Souls' Rescue Part 26

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"Are you sure she's okay?" Marina asked for the third time.

"Ma, I'm right here and I'm fine," Kelly said.

Talia took Marina's hand in hers. "Positive. She's getting a few more weeks off work, but she'll be okay."

Marina wiped the tears from her eyes. "How did he find you? How did he know where Talia lives? Why would he do this?"

"Nothing like a grilling from Mrs. McCoy." Scott joined them in Kelly's hospital room. "I might be able to help you out here."

"That son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h hurt my daughter," Marina said.

"The cops are outside waiting to take Kelly's statement. One of them said Burke admitted following her to the apartment building. Guess he was just waiting. He was drunk and p.i.s.sed off about the union hearing he had yesterday. The union rep told him to quit before he ends up fired." Scott kissed Kelly on the forehead. "He's going to be fired outright now. Good thing your girlfriend got to him before I did."

"What did she do?" Marina asked.

Talia held up her bent cane. "I let him have it with the only weapon I had. He was hurting Kelly. What was I supposed to do?"

"You did good," Scott said.

"Thanks. I think I'll need a new cane, though."

Kelly laughed with the rest of them and paid for it in rib pain.

"Marina, I came to get you out of here for a while." Scott offered her his arm. "Care to take a walk?"

With a sigh, Marina said, "I'm always getting dragged out by the eligible bachelor. I'm telling you, we need to get you a younger woman." She kissed Kelly, hugged Talia, and let Scott lead her out of the room.

"Looks like I get to pamper you now," Talia said as she kissed Kelly's hand. "I don't mind, you know."

"I can hardly believe what happened. I keep turning it over and over in my head. If you hadn't been there-"

"Don't. I was and he didn't finish what he started. I just wish I'd hit him harder. Hard enough to cause brain damage."

"You had enough power behind that thing to knock him flat."

"Never p.i.s.s me off." Talia scrunched her face at Kelly. "It ain't pretty."

"I suppose not."

"You need some rest, baby."

"Be here when I wake up?"


THREE WEEKS WENT by before Kelly could walk without any pain. Her ribs still hurt, but not with every breath or the intensity she'd become used to. Her arm was now in an air cast, and she was almost feeling ready to go back to work. The "vacation" as Scott called it had been nice. Talia had spent a lot of time at Kelly's keeping her company and taking care of her as much as Marina would allow.

That part had been enjoyable, but today was the first day she'd felt up to doing something on her own, and she was anxious to get out of the house. She picked up a paper bag containing some clothes and DVDs. The car keys weren't even warm in her hand before Marina stopped her.

"Where are you going, young lady? You're supposed to be resting."

"Ma, I've been resting for two weeks. I need to get out for a while."

"I thought Talia was coming over later." Marina moved to stand between Kelly and the door and crossed her arms over her chest.

"She was. I called and said I wanted to go for a drive and I'd come to her place. We're going to stay up all night watching movies." Kelly kissed Marina on the cheek and stepped around her. "I'll be back tomorrow, Ma. Promise."

"Be careful please."

"Always." Kelly closed the door behind her and sucked in a breath of hot and humid air. Despite the heat, she was happy to be outside. The driver's seat of her car was not as comfortable as she wanted and when she put the seatbelt on it hit her sorest rib. Marina watched out the window with a concerned look on her face. Kelly put on a good face. If her mother noticed she was in pain, Marina would stop her from leaving.

The real reason she wanted out of the house was to have some time alone with Talia. They'd spent a lot of time together, but most of it with Marina hovering or Scott or one of the other firefighters coming over to check on Kelly. It was sweet of them to do that, but Kelly really needed a break. She needed to be with Talia.

At Talia's place, Kelly put her new key in the lock and stepped into the apartment. "Honey, I'm home."

"Hey, baby, come over here," Talia called from the living room. "I got a letter from Sam and he sent some awesome pictures."

"Cool." Kelly joined Talia on the sofa. "Is he still in Afghanistan?"

"For the next six months, but the crazy man loves his job."

