Souls' Rescue Part 5

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Talia narrowed her gaze at Jacob. "Oh?"

"Nice enough to let me buy her dinner," he said and looked at his watch. "Oh, look at the time. Gotta run. I'll leave you in Miss Thing's capable hands." He gave Kelly a meaningful look and kissed Talia on the cheek before backing out of the room doing a graceful little dance to the door.

Talia shook her head. "He does that when he doesn't want to tell me something."

"It wasn't a big deal," Kelly said. "We just met at the cafeteria for a bite to eat before coming up here."

"And he told you all about me, right?"

"Pretty much."

"I'll kill him."

"Um, could you wait to kill him? I'd like to take you on that date I promised, and if you're in jail for murder, it would be kinda tough."

"Oh, sure. I'll wait." Talia looked down at her hands and Kelly sensed something was wrong. "You don't have to, you know."

"Have to what?"

"Take me out on the obligatory date."

"Well, I've never dated anyone in jail, but I guess I could give it a go." Kelly made light of it, but if Talia was trying to steer her away from the promised date, that wasn't going to happen. Kelly really wanted to know this woman better and she wasn't about to renege on her promise. She took hold of Talia's hand. "If it's all the same to you, I'd like to plan the date for us."

"What do you have in mind?" Talia still wouldn't look up at her.

"Well, dinner and maybe a movie. If there's nothing at the cinema, we can always rent a DVD or watch Star Wars again. It'd be about number 320 for me. How 'bout you?"

"At least that many," Talia said.

Kelly leaned down so she could see Talia's face. "I'm serious. I think it'd be fun. And if it's going to take too long for you to get out of here, I'll just bring the DVD to you."

Talia's eyes met Kelly's and Kelly was sure there was an extra sparkle to them. "Promise to bring food, and I'll let you have the date tomorrow."

"That's my girl." Kelly kissed her hand before releasing it. "Actually, I have to work tomorrow, but I'll set it up for the first afternoon I have off. An impromptu date. Though I still plan to keep you to the real one when you get out. Okay?"

"Sounds prefect."

"Excellent." Kelly kissed her on the cheek. "I need to head home so my mother doesn't think I've run off to join the circus."

Chapter Eight.

THE HOSPITAL ROOM was silent when Kelly walked in. The lights were off and she figured Talia was asleep. She put the flowers down on the bedside table.

"You don't have to be quiet," Talia said. "I've been awake for a while."

"Well, you should be asleep. It's not even eight yet." Kelly said. "The sun is barely awake."

"The sun isn't doped up with morphine and getting woke up every couple of hours by a nurse."

"There is that." Kelly leaned on the bed rail. "So, grumpy much?"

Talia laughed. "Every morning."

"I got you flowers."

"Oh, how sweet!" Talia carefully turned so she could see them. "White roses. No one's ever given me roses before."

"They're for friends.h.i.+p."

Before she could elaborate, movement at the door caught her eye, and a man entered. He wore a Marine dress uniform. He was tall, muscular and had skin darker than Talia's.

He said, "I'm out of the country for a couple of months and look what happens."

Talia let out a shriek and held open her arms. He launched across the room and gathered her carefully to him.

"Sam! When did you get in?"

He pulled back from his hug and kissed her on the forehead. "About an hour ago. Caught a taxi here soon as I landed."

"I thought you were in Germany? Don't tell me you've been deployed again?"

"When Mother called, I got leave and hopped the first plane to the states." He smiled and nodded toward Kelly. "Care to make introductions?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Talia patted Kelly's hand. "Kelly, this is my big brother, Sam. He's a captain with the Marines. Kelly is the firefighter who saved my life."

"Well, one of the firefighters," Kelly said, taking Sam's offered hand.

"Great to meet you. Thanks for taking care of Little T."

Talia hit his arm. "Don't call me that."

"Why not?" He chuckled. "It's been your name since you were born."

"I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"So this is what it's like to have a brother?" Kelly asked. "I don't feel so left out anymore."

"Trust me," Talia said. "You're not missing anything."

Sam started to respond, but Talia held up her hand to quiet him. The look on his face was comical and they all laughed.

"I'll let you two visit," Kelly said.

"Call me later?" Talia asked.

"Of course." Kelly waved to them on her way out.

