Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 14

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Molly What the h.e.l.l was his problem? Besides the fact that we just had the best s.e.x in months, he should have been on cloud nine. f.u.c.king high with euphoria. Or whatever it is men are on afterwards. Either way, they should not feel bad, and he definitely shouldnt make her feel guilty.

I shouldnt have run out like that, but its these d.a.m.n hormones that take over. I actually understood his point of view completely, but I just wanted him so badly and to feel him inside me. I didnt care about the risks. I didnt care and he did.

Dammit. Im the idiot.

Babe, Im sorry. I walked out of the bathroom after was.h.i.+ng myself up, keeping the sheet wrapped firmly around me. You were right. I flashed a sincere smile and walked toward him.

And just like that, we were good again. It never took us long. I snuggled in his arms the rest of the night, letting the beats of our hearts be our music. Just holding me was good enough. Yes. Yes it was.

The next morning, I woke up in excruciating pain. I could barely move as the cramps continued to a.s.sault my body. I clenched my stomach, trying to breathe through the pain, but it was impossible. They were coming on too strong and too fast.

Ow! My G.o.d! I screamed out, hoping Drake was nearby. I couldnt tell what time it was, but it wasnt sunny out yet. Drake!

I hear the bedroom door whip open and see a s.h.i.+rtless Drake enter. What is it? Everything alright?

No, I manage to breathe out. Cramps. Or something. Its painful.

As he rushed to my side, I screamed out again as the pain jolted my entire body. Holy s.h.i.+t. It fricken hurts.

I immediately saw the guilt in his eyes. I knew what he was thinking. He was blaming himself.

Babe, its not from last night. Okay? Stop with the worried look, I tried to soothe him. But he didnt even flinch.

Im calling the doctor.

He started dialing on his phone as he rushed to the bathroom. He came back out with a hot washcloth.

Roll over, he demanded. I complied and let him soothe me with the heat of the towel. It felt good, really good actually. I closed my eyes as I tried to breathe through it and let the heat work its way through my body.

I heard Drake speak, but I was too focused on the pain to hear what was being said.

Breathe in. Breathe out.




Oh f.u.c.k Oh my G.o.d! I squeezed my eyes shut, knowing it didnt help one bit as the pain riveted up and down my side.

It felt like knifes and rubber bands snapping taking their turns on stabbing and snapping my uterus. The pain was so bad it riveted up and down my side, making my entire stomach cramp. I knew what labor pains felt like and although this felt similar, it just didnt feel right. Something was wrong.

Doctor is on the way. Im going to grab a heating pad. Drake was out the door before I had time to respond. I grabbed the pillow and dug my nails into it. My head sunk down into the mattress, where I let all my cries go.

Drake was back before I knew it, because soon he was reaching for me and laying me back. I braced myself to land on the bed, but Drake was lying behind me. I snuggled against his chest as the pain took turns from feeling sharp to feeling dull.

Breathe slowly, he whispered in my ear. In and out. In and out.

I did as he said, closing my eyes so I could concentrate. He continued whispering in my ear with each breath. His voice was surprisingly calm, making it easy to focus on his words.

The doctor said youre having labor pains, he said into my ear, oddly relaxed. I could tell he was trying hard to stay calm for my sake.

What? No way. Its too soon.

Well, doctor says Braxton Hicks or something like that. She said maybe preterm labor. She has to check you to be certain, so as soon as she gets here, be prepared for it. Okay? I lay my head back against his chest, taking in every word.

Could it really be preterm labor? I am so not ready for this.

It was too soon.

And it was too soon. I was 24 weeks pregnant, which was early for one baby, but twins? It could be fatal at this point.

The doctor had me rushed to the hospital. She said I was having signs of preterm labor, but she was hopeful she could stop it in time since my water hadnt broke yet.

The entire ambulance ride was a blur. It all happened so fast. Last night, Drake and I experience the most intimate and s.e.xiest lovemaking weve had in months, to waking in the morning to what felt like a painful death.

Drake rode with me, and he held my hand, and rubbed my belly the entire time. The paramedics hooked me up to a bunch of wires. h.e.l.l, I lost track of what they all were. I just wanted to know if the babies were okay. At that point, I honestly didnt care about me. I just wanted the babies safe.

Youre dehydrated.

What? Drake and I asked in unison.

Youre dehydrated, Molly. We were able to stop your labor, but you need to take care of yourself, she scowled at me as if I were a child. Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water is crucial. Her voice was stern but filled with concern.

That couldnt be right. I drank water all throughout the day normally"except perhaps last nightand the day before. I had been so wrapped up in Project Anchor and getting everything ready for our special night that perhaps, I had forgotten to take a drink.

Apparently, last nights rendezvous wore me out more than I thought. The movement and constant panting put my body into panic mode.

Im going to work from home from now on. Ill make sure she does from now on. Drakes revelation surprised me. I didnt need to be watched like a child.

No, thats ridiculous, I interrupted. You dont need to work from home. I eyed Drake.

Its not up for debate, Molly. And then he turned and continued talking to the doctor about my care and needs.


Baby B is still growing at a slower rate, but still looks healthy with no other concerns. Baby A is doing great. However, I would like to get you to at least 32 weeks. I nodded, understanding. Baby B had been growing at a slow rate since the beginning. Youll need to stay on bed rest and if possible, I dont want you walking around much or at all, except bathroom breaks.

My eyes widen at her words. No walking around? She had to be joking.

But she wasnt. She was dead serious, giving me exact orders of what she expected from me. Stay stress free. Relax. Stay put.

Its been two weeks since Ive been allowed to walk around. I use the bathroom, take a shower, and back to bed"thats my life now.

