Klepto Cat Mystery - Sleight Of Paw Part 19

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"What?" Savannah asked.

"Keep trying," he said, laughing.

"Yes. Best prescription I ever got," she said. "But he also wants us to go on a fertility diet. Oysters for you and lots of good healthy, whole foods for both of us. I guess it's as good a time as any to give up alcohol and coffee. It hadn't occurred to me to do that before getting pregnant."

"Like you drink a lot of alcohol and coffee..."

"Well, I do enjoy my gla.s.s of Gwurztereener in Auntie's pretty wine," she said, purposely hacking the word. "And my one or two cups of coffee per day-I'll miss that."

"Well, you don't have to give up using the pretty, honey. We'll just fill them with herbal tea or lemonade." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Oysters, huh?" he said, making a face. "Never been a big fan." He smiled. "But I'd eat gra.s.shoppers if it meant we could have a child."

It was early December, nearly six months after Savannah and Michael had decided to have a baby.

"Maybe we're trying too hard, Michael."

He rolled over toward her in bed. "What?"

"I've been reading that sometimes when a couple adopts or they get otherwise less focused on having a baby, they get pregnant."

"Hmmm, I'm sorry, Savannah. I can't imagine even pretending not to be interested in loving you."

"Well, you don't have to do that, silly. But maybe we should stop wanting a baby so much and just get more interested in something outside of ourselves."

Michael thought about it for a while, then said, "You know, the other day you mentioned having your sister come to stay while she's on break from medical school. Maybe it would do you good to take some time off work and just do girlie things with Brianna and Maggie and maybe Iris for a week."

She rose up on one elbow. "Do you mean it, Michael?"

"Yes. I think it would be good for you to get out of the clinic and on your horse more. We've had some unseasonably great weather lately. Maybe Brianna could borrow a horse from Bonnie and you could ride somewhere together. You could go shopping...things like that."

"That would be so much fun. I like the idea. I just talked to Mom a few days ago about Brianna. She said she seems kind of stressed lately. She could probably use a vacation." She thought for a minute and said, "Yes, I'm going to call her first thing in the morning and see if I can get her to come. I can really take time off work?"

"I don't see why not. I can handle things for a week by myself. Bud can fill in."

"Okay, then. I'll see if I can make it work."

A few days later, Michael asked, "So, when is she coming?"

"Who?" Savannah teased.

"You know who-your sister. Now don't play with me, lady."

"She's driving up tomorrow. Isn't it exciting? Auntie said she wants to come out and play with us, too. Oh, I'd better go start freshening up the guest room. Which one is most ready for guests, do you think? Where are you going to be working?"

"I want to continue working on the nursery, so that's off-limits right now. And Adam will probably come next weekend. So how about the old master bedroom-your aunt's old room upstairs. She would have her own attached bath and everyone could have their privacy. I think she'll love the way you decorated it, don't you?"

"Yes, perfect." She rushed toward her husband, grabbing him around the neck in a tight hug. "Thank you Michael. I am so excited, I can't even tell you. It's been a long time since I've hung out with my girlfriends." She started to turn and walk toward the stairs. "Even if they are my relatives." She laughed.

Michael smiled broadly as he watched Savannah walk away. Sheesh, I love seeing her happy, he thought.

"She's here!" Savannah yelled to Michael, who had come home early from the clinic to work on the nursery-not that there was any rush to get that particular room done. In fact, there was no rush at all, yet. But when he surveyed the projects he had on his to-do list, this was the most appealing to him. The first thing he wanted to do was add more electrical outlets.

"Hi, Bri-sooooo good to see you. Thank you for coming. Ooooooh, you look good, girl."

"Hi, Sis. Your invitation came just at the right time, I've been dying of boredom in LA," Briana said, feigning extreme annoyance. She c.o.c.ked her head, a smile taking over her pretty face. "Gosh, it's good to be here and to see you."

"Your hair has grown. Are you straightening it now or have you lost your curl?"

Brianna patted her overnight bag. "Got my straightener right here."

"Is that all you brought with you?" Savannah asked.

"No, there's more in the back." She motioned to the back of the white Lexus.

"Nice car."

"Yeah, I couldn't wait like you did to get a house. I've been enjoying my inheritance the way Dad meant for me to. Paid cash for the car, you know. No car payments."

"Well, we have house payments. But the inheritance sure helped." She became solemn for a moment. She looked to the heavens and said, "Thank you Dad. Love you!"

Brianna smiled. "Amen to that."

The two sisters walked around to the back of the car and Brianna opened it with the push of a b.u.t.ton.

" I'll bet you have heated seats, too."

"Sure do."

"No kidding. Look at you, girl. Living the good life."

"Mmmm, yeah, I guess that's what most people consider it."

Michael stepped out onto the porch. "Hey there, Sis," he called out to Brianna. He walked out to greet her, bent down and gave her a hug.

