Gabriel Garcia Marquez_ A Life Part 14

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Mellen, Joan, Literary Masters, Volume Literary Masters, Volume 5: 5: Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Farmington Hills, Mich., The Gale Group, 2000). (Farmington Hills, Mich., The Gale Group, 2000).

Moretti, Franco, Modern Epic: The World System from Goethe to Garcia Marquez Modern Epic: The World System from Goethe to Garcia Marquez (London, Verso, 1996). (London, Verso, 1996).

Oberhelman, Harley D., The Presence of Faulkner in the Writings of Garcia Marquez The Presence of Faulkner in the Writings of Garcia Marquez (Lubbock, Texas Tech University, 1980). (Lubbock, Texas Tech University, 1980).

___.Gabriel Garcia Marquez. A Study of the Short Fiction (Boston, Twayne, 1991). (Boston, Twayne, 1991).

___.The Presence of Hemingway in the Short Fiction of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Fredericton, Canada, York Press, 1994). (Fredericton, Canada, York Press, 1994).

___.Garcia Marquez and Cuba: A Study of Its Presence in His Fiction, Journalism, and Cinema (Fredericton, Canada, York Press, 1995). (Fredericton, Canada, York Press, 1995).

Ortega, Julio, ed., Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the Powers of Fiction Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the Powers of Fiction (Austin, University of Texas Press, 1988). (Austin, University of Texas Press, 1988).

Oyarzun, Kemy and Magenny William W., eds, Essays on Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essays on Gabriel Garcia Marquez (University of California, Riverside, 1984). (University of California, Riverside, 1984).

Penuel, Arnold M., Intertextuality in Garcia Marquez Intertextuality in Garcia Marquez (York, S.C., Spanish Literary Publications Company, 1994). (York, S.C., Spanish Literary Publications Company, 1994).

Rama, Angel, Los dictadores latinoamericanos Los dictadores latinoamericanos (Mexico City, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1976). (Mexico City, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1976).

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Review 70 (Center for Inter-American Relations, New York), "Supplement on Gabriel Garcia Marquez." [Reviews of translations of (Center for Inter-American Relations, New York), "Supplement on Gabriel Garcia Marquez." [Reviews of translations of OHYS; OHYS; 1971.] 1971.]

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