Souls' Rescue Part 4

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"Mrs. Stoddard, we should-"

"What kind of life would she have with one leg?"

"Your daughter is a healthy young woman. If we have to take her leg, she'll recover. We'll give her physical therapy. She'll get a prosthetic leg and in a few months should be walking like normal."

"No. Normal is no longer part of her life."

Talia heard the distinct sound of high heels clicking on the tile floor. She wanted to say something to the man with the kind voice. What about her leg? Why couldn't she wake up? What was going on?

A rapid beeping hurt her ears, and Talia heard movement around her. The doctor spoke, but she couldn't make out his words. It was hard to breathe and her chest felt ready to explode.

Her eyes fluttered open as someone leaned over her, the woman's calm voice whispering, "It's all right, hon. We've got you."

Talia closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

WHEN SHE AWOKE again, Talia was first aware of the soreness in her throat. She moved her lips and tried to swallow, but her mouth felt like sandpaper. She tried to talk and only managed to produce a squeak.

"Hi there," a woman said. Talia couldn't see her. "Would you like some ice chips?"

Talia nodded and the woman, who she a.s.sumed was a nurse, spooned a few of the chips into her mouth. The ice melted, soothing her throat. "Thanks," she croaked.

"You're welcome. I'm Jody, and I'm your nurse today."

"Has anyone been here?"

"Yes. Your mother. Every day since she arrived last week."


"Mmm hmm." Jody slipped a blood pressure cuff on Talia's arm. "She ought to be here anytime. Later tonight Kelly should be by. Probably around ten or so."


Jody made a few notations on a clipboard, and checked the IV that flowed into Talia's left arm. "Yeah, but don't tell anyone we let her up here. Apparently your Mother doesn't want her around."

"Wait. Was she here recently? Talking to a doctor? My mother, I mean." Talia tried to force the memory to the surface. "Something about my leg. They were talking about me, but all I remember is Mother arguing with him."

"Ah, that was yesterday."

"I kinda remember it." Talia wiped the sleep from her eyes. "Can I sit up?"

"Sure, let me raise the bed."

Talia waited until the bed was at a tilt and asked Jody to stop. "Guess I'm too sore to sit up much."

"That's to be expected. I've got some meds to give you. One of them is for pain. It'll make you sleepy."

Talia winced when she tried to adjust to a new position. "I think I'd prefer the sleep."

"Thought so."

"Thanks." Talia chewed the ice and let it melt and soothe her throat. "Can you do me a favor?"


"Can you make it so visitors are allowed in here, regardless of what my mother says?"

"You're the patient. What you say goes."

"Do you know if anyone called my dad or my brothers?"

"I don't know. I did see a man at the end of my s.h.i.+ft last night, but I didn't talk to him. I'll check with the other nurses."


"You have a phone. I can turn on the ringer if you want."

"That would be fantastic," Talia said. "I can call them when I wake up."

THE LIGHT WAS intense and Talia regretted opening her eyes. She gave her fuzzy mind a few moments to register what had happened. Hospital. The unmistakable smell of antiseptic and a pine-scented cleaner reminded her where she was. She could remember the nurse visiting, but how long ago was that?

Her mind drew a blank. "d.a.m.n," she muttered.

"Well, not the h.e.l.lo was I expecting."

Talia turned, aware of every second of pounding pain that came with the movement. The pair of green eyes that stared back startled her. There was something so very familiar about them. The woman's smile touched her heart. "Who?"

"Kelly McCoy. I'm the paramedic that was with you."

"Oh, I remember you now."

"Yep. Just came to see how you're doing."

"My leg doesn't hurt as much as it did."

A man in a white lab coat joined them. "Hi, Talia. I'm Doctor Anthony James. I've got you on morphine right now, but I can change that if you need me to." He opened Talia's chart.

"So what's my prognosis?" Talia asked.

He looked up from the clipboard and studied her a moment. "We removed your spleen and were able to repair your left kidney. The artery in your left thigh was compromised when your lower leg was crushed."

"But I'll be okay?"

"You'll be hospitalized for a while longer, but overall you're fine. However, I'm going to be honest and tell you that the odds of saving your leg are not good."

Talia felt like someone had knocked the wind out of her. She looked at Kelly, but she remained focused on the doctor.

"Why?" Talia asked. "What's wrong with it?"

"The leg sustained a great deal of damage and was without blood flow for far too long. Infection set in, and we can't allow it to spread."

"Can't you just give me antibiotics? There must be some medicine."

The doctor launched into a long description full of medical terminology that went completely over her head. He finished by saying, "But we're monitoring it, and we won't act precipitously."

