Souls' Rescue Part 10

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"I spoke with the owners of your office building today, along with their lawyer, who just happened to be in my fraternity. We worked out a financial settlement, and my a.s.sistant will have it all ready for you to review by lunchtime."

"Excellent work, Mr. Meier. Please, do tell me the details."

"I'll sum it up. They're paying whatever hospital bills aren't covered by the various insurances of those found responsible, and of course, the expenses you may incur in later years from all this will also be paid. They've offered you a tidy sum for your pain and suffering-six figures."

"Jacob, this is great. Are you sure that Mr. Colwell's family isn't going to be brought into all this?"

"Here is where my brilliance s.h.i.+nes best. He didn't have a family to speak of. So far, I'm the only lawyer that's come to the building owners for compensation. Now, this is still in negotiations, but I'm confident we'll have it closed by the end of next week."

"How did you manage all of this? It wasn't the owner of the building's fault that guy ran his truck through the atrium."

"Actually, it sort of was. He was terminally ill, and our company denied an insurance claim for some last-ditch medical procedures he thought he needed. I didn't get all the details, but he left a note in the truck saying if he was going to die, he'd do it on his own terms."

"So our own company is paying all my bills?"

"Yours and anyone else who was hurt. The company is trying to avoid any lawsuits by paying everyone off, basically. Since you're an employee, we came to an agreement so you could be taken care of, and you'll get your normal salary until you're ready to go back to work."

"Remind me to hire you as my lawyer some time."

Jacob buffed his fingers on his s.h.i.+rt. "Honey, you can't afford me."

"Whatever. Thanks for taking care of all this, Jacob. Seriously."

"Of course. For you, it's pro bono. Unless you've got some chocolate lying around here somewhere?"

"Sadly, there's none left. But I have another project for you. Please call Delmar Clark and make sure my mother's ridiculous law suit was actually stopped."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "He's an ambulance-chasing b.a.s.t.a.r.d." He kissed her on the cheek. "I have his number at the office. I need to head there anyway. I'll call him. Promise to get some rest."

"Yes, dear."

"And tell Kelly I said h.e.l.lo."

"I will if she calls me." Talia glanced at her cell phone and Jacob paused in the doorway.

"She hasn't phoned you today? It's past noon."

"I know." Talia flipped open her phone just to make sure there were no calls missed. "She and her mother are leaving for Miami tomorrow morning. I was hoping to hear from her, but I guess she's too busy getting ready to go. She said she'd try to get hold of me once they were either at the airport or aboard s.h.i.+p."

"I'm sure she'll catch up with you soon, sweetie. When does she return?"

"She said she'd be home on Tuesday to meet Daddy when he comes to visit after his business trip."

"Women," Jacob sighed dramatically. "Honey, you'll hear from her. She's called ten times a day for the last two weeks."

"I'm sure you're right."

"I'm always right." Jacob blew her a kiss. "You find me if you need me."

"Don't I always?"

HER MOTHER'S VOICE droned on and on and sounded like the teacher's voice from Peanuts. Talia stared at the stark white walls of her room, wis.h.i.+ng that Kelly would call and wondering if her mother was ever going to leave her alone.

"Aaron won't be coming," Colette said.

"Why not?" Talia asked, figuring she'd better comment so her mother wouldn't yell at her for not listening.

"Little Dina has the flu, and Sheila can't take off work to stay home with her."

"Of course. How convenient," Talia muttered. It was so typical of Aaron to find a reason not to come. He'd spent most of his youth fine-tuning the art of disappointing them. Why would his adulthood be any different?

"He did say he'd try to get another flight next week. He wants to see you."

"Yippie." Talia held up her hand to stop her mother's retort. "Let's not fight about Aaron. I don't feel like arguing."

"Fine. Though I don't understand why you don't like him. He's your brother."

"I love him as my brother because we're genetically attached. But that's it. Please, Mother."

Colette was silent for a moment. "Has your father been by to see you?"

