Ever After High: The Unfairest Of Them All Part 11

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With a heavy flapping of wings, Nevermore dropped from the darkening sky to land on the balcony beside Raven. The dragon had a ribbon tied around one horn and what looked like princess pea-b.u.t.ter smeared above one eye. Raven wiped off the smear.

aDid you have fun playing with the kids, girl?a Nevermore c.o.c.ked her head in a noncommittal gesture. Raven smiled. At least she didnat get hurt by any overprotective parents, anda Raven examined the dragonas teeth, claws, and other pointy bits. No blood, so n.o.body else was hurt, either.

aIam going on another treasure hunt,a Raven said, scratching the dragon along her spine. aWant to come?a The dragon hopped up like an excited dog, and Raven laughed. aI guess that means yes. First, we need to watch for Baba Yagaas huta"hey!a She turned just in time to see the Hut walking on its giant chicken legs away from the dungeon entrance. Shead almost missed it! aThat! I need to follow that!a Nevermore took to the air and popped into her large size. Raven hurriedly shoved on her Coat of Infinite Darkness, climbed on the balcony railing, and jumped. When she landed on Nevermoreas back, the dragon dipped down a bit. Even full-sized, she wasnat a grown dragon, and carrying Raven was an exertion, especially after she was tired out from hauling the shrunken skull and playing with children. Raven patted her neck, grateful.

The evening air was cool, the remains of sunlight making the sky a golden gray. Nevermore swooped down around the castle and spotted the Hut just as it leaped over the ravine and started across the meadow toward the Enchanted Forest.

Nevermore dove as if for an impact attack.

aWe canat catch it, sweetie.a Raven leaned forward to speak into Nevermoreas ear. aWe have to be quiet. Just follow it.a The dragon let out a screech of understanding, and Raven winced. That was the opposite of quiet.

The Hutas two front windows looked around warily, and then it hopped into the Enchanted Forest.

aOkay,a Raven whispered, and the dragon gently lowered her to the ground.

Raven ran to the forestas edge. Under the canopy, the forest was too dark to see. Raven risked a small spell, producing a pale purple light from her fingertip. She spotted the large chicken foot tracks and followed.

She stopped. In a small clearing the Hut waited, blinds open, windows staring in her direction. Raven held her breath, but from behind she heard the loud slap-clack of her pet dragonas clawed feet as she ran toward her. The Hut tensed, and when Nevermore crashed into the clearing, the Hut bolted. The dragon started to give chase, but Raven leaped on her tail.

aWait!a she said, dragging along. aWe canat chase it! We have to just follow it. Quietly!a Nevermore looked back at her, confused. Raven groaned. This wasnat going to work.

aOkay, girl, Iam going to need you to scout for me. Fly over the forest. Look for the chicken house.a The dragon poised to leap into the air, but Raven put a hand on her muzzle. aBut stay in the air. Just stay above it. That way Iall know where to go, okay?a The dragon bobbed her head and took to the sky. Raven watched as Nevermore flew back and forth over the forest, stopping, circling, and then moving on. Eventually, she hovered in one place. Raven ran into the darkness.

She tried to go as straight as she could in the direction that Nevermore had shown, but she ended up darting around and back and forward, over a rabbit warren and under dangling sprite nests, gleaming as silver as new coins in the thin shafts of moonlight. After a few minutes she was completely lost.

Cerise would be better at this. She could dart through this forest with no trouble and probably sniff out the Hut. But the Evil Queen had said to work alone.

The forest canopy was too thick here to find Nevermore. Raven sidled up to a tree and looked for a branch to grab. She had never been much of a tree climber. It had always seemed sort of creepy to climb all over something that was alive. She sighed and leaped to grab the lowest branch. She caught it and swung to pull herself up, but the branch snapped with a loud crack.

The tree screamed. Raven scrambled back from where she had fallen. Shead never heard a tree scream before, but this was the Enchanted Forest, after all.

aIam sorry, Iam sorry, Iam sorry,a she whispered, wincing for the thing to uproot itself and eat her.

