Men With Tools: Irresistible Sin Part 11

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She could feel his rod jerking inside her pa.s.sage as he came. His o.r.g.a.s.m set off another one in her body...less intense, but still powerful enough to steal her breath.

Emma rose up on her elbows. She quickly collapsed again when Griff pulled his c.o.c.k from her p.u.s.s.y and started licking her tender flesh. He flashed his tongue over every part of her, lapping up his c.u.m along with her cream.

Griff was the first man she'd had s.e.x with since she was seventeen who didn't use a condom. She thought his licking his c.u.m from her was the s.e.xiest thing a man had ever done to her.

She looked at him over her shoulder. His eyes were closed, a look of bliss on his face. He obviously loved what he was doing. So did she, but she wanted more.

"Lick my a.s.shole."

His eyes popped open. The surprise on his face proved he wasn't sure if he'd heard her correctly. "What?"

"I love when a man licks my a.s.shole."

Surprise changed to l.u.s.t in a second. Spreading her cheeks wide, he gave her a.n.u.s a long, slow lick. His moan vibrated against the sensitive flesh.

"Yeah," she said, low and husky. "Just like that."

He closed his eyes again as he moved his tongue more firmly over her a.n.u.s. Emma reached back and caressed his face, encouraging him to continue. He nipped the side of her hand, then returned his mouth to her and drove his tongue into her a.s.s.

"Oh yes, keep doing that. f.u.c.k my a.s.s with your tongue."

He alternated between licking her a.n.u.s and tongue-f.u.c.king it. Emma lifted her a.s.s higher, wanting him to go even deeper. Griff obeyed her silent request and f.u.c.ked her a.s.s even faster. Another o.r.g.a.s.m loomed, right there with only a little more help.

She got it when Griff pinched her c.l.i.t. Emma threw back her head and keened.

She was still trying to catch her breath when Griff rolled her over, picked her up and climbed out of the tub. He stopped long enough to hit the switch that would close the walls, then continued on to the laundry room. He set her on her feet close to the dryer, opened a cabinet and removed two large towels. After handing one to her, he swiped the other over his body.

Emma noticed his hard shaft bobbing with each of his movements. Although he'd made her come twice more after his o.r.g.a.s.m, he hadn't come again.

That little oversight needed to be corrected.

He tossed his damp towel over a short clothesline. "I don't have champagne, but I do have wine. Would you like a gla.s.s?"

Her head still buzzed pleasantly from the wine she'd drunk earlier. A little stronger buzz wouldn't hurt a thing. "Yes, please." She hung her towel next to his, then kissed him softly. "I'll meet you in the bedroom."

She'd barely gotten the covers pulled back and the pillows arranged when Griff came in the room, carrying two of blush wine.

"Hope white zin is okay." He handed a gla.s.s to Emma and climbed on the bed next to her. "Mom likes it, so I keep it in the fridge all the time."

"It's fine."

She looked at Griff as she took a sip of the cold wine. His c.o.c.k had softened a bit while he got their drinks, but still hung thick and impressive between his thighs. She had no doubt it would quickly get hard again with a little coaxing from her.

After taking one more sip of wine, she set the gla.s.s on the nightstand. "Are you ready for your surprise?"

The mention of his surprise had his rod standing up and taking notice. She reached out and ran the tip of one finger down his length. "I guess this means you are."

Emma leaned over her side of the bed and pulled out the tote bag she'd hidden there. Rising to her knees, she placed the bag in front of her. "I went by Kelcey's house today to check my mail and get some more clothes. While I was there, I decided to bring some things to play with." She reached into the bag and pulled out a large, flesh-colored d.i.l.d.o. "This is one of my favorite toys."

Griff's eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. "What else is in that bag?"

She laid the d.i.l.d.o on the bed and took out the rest of her items-a bottle of gel lubricant, a b.u.t.t plug, a fingertip vibrator, two pairs of padded handcuffs, and two erotic romance books. She held up one of the books so Griff could see the naked couple on the cover. "I love to read, the s.e.xier the better."

He picked up the handcuffs and examined them before looking back at her. "You use these?"


"Who's handcuffed-you or your lover?"

Emma shrugged. "Depends on how I feel at the time." She leaned forward until her nipples brushed his chest. "Ever been handcuffed to the bed, Griff?"

