Gabriel Garcia Marquez_ A Life Part 15

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Credits are grouped according to their order in the insert, by page.

Colonel Nicolas R. Marquez. (Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) (Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) Tranquilina Iguaran Cotes de Marquez. (Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) (Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) Colonel Nicolas R. Marquez on a tropical day out in the 1920s. (Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) (Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) Luisa Santiaga Marquez Iguaran. (Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) (Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) Gabriel Eligio Garcia and Luisa Santiaga, on their wedding day, 11 June 1926. (Gustavo Adolfo Ramirez Ariza, GARA-Archive) (Gustavo Adolfo Ramirez Ariza, GARA-Archive) GGM on his first birthday. (Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) The Colonel's old house in Aracataca. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Elvira Carrillo, "Aunt Pa." (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Aida GM, Luis Enrique GM, Gabito, cousin Eduardo Marquez Caballero, Margot GM and baby Ligia GM, 1936. (Photo by Gabriel Eligio Garcia, courtesy of Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) (Photo by Gabriel Eligio Garcia, courtesy of Family Archive-Margarita Marquez Caballero) Gabito at the Colegio San Jose, Barranquilla, 1941. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) The Liceo Nacional in Zipaquira, where GGM studied between 1943 and 1946. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) The GM brothers, Luis Enrique and Gabito, with cousins and friends, Magangue, c. c. 1945. 1945. (Family Archive-Ligia Garcia Marquez) (Family Archive-Ligia Garcia Marquez) Argemira Garcia and her daughter Ena, early 1940s. (Family Archive-Ligia Garcia Marquez) (Family Archive-Ligia Garcia Marquez) GGM, mid-1940s. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Berenice Martinez, mid-1940s. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Mercedes Barcha at school in Medellin, 1940s. (GM Family Archive) (GM Family Archive) Steams.h.i.+p David Arango. (Photo by William Caskey) David Arango. (Photo by William Caskey) Fidel Castro and other Student leaders during the Bogotazo Bogotazo, April 1948. ( ( Barranquilla, April 1950: farewell for Ramon Vinyes. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Barranquilla, in the El Heraldo El Heraldo office, 1950. office, 1950. (Photo by Quique Scopell, courtesy of El Heraldo) (Photo by Quique Scopell, courtesy of El Heraldo) GGM, Bogota, 1954. (El Espectador) (El Espectador) GGM, Paris, 1957. (Photo by Guillermo Angulo) (Photo by Guillermo Angulo) Tachia Quintana in Paris. (Photo by Yossi Bal, courtesy of Tachia Rosoff) (Photo by Yossi Bal, courtesy of Tachia Rosoff) GGM and friends, Red Square, Moscow, summer 1957. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) The Soviet invasion of Hungary, Budapest, 1956. (Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS) (Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS) Caracas, 13 May 1958. (Bettmann/CORBIS) (Bettmann/CORBIS) GGM working for Prensa Latina, Bogota, 1959. (Photo by Hernan Diaz) (Photo by Hernan Diaz) Mercedes Barcha in Barranquilla. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Cuba, December 1958: Che Guevara and comrades relax. (Popper foto/Getty Images) (Popper foto/Getty Images) GGM and Plinio Mendoza working for Prensa Latina, Bogota, 1959. (El Tiempo) (El Tiempo) GGM and Mercedes, on Septima in Bogota, 1960s. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Havana, January 1961. (Getty Images) (Getty Images) Havana, 21 April 1961. (Bettmann/CORBIS) (Bettmann/CORBIS) Mexico, 1964. GGM in (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) GGM in Aracataca, 1966. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Valledupar, Colombia, 1967. (Photo by Gustavo Vasquez, courtesy Maria Elena Castro de Quintern) (Photo by Gustavo Vasquez, courtesy Maria Elena Castro de Quintern) Camilo Torres. