Taste. Part 32

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"What makes you think I will?"

"I'm hoping that the explanation is within the envelope addressed to you."

"Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?"

"Honestly, it took months for the lawyer to get the paperwork together, and when he handed me the packet, I shoved it in my desk and forgot about it."

"But didn't he tell you about the letter?"

"He told me your mother left you something extra."

"Were you ever planning on telling me?"

"Don't judge me, Grier. It was hard enough dealing with her death, and the last thing I wanted to face was her final bequest."

"You have no idea what's in the codicil?"


"That's kind of f.u.c.ked-up, Dad."

"So is your lie."

"You're right."

"There was one sentence in your mother's will that I found very curious."

"What was it?"

"She asked me to be sure to hand you the doc.u.ments if you ever came to me for help."

"How did Mom know that I would need your help?"

"Apparently her mothering instinct was on full alert before she died. Did you tell her about Luca?"

"Yes," Grier admitted. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"You should have," Santino grumbled. "It would have explained many things."

"I made a lot of mistakes when it came to Luca."

"Hindsight is twenty-twenty, Grier. There's no sense in beating yourself up over the past. Let's fix the future."

"Thanks, Dad."

"You've put me on the spot, kid. Choosing between what's right and your brother's happiness isn't my idea of a good time."

"I realize the timing sucks."

"It couldn't be worse, but I agree that it needs to be addressed before the wedding." Santino stood and threw some bills on the table. "Let's go home, son."


Chapter 31.

GRIER sat across from his father in the kitchen with the manila envelope sitting on the table unopened. His stomach was in knots from the coffee overload, the miniscule amount of food he'd managed to shove down his throat, and the anxiety over what was in the envelope he'd been staring at for the last ten minutes. sat across from his father in the kitchen with the manila envelope sitting on the table unopened. His stomach was in knots from the coffee overload, the miniscule amount of food he'd managed to shove down his throat, and the anxiety over what was in the envelope he'd been staring at for the last ten minutes.

"Open the d.a.m.n thing already," Santino urged. "This waiting is killing me."

Grier nodded and tore at the envelope with a shaky hand and pulled out the piece of paper with his mother's handwriting. An additional enclosure, some official-looking doc.u.ment with a seal, he ignored.

Darling Grier, They say that forewarned is forearmed, so I hope you'll forgive me for what I've done. After you told me about Luca, and everything that transpired between you and Jillian, I decided to make sure you had not been deceived. It's the simplest thing in the world to claim that a child was created in a moment of pa.s.sion, but another matter entirely to prove it. We know for a fact that Luca is Jillian's, but is he really yours? I've known you were gay since you were a young boy, so this revelation has caught me by surprise. The thought of having a grandson and leaving a part of me to continue on in the universe is comforting, but I need to know if it's the truth. Jillian has always had a tendency to claim the spotlight, and I must confess I was as guilty as Nita in allowing it. She was the daughter I never had, and I spoiled her rotten, as did everyone else. Her obsession with you started out as a joke, and we all climbed on board, imagining a future between you two. It was unrealistic and completely irresponsible of us to encourage her. Nita and I both saw the peril of it as you grew into young adults and hoped that somehow things would work themselves out. Now I've done something reprehensible and invaded your privacy, as well as little Luca's. I had my nurse save the straw Luca used with his drink when he came to visit, along with your can of, and I sent them off for a DNA test to establish your paternity. The test was positive. He really is your child, Grier, and I hope you'll forgive me, but I had to know. I've left him a small trust fund for his future. Tell him his grandmother Meredith loved him very much, and even though we never got a chance to do all the fun things I would have liked, he has you, which is far more important. Claim him, Grier. He's probably the only child you'll ever have, but what's more significant is that you love each other and have a wonderful bond. It was quite obvious to me when he came to visit. Don't ever let him grow up wondering who his father is because he has one, an amazing one at that.

All my love, Mom Grier put his head down on his arms and began sobbing. His mother's letter had triggered his desperate need for support and guidance, and knowing that she had his back all along was a huge relief. The rush of memories of her loving smile and unconditional love overwhelmed him. He would have given anything to be held in her arms one last time, but this final gift she'd bestowed, saving him from his own stupidity, was the weapon he needed to fight for his rights, and to claim Luca. Santino hurried over to his side of the table and gathered him in his arms. Grier melted into his father's embrace and cried even more.