It didnat, but the scream did come again, and this time she realized it wasnat the tree, it was something behind the tree, and farther away. When she heard a grunt she recognized as Nevermore, she ran toward the sound. She stumbled several times, finally cras.h.i.+ng down into a broad, treeless gully. Nevermore was hopping back and forth like a puppy waiting to chase a ball and facing a very angry Hut.

The Hut scratched deep furrows into the ground with its chicken claws and let out another one of those screams that Raven had thought was a tree in pain. Nevermore darted forward and nipped the Hut on one of its eaves. The Hut growled, stomped its feet, and charged. The dragon let out a happy screech and scrambled into the forest, the Hut in angry pursuit.

Which left Raven alone, except for the egg.

The egg! There was a giant nest in the center of the clearing made of branches, mud, and a few hextbooks. And in the center of the nest was an egg. aSeek the sp.a.w.n,a the riddle had said. The offspring of Baba Yagaas cottage. And there it was, a dotted oblong egg nearly as big as Raven was. She ran to the nest and tried to lift it, without success. She pushed, and it rolled. She shoved, and it slid. All she had managed to do was s.h.i.+ft the eggas position in the nest.

That scream again, in the trees off to her left.

Raven scrambled away from the egg, out of the nest and into the shadows of the forest just as the Hut returned. It sniffed around with its front door opening and closing rapidly, its blinds all the way open. It sat on the nest protectively. Ravenas Coat of Infinite Darkness helped her blend with the shadows, but it couldnat completely hide her from the cottageas notice.

Nevermore returned. The Hut chased it away. But as soon as Raven crept back into the nest, the Hut smelled or heard or sensed her somehow and returned to sit on its egg.

This happened over and over again until Raven spotted the moon rising high above the canopy.

Maddie, Maddie, no time, no timea She walked around to find Nevermore.

aOne more favor?a she whispered.

Several minutes later Nevermore landed. Cerise Hood was clinging to the dragonas neck spikes, her white-streaked dark hair wild, her hood down, her wolf ears up. Her eyes were wide, her mouth frozen in a grimace.

aCerise,a Raven whispered, waving her arms so that Cerise could spot her despite the magical camouflaging of her Coat of Infinite Darkness. Ceriseas gaze landed on her, and she blinked in surprise.

aRiding a dragon is kind of fun, isnat it?a said Raven.

aI think I prefer my own two feet,a Cerise said through her grimace.

aI could really use those feet,a said Raven. aAnd the rest of you as well.a Raven explained the situation.

aSo you need me to steal the egg of Baba Yagaas monstrous cottage but canat tell me why?a Raven nodded.

aBut you swear itas for a really, really, really good reason?a Raven nodded again.

aUma okay,a said Cerise.

aOkay?a said Raven. aYou mean, you just believe me?a Cerise put a hand on her hip. aRaven, it doesnat take a genius to put this together. Whatever youare doing, youare trying to help someone else, because thatas the kind of thing you do. And that someone is obviously Maddie, and you canat tell me because spells are involved somehow and spells often require secrets or silence, and so I wonat ask. But I trust you.a Raven nodded. She felt a little sniffy, any reply stuck with the emotions in her throat.

This time, when Nevermore led the Hut away, Cerise put up her hood and vanished, not camouflaging with the background as Ravenas coat allowed her to do but actually traveling through the shadows. Cerise was swift and invisible in the darkness, only a moment later appearing in the nest. She bent her knees, lifted the egg with both arms, leaped out of the nest, and ran.

Good G.o.dmothers, but that girl was strong.

Raven ran, too, following Cerise away from the nest. Another scream. The Hut was following. Cerise was strong and darted through shadow to shadow, but the heavy egg was slowing her down. If they couldnat outrun the Hut, theyad end up on the wrong end of a giant chicken foot.

They were stealing. That was evil, right? Maybe dark magic would work.

aWait,a said Raven, catching up to put her hands on the egg.

aHover, float, levitate,a she whispered.

Her hands began to glow purple, but nothing happened. She started to hear cras.h.i.+ng sounds in the forest. The Hut was getting closer.

aBalloon, fluff, glide,a she said.