"And his little sister." She looked through a dozen pictures spread out on the coffee table. "I brought a couple of DVD's if you're up for a day of movies."

"Thought you wanted to go out and see the world? Breathe some fresh air?"

"I did that on the way over here." Kelly sat back and rested her good arm on the back of the couch. "Driving was enough of an adventure for one day. I'd just as soon sit and be still for a while."

"Done." Talia kissed her on the cheek. "Stay there and I'll get us some popcorn, soda, and start the show."

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I've been here for eight hours," Kelly said as the last movie ended. She'd slept through the final half hour and had no idea how it ended.

"You snore when you sleep." Talia laughed at the expression on Kelly's face. "Okay, it was only a few minutes, but you were cute, too."

"Oh? You like me when I'm sleeping?"

"You're adorable either way."

Talia's lips touched hers and Kelly responded, not wanting to stop. After a few moments, she pulled away breathless. "I hate to do this, but I think I have to go. I don't want Ma to be worried."

"Would it make a difference if I told you she already called? Your phone rang and I didn't want to wake you up. She suggested you stay here and sleep."

"She did?"

"Yup. You don't have to leave." Talia s.h.i.+fted her position until she and Kelly were facing each other. "I want you to stay."

"Are you sure?"

Talia's kiss answered her. She stopped long enough to say, "I don't know how things will go..." She glanced at her prosthetic leg.

Kelly let her hand fall to the thigh of that leg. Her fingers traced the soft skin under Talia's shorts, inching closer and closer to Talia's hip. "It'll be fine. I promise." Kelly kissed her forehead, cheek, nose, then let their lips meet again. "I have one question. Would you be more comfortable in bed?"

Talia giggled. "You have to ask?"

They walked to the bedroom. Talia sat on the edge of the bed and Kelly knelt in front of her. "You, honey, are way overdressed." She gripped the edge of Talia's shorts, slipping them off when Talia lifted up her hips. "Hmm." Kelly let her hands slide along the soft skin of Talia's legs. "Nice."

"You're giving me goose b.u.mps."

"It's a start." Kelly removed the prosthetic leg and leaned forward to meet Talia's lips with hers, sealing their mouths together in a searing kiss. Her hands moved to Talia's panties, tugging them free and tossing them over her shoulder.

Kelly let her hand brush against the warm, moist skin at the crest of Talia's legs.

Talia moaned. "You have a soft touch."

"I know." Kelly nipped at Talia's ear and pulled her to a sitting position. She brought helped Talia remove her s.h.i.+rt and then unclasped her bra. Tossing the clothes aside carelessly, she urged Talia to lie back on the bed and settled next to her new lover. Leaning on one elbow, she gazed at her naked body. "Wow."

Kelly ran her hand gently along Talia's side, enjoying the feel of her skin. She could barely take her eyes off her. "You're beautiful."

"And you're blind."

Kelly placed a finger across Talia's lips. "Hush and take the compliment."

Talia kissed her finger. "I'm not very good at that."

"Then we'll have something to work on." Kelly placed little kisses along Talia's neck, trailing along her chest to her stomach, stopping just above her belly b.u.t.ton. "We've got a lot to work on."

"And you've got a lot of clothes on." Talia pulled at Kelly's s.h.i.+rt. "If I'm naked, I think it's only fair that you be the same way."

"Whatever my baby wants," Kelly said. She moved off the bed and undressed so fast she made Talia laugh. Once her clothes were on the floor with Talia's, Kelly leapt onto the bed and leaned on her elbow again. "Ow."

"Ow?" Talia asked and touched the green and yellow bruises on Kelly's side. "You're healing fast, baby, but you still need to be careful. You haven't healed completely, you know."

"Yeah, I never was good at following doctor's orders." Kelly s.h.i.+fted to allow her body to rest lightly against Talia's. The feel of skin on skin was almost too much, and she s.h.i.+vered. She ran her fingers along Talia's belly until she came to her ample b.r.e.a.s.t.s and cupped one of them in her hand. She gently pressed her lips to the erect nipple.

