Captain Calamity Part 34

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"A very ingenious scheme. And now tell me about this story of the _Arrow_."

"The _Arrow_?" repeated the other with affected innocence.

"Exactly. Hasn't Solomon declared that I stole it; that, in short, it belonged to Rossenbaum?"

A startled expression crossed the water-clerk's face, but it was gone in an instant.

"I think you must be mistaken, Captain," he answered suavely. "I have heard nothing about the _Arrow_."

"Well, you go back to Solomon and tell him that his little scheme's gone adrift, and that he needn't worry himself about the plunder, because I'm looking after it myself. Now quit."

The clerk looked as if he would have liked to protest, but thought better of it, and, leaving the cabin, hurried back to the motor-boat which then made for the harbour at full speed.

"That'll shake up our friend Solomon a bit, I fancy," said Calamity, when he had told Abott about the interview. "It was a clever scheme, and might have succeeded if you hadn't told me about that _Arrow_ affair."

"He'll be about the maddest thing between here and 'Frisco when that little runt gives him your message," answered the pilot with a grin.

"The whole thing's as clear as daylight now," went on Calamity. "He got hold of Rossenbaum's s.h.i.+p and palmed it off on me as his own, so that, when the time came, he could get me arrested on a charge of piracy and collar the whole of the proceeds himself. There are two things he didn't count on, however, and one of them was that I might get rid of the stuff before reaching Singapore."

"But you've still got to prove that you didn't pirate old Rossenbaum's hooker."

Calamity laughed softly, but made no answer. Very soon afterwards a naval steam pinnace hove in sight, and, without signalling the _Hawk_ to stop, came alongside. A young Lieutenant caught hold of the rope by which the water-clerk had lowered himself into the motor-boat and scrambled on board with the agility of a monkey.

"Captain Calamity?" he inquired briskly as the latter, who had left the bridge, came forward.

"At your service," answered the Captain.

"It is my duty to inform you, sir, that you are under arrest," said the officer.

"On what charge?"

"The charge will be formulated by the authorities," replied the Lieutenant, who, apparently, had no very great liking for this police work.

"What do you propose to do with me then?"

"I must ask you to accompany me ash.o.r.e as soon as this vessel is anch.o.r.ed."

"I am at your disposal," answered the Captain.

Steaming into the harbour, the _Hawk_ dropped her anchor, and the _Satellite_, having received no orders to the contrary, followed suit.

While this work was proceeding, a native boat put off from the sh.o.r.e and approached the yacht. In it was a pa.s.senger attired in a frock coat, and--a thing as rare in Singapore as snow--a tall silk hat. The boat came alongside, and the boatman, in answer to an inquiry from his pa.s.senger, indicated the rope that was still hanging over the taffrail of the _Hawk_.

"Hullo, what is it?" shouted the Lieutenant from the deck above.

"Can you tell me if Mr. John Brighouse is on board?" inquired the silk-hatted person in dignified tones.

"I will ask, but who are you?"

The stranger took a card-case from his pocket, but, realising the impossibility of handing it up to the officer, put it back again.

"I am Henry Vayne, of Vayne & Paver, solicitors, Chancery Lane, London,"

he said in the same dignified tone.

"You had better come aboard, sir."

"Thank you, but--er--is there no other means of ascending than by this rope?"

"If you'll wait a moment, I'll let down the accommodation ladder,"

answered the Lieutenant.

The ladder having been lowered, the visitor, who carried a small leather handbag, mounted to the deck.

"I should be greatly obliged," said he, taking the card-case from his pocket again and presenting a card to the officer, "if you would give this to Mr. John Brighouse, and ask if I might be permitted to see him."

The Lieutenant took the card, and, turning to the bos'n who was standing near, asked him if there was any one called John Brighouse on board.

"No one as I knows of, sir," answered the bos'n.

"I'm afraid you have made a mistake, sir," said the Lieutenant, but at that moment Calamity appeared on deck, and, catching sight of the visitor, hurried towards him.

"Vayne, by all that's wonderful!" he exclaimed.

The solicitor stared at him in a puzzled fas.h.i.+on for a moment, and then his eyes lit up with a flash of recognition.

"Bless my soul, John, I shouldn't have known you!" he exclaimed as they shook hands.

"Fifteen years make a great difference, eh?"

"Fourteen years, ten months and nine days," corrected the lawyer. "I am always most exact on the subject of dates. The last time we met was in my office, and the circ.u.mstances were--er--somewhat painful."

"Yes," answered the Captain, "they were. Still, Vayne, you behaved like a brick; you were the only person who believed in me."

"Pah! Nonsense!" exclaimed the other. "But you've altered," he went on, "altered most remarkably."

"Yes," said Calamity grimly, "I have altered, as you say. Strange you should turn up at this juncture, because I'm in trouble once more."

"Dear me, dear me," murmured the lawyer in a tone of concern.

"Yes, I've been arrested on a charge of piracy, if I'm not mistaken."

"Pi----" began the other, and then, stopping short on the first syllable, hastily adjusted a pair of pinc-nez on his nose and regarded the Captain through them. "Piracy, did you say?" he went on.

"Yes, that's my latest crime. Last time we met it was forgery."

"Tut, tut," said the lawyer in a peevish tone, "you mustn't put it like that. But, my dear John, piracy! Surely you are joking?"

"Ask that gentleman," answered Calamity, indicating the Lieutenant, who had moved a little distance away.

"But you will disprove the charge?"

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Captain Calamity Part 34 summary

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