Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 23

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Are you sure? I whispered so only Drake would hear me.

Sweetheart, itll be fine, I promise.

I nodded, trusting him. I was dying for a night out, especially with Drake. After saying goodbye to the twins for a good ten minutes, Drake escorted me into his limo. Rose petals were scattered everywhere and champagne was cooling in the ice box.

You are always filled with surprises, arent you? I smiled as he handed me a gla.s.s of champagne.

Just for you, sweetheart. I want this to be a night you wont forget.

As we drove to the restaurant, I enjoyed just laying on him, taking in the peace and quiet. It was chilly out so Drake wrapped us in a heated blanket. I was so comfortable that I could have easily fallen asleep.

Hope youre hungry. I made reservations.

You mean we get to eat in an actual restaurant with no kids sticking seeds up their noses or babies screaming?

Drake laughed as he helped me out of the limo. I tripped on my heel, missing the curb. Fortunately, Drake was used to catching me.

Wow, too much champagne?

I had one. Its these d.a.m.n heels.

His arms were still wrapped around me, as he looked me intently in the eyes. You look beautiful, future Mrs. Stagliano.

Well, thank you, Mr. Stagliano. You are very handsome, yourself. And he was. h.e.l.l, he always was, but Drake in a suit and tie was delicious. If I werent sleep deprived and starving, Id tell him to stay in the limo with me.

Drake walked us right in, not even stopping at the hostess station. It was a restaurant I hadnt been to yet, but it was amazing. It was darker inside, giving a more romantic mood setting. The waiters and waitresses were all dressed in suits and ties with large white ap.r.o.ns around their waists.

Oh, I miss work. I missed the cooking part. I missed losing myself in the recipe, getting it just right as I added in the ingredients.

No shop talk tonight.

Okay, fine. I wrinkled my nose at him. I hadnt even thought of when Id go back or if Id go back. It would be too hard leaving the twins.

Drake slid out my chair, helping me in. I watched as his hand glided down his tie as he sat across from me. I couldnt get enough of how good he looked tonight.

You look extra good tonight, I commented as he took a sip of his water.

Dont get any ideas in that pretty little head of yours, he warned.

What? I cant compliment you?

Yes, but yours comes with a double meaning.

I laughed, knowing I had been caught. I wanted to rip his clothes off and have my way with him. I didnt care that we were in a restaurant. Itd been way too long.

Well, I can at least fantasize about it, cant I? Before he could respond, our waiter introduced himself and read off the specials.

We enjoyed an amazing dinner. It had felt like way too long since Drake and I had a night alone together. It was nice to rekindle our relations.h.i.+p after everything that had happened.

So, do I at least get lucky tonight? I teased as I dug into my dessert.

Its a possibility. Keep showing off your like that, and we wont make it back to the house.

No way, theyre my secret weapon.

His head fell back as he laughed. My had doubled in size since the twins were born, not that he minded one bit. I on the other hand, was suffering from back pain and extreme soreness.

Thank you for dinner. It was a pleasant surprise, I said as he helped put my coat on.

Oh, theres another surprise. His voice was deep and I could tell he was up to something.

As we road in the limo, I noticed we were headed toward the inner city by Millennium Park. It was already dark out, but I could see the park more than a block away with all the lights.

Where are we going? I asked, peeking out the window.

The limo parked right out in the front of the park, giving me my answer. Its a surprise.

You and your surprises. I laughed nervously.

He grabbed my hand and guided me out of the limo. I couldnt imagine what else he could have up his sleeve, but I was anxious to find out.

He finally turned and faced me. We ended up in the middle of the ice rink, where lights and pink rose petals were scattered over the ice. He grabbed both my hands, softly kissed them, and said, This is where I proposed to you less than a year ago. And sweetheart, this is where I want to marry you. This is where I want to share my vows and promises with you. This is where I want our lives to begin.

I kept eye contact with him, confused on what he was implying. He finally grabbed my shoulders and turned me around.

Oh my G.o.d! What did you do? I squealed. My hands covered my mouth in shock and awe.

In front of me was a complete set up for a wedding. Pink rose petals lay on the ice as an aisle with three rows of white chairs on each side and three white wedding arches decorated with pink roses and tulling.

Wh-what is this? I asked, turning back around to face him.

This is your wedding day. His smile reached his eyes, sparkling in the moonlight. I didnt want to wait another day.

Really? But what about our family and friends?

Before he answered, music sounded over the speakers.

Oh my G.o.d. Were really doing this, arent we?

Molly? Drakes soothing voice broke my attention back. Look. He nodded his head behind me, smirking.

I spun around and saw everyone standing there"Michael, Stella, Liam, my parents, Drakes parents, Blakely, Colin, and the twins"I was too in shock to even speak.

