Souls' Rescue Part 9

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"The one against James Colwell." Colette sat daintily in the chair Delmar Clark pulled out for her while he remained standing by her side. "It's been a week, so we need to get moving on this."

"I don't know anyone named James Colwell. Who is he and why are you suing him?"

"You're suing him," Delmar said. He handed a folder to Talia. "I've got all the papers drawn up. We just need you to sign, and I'll get this to the courthouse today."

"Wait, wait, wait. I'm not signing a d.a.m.n thing. Who is James Colwell?"

"The man driving the truck," Colette said. "He's the one who hurt you, and we're going to make sure you get compensated. I'm sure the man had insurance."

"Mother. The man died in the accident. You can't sue a dead man."

Talia didn't like the look that crossed Delmar Clark's face. "We're not suing him. We're suing his family. They're culpable for anything he did."

"Not a chance in h.e.l.l." Talia tried to rip the folder in half, but didn't have the strength. She took a few of the papers out and quickly ripped them to small pieces. "You won't sue anyone, Mother. That man's family has gone through enough. He died and hurt a lot of people in the process, but I'm not holding his family responsible."

"Talia, be reasonable. He ruined your life. If you lose your leg-"

"I'll deal with that when and if it happens. But I won't ruin someone else's life along the way. Mother, I can't believe you'd be this callous."

"She's being reasonable," Delmar Clark said. "You deserve the money."

Talia threw the paper pieces at him. "I don't want it. Now get the h.e.l.l out of here."

"Talia, please. Mr. Clark is a top-rate lawyer."

"Mother, if anything is done legally, I will deal with it out through Jacob. He's working with our company to make sure I get paid while I'm in here and to make sure my medical bills are covered. That's enough for me."

"Then I suppose we're done here. Colette, I'll be in touch." Delmar Clark left the room without another word.

"Talia, why were you so rude to him? He's only trying to help us."

"Why didn't you talk to me before you called him? You know Jacob's a lawyer. Doesn't it make sense that he'd help me? He is my best friend after all."

"I realize that. I just wanted you to have the best."

"I already do."

"If you're referring to that Jacob Meier I wouldn't consider him the best. He showed up at your apartment last night and ordered me to stop packing."

"Because I asked him to." Talia turned away from her mother. "I'm not leaving and you shouldn't have started packing my stuff."

"I was trying to help you."

"I know. Look, I'm tired. I think I need to rest."

"Of course, dear. I'll see you tomorrow."

"SO HOW'S MY favorite patient this morning?" Kelly leaned against the rail of Talia's bed and smiled at the cranky look on her new friend's face. "Oh, not a morning person?"

"And you are?"

Kelly laughed. "Actually, I am. But only after I've had at least three cups of solid black coffee to bring my body to life."

Talia yawned and stretched both arms in the air. "Same here. Got any of that coffee on ya?"

Kelly held up a white bag with a Starbucks label. "As a matter of fact, I do."

"Oh, I love you!" Talia used the controls to raise the bed so she could take the tall cardboard container and sip at the hot brew. "Heavenly."

"Wow. I guess it's been a while since you've had any real coffee."

"How can you tell?"

"Because you're holding that with both hands and sucking it down like there's no tomorrow. Guess you needed some caffeine."

"You better believe it." Talia rested the cup on her stomach. "My ex-partner used to set the coffeemaker for 5 a.m. so I'd have fresh brew every morning." Talia scoffed, "It was the only nice thing she ever did for me."

"How long were you together?"

"Ten years too long." Talia took another sip and sighed contentedly. "Megan was controlling and thanks to Jacob I got out of that relations.h.i.+p. That's why I took a job out here."

"Stupid woman to let you go like that."

"Oh, she wanted to keep me. She was more than willing to take and take, while I gave."

"That sucks."

"It did. But I kicked her out of my house about two years ago. She kept coming around wanting money until finally I sold my house and escaped here. She's a corporate lawyer with a shopping habit to rival Paris Hilton. Last I heard she was living with some friends, but I'd lost track of her."

"Sounds like a good thing." Kelly settled into the chair beside the bed. "My girlfriend left me when I refused to kick my mother out of the house so she could live with me alone."

"b.i.t.c.h. Does your mother have a problem with you having a girlfriend?"

"Nope. My girlfriend had a problem with me having a mother." Kelly leaned back in the chair and rested her feet on the edge of Talia's bed. "Ma works nights, and I don't want her living alone. Besides, we found a house that was affordable and large enough that she's got her side and I have mine. She's more like a roommate than anything else."

"Sounds like you two have a good arrangement."

