Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 24

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I missed you too, sweetie! She knelt down and hugged her back. Were you a good girl?

She stayed silent and crinkled her nose. Yes.

I bet, Molly snorted.

We left Stella and the twins with Michael and our new live-in nanny, s.h.i.+rley. Shes been with us since the twins were two months old. I went back to work full time, Michael went back to writing, and when school let out for summer break, Stella and Liam were home, which meant Molly needed help"lots of help.

Molly and I rolled the rest of our luggage in. We were both excited to see River and Miracle. I knew Molly hated being away that long, but also knew we needed alone time together, too.

Welcome home, Mr. and Mrs. Stagliano, s.h.i.+rley greeted us as we entered the living room. It had been months since we were married, and I was still getting used to the sound of Mr. and Mrs. Stagliano. But I loved it.

Thank you! Molly smiled. She spotted the twins in their bouncer seats and rushed over to them. Oh my G.o.d! They grew like an inch! She grabbed Miracle out of hers and held her up, getting a good look at her.

I followed and did the same with River. We were only gone a week, I reminded her, smirking.

I know, but look at them. They got so big! She squeezed her in her arms and kissed her chubby cheeks. She leaned over and kissed Rivers cheeks, too. We were ecstatic to be home.

They were very good, s.h.i.+rley stated. They are sleeping through the night now.

What? Molly gasped. How did you do that?

Dry b.u.t.ts and full tummies. She smiled.

Yeah, youre never leaving, Molly quipped.

Okay, time to unpack, s.h.i.+rley announced.

Oh no, thats okay. I can do it, I interrupted.

No, I insist. She smiled, grabbing the luggages handles and rolled them to the staircase.

I love her! Molly whispered.

We settled in for the night, snuggling and eating popcorn on the sofa. Stella was squeezed in between Molly and I, while we each held a baby. It was picture perfect. Unfortunately, Liam wouldnt be back until the weekend, but I was enjoying this moment Once the movie was over, we sent Stella to bed for the night. Molly nursed both babies and rocked them to sleep. It was surreal. The whole thing. This was my life.

Ready for bed? I whispered, wrapping my arms around her waist. She was standing in the doorway of the nursery, looking in. Both babies were sound asleep in their cribs.

Yeah, she breathed out slowly. I just cant believe how fast theyre growing up. She spun around and locked her arms around my neck. Being home with them every day, youd think it would feel like it slowed down. But it doesnt. Its too fast, she whined.

Well, they have to grow up sometime, I mused. They were only half a year old, but I knew Molly was cheris.h.i.+ng every moment she had with them. Considering they were both premature and hospitalized for a month, she had every right to be overbearing.

Cmon. Time for bed. I grabbed her hand and lead her into our room.

I watched as she walked in front of me, slowly stripping her clothes off. I dont care what she said"pregnancy was good to her. She was curvy in all the right places. She got her figure back. I dont care what she said. To me, she was s.e.xier than ever.

I kicked my shows off and unbuckled my belt, letting my briefs and pants fall to the ground. She spun around just in time to see me throwing my s.h.i.+rt off over my head.

Her eyebrows rose. Sleeping naked are we?

Naked, yes. Sleeping, no.

She slowly swayed her body as she walked toward me only wearing her pearls. Are you trying to seduce me with your naked body? She couldnt even keep from grinning as she roamed her eyes up and down my body.

Youd be much more convincing that youre being seduced if you hadnt just checked me out.

Well, as your wife, I am allowed to check you out, she fired back.

And as your husband, I am allowed to let you. I swooped her up, letting her legs wrap around my waist. I pressed my lips against hers, tasting her sweetness against mine.

I walked forward until my knees. .h.i.t the bed. I lay her down as we both fell to the mattress. My mouth wandered down her jawline and landed on her neck, suckling and nipping as she fidgeted underneath me. I reached and grabbed her hands in mine, forcing them above her head. I held them with one hand as the other made its way down her side, brus.h.i.+ng lightly as I lightly tickled her.

No moving, I ordered. It wasnt like before when she was pregnant and I had to be careful not to let her be too active, rather now I just wanted to take control and pleasure her.

Her legs hung off the bed just enough so I could stand up and reach behind her knees, wrapping them back around my waist. She arched her hips up, begging for it. I lightly thumbed circles in between her thighs, just close enough to where she wanted me, but not enough to give in to what she wanted.

Baby she said in a warning tone, dont torture me.

Would I torture you?

s.e.xually, yes, she breathed out, barely able to take it anymore.

Her hand escaped my hold with just enough time to press me into her. Oh G.o.d, she moaned.

No, no, no I put her hand up back. You arent playing by the rules.

And what are you going to do about it? she shot back.

I guess Ill have to punish you, I growled. I pressed firmly inside without warning, making her gasp.

Yes, yes, please punish me, she moaned. I smirked knowing this was exactly the kind of punishment she desired.

I thrust harder and harder inside her, not giving up when she screamed out in remorse. She wiggled against my hand, wanting out, making me pin her down even harder.

This is your punishment, baby. How do you like it?

I want it. Harder.

I grinned as I gave it to her harder. I let go of her hands and gripped her hips, synchronizing them with mine as I pulsated into her hard and firm.

Have you learned your lesson, Mrs. Stagliano? I asked in a calm tone, still thrusting inside her deep and hard.

Oh my G.o.dyesyes I have, she barely breathed out, clenching both hands into the sheets. Her head fell back as she screamed out my name, but instead of slowing down for her to enjoy her o.r.g.a.s.m, I went faster and deeper. Oh G.o.d, DrakeIll be good. I promise, she moaned, her head still arched as her body met with mine.

