Roses and Rose Growing Part 12

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" Mme. de Watteville. _Fauque-Laurent_, 1902.

Dawn. _Paul & Son_, 1898. Large semi-double, rosy pink.

England's Glory. _Wood_, 1902. Flesh with pink centre.

Lady Waterlow. _Nabonnand_, 1902. Clear salmon pink, large petals edged crimson.

Madame Charles Monnier. _Pernet-d.u.c.h.er_, 1902.

Rosy flesh, shaded salmon.

Madame Jules Gravereaux. _Soupert et Notting_, 1901. Buff, shaded peach.

Madame Marie Lavalley. _Nabonnand_, 1880. Bright rose, reflexed white.

Papillon. _Nabonnand_, 1882. Pink and white, shaded copper.

Pink Rover. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1890. Pale pink, very fragrant.

Princess May. _Wm. Paul & Son._ Soft opaque pink.

TEA AND HYBRID TEA CLIMBING ROSES. Salmon, orange, yellow.

Billiard et Barre. _Pernet-d.u.c.h.er_, 1899, golden yellow.

Bouquet d'Or. _d.u.c.h.er_, 1872. Yellow, coppery centre.

Climbing Perle des Jardins. _J. Henderson_, 1891.

Comte de Torres. _A. Schwartz_, 1906. Salmon white, pink centre.

d.u.c.h.esse d'Auerstadt. _Bernaix_, 1887. Pure yellow bud, shaded nankeen.

E. Veyrat Hermanos. _Bernaix_, 1895. Apricot, reflexed deep red.

Germaine Trochon. Salmon flesh, centre nankeen yellow.

Gloire de Dijon. _Jacotot_, 1853. Buff or salmon yellow, centre orange.

Gustave Regis. _Pernet-d.u.c.h.er_, 1890. Nankeen yellow, pillar or bush.

Henriette de Beauveau. _Lacharme_, 1887. Clear yellow.

Kaiserin Friedrich. _Drogemuller_, 1890. Bright yellow.

Le Soleil. _Dubreuil_, 1892. Chrome and canary.

Mme. Auguste Choutet. Yellow or deep orange.

Mme. Barthelemy Levet. _Levet pere_, 1880. Canary yellow.

Mme. Berard. _Levet_, 1872. Fawn, touched red.

Mme. Chauvry. _Bonnaire_, 1887. Nankeen yellow.

Mme. Eugene Verdier. _Levet_, 1882. Deep chamois yellow.

Mme. Hector Leuillot. _Pernet-d.u.c.h.er_, 1904.

Golden yellow, tinted carmine.

Mme. Moreau. _Moreau_, 1890. Coppery yellow, deeper centre, reverse apricot.

Marechal Niel. See Noisette roses.

Souv. de L. Viennot. _Bernaix_, 1897. Jonquil yellow, shaded china rose.

White and Lemon.

Belle Lyonnaise. _Levet_, 1869. Canary yellow and white.

Climbing Devoniensis. _Pavitt_, 1858.

Climbing Kaiserin Augusta Victoria. _Alex.

d.i.c.kson_, 1897.

Climbing Niphetos. _Keynes & Co._ 1889.

(These three last roses need a very warm wall, and are best under gla.s.s.)

Gloire des Blanches. _Vigneron_, 1905. Pure white.

Mme. Jules Siegfried. Creamy white shaded flesh.

Valentine Altermann. Pure white, semi-double.


Ards Pillar. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1902. Rich velvety crimson.

Cheshunt Hybrid. _Paul & Son_, 1873. Cherry red.

Climbing Meteor.

Climbing Papa Gontier. _Goubault_, 1903.

Climbing Souv. de Wootton.

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