"It works for us. We're all the family we have."

Talia handed her the empty cup. "Thanks. You're a saint."

"Hardly." Kelly tossed it into a trash can. "How you feeling today?"

"Sore, but okay. My leg is hurting more than anything."

"Mind if I take a look?"

Talia shook her head and Kelly moved the covers back. They had bandaged her right leg past the knee and her toes were an odd bluish color. The leg was losing circulation.

"How bad is it, Doctor McCoy?"

"It's wrapped up in bandages so I can't see it. Little bit of bruising around the packaging. But I've heard of that orthopedic doc they gave you. She's a doc for the Bengals football team."

"The look on your face doesn't sound as hopeful as your voice."

Kelly tried to smile. "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV."

"Smart a.s.s."

"Better a smart a.s.s than a dumb a.s.s."

"As long as you get a little a.s.s, it's all good." Both women giggled at their silly conversation.

"Before I forget," Kelly reached into her pocket and handed Talia a slip of paper. "Ma and I are going on a cruise Thursday, and we won't be back until next Tuesday. But you can call me any time you like."

"A cruise?" Talia's eyes lit up. "Where to?"

"The Caribbean. It's gonna be cool because neither of us has ever been out of the country."

"You'll love it. Megan and I went on a cruise. It was wonderfully relaxing and an amazing time. You'll hate having to come home."

"Really?" Kelly watched the excitement in Talia's eyes. "I guess I'm looking forward to this trip then."

"You weren't before?"

"Not so much." Kelly shrugged. "To be honest, I don't want to leave you." Kelly felt a strange tugging in her stomach. Oh, geez, she thought. That was so lame.


"Sounds dumb, huh?"

"No. I think it's sweet." She touched the side of Kelly's face. The gesture warmed Kelly's skin and settled her nerves.

"Just being honest," Kelly said. "I won't be able to bring you coffee from the ocean."

"That's fine." Talia waved her hand in the air. "I can con Jacob into being my cabana boy while you're gone. It'll be fun to make him bring me coffee every morning."

"He's a sweet guy."

"He's the best friend I've ever had. But you come in a close second."

"And after just a couple of weeks? Thanks." Kelly leaned on the adjustable table beside Talia's bed and knocked a large manila envelope to the ground. "Oops. Sorry 'bout that." She bent to pick it up and glanced at the label on the front. "Delmar Clark? The attorney?"

Talia sighed. "Yes. The lawyer my mother hired for her lawsuit."

"Who's she suing?"

"No one." Talia closed her eyes and scrubbed her face with one hand. "My mother decided I should sue the poor guy driving the truck that hit me."

"Why would she sue a dead man? She's not getting any money out of him."

"I like your logic, but he probably had life insurance and his family could be sued, maybe some of his a.s.sets taken away. But I'm not about to do that. His car insurance company is probably duking things out, and when the dust settles, I expect things will work out. I don't even want to know why he did what he did." Talia reached for Kelly's hand. "I told Mother and Mr. Clark I have no intention of suing anyone. I'm just glad I survived."

"That's your choice," Kelly said. She squeezed Talia's hand. "But you're probably the only one. There're family members of the others who died and those who got hurt who will probably sue his family. I feel sorry for them. It's not right to make his family responsible for what he did."

"No, it's not. So, can we talk about something else?"

"I'd love to, but I need to get a few hours of sleep before tonight. I've got a cla.s.s to teach."

"Teach? You're a firefighter, paramedic, and a teacher?"

"I teach ACLS-Advanced Cardiac Life Support-it's basically CPR with drugs. And I've got to be at the hospital at six tonight."

"Wow, you're a busy woman. When do you find time for a social life?"

Kelly laughed and stood. "Social life? What's that?"

"Ah. Point taken."

"I'll stop by tomorrow morning."

"Bring coffee."

Chapter Twelve.

TALIA SHOVED THE breakfast tray away, unable to stomach the stuff the hospital called food. She flipped open her cell phone to call Jacob and was pleasantly surprised when he walked in.

"Timing is as good as ever."

"Isn't it always?" he said, holding up a brown paper bag.

"If that contains something resembling food, I will love you forever."

"You'll love me anyway, but yes. One blueberry bagel coming up." He removed the food tray from her bed table and placed the paper bag there.

Talia let out a little squeal when she found a Styrofoam cup of steaming coffee. "I love you."

"Yes. We already established that. So, do you want to hear how brilliant I am?"

"You were born brilliant," Talia said around bites of her breakfast. "But I'm sure there's more to tell."

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Souls' Rescue Part 9 summary

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