Talia groaned and put her hands on Kelly's back, pulling her closer. "Oh, that's so nice, baby."

Kelly suckled and moved her hand to the other breast to knead it. Talia squirmed beneath her. Kelly rose up so she was completely on top of Talia, still keeping her mouth clamped to Talia's nipple.

Kelly's knee pressed against the moist area between Talia's legs. She pushed into the soft flesh and Talia moaned. Kelly moved against her rhythmically while her tongue paid loving attention to Talia's b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"You-oh, this is so good."

"Glad you're enjoying it, sweetie." Kelly traced her tongue along Talia's chest, to her neck, settling her lips against her earlobe. "I love you, Talia and I'm going to take my time making love to you."

Kelly continued her kisses across Talia's face, wiping away the tears there.

"No one's ever said that to me before," Talia said. "I can't believe you even want me, Kelly."

"I do want you." Kelly cupped her hands around Talia's face. "More than I've ever wanted anyone." She kissed her and ran her fingers through Talia's thick hair. "Believe me."

"I do." Talia rubbed her hands along Kelly's muscular back, holding her close as they kissed. "Please, I want you."

"You've already got me."

Kelly explored Talia's body with her fingertips, determined to enjoy every piece of her flesh and feel the moisture caused by her touch. She flicked Talia's nipple as she adjusted her position.

Kelly's first touch made only light contact with Talia's c.l.i.t, which was warm and wet and easy for Kelly to ma.s.sage. Her fingers worked their magic as she kept her gaze on Talia.

Talia's breathed faster and squeezed the hand on her nipple. "Harder, please, baby. Harder."

Kelly pulled on the nipple and pressed into Talia's c.l.i.t. Talia leaned her head back, one hand holding Kelly's, the other gripping the blanket beneath them. Kelly saw the veins of her neck as she writhed and moved beneath Kelly's relentless stroking.

"I'm getting very close."

"I know." Kelly took a breast in her mouth and gave it a teasing bite.

Talia grabbed the back of Kelly's head, pus.h.i.+ng her mouth back to the breast. "Yes, baby, yes."

"Wow, I like this. You're getting into it."

"I like-go inside me. Please, go inside me"

"I will." Kelly gave her another nip. "I promise you, sweetie. I'm going to make you feel good." Kelly switched to using her thumb against Talia's c.l.i.t and slipped two fingers inside her. Talia raised her hips and Kelly went in deeper. "There?"

"Oh yes, there. Pump me, baby. Please..."

"You don't have to say please. I'll please you any way you want." Kelly pressed her lips to Talia's and pushed her fingers forward against the soft flesh. She started slow at first, bringing her fingers in and out, matching the rhythm of Talia's hips.

Kelly moved so she was between Talia's legs, braced herself on her elbow and used the strength in her arm to pump Talia hard and fast.

"Oh G.o.d, honey! I'm coming!"

Talia's voice got even louder as she screamed with her o.r.g.a.s.m. She clamped around Kelly's fingers and wrapped her good leg around Kelly's back.

Kelly pressed her face against Talia's belly and held on to her as she finished and came down slowly. Kelly could still feel Talia pulsing against her fingers even after her breath had calmed and she'd relaxed.

Kelly shook her head in wonder. "Oh my G.o.d-that was awesome."

"I've never-never felt anything like that before. It's never been so intense." Talia put her arms around Kelly. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Kelly put her fingers against Talia's lips. She licked the wetness off them and Kelly felt her own arousal grow. "That is so hot."

"That's nothing." Talia moved to her side, playfully pus.h.i.+ng Kelly on her back. "I'm going to love you, Kelly McCoy, in a way you'll never forget."

"Yeah? I'm all yours."

"Oh, yeah, that's right. You just made me yours, and now I'm making you mine."

Her lips found Kelly's, and she kissed her with such a pa.s.sion that Kelly felt more nervous excitement than she'd ever felt before with a woman. Wet and antic.i.p.ating what Talia had in mind, she writhed underneath her touch. "You're so hot, Talia. You make me feel like I'll explode."

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Souls' Rescue Part 26 summary

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