So much for not arguing. "Yes. He came by last night and said he'd be here this evening. He also wants to meet Kelly, and she said she'd stop by on Tuesday so he's going to stay a few days in Cincinnati."

"Why would he want to meet her?"

"To thank her for saving my life."

"You can't be serious." Colette crossed her arms and huffed.

"I am and he is. Kelly was there in that h.e.l.lhole of debris with me the entire time. She risked her life and did more for me than you realize. I wish you'd be nicer to her. She's very sweet."

"She may be sweet, dear, but I don't like you a.s.sociating with her."


"You know why."

"Because she's gay? I thought you got over that with Megan."

"I'll never 'get over it' as you so bluntly put it." Colette held up a hand to stop Talia's response. "However, Megan was, and still is, a fine match for you. She comes from an up-standing family, she's well-mannered, and she still cares deeply for you."

"Megan cares about Megan. I'm just sorry you can't see that. I know she's the perfect daughter for you, but you need to understand that Kelly is my friend, and I'm not going to push her away because she doesn't come from some upper cla.s.s, snooty family."

"Uh oh," Sam said from the doorway, frozen in place. "Should I let you two have this fight and come back later?"

"Samuel Stoddard, get in here," Colette said. "I really wish you could talk some sense into your sister."

"That's a good one. Little T hasn't had sense since, well, I don't think she's ever had good sense."

"I'd hit you if you were closer to the bed." Talia shook her fist at him, but it made Sam laugh more. "I'm not so little anymore, you know?"

"Ah, always dreaming of kicking my a.s.s." Sam stood just out of her reach. "Someday, kid, you just might."

"When you're not expecting it."

"Stop it, you two." Colette pointed toward a chair. "Sam, sit down and behave."

"Sorry, I can't." He turned a serious gaze to Talia. "My unit is being deployed, and since you're no longer in danger of dying, my leave is canceled."

"No, Sam." Talia held her arms out and hugged him tightly. "I hate it when you go off to fight."

"I know. But it's my job, T. Don't worry. I'll be okay." He kissed her on the forehead and turned to their mother. "Sorry for the short notice."

"I understand." Colette rose to hug him. "Be careful, son. And remember how proud I am of you."

"I will. My flight leaves in an hour, so I have to get going." He stood ramrod straight and saluted them properly. "I love you both, and I'll write as soon as I can." He tossed a plastic bag at Talia and grinned. "Just something to keep you company."

She pulled a teddy bear from the bag. The bear was dressed in military camouflage and had captain's bars pinned to the collar. Tears filled Talia's eyes, and she held the bear close to her heart. When she looked up, Sam was already gone.

Chapter Thirteen.

THE FANFARE OF the cruise s.h.i.+p leaving port had been a bit much for Kelly. She was ready to sit back and relax, but her mother was off and running. The confetti and streamers hadn't even settled on deck before Marina found a Bingo game, and knowing her mother, it would be cutthroat Bingo. G.o.d help anyone that beat her.

Kelly dipped her feet into warm, clear pool water and wiggled her toes. She leaned back and enjoyed the feel of the sun on her face. Kelly sensed, rather than saw, a woman sit down beside her.

"Amazing view, huh?" the woman asked.

Kelly followed her gaze. The sun was setting on the horizon. She hadn't realized how late it was. The orange and yellow hues reflecting off the water seemed to go on forever. It was a pretty sight and she nodded her head in agreement. "Yep. Don't get views like that back home."

"Where's home?"

"Cincinnati. You?"

"Middletown," she said with a lot of enthusiasm. "Wow. We're practically neighbors. Where in Cincinnati do you live?"

Kelly turned slightly and eyed her for a moment. She didn't look familiar, but plenty of her was on display. She wore a string bikini that left nothing to the imagination. "Not far from downtown."

She smiled at Kelly with a set of perfect, white teeth. "Small world."

"Yeah." Kelly felt appraising eyes on her and was suddenly uncomfortable. "I should-"

"I'm Annie Spiner." She held out her hand and Kelly awkwardly shook it.