The light around her hands flickered and went out. The ground was shaking beneath Raven.

aHurry,a Cerise said.

Raven slapped her hands on the egg. aUp!a she yelled. There was a bright purple flash, and the egg went up. Fast, like a launched cannonball. It flew into the sky, and Ravenas stomach dropped. It was going to fall. It was going to crack, the spell would fail, and Maddie would be lost forever.

Raven and Cerise watched the egg sail up, up, up, and into the claws of Nevermore, who swooped away with it.

aYes!a Raven cried, and started to clap until she felt the light from the windows of a very angry cottage hit her. She stopped, turning slowly. The Hut was standing five feet from her, staring. She still had her Coat of Infinite Darkness on and felt herself trying to dissolve further into it. Cerise, hood up, had already melted into a shadow. Raven stayed frozen. She waited for what felt like twenty minutes, and then finally the Hut backed itself into the nest, and its windows darkened. Raven waited one more minute to be safe, and then slowly crept out of the forest.

She started the run back to the castle. She was one item closer to performing the spell and saving Maddie.

APPLE TRUDGED THROUGH THE DOOR OF their dorm room, dropped something long and stick-like on the floor, edged around the dragon skull, and flopped onto her bed.

Raven looked up from the riddle parchment. aYou look less, er, radiant than usual.a aI met up with Briar, again,a Apple said, her voice m.u.f.fled from the pillow her face was pressed against. aI fell from a tremendous height into a pile of giant garbage. It was a long walk back from the Beanstalk. A bunch of songbirds tried to help me. You know how sweet they are, but it took, like, a hundred of them to lift me up, and, honestly, we traveled about as fast as I could walk, soa wait, whereas my One Reflection pillow?a aUma is that a giant hair?a Raven said quickly.

aMmm-hmm,a Apple said.

aThat makes sense,a Raven said. aBig to the small, plucked, wig, right. Good thinking.a Apple turned her face from the pillow. aIs that a dragonas skull?a aYup,a Raven said. aCrown of terror past.a Apple sat up. aDid youa slay it?a Raven let out a giggle before she could stop it. aNo. Itas old. Kids were playing on it in the park in town.a aYou stole a toy from children? You are evil,a she said, with a tone of mock horror.

aStop,a Raven said, smiling. aI let them ride Nevermore in trade. Iam not sure sheas forgiven me.a aIs that a huge egg?a aYep, the sp.a.w.n of Baba Yagaas chicken-legged cottage. And I see you brewed some will oa the wisps tea.a aThough itas surely cold now. Weall have to heat it up when we need it,a Apple said, sitting up. aOkay, enough rest. What are you working on?a Raven held up the parchment and read aloud.





aI have no idea what astoniest of greensa means,a Raven said. aItas driving me crazy.a Apple thought for a moment. aOh! I know this one!a she said, and reached under her mattress. aA-ha! I thought I felt one under there.a She pulled out a pea and handed it to Raven. aA pea. Only the best for princessesa mattresses.a aOf course!a Raven gasped. aIave been trying to figure this out for like an hour, and you just walk in and get it. Duh. A pea. Well, good.a aWe do have one more,a Apple said, pulling out her parchment.






aWhat could that be?a Apple asked.

Raven reached behind the couch and held up a pink archeras bow. aCupidas bow,a she said.

aYou have it!a Apple said. aHow did you get it?a aUma I asked Cupid if I could borrow it, and she said yes,a Raven said.

aEnchanting! Letas save Maddie!a They smiled at each other. Then looked around at the spell ingredients.

aUma what do we do with these?a asked Apple.

aIam going to have to talk to my mom again,a said Raven.

Raven performed another locking spell on their door and took the blanket off the mirror.

Apple pulled her chair up to the mirror. aIall start Humphreyas loop.a Raven sat beside her. aIall do this alone, if you want.a aNot on your destiny. I want Maddie saved, too. Iam staying.a They made the connection to the Evil Queen, who immediately looked at Apple and said, aYouare not staying.a Apple, indignant, crossed her arms. aYes, I am. Iam here to help.a aSitting there like a s.h.i.+ftless albino mouse does not count as helpful,a the queen said. aAre you a witch, a sorceress, a medium, or possessed of any totems of incredible power? No? Then go away. You will only distract us.a aButa"a Apple began.

