Roses and Rose Growing Part 17

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One most interesting and valuable development of the race has already been made, and must not be pa.s.sed over in silence. I mean the single Irish roses of Messrs. Alex. d.i.c.kson & Sons, which form a little cla.s.s to themselves. These roses are most attractive, as they are densely covered through the whole season with flowers of varied and vivid colours, pure white, coral pink, brilliant crimson, bronzy-scarlet, old-gold and rose, saffron and rose. And when we add to these beautiful shades their fragrance, their handsome glossy foliage, their bushy growth, and their vigorous hardy const.i.tution, it is not surprising that since their first appearance in 1900 they have rushed into favour, and received many cards of commendation from the N. R. S.

With such a wealth of fine varieties to choose from, it is a little difficult to make a selection of the very best. But the surest guide is the judges' verdict at recent shows for exhibition roses and those of the decorative cla.s.s, as shown in the admirable a.n.a.lysis drawn up by Mr.

Edward Mawley, the distinguished honorary secretary of the National Rose Society. To this a.n.a.lysis I have added a few of my own favourites, and some of the very newest roses which have hardly yet found their place in English shows.

[Ill.u.s.tration: HYBRID TEA.


PINK AND ROSE HYBRID TEAS.--I rejoice to see that my own selection almost heads the list--the beautiful _Caroline Testout_; for this is a rose suited to every purpose, whether for exhibition, ma.s.sing in the garden, or growing as a n.o.ble standard. _Mrs. W. J. Grant_ (_syn._ Belle Siebrecht) stands next; followed by _La France_, _Lady Ashtown_, _Killarney_--but let this be grown quite by itself, as it is one of the worst roses for mildew--_Gustave Grunerwald_, a rose I have not yet grown, but one of the most satisfactory; _Countess of Caledon_, _Mrs.

Theodore Roosevelt_, _Gladys Harkness_, _William Shean_, _Mme. Abel Chatenay_, _Mme. Jules Grolez_, one of the most useful of rose colour, _Papa Lambert_, _Robert Scott_. Others of the newest pink roses are _Celia_, _Gabrielle Pierrette_, _Hon. Ina Bingham_, _H. Armytage Moore_, _Maria Girard_.

Among crimsons the best are the well known and beautiful _Liberty_, _Marquise de Salisbury_, _Hugh d.i.c.kson_, _J. B. Clark_, _Richmond_, _C.

J. Grahame_, _Reine Olga de Wurtemburg_, _etoile de France_, _Lady Rossmore_, _Triumph_, _Gruss an Teplitz_, _Morgenrot_, _Bardou Job_, _The Dandy_, _Warrior_, and two grand novelties, the American rose _General Mac Arthur_, and _John Laing Paul_, little known as yet, but certain to be widely grown, as is _ecarlate_, said to be an even better rose than _Liberty_ and _Richmond_.

[Ill.u.s.tration: HYBRID TEA.


In those remarkable shades of apricot, salmon, coppery-pink and carmine, upon a yellow or orange base, the choice is very considerable. And although it is as yet almost unknown in England, having only been sent out this spring (1908), I venture to predict a leading position in the near future for MM. Soupert et Notting's grand salmon-pink novelty, _Mme. Segond Weber_, which, for shape, size, colour and delicious fragrance is perhaps the finest rose I know. _Betty_ is one of those vivid modern roses whose colour, coppery-rose shaded gold, is as hard to describe as it is beautiful. While _Dorothy Page-Roberts_, _Souv. de Stella Gray_, _Marquise de Sinety_, _Mme. Maurice de Luze_, _Edu Meyer_, _Countess Annesley_, _Mrs. Harvey Thomas_, and _Souv. de Maria Zozaya_, are all remarkable for their strong and brilliant colouring.

Among the yellow shades from palest lemon to deep orange, the choice is not so great; but there are many good roses to choose from, beginning with the two novelties, of's great Indian yellow rose, _Mrs. Aaron Ward_, which promises well, and Alex. d.i.c.kson & Son's brilliant yellow _Harry Kirk_. Of older roses few are better than the n.o.ble _Madame Ravary_, _Ferdinand Batel_, the delightful _Gustave Regis_, _Gloire Lyonnaise_, _d.u.c.h.ess of Portland_, and _Kaiserin Augusta Victoria_. _Mrs. Peter Blair_, 1906, is one of the most effective yellows for the garden; and I cannot speak too highly of that little known but very beautiful rose _Peace_, raised by Piper in 1903, its pale lemon yellow flowers borne on long upright stalks are invaluable for cutting throughout the whole season.

White and blush hybrid Teas are many. And the famous _Bessie Brown_, _Alice Grahame_, _Mildred Grant_, _Florence Pemberton_, _Alice Lindsell_ and _White Lady_ are to be seen at every show: but they are all exhibition roses except _Florence Pemberton_.

_Augustine Guinoisseau_, however, is as good a white garden rose as heart can desire; so is _Lady Quartus Ewart_; and as _Kaiserin Augusta Victoria_ and _Peace_ are so faintly lemon as to be nearly white, there is no difficulty in making a bed of white Hybrid Teas.



Aimee Cochet. _Soupert et Notting_, 1902. Flesh, with rosy peach centre.

Angel Peluffo. _Soupert et Notting_, 1905.

Interior of petals rosy flesh, centre rose.

Baronin Armgard von Biel. _Welter_, 1906. Satin pink; a brighter La France.

Belle Siebrecht. (See Mrs. W. J. Grant.)

Camoens. _Schwartz_, 1882. Bright rich China rose.

Captain Christy. _Lacharme_, 1873. Flesh colour, deeper pink centre.

Caroline Testout. _Pernet-d.u.c.h.er_, 1890. Bright clear rose.

Celia. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1906. Bright satin pink, darker centre.

Countess of Caledon. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1897.

Carmine rose.

Denmark. _Ziener La.s.sen_, 1890. Colour of La France.

David Harum. _E. G. Hill & Co._, 1904. Rose peach pink.

Daisy. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1898. Rosy pink, suffused silvery pink.

d.u.c.h.ess of Albany. _Wm. Paul & Son_, 1888. Fine deep pink.

England's Glory. _J. Wood & Son_, 1902. Flesh, satin pink centre.

Farbenkonigen. _Hinner_, 1901. Imperial pink.

Frau Peter Lambert. _Walter_, 1902. Rose, marbled pink.

Gladys Harkness. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1900. Deep salmon pink, silvery reverse.

Gustave Grunerwald. _P. Lambert_, 1903. Carmine pink.

H. Armytage Moore. _Hugh d.i.c.kson_, 1907. Petals rosy pink outside, silvery inside.

Helene Welter. _Guillot_, 1903. Brilliant rose.

Hon. Ina Bingham. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1905. Pure pink.

Johanna Sebus. _Dr. Muller_, 1900. Rosy cerise.

John Ruskin. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1902. Rosy carmine.

Killarney. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1898. Flesh, suffused sh.e.l.l pink.

Konigin Carola. _Turke_, 1904. Rose pink.

Lady Ashtown. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1904. Deep pink.

Lady Moyra Beauclerk. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1901.

Madder rose, with silvery reflexes.

Lady Mary Fitzwilliam. _Bennett_, 1882. Rosy flesh.

Lady Helen Vincent. _Alex. d.i.c.kson_, 1907. Sh.e.l.l pink, base peach yellow.

Lady Wenlock. _Bernaix_, 1905. Pink, shaded fawn.

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Roses and Rose Growing Part 17 summary

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