"So what are you saying-there's a chance it'll heal?" Talia asked. She was afraid not to be optimistic, but at the same time, a terrible feeling had come over her.

"There's always a chance. No matter what happens, you're going to need surgery on the leg as soon as you're well enough."

"How long will that be?" Talia asked.

"A couple of days. I'm going to have an orthopedic surgeon stop by later today. Her name is Dr. Lin and she's the best we have." Dr. James hung the chart at the foot of her bed. "Talia, I don't want to discourage you. Even if you do lose the leg, we've got the technology today to have you up and walking again in a few months. A year from now no one would be able to tell if you have a prosthetic leg."

"You sound like you're sure that amputation is the next step, no pun intended."

"I'm just making sure you know the options." He smiled and stepped away from the bedside to leave. "You never know. You might end up with a bionic leg."

Kelly waited until he was gone to speak. "That could be cool."

"What? A bionic leg?"

"Sure. You could really kick some a.s.s then."

Talia yawned and felt her eyes getting heavy. "Right now I feel too tired to kick anything."

"It's the meds. Close your eyes and rest. I'll be by tomorrow afternoon."


"Of course."

KELLY ARRIVED THE next afternoon, but hesitated going into Talia's room. She was sure she heard Mrs. Stoddard's voice.

"From the look on your face, I a.s.sume you've already met the Queen Mother. I was hoping I'd catch you before you had the horror of that experience. " A man wearing an expensive, dark gray suit approached. She thought she recognized him, but couldn't think of his name.

"If you're referring to Mrs. Stoddard-"

"Let me introduce myself," he said, holding out his hand. "Jacob Meier."

"Of course. I thought you looked familiar. You're Talia's friend."

"She's my best friend in the world. And I'm glad she had some 'family' to take care of her. Makes me feel better. She's so special. I wish I could find a nice woman like you for her."

Kelly was surprised at his candor. But not surprised that he was gay. "Well, that's handy to know I suppose."

"Of course it is." Jacob took her by the arm and led her down the hallway toward the elevators. "Let's get out of here before the Queen Mother comes out of the room. She's been staying until around five, so we can come back later."

"Sure," Kelly said. "I guess I'll just have to make myself busy until after five."

They got into the elevator and Jacob pressed the Lobby b.u.t.ton. "Well, I've got to get back to the office. What do you say we meet later for dinner and we'll go see Talia together?"

"Sounds like a plan."

They exchanged cell phone numbers. Jacob said, "I think it's very sweet that you've been visiting her so much."

"How'd you know I've been here and how'd you know I'd be here this afternoon?"

Jacob's glance led her to the information desk as they walked past it to the front doors. A handsome, young man was seated behind the desk and waved to them. "I have my ways."

DINNER AND AN hour of conversation went by quickly. Kelly found Jacob charming and entertaining. She laughed so much her sides hurt. Now back at the hospital, she corralled her merry mood. The elevator door opened and they headed for Talia's room.

"You're killing me," she said. "Tell me again why you're single? You're a delightful guy to be around."

"I'm single on purpose. Relations.h.i.+ps make me itch."

"I sort of expected you to say that." Kelly took a long breath and let it out slowly. "d.a.m.n. You and all your jokes. You made my abs hurt."

"That's because you've never had the pleasure of my humor. Trust me, you'll get used to it and do the same thing Talia does."

"Which is?"

Jacob did his best impression of a high, feminine voice: "Jacob, stop it. I can't laugh any more."

A voice called out, "I don't say that."

Jacob and Kelly entered Talia's room. She was sitting up and had finished a bowl of what looked like soup. Or at least something liquid and yellowish.

"Yes, you do," Jacob said and sat on the edge of the bed. "You said that just yesterday when I was here."

"Because I have st.i.tches, and it hurts to laugh." Talia turned to Kelly. "Help?"

Kelly held her hands up in a gesture of surrender. "Nope. I'm Switzerland. You two get to work this one out. I'm just here for the company."

"Gee, thanks." Talia stuck her lower lip out. "Nice to have friends."

Kelly placed her finger on the outturned lip and said, "This look has to go. Doesn't really work for you."

Talia's mouth formed a thin line.

"Nope. That one's no good either."

Talia frowned.

"Still not right." Kelly used her index fingers to form the edges of Talia's mouth into a smile. "Ah, now that's the look I was after."

"Ha ha." Talia stuck her tongue out and dodged when Kelly made a grab for it. "Be nice."

"I am nice. Just ask Jacob."

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Souls' Rescue Part 4 summary

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