Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 13

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Molly? Did I wake you? His voice was filled with concern and worry.

Nope. I have a special surprise for you.

He took a couple more steps toward me, giving him a full view of what was in front of him.

Holy s.h.i.+t, Molly! W-what are you doing?

Im trying to seduce my fiance. He stayed silent and didnt move. Sowhy dont you come over here and let me?

Molly, you know I want to, baby, but"

The babies are fine. Im fine. The doctor was here this morning, and she said were all healthy.

Really? He sounded hopeful. She said youre off bed rest?

Well, no. Butshe said for being six months pregnant, everything was looking really good. Still keeping an eye on Baby B, but otherwise, all good, I answered with a hopeful smile, praying that was enough for him.

Sweetheart, listen. You gotta know that I want to. I desperately want to touch you and be inside you, but I-I just cant risk it.

Theres nothing to risk. Were fine, I said in a harsh tone. Plus, she never said bed rest meant no s.e.x. She said to rest, which I do. I do every d.a.m.n day. So, one night isnt going to hurt us.

He walked toward me, hitting his knees on the bed, and he knelt down in front of me.

Baby, I love you. And I want you so f.u.c.king bad, I promise. But"

I covered his mouth with mine, cutting him off. I was done talking. No more talking. I wanted him, and I wanted him now. I decided to take control.


Drake G.o.d, the sight of her. Breathtaking. f.u.c.king s.e.xy as h.e.l.l. I needed willpower to say no, h.e.l.l I could have all the willpower in the world and it still wouldnt be enough. She was gorgeous. She was always gorgeous, but this time, she was more gorgeous than I had ever seen her.

Sweetheartyou need to let me be in control. You understand? I demanded in a deep tone. If I was going to give her what she wanted, it had to be under my terms. I needed to remain in control, so I could stop if it were too much for her.

Yes, anything, she panted. The sound of her voice was enough to cause me to lose control, but I couldnt. I had to keep it together. I had to make sure she didnt allow me to hurt her. I knew how much she wanted it, needed it, but I also knew Molly wasnt good at knowing her limits.

I slowly unbuckled my belt and let my pants fall to my ankles. Mollys eyes were glued to mine, and our eyes followed each other as I continued stripping down to only my briefs. I allowed my eyes to wander over her body, her delectable, stunning body. She had no idea what the sight of her being pregnant did to me. I fantasized about her all the time, about what I wanted to do to her, how I wanted to take her, but I restrained myself, knowing I wouldnt cross those boundaries. But tonight"tonight I would give in and allow ourselves to set free"but only for tonight.

Or so I kept telling myself.

You look amazing, I whispered as I crawled on top of the bed and hovered over her glowing body. You always look amazing, I corrected. I lowered my mouth and gently kissed her lips. They were sweet and desperate, eager for more, but I wouldnt give in just yet.

My tongue explored her mouth, tasting every inch of her. My hands freely explored her body, wavering around every curve and sculpted part of her. She moaned in my mouth, over and over, not able to contain herself. It was hot as h.e.l.l, but way too soon if I was going to keep going tonight.

Stop, I demanded. Stop making those noises or we arent going to get very far.

I cant, she panted. Im so desperate for you.

I rose above her body, taking both of her hands in mine. I rubbed my hands up her arms until they were above her head. Keep these here, I ordered. She nodded vigorously and continued allowing me to rub my hands up and down her sides.

I lay soft kisses on her glowing skin. My mouth was desperate for her, desperate to taste her, and desperate to have her come in my mouth as much as I could make her.

My finger followed along the line of her tiny outfit, finding their way inside her. G.o.d, so ready, baby, I growled, practically ready to explode. I thrust two fingers inside her, stretching her out for me, making sure she was ready. Oh yeah, shes ready.

I realized she was wearing some kind of attachment, garter device that connected to her stockings andoh s.h.i.+t, heels. I clenched my eyes tight, trying to contain myself as I thought of Molly in lingerie and heels. f.u.c.k You are trying to kill me, arent you?

Of course not. Just drive you mad, is all. I could tell she was grinning.

I rolled my hands up her body once more, grabbed the top of her outfit, and yanked down, releasing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s immediately.

Ah, she cried out, arching her back, taking her by surprise.

Now, this is more like it. I smirked. I unclipped the garter and pulled the rest of her top down. I kissed up and down her thighs, carefully making sure I didnt taste her just yet. No, I wanted the divine desperate taste of her when she fights for what she eagerly wants.

Drake, baby, please. I need it, she begged. Her hands grabbed my hair, pulling my face up to where she so desperately wanted me.

I quickly s.n.a.t.c.hed her hands out of my hair and yanked them back up. I said keep these here.

But, I cant wait. Im going to explode, she pleaded.

Well, that is the idea.


I heard her groan. She was not very good at being submissive. Molly was a control freak, but in the bedroom, she had to learn to let go, to allow me to take control of her needs.

I will take care of you, I promised. I continued kissing her skin, not allowing my lips to touch her just yet. I loved to watch her squirm and plead for release. It wasnt meant to be torturous, but she let go so much harder when I made her work for it.

I pulled her top all the way down to the ankles, getting a full view of her now in just stockings and heels. f.u.c.k, if this wasnt the s.e.xiest viewI felt that I could die a happy, happy man right then. Molly spread out on our bed, ready and willing, desperate and begging. Yes, I could die and live in Heaven completely satisfied.