"Shh... son, it's okay."

Grier clutched at Santino and let it all out. The fear of losing Luca erupted into a flood of tears that were unstoppable. Santino murmured words of consolation, but Grier had his cry, which was long overdue. Eventually, the tears dried up, and Santino settled Grier with a stiff drink.

"Dad, it's not even noon."

"You could use something to calm you down."

"I'm fine now that I know I have proof that Luca is really mine."

"Let me see that," Santino asked, reaching for the letter. "I'll be a son of a gun," he exclaimed. "Your mother left Luca twenty-five grand, and this piece of paper proving your paternity."

Grier nodded. "She was the best."

"She loved you very much, Grier."

"I know, Dad, but she loved Ali as well. What do you think she would advise given this current situation?"

"It's perfectly clear that your mother wanted you to claim Luca. We have to overlook the fact that it's your brother in the picture. Our primary concern should be the child's welfare."

"You think Mom would want me to hurt Ali deliberately by stopping the wedding?"

"Of course not, but Meredith would expect you to do what's right. Who's to say that the wedding won't go forward? Ali claims he's in love with Jillian, that he's always had a thing for her, but he never got to first base because all she ever wanted was you."

Grier shook his head. "I wish he had said something at the time. I would have tried to discourage her much sooner. She'll flip out when I present this piece of paper."

"Well, sure, I can only imagine. Why the f.u.c.k did you sleep with her, Grier?"

"I told you, it was a one-time thing. I was drunk, it was prom night, and things just got out of hand."

"I'm sure you discussed the circ.u.mstances with Meredith," Santino said begrudgingly. "I don't understand why you didn't come right out and tell me."

"I thought you'd be angry. Believe me; I'm not proud of that entire phase of my life."

"Yet you had no problem talking to your mother about it."

"It felt like the right thing to do, Dad. She was so sick, and I wanted to comfort her in some way. Knowing she had a grandson gave her a mental boost, and she rallied for a few more weeks, almost as if she had a new purpose in life. Now I realize that she stuck around to protect me and make sure that she proved my paternity. Mom could evaluate people and situations much better than any of us."

"She knew you better than you know yourself."

"That's true."

"Honestly, I don't know what to think of Ali and Jillian's relations.h.i.+p, but this information might clear it all up. If they really love each other, nothing should matter but being together," Santino said.

"Jillian's afraid that he'll leave her if he finds out I slept with her."

"Christ! It wasn't even a romance. It was a one-night stand."

"I know that, but Ali, Enteng, and Enteng, and t.i.ta t.i.ta Nita will freak out." Nita will freak out."

"Ali should be relieved that Luca won't be his responsibility. Frankly, I don't see Ali as father material, not yet, at least."

"Neither do I."

"I think you need a good lawyer, Grier."

"I think you're right."

"I'm calling Bob Sterling."


"When else? We need to know how to proceed before we go over to the Garcias'."

"Do you mind if I make a phone call while you're doing that?"

"Who are you calling?"


"You really like him, don't you?"

"I love him, Dad."

"You've known him for two weeks, son. Get real."

"I know what I feel."

"You're impossible," Santino grumbled, but he cupped Grier's cheek and smiled, making the words much more palatable.

Grier went out to the garage while his dad called Bob to set up the impromptu meeting. Lil answered on the second ring.


"Is everything okay?" Lil's anxious tone seeped through the connection.

"It's all good."

"What happened, love?"

Grier told Lil about his father's reaction to his confession and his mother's surprising letter.

"That certainly changes things, doesn't it?"

"I hope so," Grier said.

"It's impossible to deny your rights now that you have the proof. What are you planning on doing with it?"

"Dad's calling his friend, the retired judge, to see if he'll come with us and be my legal support."

"You think you'll need a lawyer?"

"He seems to think so."

"You sound a little hoa.r.s.e."

"I'm okay."

"I miss you already."


"Call me as soon as the meeting is over and done with."

"I will."

"I love you, Grier."

"Thank you."

"Thank you?"

Grier laughed nervously. "You know what I mean."

"I think I do."

"Consider yourself kissed," Grier said huskily. "I'll talk to you later."

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Taste. Part 32 summary

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