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Wizard or dunce? GGM in Barcelona, crowned by the famous cabbalistic cover of One Hundred Years of Solitude One Hundred Years of Solitude, 1969. (Colita/CORBIS) (Colita/CORBIS) Mercedes, Gabo, Gonzalo and Rodrigo, Barcelona, late 1960s. (GM Family Archive) (GM Family Archive) The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, August 1968. (epa/CORBIS) (epa/CORBIS) GGM, Barcelona, late 1960s. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) GGM and Pablo Neruda, 1972. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Boom couples, Barcelona, 1974. (Photo by Colita) (Photo by Colita) GGM, Barcelona, 1970s. (Photo by Rodrigo Garcia) (Photo by Rodrigo Garcia) GGM and Carlos Fuentes, Mexico City, 1971. (Excelsior) (Excelsior) GGM and Mercedes, 1970s. (Excelsior) (Excelsior) Cartagena, 1971: GGM visits his parents. (Excelsior) (Excelsior) Writers of the Boom. (Photo by Silvia Lemus) (Photo by Silvia Lemus) Julio Cortazar, Miguel Angel Asturias and GGM, West Germany, 1970. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Paris, 1973. The wedding of Charles Rosoff and Tachia Quintana. (Tachia Rosoff, Personal Archive) (Tachia Rosoff, Personal Archive) Santiago de Chile, 11 September 1973. President Salvador Allende. (Dmitri Baltermants/The Dmitri Baltermants Collection/CORBIS) (Dmitri Baltermants/The Dmitri Baltermants Collection/CORBIS) Santiago de Chile, 11 September 1973. General Pinochet and his henchmen. (Ullsteinbild-dpa) (Ullsteinbild-dpa) Cuban troops in Angola, February 1976. (AFP/Getty Images) (AFP/Getty Images) Castro, President of Cuba, 1980s. (Excelsior) (Excelsior) General Omar Torrijos, 1970s. (AFP/Getty) (AFP/Getty) GGM interviews Felipe Gonzalez in Bogota, 1977. (Alternativa) (Alternativa) Bogota, 1977: GGM, Consuelo Araujonoguera ("La Cacica") and Guillermo Cano, editor of El Espectador. (El Espectador) El Espectador. (El Espectador) GGM, Carmen Balcells and Manuel Zapata Olivella, 1977. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Mexico City, 1981: GGM buried by press attention following his self-exile from Colombia. (Bettmann/CORBIS) (Bettmann/CORBIS) Alvaro Mutis chauffeurs GGM. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Stockholm, December 1982: Jaime Castro, German Vargas, GGM, Charles Rosoff, Alfonso Fuenmayor, Plinio Mendoza, Eligio Garcian and Hernan Vieco. (GM Family Archive) (GM Family Archive) Stockholm, December 1982: GGM in costeno "sombrero vueltiao." (Photo by Nereo Lopez costeno "sombrero vueltiao." (Photo by Nereo Lopez, courtesy of the Biblioteca National de Colombia) courtesy of the Biblioteca National de Colombia) Stockholm, December 1982: GGM in the chalk circle. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Cartagena, 1993. Luisa Santiaga and her children. (Family Archive-Ligia Garcia Marquez) (Family Archive-Ligia Garcia Marquez) GGM and Fidel Castro, by the Caribbean, 1983. (Photo by Rodrigo Castano) (Photo by Rodrigo Castano) Havana, 1988: GGM and Robert Redford. (Excelsior) (Excelsior) Bogota, mid-1980s: GGM and Mercedes with President Betancur and his wife. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Bogota's Palacio de Justicia in flames, 6 November 1985. ( ( Berlin, November 1989. (Regis Bossu/Sygma/Corbis) (Regis Bossu/Sygma/Corbis) Bogota, 1992: GGM salutes his admirers in the Jorge Eliecer Gaitan Theatre. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) GGM and Mercedes, October 1993. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) GGM, 1999. (GARA-Archive) (GARA-Archive) Barcelona, c. c. 2005: Carmen Balcells in her office. 2005: Carmen Balcells in her office. ( Carlos Gonzalez Armesto) ( Carlos Gonzalez Armesto) Havana, 2007: GGM and Fidel Castro. (Diario El Tiempo/epa/Corbis) (Diario El Tiempo/epa/Corbis) Cartagena, March 2007: GGM and Bill Clinton. (Cesar Carrion/epa/Corbis) (Cesar Carrion/epa/Corbis) Cartagena, March 2007: GGM and King Juan Carlos I of Spain. (AFP/Getty Images) (AFP/Getty Images) Cartagena, March 2007: GGM waves to admirers during his eightieth birthday celebrations. (STR/AFP/Getty Images) (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