I crawled backwards off the bed, pulling her body with mine until her shoes. .h.i.t the floor. Her body continued lying on the bed, open and ready. I carefully flipped her over, making sure not to be too rough for her growing belly. I grabbed her hips and pulled them up to mine, allowing her arms to freely lay above her head in surrender.

f.u.c.king perfect, I muttered as I admired the view in front of me. Molly was stunning, especially when she let go. But bent over in front of me in heels? Yeah, I was about to lose all control. But I had to make sure I didnt overdo it, I needed to control her so I could control myself.

She moaned and pleaded for release. I knew she needed it, but I didnt want to give in just yet.

With her bent over the bed, I knelt down to my knees and turned, facing her as I placed my face in between her gorgeous legs.

My tongue licked up her thigh until it met with her taste. I let my tongue explore her, devouring her completely as she buckled down against my mouth. I placed my hands on the back of her thighs as I held her up.

Oh my G.o.d, she spat out. Drake, G.o.d! She moaned over and over, her legs shaking. I pressed a finger inside her, syncing it with the rhythm of my tongue. Oh, G.o.d, yes. Yes! Yes! Right therrrrrrrrrrrrrre. She screamed out so loud, I was actually worried about the neighbors that were three floors down. Her body collapsed on the bed, taking my head with it.

Oh s.h.i.+t, sorry, babe. She giggled, releasing me from the hold she had me in.

Being trapped under you is no punishment.

Good to know.

Those heels are extremely dangerous. I dont know if Im ever going to let you take those off. I roll my hands up her body, landing right at her perfect, swollen b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Ooh, careful. Those are a bit sore.

I pulled my hands off as fast as I could, worried that I had hurt her. s.h.i.+t, so sorry, sweetheart.

No, its fine, she chuckled. Just be gentle.

I take my time as I caress her, making sure to suck and lick every part of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, devouring them into my mouth and tasting them as if it were my first time ever. I didnt rush it because I simply couldnt get enough, I wanted more, I craved more.

Baby, I need younow. But you have to stay very still. I need to control myself around you so I dont hurt you. Understand?

She nodded and tightened her grip around the bedrail.

Good girl.

If she reacted, I would completely lose myself in her and would be way too rough. And I definitely couldnt be rough with her. I knew she wanted it just as badly as I did, but with her needing to be extra careful, I couldnt risk it.

I slowly aligned my body with hers, as I slid the tip in to make sure she was open and ready. Her body reacted immediately, arching up to greet me at her entrance. I reminded myself to take deep breaths, dont overdo it, and to take it slow.

I pushed inside her, feeling every part of her as her body took every inch of me. G.o.d, she feels so good. It had been weeks since I had been inside of her, and felt her all around me. It took all the d.a.m.n willpower in the world to keep from taking her hard and deep.

Oh, yes. Babydont stop, she begged, arching her body up as we synced.

SweetheartIm begging you. Do not move. And stay quiet. Or elseI cant be responsible for how my body reacts.

I dont care! she yelled. Harder, please!

No, no, no. Stop! I immediately stopped, not giving into what she was asking for by pus.h.i.+ng her hips against mine. I pinned her hands down more aggressively this time. You arent listening.

But baby, I need you she whimpered.

I closed my eyes for a moment, as I tried to get my body back on track with my mind.

ShhI will take care of you, remember? I promise.

I waited until she nodded, agreeing to my terms. I released my hold on her hands, but her arms remained above her head.

I continued thrusting against her again, synchronizing our bodies together like waves of rhythmic pulses. My body grinding against her, I so desperately wanted to take more of her, but I contained myself the best I could.

I could tell she was enjoying it, secretly pleading for more. I so wanted to give in, but I continued with sweet and careful thrusts.

Babyyou can go harder, she said, interrupting my thoughts. The thoughts that were just telling me to be safe and careful. Please, just trust me.


I cant.

I just kept thinking of our babies, and if I hurt her, how would it affect her pregnancy? Would it hurt our babies?

I knew it was a huge mood killer, but I had to be responsible. I couldnt let a few moments of heated pa.s.sion ignore the fact that she is suppose to be on bed rest.

Drake Matthew Stagliano, she called out, her voice deep and rough. You better f.u.c.k me hard or so help me!

My eyes bulged out in shock. Holy s.h.i.+t. Who was this woman? It f.u.c.king turned me on so d.a.m.n bad, all worried thoughts went out the window.

I linked her hands with mine above her head and gave her exactly what she wanted.

Hard. And deep.

Are you sure youre okay? I asked again, holding her body close to mine. The heat and sweat still lingered in the room, molding our bodies together.

Yes, Im fine. Her voice was light and filled with delight.

Thats not going to happen again, I told her.

What? Why? She turned her body so she could face me. I told you, Im fine. I promise. Her eyes flickered in the city lights reflection, showing off her adorable puppy dog eyes.

Those d.a.m.n eyes.

Molly, you tricked me. You know I was worried about you.

Yes, but Im fine. The babies are fine. Everythingis fine. She smirked, not taking me seriously.

Molly, Im serious. I cannot lose control with you again. The risk is too much. I felt awful. But amazing. But awful at the same time.

Would you stop making me feel bad? We made love! It was amazing. It was perfect. Now stop it. Stop putting yourself down. Stop making me feel guilty. And stop telling me what my body needs. I think I know my body better than you.

She grabbed the sheet, stormed off the bed, and ran off to the bathroom. And just like that, I was the biggest moron of all.


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Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 13 summary

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