"No," he said, his voice rough.

She swiped her tongue across his lips. "Do you want to be?"

"Jesus, Emma."

"I'll take that as a yes."

She gathered up all her play items-except for the handcuffs-and laid them on the nightstand next to her winegla.s.s. "Move to the middle of the bed and get comfortable."

He did as she said, stuffing a pillow behind his back and half reclining on the bed. Straddling his hips, she snapped one of the handcuffs on his wrist and stretched his arm over his head. She attached the other end of the cuff to the newel post on the headboard. After repeating the action with his other wrist, she scooted back on his legs so she could examine what she'd done. Sweat beaded his forehead and upper lip. His c.o.c.k was as hard as a two-by-four. l.u.s.t burned so hotly in his eyes, she could almost feel the heat.

She ran her hands over his knees and up his thighs to his hips. "Now we get to have some fun."

What Emma called fun, Griff called torture. He lay on the bed, his body tensed and sweating, while she ran her tongue across his skin. She licked where his thighs met his groin, circled around his navel, laved each nipple. At no time did she come near his c.o.c.k, the place where he longed for her touch the most.

He didn't know why he'd agreed to the handcuffs. It had seemed like something naughty, a little forbidden...and very s.e.xy.

Something he'd never done with Jana.

Pus.h.i.+ng his late wife from his mind, he concentrated on the gorgeous woman pressing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his chest while she nibbled on his neck. She stayed on her knees, so her p.u.s.s.y was mere inches from his d.i.c.k. If he arched his hips, he might be able to get inside her...

She lowered her hips until her hot, wet p.u.s.s.y cus.h.i.+oned his shaft. Griff hissed. He closed his eyes to better absorb the pleasure of her flesh against his. She moved back and forth, rubbing her l.a.b.i.a over his c.o.c.k. He clenched his fists, desperately wis.h.i.+ng he could touch her.

"Unfasten the cuffs."

That wicked grin told him her answer before she said anything. "Not yet."

"I want to touch you."

She laid her hands on his chest. "After I'm through touching you."

Her thumbs pa.s.sed over his nipples. Griff hissed again. He arched his hips, trying to get inside her. No matter how he moved, she moved with him and kept that sweet p.u.s.s.y on top of his c.o.c.k.

"Emma, you're killing me."

Those soft hands drifted down his stomach. "You don't want this to be over too soon, do you?"

"Trust me, I recuperate quickly."

"Yes, I know. And I'm very thankful for that." One fingertip tickled his navel. "You're an amazing lover."

She kissed him deeply. With their lips still touching, Emma rose to her knees. She grasped the base of his c.o.c.k and sank down on it.

Griff groaned loud and long. Placing his heels on the bed, he pumped his hips, driving his rod deep into Emma's slick channel. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, matching stroke for stroke with his f.u.c.king.

She ended their kiss and lifted her hips so he slipped out of her. He wasn't ready to stop kissing her, and he certainly wasn't ready to stop f.u.c.king her. "Wait! What are you doing?"

"I want to do something else."

Something else? Griff threw his head back and banged it on the headboard. He'd been happy with the way they were. "You really are trying to kill me."

Cradling his face, she drew it back down and kissed him. "No, I'm trying to make you feel incredible."

She moved to his side. Griff swallowed when she picked up the bottle of gel lubricant from the nightstand. Grasping the base of his c.o.c.k, she flipped open the top of the bottle and squeezed a generous amount over the head of his hard flesh. She tossed the bottle aside. Still holding his shaft, she straddled his hips again. Griff didn't know why she'd added the lube since she was already really wet. He understood when she positioned the head at her a.n.u.s.

Griff's heart pounded so hard, he could hear it in his ears. a.n.a.l s.e.x had always been a fantasy of his, one that had never been fulfilled. Emma slid down slowly, taking his rod little by little into her a.s.s. Her eyes closed, her mouth fell open as she released a purring moan.

"Oh yessss."

Emma leaned back and gripped his thighs. Her open legs let Griff see every bit of her p.u.s.s.y and watch his d.i.c.k gliding in and out of her a.s.s.

He'd never seen anything so s.e.xy in his life.