Although I knew it was just temporary, I was losing my mind. I stuffed my head in books, movies, and Project Anchor. Stella and Liam would lay in bed with me as they did their homework and told me about their days. I loved that even though I was boring and bedridden, theyd still hang out with me.

Mommy? Stella looked up at me with sad eyes.

Yes, honey? She was lying in bed with me while we watched T.V. together.

Are you sick?

No, baby. Mommy just needs lots of rest for the babies. Are you worried?

Yeah. She leaned her head into my chest. Stella was always an energy-filled spitfire. She was a fierce little girl, but it was moments like this where I cherished her little girl innocence. She was a tough girl on the outside but a compa.s.sionate, sweetheart on the inside.

I took her chin and tilted up to face me. Sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about. I promise. The babies have a lot of growing to do and the more that mommy rests, the more theyll grow. I flashed a rea.s.suring smile at her.

She had been clingier this past week than normal. I shouldve expected she would be worried seeing me like this.

Everythings going to be fine, okay? She nodded and flashed a weak smile. Why dont you and Liam go get ready for bed, and then we can read stories.

I was so focused on entertaining myself and keeping busy during the day that I had completely blanked on how this would affect Stella.

Once the kids were ready for bed and in their pajamas, we snuggled in and read some books. They were into Junie B. Jones books now, so we read about Junie and her adventures in school. I had to admit, it had me laughing a few times throughout the stories. Watching the kids smile and laugh with me was the perfect ending to my night.

Drake was working from home now, so he did most of his conference calls during the day and paperwork in the evenings. Even though I didnt want a babysitter, it was nice having Drake home with me, just in case. He was so attentive and protective of me. It was sweet, really, but I couldnt wait to get my independence back.

Sweetheart? I heard Drake whisper in my ear. My eyes popped open and I saw Stella and Liam pa.s.sed out next to me. I mustve fallen asleep with them. Im going to carry them to bed now.

Drake was wearing low cut sweatpants and no s.h.i.+rt. He smelled fresh and clean, too. He mustve taken a shower while I was sleeping. I was able to smell everything. My senses were good before, always smelling and tasting food in the kitchen, but now, since Ive been pregnant, my sense of smell was much stronger.

After Drake delivered the kids to their beds, he threw the covers back and snuggled in close to me. Oh G.o.d, his scent. He was much closer now and all I could think of was how bad I wanted him.

You need to sleep on the couch, I said bluntly.

His mouth dropped. W-why?

You smell too good, I pouted. I pulled my s.h.i.+rt over my nose. You smell waaaaay too good. I raised my eyebrows so he got the idea.

Oh. s.h.i.+t.

I laughed. Sorry.

Should I go rub some dirty laundry all over me? Get the day-old smell thing going instead? He smirked.

Well, you better do something quick. I feel like a lion ready to pounce.

Oh my G.o.d. He chuckled. You know we cant, he lectured, his voice stern. Didnt mean I couldnt fantasize about it.

I know, but I cant help it. You come in here smelling all clean and s.e.xy. Not to mention, the whole forbidden clause just makes me want you even more.

What ifI sprayed myself with girly perfume. He looked hopeful.

I dont think so, babe. Your scent is embedded in my mind now. Unlessyou just give into my needs, and I promise not to move. I grinned.

He leaned in and kissed my cheek. Nice try, but no.

Dammit, I muttered under my breath.

I was finally making ground on Project Anchor. I could do most of the work online or on the phone. I was making PA a non-profit organization, funded by donations of agencies that would benefit from the marketing"adoption agencies, ancestry sites, family planning, etc. It was going off without a hitch. Drakes legal team was helping with the paperwork and legal doc.u.ments, and I was working on the website design.

The thing about my charity was how different it was. There were a couple free options online, but eventually youd have to pay your way in to get all the information you needed. My charity was meant to be a one-stop shop. Everything needed to reunite parents and their children would be accessible through Project Anchor.

How is the Prochor planning going? Michael asked, inviting himself onto my bed.

Stop calling it Prochor, its not a gay fas.h.i.+on statement.

Hey, I take offense to that. He snickered.

No you dont. I laughed.

Well, if you need any fas.h.i.+on advice, Im your guy.

Youre always my guy, dont worry.

So, when do you launch? He eyed my belly. The website, I mean. He laughed.

Im sure you did. I rolled my eyes at his lame attempt. In a few weeks, I hope. Thats ifI dont pop before then. These babies need at least 6 more weeks of baking.

So, whos going to take over when your sleep deprived and squirting milk everywhere?

Well I smirked, eyeing him. I was hopingmy really amazing fas.h.i.+on blogger bestie? I smiled wide, batting my eyelashes at him.

Stop it. You cant ask me stuff like that when you look all cuteand pregnant. He waved his hand around me. I continued staring at him, begging him with my eyes. Ugh, fine! Fine. But as soon as those" he pointed at my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, stop squirting milk, youre back in charge.

Eeeek, thank you, thank you! This project is going to be great! I just need a few weeks off, and then Im back on, I promise. I flashed a convincing smile and hugged him tight.

Okay, enough squeezing. Now tell me what all I have to do.

I thoroughly explained everything to him"what I was working on now, and what hed have to keep track of when the time came. It was still in the early stages, so things were pretty simple yet.

So are you excited to be an Uncle again?

Yeah, Ive actually missed having a baby around. Two will be a handful. He chuckled nervously. But yes, Im excited.

You were a good dad, ya know? I mean, you werent her dad, but you played the role since she was a tiny baby and wellyou were a good one. I just wanted you to know.

You know Ill always be there for you, Mols. Whatever you need. One baby. Two babies. Stella. Liam. Whoever.

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Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 14 summary

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