "If it is still intact, do you mind it being broken by me but not with my c.o.c.k?"

"I just want you. I don't care about some layer of skin. I only haven't had intercourse because I couldn't get you out of my head, not because of some old-fas.h.i.+oned notion of purity."

Wow. She really had waited for him. "Good. Janet, I want to take care of you. You're precious to me. When we make love, it's gonna be so good between us, but we have to take this nice and slow. I'm not a small man. I don't want to hurt you."

"I've felt you, and I know that you're not bragging. I think I'm going to be a lucky woman. No gain without pain, right?" She smiled nervously.

"Baby, there's sometimes a thin line between pain and pleasure, but tonight I want to take it easy and we'll enjoy ourselves, okay? No pressure."

"Your right, I suppose there's no rush." She didn't sound convinced.

"Exactly." But, by G.o.d, he didn't want to wait. He wanted to be joined in the flesh with her, to hear her screams of ecstasy.

"Now, baby, I'm gonna show you something. You might be surprised, but I think it's a way forward. Keep an open mind. I've been shopping." He led her to the kitchen counter, wary of her reaction.

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Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael Part 18 summary

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