Happy wedding day, sweetheart, he whispered in my ear behind me, making my body s.h.i.+ver.

Really? I cried. Really?

Yes. Time to take our places. I could feel his mouth smile against me.

I watched as Blakely walked toward me. Without a word, she placed a veil on top of my hand and adjusted it around my hair. She then dug inside her pocket, revealing a string of pearls and a charm bracelet.

Oh my G.o.d! My grandmothers pearls! I cried in shock. And the charm bracelet from Liam. How did you know?

Michael told me, she replied, locking it around my neck.

Told you what? Drake asked.

These were my grandmothers. I held the pearls up to show him. And thisthis was from Liam. I squeezed the bracelet tight in my fist. I wore it every day untiluntil the first day of my interns.h.i.+p. I looked down at them, remembering the moment Liam gave them to me. I didnt want it to get ruined, so I put them in my picture box, I explained.

Thats what was in there? he asked curiously.

Yeah, I said holding them.

The pearls can be your something old. Blakely smiled.

Yeah, I guess they can be. I smiled back. She gave them to me when I was a little girl and said to wear them on my wedding day, and then to pa.s.s them on my daughter some day. She wore them on her wedding day, that way the tradition would be that the women in the family wear these pearls only on their wedding days.

He reached and cupped my face, kissing my mouth lightly. Wow, I had no idea.

I shrugged lightly. I only told Michael, I guess. After you proposed, I got the box out.

And the charms can be your something blue, Blakely instructed.

Well, then, its perfect. Lets get married. He kissed me again, filled with pa.s.sion and l.u.s.t.

WaitI need something borrowed, I mused, looking at everyone.

Here, Blakely interrupted. She dug in her purse and got out her lipstick. You can borrow some of this. She held it out.

I laughed. Okaythis will do. I grabbed it from her, lining my lips out in her red gloss. There. I think Im ready. I smiled.

You look beautiful, Drake whispered, his lips barely touching mine.

I looked out into the ice and asked, Why three arches?

One for you and me, one for my sons, and the other for my daughters. Three makes us whole. One whole family.

Itsstunning. I dont even know what to say.

Welljust say I do and Ill die a happy man.

I reached up, locked my arms around his neck, and pulled his lips to mine. AnchorI promiseand I do.

Then thats all I ever need to hear for the rest of my life.

Drake walked down the aisle with both his parents. I kissed my dads cheek as he greeted me at the beginning of the aisle. Blakely and Colin grabbed the kids and sat them down in the front row.

I cant believe you guys are here, I whispered to my dad.

You think Id miss my baby girls big day? He smiled, but I could see the happy tears forming.

It almost didnt feel real. Everything was just too perfect.

Are you ready? he asked. Everyone took their seats as a new song started playing.

My dad escorted me down the aisle, where he gave me away to Drake. He never looked better. His smile, his tux"he was stunning.

It was dark out, but the lights filled the rink just enough. It wasnt until I walked with Drake up to the arches that I saw Michael standing in front.

I looked at Michael, confused. You got ordained?

You really think Id let anyone else marry you? He c.o.c.ked his hip and winked.

I cant believe you guys did this.

Oh, trust me, honey. If Drake wouldve let me, Id gone all out. But the guy gave me a weeks notice.

I looked Drake in the eyes. I think its absolutely perfect.


Drake Molly was stunning. She glowed every time she smiled up at me, promising me her vows. I couldnt believe I was finally getting to marry the girl of my dreams, the mother of my children, my soul mate. She was the one constant in my life that kept me going, that gave me a reason to want to live, and the first person I ever saw a future with, and now here we were, building our futures together.

As per my usual, I surprised Molly with a honeymoon trip a few months later. I knew she wouldnt be ready to leave the twins, so I waited until they were six months old before suggesting we take a trip just the two of us.

We spent ten days and nine nights in Ireland. It was a place she mentioned to me once, so I knew it would be something the both of us would enjoy.

Oh it feels good to be home! she called out as soon as I set the suitcases down in the foyer. I had an amazing time, though. She wrapped her arms around me, molding our bodies together. She lifted her head up, making her mouth just within reach.

Didnt your body get enough exercise during the honeymoon? I grinned, remembering how much time we stayed inside.

I only wanted a kiss, she pleaded, batting her eyelashes at me.

Thats what you always say. Then seconds later, youre tackling me on the bed, undressing me.

Funny. I remember a very different story happening. Yes, in fact, I rememberthe showerthe rocking chairthe closet doorinside the closet Okay, okay I get it. I smirked.

Mommy! Stella screeched and jumped into her arms. I missed you!

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Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 23 summary

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