Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael Part 21

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He eyes fluttered closed for a second, and she moaned in response to his raw words. She slid off the table and knelt before him, her face level with his proud, hard shaft and large, hanging b.a.l.l.s. Taking his girth firmly in one hand, she tightened it around the base as she licked the glistening red helmet.

"Suck it, Rachael."

She complied, wrapping her lips tightly around his thick d.i.c.k and sliding it inside her warm, wet mouth to the back of her relaxed throat. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled through her nose. He groaned. She alternated pumping his c.o.c.k with her hand and her mouth, swirling her tongue under the rim of the bulbous head, grazing her teeth on the sensitive underside.

"Jesus, stop. Enough. You sure know how to do grateful."

He pulled her off him by the hair, put his hands under her arms, and lifted her back onto the table, where he pushed her onto her back and pulled her bottom to the edge. He fell to his knees and forced her legs wide with his shoulders. The scent of her s.e.x drove him crazy.

He dived between her thighs and plunged his tongue into her wet, petal-soft folds. She nearly jerked off the table.

He played with the tip of his tongue on her c.l.i.t, which sent her over the edge.

"Oh, please. Oh please," she sobbed, "I'm begging you. Enter me."


He stood between her wide spread thighs and placed the tip of his c.o.c.k at her hot, slick entrance. He seductively rubbed back and forth along her slit, lubricating himself in her warm liquid pa.s.sion.

Rachael closed her eyes and panted, "Begging you. Begging for it."

Her reaction stoked his burning l.u.s.t higher still. He thrust in, hard and deep, sliding her back from the edge of the table. She grabbed the sides to anchor herself as he repeatedly slammed into her. She screamed another climax, arching her back off the table, thrusting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s upwards.

It was divine torture. His b.a.l.l.s throbbed, but he wasn't finished yet. Breathing deep and hard, he withdrew from her hot interior and flipped her over onto her stomach, effectively bending her over the table. Shoving her legs wider, he moved between them and rubbed his c.o.c.k between her b.u.t.tocks. Lubrication-he needed more. Although she was wet and his c.o.c.k was glistening with her juices, he wanted to be certain not to cause anything other than a small amount of erotic pain. Spying the olive oil on the kitchen counter, he leaned over and grabbed the bottle, then dripped some of the oil at the top of the crack of her a.s.s. Extra virgin? Not anymore. He slowly pushed his way pa.s.sed the tight ring of muscle and continued to press home until he was snugly up against her.

"Slow and gentle or hard and fast?"

"Hard and fast."

"'Atta girl."

He gave it to her as they both wanted, pus.h.i.+ng his ten and a half inches of male meat repeatedly hard and deep into her dark pa.s.sage.

Again, she howled as another o.r.g.a.s.m racked her, only this time he joined her, spurting his release into her.

He leaned forward to kiss her back and neck, his rasping breath settling quickly back to normal.

"h.e.l.lo, Rachael. I've missed you."


Later, they were sitting on her sofa, half dressed and drinking coffee.

"Your support this week-it means a lot to me."

She smiled at him. It was a smile that one gives to a beloved.

Although she hadn't said the words out loud, he heard it nonetheless.

"I was also acting out of self-interest. I don't want you to leave Meadow Ridge."

"That works for me." She slowly grew serious. "Do you trust me, Josh?"

He thought about it for a few seconds. She was as straight up and as honest a person as any he'd ever met. Why hadn't he told her that he loved her? Was he protecting himself if she didn't feel the same way? Where was the trust in that?

"Yes, I do. I love you, Rachael."

She nodded and smiled. "Good. Now how about a game of poker.

Same rules?"

He was stunned for a second. He'd just declared himself, and she'd brushed over it. What was she up to? She certainly kept him guessing, but he didn't think that she was stringing him along. What a fascinating creature she was.


This time, Rachael won. Joshua was shocked. He'd played well, but she'd played better. Or had she? Rachael did her best to look pleasantly surprised. He wasn't fooled. He would have to check those cards out later.

"Will there be many ranch hands around at your place?"

"No, it's a Friday night. They'll all be in town."

"What about Janet and James?"

"Janet's at Mitch's and James is out with Luke. He'll be back late."

"Good. Come on, you're driving me home.


Rachael had changed into a skimpy top, tight leggings, and knee-high boots. She had brought along her workbag. He was intrigued but not concerned-not yet, anyway.

When they pulled up outside of the ranch house, she ordered him to take a shower and to "be thorough." Fair's fair. He did as she commanded but quickly because curiosity had him by the b.a.l.l.s. When he'd finished, he strolled into the living room wearing jeans and a fresh T-s.h.i.+rt.

"All yours."

"Hands by your side and don't move."

Rachael circled him, inspecting him like a prized animal. She ran her hands across his chest, over his a.s.s, and along the length of his erection straining against his jeans. He almost reached out for her, but she stepped back and shook her head.

"Follow me."

She turned and grabbed her black vet's bag and walked outside and across to the stables without checking to see that he was following. This behavior was new to him. He usually led, and others followed.

The soft, yellow light was already on in the stable. Once they entered, she locked the door behind them.

"Stand over there." She pointed to the railing where they tied the horses at the back of the stall. He sauntered over, confident that he could turn the tables any time he liked.

She bent down, opened her bag, and took out his own cuffs, the ones he had used on her almost a week ago.