"Holy cow, man, what do they put in the water here? You look great, Michael-taller, healthy. Both of you, in fact."

"It's your sister's cooking," Michael said.

"Well, whatever it is, it's workin'. Good to see you, Michael. Thanks for letting me come."

"We've been looking forward to your visit. Can I bring something in?"

"Yeah, there's another bag in the back. Thanks."

Savannah bubbled over with excitement. "You're going to be in Auntie's old room. Wait until you see what Michael has done with it."

"Well, Savannah did the decorating," Michael explained. "I just made a lot of sawdust."

"You got that right. He's a sawdust-maker." She laughed.

"It's beautiful. Just great. I may never leave this place," Brianna said, spinning slowly around the room-taking it all in.

"I'd love to see what else you two have done here." She looked over at Michael. "I hear you're quite the weekend renovation warrior."

Michael and Savannah laughed.

"Come on, let's do a tour," Michael said. He chuckled. "They're free on weekdays." He led the way across the hall. "This is Adam's room."

"This is great. I'll bet he loves it. Does he come here much?"

"He'll be here this weekend."

"Can't wait to see him. He is such a doll."

"Michael has completely redone our bedroom and bath." Savannah looped her arm in her sister's. "Come on I'll show you."

"Beautiful. Is it too late to change rooms?"

"Yes," Michael and Savannah said in unison.

"In here is the nursery," Michael announced. "This is where I'm working now."

Brianna gasped and turned quickly toward Savannah. "Are you PG?"

Savannah shook her head and put her hand on her stomach. "No, not yet," she said sounding a little melancholy.

"Well, there's my favorite boy," Brianna said as she spotted the big grey-and-white cat winding his way through the doorway into the unfinished nursery. She walked over to greet him. "Hi Rags. How've you been, huh buddy?"

Just then, Savannah noticed a scattering of sawdust near the wall where Michael had been working. "Looks like I'm behind with my job," she said as she picked up a broom that was leaning against the far wall and started to sweep the dust into a pile.

"Well, while you do your wifely duties, I'm going to unpack," Brianna said. "I want to hang the wrinkles out of my clothes."

"Cool. I'll meet you on the porch in a few for lemonade. We can let Rags play outside." Brianna picked up Rags and held him like a baby. "Does he still steal stuff from the neighbors?" she asked.

"No," Savannah said, looking over at her cat. "We keep a closer eye on him out here. He can't go out by himself-too many predators. Besides, Auntie and Max are our closest neighbors." She laughed and said, "I'd hate to see what he'd bring home from those old folks who live at the end of the lane-dentures, adult diapers, Bengay... Now, he takes things out of women's purses and he even pulled a wallet out of a man's jacket pocket once." She leaned toward her sister as if to tell her a secret. "Oh, and he took off with Iris's hormone replacement pills."

Both girls laughed. Savannah said, "When I called to tell Iris he had them, she asked if he'd swallowed any. I told her I wasn't sure. She said to check him for and a v.a.g.i.n.a." Both girls doubled over laughing before Brianna lowered Rags to the floor and headed down the hall and up the stairs.

"Get out of there, Rags," Michael scolded. "We don't want to lose you in this maze of walls."

This brings us full circle to that December day when Rags found the mysterious note in the wall.

Savannah peeked into the nursery and found Michael still seated on the sawhorse, deep in thought. She walked over, put her arms around him, and said, "Michael...I..." Just then they heard a voice.

"Hey, where are you guys?"

"It's Auntie. I knew she couldn't stay away." Savannah laughed as she gave her husband a quick peck on the cheek and turned toward the open nursery door. "We're in here," Savannah called.

"Is she here?" Margaret asked upon entering the small room.

"Yes, she just went up to unpack."

"So what are you two doing? Working?"

As Savannah began to tell her aunt about their eerie find, Brianna returned to the room.

"Hi, Auntie. I thought I heard your voice." She rushed over to give her a hug.

"Hi, Bri. You look great, girl. Love your hair long and straight like that. Makes you look thinner."

"I looked fat before?"

"Nooooo. But this style does streamline you." She looked over at Savannah and asked, "What's that you have in your hands, Vannie? Looks old."

"Yeah. Rags just found it in the wall."

"What?" Margaret's flawless skin suddenly turned pale. "What is it?"

"Not sure. I was just going to look at it again when you came in. This seems to be some sort of message." Savannah set the box down on the sawhorse next to Michael and unfolded the paper. "Looks like it's written in German."

Margaret became quiet.

"How do you know it's German? Ever read German, Vannie?" Brianna laughed.

"I've seen German writing before," she said indignantly.

"Can you read it?"


Michael held up the box they had found. "This was in the wall, too."

Margaret gasped and everyone looked over at her.

"What's wrong, Auntie?"

"Well, it's probably just as well that you found it."

"Found what? What is it?"

"What's in the box, Michael?" Brianna asked.

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Klepto Cat Mystery - Sleight Of Paw Part 19 summary

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