Knock knock knock.

Raven startled, looking at her door.

aApple? Apple, are you in there?a came Briaras voice.

Raven turned to her mother and held a finger to her lips. The Evil Queen rolled her eyes.

aYou havenat been answering my hexts. Come on, the party already started.a Briaras voice turned away as if talking to someone behind her. aGlitter p.o.o.p, I donat know where they are.a Raven tensed. If Briar was talking to Blondie, then it was all over. One touch and that door would open to Goldilocksas daughter.

But then Briar said, aSorry, Maddie, I donat know whatas going on. It doesnat seem like either of them to forget about your farewell party.a aI saw them earliera they didnat talk toaa Maddie stopped as if choking up. And then Raven heard the sound of Maddie hopping away.

Raven exhaled and met eyes with Apple. Apple reached over and squeezed Ravenas hand. Raven nodded but still felt gutted.

aOh, gag me with a wand,a said the queen. aEnough sentiment, letas get back to kicking Apple White out. Now, my little puppy, you will go to the Treasury. Thatas where the spell must be cast, and things there need to be as close to the order they were in before your unfortunate riot as possible.a aYou want me to clean the Treasury?a Apple asked.

aI want you to put it in order. I suspect you have a talent, or at least a tendency, for such things. One is put in mind of a certain untidy house full of chaotic dwarves, after all. The spell works best if the physical circ.u.mstances are exactly as they were at the beginning of the event. If theyare drastically different, the spell might not work at all.a aWell, Iam not a hundred percent sure how the Treasury was, but I could trya"a aThen go, tartlet! Leave. Us.a Apple left at a brisk pace, her chin lifted regally.

aMother, Iave asked you not to be rude to Apple,a said Raven.

aTelling lessers what to do isnat rude. They crave leaders.h.i.+p.a aNot that it matters, but, technically, Apple is royalty and not your lesser.a aPlease. Did you see her outfit? What is she, Miss Cheery Twinkle Toes? She should take a page from your book. You look nice. Would it hurt her to wear a little black, for ogreas sake? All that white and gold and red hurts me. Honestly, just looking at her blazing outfits gives me a sunburn.a aMotheraa Her mother grinned. aI canat wait to see your story play out. You are far superior to that little chicken. Youare going to rule that story with her as Snow White.a aIam nota"a aOh, thatas right, youare not going to become the next Evil Queen.a The queen frowned, somehow looking even more beautiful than when she smiled. aI worry about you, Raven. What will you do now?a aSave Maddie.a aNo, I mean after that. For your life.a Raven sucked in a breath. There was that raw, empty place inside her, the hole where her undesired destiny used to grow. aIa I donat know.a aMy advice: If you ever have the chance to change the world, donat hesitate. Leave your great big mark. Let no one doubt that Raven Queen marched through this life in her own way, and let nothing stop her from getting what she wanted.a Raven had been considering just curling up under a blanket for a few years, but her motheras words flickered in her, like the buzz of a spell just before itas cast. What could she do with her life now that it was hers?

aUma we should work on the spell,a said Raven.

aRight. Gather the ingredients. Let me see if youare a fraction as clever as I hope you are.a THERE WERE NO MORE WINDOWS IN THE Treasury, but the great gaping hole in the wall let in dawnas light. The songbirds began singing, almost as if they didnat know it was just a few hours till Maddie was magically banished from Ever After forever after.

And the Treasury was still a disaster. Frankly, despite an entire night of Appleas best woodland-creature-a.s.sisted cleaning, the Treasury resembled Beauty Palace on a rainy day. When Briaras eight little brothers were all trapped indoors, well, no room was safe.

Apple wiped her brow, paused sweeping, and said aloud, aI canat get it done by myself.a But the Evil Queen told them they must do it alone. To trust no one. To lean on their strengths alone.

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Ever After High: The Unfairest Of Them All Part 11 summary

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