"Face the wall and hold the metal railing."

Interesting but nothing new. He wasn't worried, and he was enjoying himself. Rachael tied the chained cuffs on his wrists to the rail. He wasn't going anywhere now.

"Watch me, Joshua."

She next pulled her white work jacket out of her bag. That got a reaction.


"What are you up to, Rachael?" His eyes narrowed as she put on her coat.

"You don't ask the questions here."

She walked in front of him, between his out stretched arms and kissed him gently, winked at him, and then undid his jeans. She pushed then down around his ankles, which acted as bindings for his legs. She noticed with appreciation that his c.o.c.k was fully engorged and took a long, languorous lick. After rummaging in her bag again, she brought out a pair of latex gloves.

"Rachael." He sounded concerned now, but his d.i.c.k was still like granite.

She chuckled softly, keeping herself within his field of vision and taking her time to pull the gloves on. She walked behind him, and then he heard a slurping noise, the sound of lots of gel being squeezed from a tube.

"What are you doing? I'm not sure about this."

"I am. Trust me."

She was still behind him and moved in closer, crus.h.i.+ng her body against his b.u.t.t. She reached around his waist, grasped his c.o.c.k in a strong grip with a well-lubricated hand and began to firmly slide it up and down. He groaned. She squeezed his sac, none too gently either.

He was so turned on that he didn't think that he would last long.

Suddenly she backed off a little and her other hand moved in a different direction. It glided pa.s.sed his b.a.l.l.s and to his a.n.u.s. The sensation was exquisite, but his apprehension also grew. As if sensing this, she rea.s.sured him.

"Don't worry. I'm a doctor," she said in a soft, husky voice.

"An animal doctor," he croaked.

"Ah, love, aren't you just a hungry wolf?"

She circled her middle finger around the tight constricted muscle of the entrance between his firm b.u.t.tocks.

"You have such a beautiful a.s.s."

She slowly pressed her finger against the resistant flesh.


"Rachael, I've nevera"

"Oh, maybe not such a wolf. Maybe a big"

She'd called him a p.u.s.s.y! He couldn't believe it.

"Now, wait a minute-"

"No, Ryden." Her voice suddenly changed from crooning to harsh. "You don't get to give the orders here. You take them. If I can cope with your meaty member up my a.s.s, you sure as h.e.l.l can take my finger. Now bend forward and grip the rail."

She continually pumped his c.o.c.k slowly and applied more pressure with her finger, pus.h.i.+ng through the opening. He gasped at the pleasure and slight pain. She waited for a moment then moved her hand slowly backwards and forwards, pus.h.i.+ng a little farther each time until she was all the way inside up to her third knuckle. He couldn't help but move his hips. He was beginning to gasp.

"Jesus, what are you trying to do to me?" His voice was strained with desire.

She didn't miss a beat. "Trying? No, I wouldn't call it an attempt.

I'm going to make you lose control like you've never done before.

For once in your life, you are going to have someone else take over, and you're going to enjoy it. I'm going to f.u.c.k you like you've never been f.u.c.ked before. You'll come so hard you won't be able to stand."

He was confused. The very notion of placing himself in such a vulnerable position part worried and part excited him.

Rachael rhythmically moved her finger, stimulating the sensitive area around his opening.

"You're always the boss-the one who looks after everyone else and takes all the responsibility. You're dominant and a.s.sured, and there's nothing wrong with that. I like it. But you don't have to be that way all the time in all areas of your life. Wouldn't it be nice to just give up a little control now and then? We are switching for tonight.

I'm taking care of you."


He was breathing hard as she sought out his prostate gland with her finger. Carefully, she applied gentle pressure, ma.s.saging the sweet spot deep inside.

"Christ!" he cried out. "Rachael it feels-incredible, like nothing-" he cut off with a groan.

She reduced the pressure of her finger. "Did you know," she said, softly and seductively, "that I can keep you on the brink of o.r.g.a.s.m, on the very brink of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, yet give you almost unending stimulation this way?"

"Oh, G.o.d, I do now."

He felt an almighty powerful pressure in his b.a.l.l.s. He was attaining a much higher pre-o.r.g.a.s.mic state than ever before, yet still the stimulation continued, which was taking him further. He shook, and it felt as if his b.a.l.l.s were vibrating, as if fluid was thundering up his c.o.c.k in explosive pulses-only it wasn't. It was seeping seminal fluid, weeping steadily, accompanied by an excruciatingly slow, burning pleasure. The feeling didn't stop; it went on and on, rolling over him in waves of blissful ecstasy.

"Please, Rachael. Please let me come," he pleaded-he never pleaded.

"In a little while."

She gave two more minutes of unsurpa.s.sed stimulation before taking pity on him.

"I love you, Joshua Ryden. Now, I'll let you come," she said as she gently rubbed his male G-spot a little harder. At the same time, she took a firmer grip of his c.o.c.k and pumped it faster.

His heartbeat pounded in his ears as he roared and jerked his body, rattling the rail that he was secured to. Streams of hot s.e.m.e.n jetted away from his body onto the straw on the floor. His knees buckled, and he collapsed onto them, supported by the rail and cuffs around his wrists. She went down with him. He could hardly breathe.

He certainly couldn't say anything as she slowly removed her finger, stripped off the glove, and threw it into her bag.


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Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael Part 21 summary

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