"Kelly," she said hesitantly, not bothering to give the woman her last name. She had a feeling this woman wouldn't care to know it.

"Would you like to take a walk, Kelly? I was thinking of going back to my stateroom for a drink." She flashed her smile again. "I'd love for you to join me."

Oh, yeah. She was getting the right vibes. "Nah. I need to find my mom and make sure she eats dinner. She gets so caught up in playing Bingo that she doesn't know when to stop." She lied easily, knowing well her mother would never miss a meal and could be counted on to track Kelly down in an hour.

"Hmm. How 'bout we meet later tonight?" She scooted close enough to Kelly that the bare skin of their shoulders touched.

Annie was gorgeous, and a few weeks ago, her offer would have tempted Kelly, but not now. Dark eyes, smooth brown skin, and long black hair that Kelly ached to tangle her fingers in were all she could think about. Any time she closed her eyes she easily conjured up Talia's face, heard her voice, and little thrills raced through her body. She had never been this attracted to Janine.

And she certainly wasn't attracted to the woman sitting beside her. Kelly slid into the warm water and looked back at Annie. "Sorry. I'm busy."

"You don't look busy." Annie followed her into the pool and treaded water until she was inches from Kelly. "You look amazing."

Kelly didn't like the way Annie's eyes raked over her body, as if she were new candy to be tasted. She wished that a different pair of eyes were looking at her with that kind of desire. In her mind Talia treaded in front of her, hair slicked back from her face. Her full body within inches of Kelly's hands. She imagined caressing her ample b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her hands sliding down the curves of Talia's body...

But Annie wasn't Talia. Kelly said, "Seriously. I'm not interested."

"But I'm not wrong about you, am I?" Annie asked, reaching her hand out to lightly caress Kelly's b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Oh no." Kelly moved away. She knew she didn't want anything to do with Annie, but her body betrayed her. "I mean, yeah. I'm gay, but no, I don't want to be with you."

"Really?" Annie looked hurt and Kelly backpedaled.

"Let me try this again. Yes, I'm gay. Yes, you're beautiful, but I'm taken." Kelly surprised herself as well as Annie at her remark.

"Taken? I don't see a ring."

"We're just not there yet." Not quite the truth, but this time she didn't feel like she was lying. Neither she nor Talia had made any promises to each other. They hadn't done much more than chat. They'd shared a few promising touches, yet Kelly felt deeply attached her. Attached in the way one is attached to her soulmate. "I'm sorry if I led you on."

Annie shook her head. "Are you sure you don't want to at least have dinner with me?"

"I can't." Kelly moved to the steps and got out of the pool. "Have a fun cruise."

"Yeah." Annie frowned. "Fun." With short choppy, strokes, she swam to the other end of the pool.

Kelly stood there long enough to watch Annie make a move on another woman before walking off to find her Bingo-addict mother and some dinner.

KELLY LEANED ON the deck rail and gazed out at the clear night sky. A city kid all her life, it was a rare treat to see all the bright lights in the horizon. She still held her cell phone in her left hand hoping for the off chance that she could get a signal from the deck. The phone was still searching for a tower. Kelly wanted to throw the d.a.m.n thing into the Atlantic Ocean.

Talia had been on her mind since earlier in the day when that Annie person hit on her. Kelly needed to hear Talia's voice. She'd heard her recorded voice several times since getting on the airplane to Miami. Talia's voicemail had not been very soothing. She wanted to talk to a real live Talia.

She looked at her cell phone again. Jacob had stopped by the day before she and Ma left for Miami. He'd made it a point to come to Kelly's house and ask her to call Talia. That seemed a little weird, since Kelly hardly knew the guy. But he'd been insistent.

Kelly rea.s.sured him that she didn't intend to be gone for five days without calling Talia. She remembered Jacob saying something like, "She's a little skittish. You didn't call yesterday so she thinks maybe you don't want to see her."

"But I did call," Kelly said. "All I got was a message that her voice mail box is full."

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Souls' Rescue Part 10 summary

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