The Song of Roland Part 16

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Out of his swoon awakens Marsilies, And has him borne his vaulted roof beneath; Many colours were painted there to see, And Bramimunde laments for him, the queen, Tearing her hair; caitiff herself she clepes; Also these words cries very loud and clear: "Ah! Sarraguce, henceforth forlorn thou'lt be Of the fair king that had thee in his keep!

All those our G.o.ds have wrought great felony, Who in battle this morning failed at need.

That admiral will shew his cowardice, Unless he fight against that race hardy, Who are so fierce, for life they take no heed.

That Emperour, with his blossoming beard, Hath va.s.salage, and very high folly; Battle to fight, he will not ever flee.

Great grief it is, no man may slay him clean."


That Emperour, by his great Majesty, I Full seven years in Spain now has he been, And castles there, and many cities seized.

King Marsilies was therefore sore displeased; In the first year he sealed and sent his brief To Baligant, into Babilonie: ('Twas the admiral, old in antiquity, That clean outlived Omer and Virgilie,) To Sarraguce, with succour bade him speed, For, if he failed, Marsile his G.o.ds would leave, All his idols he wors.h.i.+pped formerly; He would receive blest Christianity And reconciled to Charlemagne would be.

Long time that one came not, far off was he.

Through forty realms he did his tribes rally; His great dromonds, he made them all ready, Barges and skiffs and s.h.i.+ps and galleries; Neath Alexandre, a haven next the sea, In readiness he gat his whole navy.

That was in May, first summer of the year, All of his hosts he launched upon the sea.


Great are the hosts of that opposed race; With speed they sail, they steer and navigate.

High on their yards, at their mast-heads they place Lanterns enough, and carbuncles so great Thence, from above, such light they dissipate The sea's more clear at midnight than by day.

And when they come into the land of Spain All that country lightens and s.h.i.+nes again: Of their coming Marsile has heard the tale.



The pagan race would never rest, but come Out of the sea, where the sweet waters run; They leave Marbris, they leave behind Marbrus, Upstream by Sebre doth all their navy turn.

Lanterns they have, and carbuncles enough, That all night long and very clearly burn.

Upon that day they come to Sarragus.



Clear is that day, and the sun radiant.

Out of his barge issues their admiral, Espaneliz goes forth at his right hand, Seventeen kings follow him in a band, Counts too, and dukes; I cannot tell of that.

Where in a field, midway, a laurel stands, On the green gra.s.s they spread a white silk mat, Set a fald-stool there, made of olifant; Sits him thereon the pagan Baligant, And all the rest in rows about him stand.

The lord of them speaks before any man: "Listen to me, free knights and valiant!

Charles the King, the Emperour of the Franks, Shall not eat bread, save when that I command.

Throughout all Spain great war with me he's had; I will go seek him now, into Douce France, I will not cease, while I'm a living man, Till be slain, or fall between my hands."

Upon his knee his right-hand glove he slaps.


He is fast bound by all that he has said.

He will not fail, for all the gold neath heav'n, But go to Aix, where Charles court is held: His men applaud, for so they counselled.

After he called two of his chevaliers, One Clarifan, and the other Clarien: "You are the sons of king Maltraien, Freely was, wont my messages to bear.

You I command to Sarraguce to fare.

Marsiliun on my part you shall tell Against the Franks I'm come to give him help, Find I their host, great battle shall be there; Give him this glove, that's st.i.tched with golden thread, On his right hand let it be worn and held; This little wand of fine gold take as well, Bid him come here, his homage to declare.

To France I'll go, and war with Charles again; Save at my feet he kneel, and mercy beg, Save all the laws of Christians he forget, I'll take away the crown from off his head."

Answer pagans: "Sire, you say very well."


Said Baligant: "But canter now, barons, Take one the wand, and the other one the glove!"

These answer him: "Dear lord, it shall be done."

Canter so far, to Sarraguce they come, Pa.s.s through ten gates, across four bridges run, Through all the streets, wherein the burghers crowd.

When they draw nigh the citadel above, From the palace they hear a mighty sound; About that place are seen pagans enough, Who weep and cry, with grief are waxen wood, And curse their G.o.ds, Tervagan and Mahum And Apolin, from whom no help is come.

Says each to each: "Caitiffs! What shall be done?

For upon us confusion vile is come, Now have we lost our king Marsiliun, For yesterday his hand count Rollanz cut; We'll have no more Fair Jursaleu, his son; The whole of Spain henceforward is undone."

Both messengers on the terrace dismount.


Horses they leave under an olive tree, Which by the reins two Sarrazins do lead; Those messengers have wrapped them in their weeds, To the palace they climb the topmost steep.

When they're come in, the vaulted roof beneath, Marsilium with courtesy they greet: "May Mahumet, who all of us doth keep, And Tervagan, and our lord Apoline Preserve the, king and guard from harm the queen!"

Says Bramimunde "Great foolishness I hear: Those G.o.ds of ours in cowardice are steeped; In Rencesvals they wrought an evil deed, Our chevaliers they let be slain in heaps; My lord they failed in battle, in his need, Never again will he his right hand see; For that rich count, Rollanz, hath made him bleed.

All our whole Spain shall be for Charles to keep.

Miserable! What shall become of me?

Alas! That I've no man to slay me clean!"



Says Clarien: "My lady, say not that!

We're messengers from pagan Baligant; To Marsilies, he says, he'll be warrant, So sends him here his glove, also this wand.

Vessels we have, are moored by Sebres bank, Barges and skiffs and gallies four thousand, Dromonds are there--I cannot speak of that.

Our admiral is wealthy and puissant.

And Charlemagne he will go seek through France And quittance give him, dead or recreant."

Says Bramimunde: "Unlucky journey, that!

Far nearer here you'll light upon the Franks; For seven years he's stayed now in this land.

That Emperour is bold and combatant, Rather he'ld die than from the field draw back; No king neath heav'n above a child he ranks.

Charles hath no fear for any living man.


Says Marsilies the king: "Now let that be."

To th'messengers: "Sirs, pray you, speak to me.

I am held fast by death, as ye may see.

No son have I nor daughter to succeed; That one I had, they slew him yester-eve.

Bid you my lord, he come to see me here.

Rights over Spain that admiral hath he, My claim to him, if he will take't, I yield; But from the Franks he then must set her free.

Gainst Charlemagne I'll shew him strategy.

Within a month from now he'll conquered be.

Of Sarraguce ye'll carry him the keys, He'll go not hence, say, if he trusts in me."

They answer him: "Sir, 'tis the truth you speak."



Then says Marsile: "The Emperour, Charles the Great Hath slain my men and all my land laid waste, My cities are broken and violate; He lay this night upon the river Sebre; I've counted well, 'tis seven leagues away.

Bid the admiral, leading his host this way, Do battle here; this word to him convey."

Gives them the keys of Sarraguce her gates; Both messengers their leave of him do take, Upon that word bow down, and turn away.

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The Song of Roland Part 16 summary

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