The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai Part 27

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Malio asked Halaaniani, "What did you dream?"

Said Halaaniani, "I dreamed nothing, as I slept I knew nothing, had not the least dream until I awoke just now."

Halaaniani asked his sister, "How was it with you?"

Said his sister, "I had a dream; as we slept we went into the thicket; you slept in your hollow tree and I in mine; my spirit saw a little bird building its nest; when it was completed the bird whose the nest was flew away out of sight. And by-and-by another bird flew hither and sat upon the nest, but I saw not that bird come again whose the nest was."

Asked Halaaniani of the dream, "What is the meaning of this dream?"

His sister told him the true meaning of the dream. "You will prosper; for the first bird whose the nest was, that is Kekalukaluokewa, and the nest, that is Laieikawai, and the last bird who sat in the nest, that is you. Therefore this very morning the woman shall be yours. When Waka sends Laieikawai on the wings of the birds for the marriage with Kekalukaluokewa, mist and fog will cover the land; when it clears, then you three will appear riding on the crest of the wave, then you shall see that I have power to veil Waka's face from seeing what I am doing for you; so let us arise and get near to the place where Laieikawai weds."

After Malio's explanation of the dream was ended they went right to the place where the others were.

Now Malio had power to do supernatural deeds; it was to secure this power that she lived apart.

When they came to Keaau they saw Kekalukaluokewa swimming out for surf riding.

Malio said to Halaaniani, "You listen to me! When you get on the back of the wave and glide along with the breaker, do not ride--lose the wave; this for four waves; and the fifth wave, this is their last. Maybe they will wonder at your not riding ash.o.r.e and ask the reason, then you answer you are not accustomed to surfing on the short waves, and when they ask you what long waves you surf on say on the _Huia_.[63] If they pay no attention to you, and prepare to ride in on their last wave, as they ride you must seize hold of Laieikawai's feet while Kekalukaluokewa rides in alone. When you have the woman, carry her far out to sea; look over to the coast where k.u.mukahi[64] swims in the billows, then this is the place for surfing; then pray in my name and I will send a wave over you; this is the wave you want; it is yours."

While they were talking Waka covered the land with a mist. Then the thunder pealed and there was Laieikawai on the crest of the wave. This was Waka's work. Again the thunder pealed a second peal. This was Malio's work. When the mist cleared three persons floated on the crest of the wave, and this was a surprise to the onlookers.

As Waka had commanded her grandchild, "speak to no one until you have kissed Kekalukaluokewa, then speak to others," the grandchild obeyed her command.

While they rode the surf not one word was heard between them.

As they stood on the first wave Kekalukaluokewa said, "Let us ride."

Then they lay resting upon their boards; Halaaniani let his drop back, the other two rode in; then it was that Laieikawai and Kekalukaluokewa kissed as the grandmother had directed.

Three waves they rode, three times they went ash.o.r.e, and three times Halaaniani dropped back.

At the fourth wave, for the first time Laieikawai questioned Halaaniani: "Why do you not ride? This is the fourth wave you have not ridden; what is your reason for not riding?"

"Because I am not used to the short waves," said Halaaniani, "the long wave is mine."

He spoke as his sister had directed.

The fifth wave, this was the last for Laieikawai and Kekalukaluokewa.

As Kekalukaluokewa and Laieikawai lay resting on the wave, Halaaniani caught Laieikawai by the soles of her feet and got his arm around her, and Laieikawai's surf board was lost. Kekalukaluokewa rode in alone and landed on the dry beach.

When Laieikawai was in Halaaniani's arms she said, "This is strange! my board is gone."

Said Halaaniani, "Your board is all right, woman; a man will bring it back."

While they were speaking Laieikawai's surf board floated to where they were.

Said Laieikawai to Halaaniani, "Where is your wave that you have kept me back here for?"

At this question of the princess they swam, and while they swam Halaaniani bade the princess, "As we swim do not look back, face ahead; when my crest is here, then I will tell you."

They swam, and after a long time Laieikawai began to wonder; then she said, "This is a strange wave, man! We are swimming out where there are no waves at all; we are in the deep ocean; a wave here would be strange; there are only swells out here."

Said Halaaniani, "You listen well; at my first word to you there will be something for us."

Laieikawai listened for the word of her surfing comrade.

They swam until Halaaniani thought they could get the crest, then Halaaniani said to his surfing comrade, "Look toward the coast."

Laieikawai replied, "The land has vanished, k.u.mukahi comes bobbing on the wave."

"This is our crest," said Halaaniani. "I warn you when the first wave breaks, do not ride that wave, or the second; the third wave is ours.

When the wave breaks and scatters, keep on, do not leave the board which keeps you floating; if you leave the board, then you will not see me again."

At the close of this speech Halaaniani prayed to their G.o.d in the name of his sister, as Malio had directed.

Halaaniani was half through his prayer; a crest arose; he finished the prayer to the amen; again a crest arose, the second this; not long after another wave swelled.

This time Halaaniani called out, "Let us ride."

Then Laieikawai quickly lay down on the board and with Halaaniani's help rode toward the sh.o.r.e.

Now, when Laieikawai was deep under the wave, the crest broke finely; Laieikawai glanced about to see how things were; Halaaniani was not with her. Laieikawai looked again; Halaaniani with great dexterity was resting on the very tip of the wave. That was when Laieikawai began to give way to Halaaniani.

Waka saw them returning from surf riding and supposed Laieikawai's companion was Kekalukaluokewa.

Malio, the sister of Halaaniani, as is seen in the story of her life, can do many marvelous things, and in Chapters XXII and XXIII you will see what great deeds she had power to perform.


While Laieikawai was surfing ash.o.r.e with Halaaniani, Waka's supernatural gift was overshadowed by Malio's superior skill, and she did not see what was being done to her grandchild.

Just as Laieikawai came to land, Waka sent the birds in the mist, and when the mist pa.s.sed off only the surf boards remained; Laieikawai was with Halaaniani in her house up at Paliuli. There Halaaniani took Laieikawai to wife.

The night pa.s.sed, day came, and it was midday; Waka thought this strange, for before sending her grandchild to meet Kekalukaluokewa she had said to her:

"Go, to-day, and meet Kekalukaluokewa, then return to the uplands, you two, and after your flesh has become defiled come to me; I will take care of you until the pollution is past." Now, this was the custom with a favorite daughter.

Because Waka was surprised, at midday of the second day after Laieikawai joined Halaaniani, the grandmother went to look after her grandchild.

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The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai Part 27 summary

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