"Hmm, nice," Sam said.

"What?" Talia asked.

"Nice everything. I think you've got a winner there, T."

"Sam Stoddard, what makes you so certain I have anything with her?"

"Want the whole list or just the top ten?"

She hit his arm. "She's just a friend. Besides, women like her don't go for women like me."

"Ah, so you've already figured out she's gay?" He ducked her next punch. "You work quickly."

"Why are you here again?"

"To make sure my baby sister is okay." He took hold of her hand. "Are you? Doing okay, that is?"

"The doctor says I'm all right."

"Mother told me your leg was crushed. I'd like to see it, if you don't mind." She hesitated, and he said, "I've seen the worst of battle wounds, T. Just show me."

She said, "It's wrapped, but you can see how awful my foot looks."

He helped her pull back the covers. "Yeah, it doesn't look good, does it."

"No." Talia motioned his hands away. "It hurts all the time."

"What did the doc say about it?"

"Not much. That it still may have to amputate it. They don't want to do anything that's not life threatening until my body has had time to heal."

"Mother didn't tell me that."

"She probably didn't tell you she called Megan."

"Why the h.e.l.l did she do that? You don't need that b.i.t.c.h." Sam looked like he wanted to say more, but Talia understood he was holding back. "I'm sorry. I just don't get why she'd call her. You two broke up over a year ago."

"Mother thinks she's my best bet for a safe and happy life, if I insist on being gay, that is. And since Megan calls Mother more than she ever called me, I shouldn't be surprised. I expect she'll be here any day now."

"Want me to set up security for you?"

Talia laughed, not sure if he was serious or not. Sam was protective enough to post a troop of marines at her door. "Not necessary. I'll figure out how to handle Megan."

"Just make sure you don't fall back into that same c.r.a.p with her, okay?"

For ten years Talia had been back and forth with Megan in their tumultuous relations.h.i.+p. She felt she had to have Megan to feel okay about herself. As long as she was with someone, Talia felt normal. Alone, she felt unprotected and scared. Sam was the one who pulled her away from Megan and helped her reconnect with her college friend, Jacob.

"I'll do my best," Talia said. "Besides, I've got Jacob to kick my b.u.t.t if need be."

"Knock, knock." a cheery voice sang out.

Sam smiled. "Impeccable timing as always."

"You expect anything else?" Talia asked. She was happy to see him bounce into the room. Her two favorite men in one place.

"Oh! Hiya soldier boy." Jacob said, heading right for Sam with his arms opened wide. "Hmmm, I do love a man in uniform."

Sam stood and offered his hand to Jacob, politely avoiding a hug. "Nice to see you again."

"You have no idea." His eyes looked Sam up and down.

"Jacob! Stop that." Talia grabbed a brightly wrapped box out of his hands. "There better be chocolate in this box."

"Honey, I'm your best friend. Would I bring you anything else?"

They shared a laugh as she opened the gift. "Almond?"

"You know it." Talia popped one in her mouth and savored the candy, licking her fingertips clean. "Mmm. If you were a woman, I'd marry you."

"That's because I'm irresistible."

"And, you bring chocolate."

"That, too." Jacob settled in a chair next to Sam. "So, has your dad been by yet today? I saw him in the waiting room yesterday and he said he had a meeting to attend, and I promised to call him if anything changed. We figured your mother wasn't going to call him."

"I haven't seen Daddy yet. Mother's been in and out a lot, though." Talia popped a chocolate mint into her mouth. "Mmm. What about Aaron?"

"Aaron will fly in on Friday." Colette Stoddard made her usual grand entrance and took the box of candy from Talia. "Keep eating that chocolate, and you'll not only get acne, but you'll gain more weight. You should know better than to give her those, Jacob."

"It's a pleasure to see you, too, Colette."

"h.e.l.lo, Mother." Sam stood and gave her a hug.

"You were supposed to call me to pick you up when you arrived, Sam." Colette kissed him on the cheek.

"Sorry. I spotted a cab when I got to baggage claim and decided to come here directly. Save you the trouble of getting me."

"You're never any trouble, son." Colette patted his cheek and sat where Sam had been.

Jacob rose and kissed Talia on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."

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Souls' Rescue Part 5 summary

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