Roses and Rose Growing Part 15

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Madame C. P. Stra.s.sheim. _Soupert et Notting_, 1898. Yellowish-white in summer, turning sulphur and buff in autumn.

Madame Constant Soupert. _Soupert et Notting_, 1906. Dark golden-yellow, strongly-tinted peach-pink.

Madame Edmond Sablayrolles. _Bonnaire_, 1907.

Clear yellow, orange centre.

Madame Falcot. _Guillot_, 1858. Deep apricot yellow.

Madame Pol Varin-Bernier. _Soupert et Notting_, 1907. Melon-yellow shaded; a "yellow Richmond."

Mrs. Dudley Cross. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1907. Pale chamois yellow, with touches of rose and crimson in autumn.

Perle de Lyon. _d.u.c.h.er_, 1873. Deep yellow.

Perle des Jardins. _Levet_, 1874. Deep straw-colour.

Perle des Jaunes. _Reymond_, 1904. Deep orange yellow, tinted salmon.

Rose Gubert. _Nabonnand_, 1907. Tender bright yellow, deep centre.

Safrano. _Beauregard_, 1839. Bright apricot.

Souvenir de Pierre Notting. _Soupert et Notting_, 1903. Apricot-yellow, blended copper-yellow.

Souvenir de Stella Gray. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1907.

Deep orange, veined yellow, apricot, and crimson.

Sulphurea. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1902. Sulphur yellow.

Sunset. _Henderson_, 1884. Deep apricot.


Albert Durand. _Schwartz_, 1906. Coppery carmine, shaded flesh.

Amabilis. China red.

Bardou Job. _Nabonnand_, 1887. Glowing crimson.

Baronne de Hoffmann, _Nabonnand_, 1887. Copper and crimson.

Baronne Henriette Snoy. _Bernaix_, 1898. Petals carnation inside, outside carmine pink.

Beaute Inconstante. _Pernet-d.u.c.h.er_, 1893.

Coppery-red, shaded carmine and yellow.

Betty Berkeley. _Bernaix_, 1904. Bright red, shading to crimson.

Christine de Noue. _Guillot fils_, 1891. Deep purple red, shaded pink.

Corallina. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1900. Deep rose.

Empress Alexandra of Russia. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1898. Lake, shaded orange and crimson.

Francois Dubreuil. _Dubreuil_, 1895. Deep crimson.

Frau Dr. Thelka Schlegelmilch. _Welter_, 1902.

Bright red, shaded velvet crimson.

Freiherr von Marschall. _Lambert_, 1903. Dark carmine.

General Schablikine. _Nabonnand_, 1879.


Lady Roberts. _Frank Cant_, 1902. Rich apricot, copper-red base.

L'Ideal. _Nabonnand_, 1887. Yellow and metallic red.

Ma Capucine. _Levet_, 1871. Bronzy yellow, shaded red.

Monsieur Desir. _Pernet pere_, 1889. Crimson.

Monsieur Tillier. _Bernaix_, 1892. Carmine and brick-red.

Mrs. Reynolds Hole. _Nabonnand_, 1900. Dark purple pink, centre crimson.

Papa Gontier. _Nabonnand_, 1883. Rosy crimson.

Princesse de Sagan. _Dubreuil_, 1887. Deep cherry red, shaded maroon.

Salmonea. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1902. Bright crimson with light salmon centre.

Souvenir de Catherine Guillot. _Guillot_, 1896.

Coppery carmine, and orange.

Souvenir J. B. Guillot. _Guillot_, 1897.

Nasturtium-red, shaded to crimson and rose.

Souvenir Therese Levet. _Levet_, 1882. Brownish crimson.


Caroline Kuster. _Pernet_, 1872. Pale yellow.

Chateau des Bergeries. _Ledechaux_, 1886. Very pale canary yellow, centre darker.

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Roses and Rose Growing Part 15 summary

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