He held his breath, trying to delay his climax. He didn't want this to be over. Ever.

"Feels so good, Griff."

Oh s.h.i.+t. Don't come, man! Don't come until she does.

Her breath hitched. She threw her head back and her body trembled. Griff felt her a.n.u.s contract around his c.o.c.k, pulsing, squeezing. He couldn't hold back any longer. Clutching the headboard, he arched his hips and let his o.r.g.a.s.m envelop his entire body.

Along with the pounding heart, now his lungs struggled to draw in enough air. Griff leaned his head back and watched Emma through eyes that he could barely keep open. He didn't think he'd ever had such a powerful climax. A newborn kitten couldn't be any weaker than he felt right now.

He groaned when Emma let his softened c.o.c.k slip out of her. She crawled up his body, released the cuffs and wrapped her arms around his neck. Griff gave her a quick squeeze, then held her close to him.

"Shower time?" Emma asked.

"Yeah. As soon as my legs will work." He smiled when she giggled. "You like leaving me too weak to move, don't you?"

"You'll be weak for only a few minutes. Then I want you to demonstrate how quickly you can recuperate."

Griff slid his hands up and down her back. Her skin was so silky. "Are you still giving notice at work Monday?"

Emma nodded. "The restaurant is closed Mondays and Tuesdays, but the owner does his paperwork on Mondays. I'll talk to him then. Alaina told me I can stay with her and Rye until I find a place to rent."

"You don't have to do that. You can stay here with me."

A gentle smile curved her lips. "You're very sweet to offer, but I don't want you to feel as if you have to."

"I don't feel I have to." He cradled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, whisked his thumbs across the nipples. "I like the idea of s.e.x every day with you."

Her smile widened. "I like the idea of s.e.x every day with you too. I accept your generous offer."

Cupping her nape, he pulled her to him for a long kiss. His c.o.c.k stirred. With a little encouragement, he would soon be ready for round three. Why not? Neither of them had to work tomorrow. There was no reason why they couldn't f.u.c.k all night.

"How about if we take our shower and try out some of your other toys?"

Emma's smile turned wicked. "I say yes."

Chapter Eleven.

Emma watched Ted scribble his signature on her last paycheck. Her boss had insisted on paying her after the restaurant closed evening. She'd told him he could mail the check to her when he processed the regular payroll in six days on the fifteenth, but that wasn't good enough for him.

"I'm gonna miss you, Emma." He tore the check from the register and handed it to her. "We're all gonna miss you. You're the best chef I've ever had."

"Thanks." She folded the check and slipped it into her purse. "I've loved working here."

She'd gone to work for Ted fresh out of high school, barely knowing how to boil water. Fifteen years her senior, he'd taught her his cooking secrets along with his s.e.xual moves. She'd enjoyed f.u.c.king her forty-something boss every couple of weeks until he became engaged a year ago. Emma loved s.e.x, but she drew the line when it came to messing with a guy in a serious relations.h.i.+p.

Ted swiveled his chair toward her. She watched his gaze slowly travel over her body. She hadn't seen that look in a long time, but she knew what it meant. He'd looked at her that way before he bent her over his desk for a quick romp. That hadn't happened in a year, and it wasn't going to happen tonight.

"How 'bout it, Emma?" Taking her hand, he tugged her between his spread legs. "Wanna give your ol' boss a proper goodbye?"

Emma laughed while he grinned. "You're engaged."

"I won't tell if you won't."

"Since when do you cheat on your fiancee?"

"I don't, but this is a special occasion." He placed his hands on her waist and tugged her closer. "We had some good times. Really good."

She let him touch her, knowing this would be the last time he did so. She also did it to see if his touch aroused her. She'd been with no one else since she'd met Griff. Three weeks with one man was a record for her.

Ted palmed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, ran his thumbs over her nipples. A pleasant zing traveled to her c.l.i.t, but not the take-me-now urge she got when Griff touched her nipples.

She wasn't the least bit tempted to have s.e.x with Ted.

When he unfastened the b.u.t.ton on her pants, she knew she had to stop him. She gripped his hands. "No, Ted."

His pout made her think of a little boy who was told he couldn't have dessert. "You sure?"

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Men With Tools: Irresistible Sin Part 11 summary

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