TEXT PERMISSIONSThe author and publishers gratefully acknowledge Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the Agencia Literaria Carmen Balcells, S.A., and Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc. for permission to quote extracts from copyright material by Gabriel Garcia Marquez throughout this book, and also acknowledge Latimer, S.A., for the English translations of the original Spanish-language editions of various of his works, as follows: One Hundred Years of Solitude One Hundred Years of Solitude (1970); (1970); No One Writes to the Colonel No One Writes to the Colonel (1971); (1971); The Autumn of the Patriarch The Autumn of the Patriarch (1977); (1977); Leafstorm Leafstorm (1979); (1979); In Evil Hour In Evil Hour (1980); (1980); The Story of a s.h.i.+pwrecked Sailor The Story of a s.h.i.+pwrecked Sailor (1986); (1986); Love in the Time of Cholera Love in the Time of Cholera (1988); (1988); Clandestine in Chile Clandestine in Chile (1989); (1989); The General in His Labyrinth The General in His Labyrinth (1991); (1991); Collected Stories Collected Stories (1991); (1991); Strange Pilgrims Strange Pilgrims (1993); (1993); Of Love and Other Demons Of Love and Other Demons (1995); (1995); News of a Kidnapping News of a Kidnapping (1997); (1997); Living to Tell the Tale Living to Tell the Tale (2003) and (2003) and Memories of My Melancholy Memories of My Melancholy (2005). (2005).In addition, the author and publishers gratefully acknowledge the copyright holders of the following texts: Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza (ed.), The Fragrance of Guava: Conversations with Gabriel Garcia Marquez The Fragrance of Guava: Conversations with Gabriel Garcia Marquez (London, Faber & Faber, 1998); Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, (London, Faber & Faber, 1998); Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, La llama y el hielo La llama y el hielo (Bogota, Gamma, 1989). Gustavo Arango, (Bogota, Gamma, 1989). Gustavo Arango, Un ramo de nomeolvides Un ramo de nomeolvides (Cartagena, El Universal, 1996). Guillermo Cabrera Infante, (Cartagena, El Universal, 1996). Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Mea Cuba Mea Cuba (London, Faber & Faber, 1994); Jose Donoso, (London, Faber & Faber, 1994); Jose Donoso, The Boom in Spanish American Literature: A Personal History The Boom in Spanish American Literature: A Personal History ( Columbia University Press, 1977). Claudia Dreifus, "Gabriel Garcia Marquez" ( Columbia University Press, 1977). Claudia Dreifus, "Gabriel Garcia Marquez" (Playboy (Playboy, February 1983), copyright Playboy Playboy 1983. Reprinted by permission of 1983. Reprinted by permission of Playboy; Playboy; excerpt from "Cocaine's Reality, by Garcia Marquez" by James Brooke excerpt from "Cocaine's Reality, by Garcia Marquez" by James Brooke (The New York Times (The New York Times, March 11, 1995), copyright 1995 by The New York Times. The New York Times. All rights reserved. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of the material without express written permission is prohibited. Reprinted by permission of PARS International, on behalf of All rights reserved. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of the material without express written permission is prohibited. Reprinted by permission of PARS International, on behalf of The New York Times; The New York Times; Heriberto Fiorillo, Heriberto Fiorillo, La Cueva: cronica del grupo de Barranquilla La Cueva: cronica del grupo de Barranquilla (Bogota, Planeta, 2002). Silvia Galvis, (Bogota, Planeta, 2002). Silvia Galvis, Los Garcia Marquez Los Garcia Marquez (Bogota, Arango Editores, 1996). By permission of the author. Eligio Garcia, (Bogota, Arango Editores, 1996). By permission of the author. Eligio Garcia, Tras las claves de Melquiades Tras las claves de Melquiades (Bogota, Normal, 2001). Rita Guibert, (Bogota, Normal, 2001). Rita Guibert, Seven Voices Seven Voices (New York, Vintage, 1973); Luis Harss and Barbara Dohmann, (New York, Vintage, 1973); Luis Harss and Barbara Dohmann, Into the Mainstream: Conversations with Latin-American Writers Into the Mainstream: Conversations with Latin-American Writers (New York, Harper and Row, 1967); Antonio Nunez Jimenez, "Garcia Marquez y la perla de las Antillas (o 'Que conversan Gabo y Fidel')" (unpublished ma.n.u.script, Havana, 1984). Gabriel Garcia Marquez, (New York, Harper and Row, 1967); Antonio Nunez Jimenez, "Garcia Marquez y la perla de las Antillas (o 'Que conversan Gabo y Fidel')" (unpublished ma.n.u.script, Havana, 1984). Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Paris Review Paris Review Writers at Work interview by Peter H. Stone, Issue 82, winter 1981, and "Solitude and Company: An Oral Biography of Gabriel Garcia Marquez" by Silvana Paternostro, Writers at Work interview by Peter H. Stone, Issue 82, winter 1981, and "Solitude and Company: An Oral Biography of Gabriel Garcia Marquez" by Silvana Paternostro, Paris Review Paris Review, no. 166, summer 2003. Reprinted by permission of the Wylie Agency; Elena Poniatowska, "Los Cien anos de soledad Cien anos de soledad se iniciaron con solo 20 dolares" (interview, September 1973), in se iniciaron con solo 20 dolares" (interview, September 1973), in Todo Mexico Todo Mexico, 1 (Mexico City, Diana, 1990).


GERALD MARTIN is Andrew W. Mellon Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages at the University of Pittsburgh and Senior Research Professor in Caribbean Studies at London Metropolitan University. For twenty-five years he was the only English-speaking member of the "Archives" a.s.sociation of Twentieth-Century Latin American Literature in Paris, and he is a recent president of the International Inst.i.tute of Ibero-American Literature in the United States. Among his publications are Journeys Through the Labyrinth: Latin American Fiction in the Twentieth Century Journeys Through the Labyrinth: Latin American Fiction in the Twentieth Century, a translation and critical edition of Miguel Angel Asturias's Men of Maize Men of Maize, and several contributions to the Cambridge History of Latin America. Cambridge History of Latin America. He lives in England. He lives in England.

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