Oh yes, baby? Will you be a good girl from now on?

Yes! she screamed out. Good but naughty, she added.

Thats what I like to hear, sweetheart. I slowed my pace as she rose to another o.r.g.a.s.m, letting it draw out this time. I released inside her, milking my own o.r.g.a.s.m.

Watching Molly unravel underneath me was enough to make me come over and over. She was s.e.xiest person ever. Even flushed with sweat and heat, she was s.e.xy.

I lay on top of her as we both panted. I kissed her lips gently, spreading them open with my tongue. I will never get tired of this.

Me either, she breathed out. Never.

Things soon returned to normal once we got home from our honeymoon. I went back to work while Molly stayed home with the kids and s.h.i.+rley. Michaels career lifted off the past few months and was gone most days doing interviews or attending fas.h.i.+on shows.

Mr. Stagliano, line one, my a.s.sistant, Carla, called.

I grabbed the phone and pressed one. This is Drake.

Mr. Stagliano, this is Madden. I instantly sat up, fidgeting as I heard his growling tone.

I cleared my throat. Mr. Madden, how can I help you?

We need to discuss our little arrangement. I did your favor. Now you owe me.

Of course.

Dont you want to know what happened to your little favor?

I thought about that night in Canada when I felt our lives were threatened by Denny. Unable to do anything because I didnt know the extent of what he could really do, I turned to Mr. Madden for help.

Wellyou told me he was taken care of. That pretty much summed it up for me. I didnt wanna hear the words, then itd be too real as to what actually happened.

Fair enough, he stated. He definitely wont be bothering you ever again.


Now for my favor. This is what I need.

He continued telling me exactly what had to be done. It wasnt going to be easy. This was something Molly knew nothing about, and although we vowed and promised no more secrets, this was one thing Molly didnt want to know about.

I hadnt told anyone about Denny. Not even Stanley. As far as he knew, Denny/Dan quit. Stopped showing up for work and ignoring all his calls"he eventually emptied his office out and hired someone new.

Mr. Madden wasnt a man you p.i.s.sed off. I had money and power; however, he had contacts. Many horrifying contacts. When I first spoke to him, my entire body quivered. Most men didnt intimidate me, h.e.l.l, I was supposed to intimidate them, but Mr. Madden was different. He was fierce to a completely new level.

I met him when I was looking for men to be on my legal and security team. That was just the thing about having money, we didnt have to do the dirty work"we hired men to do it for us. As awful as that sounded, it was true. It was a world I didnt want to introduce to Molly anyway, it was better for her to be unaware of it completely.

Molly Deciding to leave the Riverside for good was a hard decision, but it was more important for me to be home right now. I was blessed in that I didnt need to work for financial reasons, allowing me to be home with the twins and Stella.

We started a daily schedule"feedings, changings, and playtime. Stella loved helping out, always offering her a.s.sistance. I was actually going to be sad when she had to go back to school, although we had s.h.i.+rley with us, it was amazing to watch Stella interact with them.

Hi, baby River, she cooed as he swung quietly in his swing. Hi, baby Miracle. She would just watch them swing, making sure they were happy and entertained.

Stella, you want to do something special today? Just you and me? I asked, knowing it had been awhile since it was just the two of us.

River and Miracle cant go? she asked with sadness.

Well, theyll stay with s.h.i.+rley today. Its too hot for them to be out. Plus, I thought you and I could have a mommy-daughter date. What do you think?

Okay, mommy. She smiled.

I let s.h.i.+rley know we were leaving and headed out with Stella. Mid-summer in Chicago could be brutal. Mostly humid with a little heat. Luckily, once we got out of downtown Chicago, you could actually feel the breeze.

Where are we going? she asked.

I thought we could take a boat ride today and maybe head out to Navy Pier.

Awesome. I love Navy Pier. She glowed.

Spending the day with Stella was fabulous. It was great to reconnect with her after spending so much attention on the new babies. It was great that she wanted to be so involved, but she also needed my full, undivided attention.

Mommy, are there sharks out here? she asked, clenching to my arm as the boat took off.

Of course not, sweetie. Dont worry. Youre safe with me. I hugged her, letting her get close. It was a beautiful summer afternoon.

We rode through the water, watching the scenery and enjoying the day. Stella laughed and giggled every time the boat splashed up at her.

Honey, I have to use the bathroom. You gotta come with me. I grabbed her hand, but she pulled back.

Mommy, I dont want to. Cant I stay? Please? she pleaded with her eyes.

I hesitated, knowing she was often just as clumsy as I was. Fine, Ill be right back. Dont move! You understand?

I wont, mommy.

I raced down the dock to where the bathrooms were. Great, a line. I s.h.i.+fted from foot to foot, impatiently waiting. I didnt want to leave Stella up there too long.

I finally made it back, relived to see Stella sitting exactly where I left her. As I approached her, I noticed a man sitting next to her that wasnt there before.

And then my breathing stopped.


Denny was sitting right next to my child. And knowing Stella, she was blabbing away to him. s.h.i.+t. I know we had the no talking to strangers talk a while ago.

How? How the f.u.c.k was this possible?

I wanted to react. Scream. But I had to play it cool. There were too many people on here. If I created a scene, theyd all think I was the crazy one, when in reality, Denny was crazier than s.h.i.+t.

Stella, come here, I ordered, a foot behind her. She was facing the water, hardly noticing I had returned. Stella, I said firmer.

She finally turned around, almost annoyed that I had interrupted her. I said come here. My face was cold and demanding.

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Riverside: Kitchen Promises Part 24 summary

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